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Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Hey I have an fondess for Anal!

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Well thats the idea, if option D was 'its a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake' im sure everyone rush to that selection. Generally everyone likes cake better than they like tentacles inside their collective imaginary assholes, at least that is what I've been led to believe.

Well... Wouldn't vote for this either, actually: now we've fought too much, not sure we can come back and "say sorry, I want a piece of cake". It'd be funnier to try our luck in this sea :D !

So A, 'cuz fun is sometimes not fun and vice-versa.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A I mean, what's the worst that could happen? :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


You take a deep breath and press forward, your eyes pinned on the treacherous path as you go, a massive bubble of cum grows and pops as you move, a large wave of cum slams against the side of the path, washing away a couple of tentacles and an unfortunate woman they were fucking at the time.

The path down from the hill is surprisingly void, not many women make it this way, you notice that the tentacles down here seem larger and more hungrier, they notice your presence immediately and turn towards you, you are careful to keep your distance, though their futile lunges at you are worrisome nonetheless.

You reach the foot of the path, it is soaked with warm cum which squishes between your toes as you walk through it, the path is more slippery in areas, the living ground sinks in around your feet and causes an unbalanced step, your heart races with every step you take and you breath in the salty air around you which causes your head to swim.

You crouch down as the ground shakes beneath you, the gigantic tentacle coming out of the sea to your left begins to spout, shooting semen high into the air, for the first time you are pelted on your back as a stray string slaps against you, the semen is so warm it is uncomfortable to wear and you quickly wipe yourself as clean as you can, each step into it around you feels like you are walking on hot sands, a bit of worry creeps into the back of your mind

what if i fall?

You move forward, not even 1/10th over the path and you see the glowing green eyeball staring at you, this is a kind of creature you havent encountered before.

The creature looks at you, it's eyeball moving actively at your body, taking in the sight of your breasts and crotch, you feel violated by it in ways you have haven't already been violated. behind the eye are folds of soft flesh, cupped over each other, the flesh moves up and down as if the creature is breathing, it's circular design was big enough to tightly hold a human captive and soon you are sure that is it's purpose.

The path past the eyeball creature is narrow and you consider it for a moment before another cum-bubble explosion from below bring you to your knees, you feel dizzy as the world shakes around you, your heart is beating faster than ever.

you take another deep breath and work up a run, one false step would doom you to the sea as you vault past the eye, it's tentacles come lightning quick underneath you from inside of the creature, you fall forward as you land, your breasts and face crash against the ground and you inside forward another foot, coming up to wipe the warm cum from your face with a smile and an uneasy laugh.

you get up and wipe yourself off a bit more, as you do, you hear a voice from below, a faint screaming, you carefully make your way to the edge of the path and look down, a woman waits in the cum before, her wading keeps her afloat but a heavy chunk of semen covers her eyes, she won't last much longer.

you watch for a minute more before starting to turn away, but as you do a creature comes up from beneath her and swallows her whole, another large tentacle with more tentacles for fangs, you watch as the woman who is now a orb in the throat of the tentacle works her way down the tall creature, into the stomach of it below the sea, you feel an itchy feeling on your eyelid and suddenly become much more worried, enough to scream in distress, but you gather your butterflies and unsettled fears and finally reach your feet again.

you continue onward, and encounter your first woman here, she holds onto the edge of the path, as two small tentacles fuck her pussy and asshole, you can tell she is paralyzed by fear, so much that she doesnt mind herself being fucked by these slimy creature below, you walk by her without incident, knowing her company would be a burden in such a dangerous place.

onward you go until you are sure you are at least a quarter of the way along, you see to your right as a tentacle spawnling crawls up the side of the path and slowly makes it's way to you, you try to kick it off the side, but when your foot comes back you notice that it has coiled around it.

'you deft little bastard' you say as you twice the egg into your other hand and try to push it off.

the little guy hangs on for dear life as you struggle to remove it, but it is stronger and more slippery than you would think, you put the egg down momentarily and try to push the tentacle off with both hands when another crashing rumble from a nearby ejaculation causes you to dig into the ground.

