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Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

C. Fight the power!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

We're going to have to approach this from a new angle. Even if we did somehow manage to get free, we'd be trying to run across the same damned bridge. Only this time hopped up on tentacle cum. And probably with more immediate pursuit. And almost certainly pregnant.

B. Wait a bit, maybe we can try to escape in a different direction. And while we sleep, we might as well dream. Unfortunately, given how much cum we drank we'll probably dream of being a happy tentacle slave. But on the off chance that instead we get some flash of insight on how to get out...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

B I kinda doubt anything super useful will turn up awake.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


you drop your heavy eyelids and quickly go to sleep, the movements of the tentacle creature which holds you and the tentacle inside of you seem to make you at peace.

Your entire body feels warm within your dreams, not just temperature, but a closeness to something else living, the kind of warmth that comes only from being close to another living thing, it comes into your heart and into your brain, making you shiver at the thought of being so close. it makes you happy.

You dream of white, whiter than the cum-filled sea, there is nothing there but you in this milky world, and you find yourself wading through it, it's thickness clings against your skin and makes your body heavy, you feel fatigued moving through it, both physically and mentally, like you only want to stand here forever and everything would be alright.

You blink your eyes and open them, the world around you has changed, it is dark and small, all around you are tentacles and other orifices; your arms and legs are inside of the mouths, sucking them down past the elbow and knee, your skin is covered with pale cum, it is on your face, in your hair and most prominently around your lower orifices.

you feel a strange feeling against your breast and see that a small tentacle has latched itself to you and is feeding from your teat, other tentacles crawl over your cum-covered body, some of the head for your other breast, others towards your pussy, some for your mouth, you feel something pushing through your pussy below and hear a squishy noise as one of the tentacles slides out of your body and onto the wet living ground below you; you look down at it as it struggles to move, finally it begins to crawl closer to you, it feels the warmness of your thigh and crawls onto you, slithering upward towards your chest for it's first meal.

you can't help feel pride, like watching your child take it's first steps, your mind is cloudy. you feel your mind being taken from this special place with all of your children and you reach back trying to stop yourself from leaving, but then reality comes upon you.


You have barely a few seconds to realize you are being held over a pit, the shock hits you and you try to quickly hold onto something but you are ejected from it and flung forward, the tentacle which was inside of your pussy squirts a bit of cum as you go, and it smacks against the surface just before your chest does.

Your body is dumped onto the smooth slide-like surface and slide toward the whole at the bottom quickly, you desperately try to grip onto something, but it is impossible, the entire surface of this pit is that of a tentacle, impossible to grab or hold.

you finally reach the hole in the center of the pit and fly into it, your surroundings go dark immediately and the warmth of this place surrounds you, you plunge face first into a pit of slime which breaks your fall, you come up spitting and wiping yourself clean and as soon as you get your eyes open you see a tentacle creature in front of you with hundreds of tentacles ready to shoot forward.

The scene around you is slightly familiar, though the women here now are more docile than when you first arrived in this place. only half of the women are screaming for help, the other half seem to either accept their fate or their minds are too far gone to react.

the tentacles shoot out as you try to make a move and wrap around you body, your arms and your thighs, they pull you down to the ground and you struggle feebly around their grip trying to break free, but the tentacles start to reel you into the body, for the first time you scream as you realize what you are being reeled into, a toothless mouth with a giant tongue, what looks like spit gathers around the corners of the mouth and oozes out of the side.

your screams become muffled as the mouth engulfs you, and the tongue begins to lick your body from below, the mouth closes from behind, leaving your feet and ankles outside of it. the mouth begins to softly chew you, pushing you up against the roof of the mouth and drenching your body with it's spit, you continue to scream, but with almost no room nothing much escapes the mouth.

Finally after several minutes of being gummed, the tongue curls back and you fall forward into a tight hole in the back of the mouth, with a hole no larger than the width of your wrist, you are forced through an inch by inch, your head squeezes though, and you push forward enough that your neck isn't caught, it takes time for