'NO!' you scream as you watch the egg roll towards the edge of the path, you dive for it and land at the edge just in time to watch it plunge into the cum-filled ocean below.

with renewed vigor you fight the tentacle around your ankle, beating it and pushing it.

'you son of a bitch!' you yell to the creature which seems entirely unphased by your actions.

your mind seems more open now for some reason, as if a door has been reopened, a certain enfeeblement has been removed with the egg and you seem able to think more clearly now, but before you can appreciate it, the tentacle begins it's ascent, slowly coiling around your leg, fighting through your blows and pushes.

it won't be long now before it reaches your crotch, and after that you might never be rid of it.

you instinctively block your pussy only to realize that such a creature would have absolutely no difficulty bypassing it.

The creature is close now and you know that one of your orifices is going to be violated, but perhaps you have a choice in which one it is.

What do you do?

A. Spread your legs and tighten your ass cheeks, turn your mouth away and hope it fucks you in your pussy.

B. Turn your body and put your ass up, lock your legs together and put your hands down there, hoping it chooses your anus.

C. cross your legs and place both hands down there over your vulnerable orifices, bring your mouth down and open it wide hoping the creature fucks your mouth.

D. Continue to fight! Get this stupid thing off of you!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

D-fence! Sorry, couldn't resist...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A I mean, it's going to be distracting anyways
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


The small tentacle curls and loops, spinning around your legs while you try to grab it, push it away or pound it into submission, your blows seem useless as they slide off of the creature, leaving a small amount of it's slimy residue on your fists.

Now mid-thigh, you roll around trying to crush the creature in one last desperate attempt, but you notice your head is over the edge of the narrow path and your body freezes in terror.

You feel the sting below as the creature has chosen it's orifice, and you feel a sudden pressure and pain in your anus. you wince and grit your teeth and you slowly claw your way back over the edge, the pain flairs as the creature wiggles it's way into your rectum, your weak attempts to grab at it are as futile as any of your previous attempts and soon enough, the entirety of the tentacle has disappeared inside of you.

You lay down in the middle of the path unable to move, you grab your stomach as you feel the creature advancing up your colon, you can only groan in pain as the pressure builds, above you watch the clear sky and the stars, their beauty districts you for only a mere moment before another sharp pain causes you to wince and grit your teeth again.

you lay there for almost 15 minutes, occasional waves of cum crash against the sides of the path or fly down on you from above, their hot gooeyness, pasting your sides leaving a smal coating of warm thick cum against your skin.

After five minutes, you feel no more shooting pain, though the fullness remains, the creature has stopped moving. you get up carefully, brushing yourself clean of the cum which has been applied and move forward, your eyes watering and your anus and belly aching.

The path ahead seems more narrow than before, and is littered with the eyeballed creatures, each looking at you with their own violating eyes, you know their tentacles are hidden inside of them and ready to strike as soon as you move within distance, Though you had avoided one before, it would be much harder to do so now.

you look over the edge of the narrow path, down below about 30 feet is the cum-filled sea, it's thick waves crash against the path and kick it's warm semen up so high that it flies 3/4ths of the way up and stick against it. the gigantic tentacles which rise out of the sea sway back and forth with same hypnotic motion as the others you have seen, and you have no doubt that if a giant woman were to step over this sea right now, the tentacles would grab her and fuck her into submission like so many others.

you turn your attention back to the path.....

is it even possible to avoid being captured here? you think to yourself.

you take a step forward to test the range of the closest eyeball, nothing.....another......nothing.

On your third step the tentacles come, lightning fast, too fast to react and you find your legs being swept out from under you. before you can scream, your have two tentacles around either ankle and your body is flipped and lifted up at the same time. you finally scream.

You find yourself ten feet above the ground with your legs forced open, you look down and scream again as all you see is the narrow path and an endless sea of white.

You are pulled above the eyeball, it looks at you with an almost mocking way, never taking it's eye off of it's prize. you yell and wave your hands as you are carefully brought down, the top of the fleshy ball which houses the eyeball opens up and you see about 20 pink tentacles all wiggling excitedly.

You are lowered into the ball, your hands are grabbed immediately and more tentacles wrap around your arms, shoulders, neck and the back of your head, with the tentacles clearing to hold you inside, you can finally see the red phallus in front of you, it pulses with excitement the closer your head is brought to it, the phallus itself is stubby, no more than two feet long, but it's intentions are unmistakable.

despite your struggles the phallus clears past your lips and rests inside of your mouth, you can feel the thick ball of tentacles wrapped around your body close around you, squeezing you tightly inside, you legs hand up outside of the ball, the other tentacles releasing your ankles and grabbing your stomach and hips again, the bottom half of you hangs out of the ball uselessly while the rest of your body is tightly bound inside, but for what reason?

for minutes you wait with the phallus inside of your mouth, you would have expected the creature to stop fucking you by now, but it is apparently waiting for you to make the first move....the only move you can make, which is to stimulate the creature's phallus inside of your mouth.

more minutes go by, you resist the growing temptation to pleasure the creature, but finally, you give in and start to lick it.

cupping your tongue around the phallus, you lick it, a gush of good tasting liquid squirts out of it and splashes against the back of your throat, causing you to gag, a bit of it is swallowed and you instantly feel more relaxed....

What is going on here?

before you know it, you are licking the phallus and swallowing all of the fluid which shoots out of it, the more the drink, the better you feel. your thirst grows and you continue to drink, you can feel your belly swell as the liquid fills it up, but the thought of stopping never crosses your mind and soon, you find yourself taking huge gulps of the liquid down, each gulp taking down more than the last.

your head swims with a feeling of relief and coolness, even though you have not taken a breath of air in 30 seconds, you have no desire to do so. your belly bulges and grows larger and you can feel your colon being utilized again, but this time by the liquid.

you feel a pressure in your ass and feel the tentacle which was in your colon previously moving around inside of you once more, and finally you spout.

you ass opens up and the fluid flows out of it as quickly as you drink it in, the liquid pours between your legs, gushing against your pussy before running down the side of the ball which is entrapping you, the movement of the tentacle picks up and soon you feel the creature pushing out of you, the aching pain strikes your anus again as it is pushed open the tentacle exits you inch by inch, though you mostly feel the ecstasy of the drink, you can't help but feel the tentacle finding the alternative orifice after it exits your body.

your pussy lips spread and the tentacle begins to climb inside, your legs dangle and weakly move while the tentacle forces its way inside, your mind is bursting with pleasure.

you feel an orb come from the phallus, a spherical ball about the size of your own eyeball, it's membrane feels like jelly against the top of your mouth as you swallow it down, and then, more of the balls come. the liquid you drink is combined with them now and they are forced down your throat with the liquid, in the back of your mind you know you should have drowned by now, but you feel as though you had been breathing this entire time, your lungs are relaxed and your body demands only more.

the balls eventually start exiting your ass, your slavoring anus squirts the out after another and they roll down your ass cheeks, occasionally bouncing off the sides of your thighs on the way down.

The liquid you consume starts to thicken and the balls stop, suddenly it feels as if you are consuming semen again, but you only do so for 20 seconds or so until the font stops suddenly.

You are lifted out of the living ball by the tentacles, and placed outside, against it, your legs are spread as you cough up the remaining semen in your throat, your lungs behind to work again and the feeling of reality returns.

Sitting with your back against the eyeball, there are hundreds of balls at your feet, your ass still occasionally dropping one out, you can't help but notice the tentacle inside of your pussy still fucking you, but for the moment you drop your head back and let it happen.

your entire body feels plugged up, your stomach is completely full and your digestive system is swamped with the liquid, the balls and the cum that followed, you try your best to squeeze some of it out but nothing comes, not even another one of the balls.

the tentacle inside of your pussy cums and a creamy paste begins to drip out of you before the tentacle comes crawling out as well, you sit there legs open, back against the eyeball unable to do anything but watch it crawl over your thigh and then over the edge of the path.

you subconsciously finger the cum out of your pussy and bring it to your lips as you ponder your next move.

What do you do?

A. Impregnated or not, you need to keep moving, continue along the path as best as you can.

B. Rest here for a while, the burden of carrying all of these eggs will only slow you down, though you are bound to become prey to more spawnlings like the last one while you do.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A At this point we're stuck in a bad situation, sitting around won't help any
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat
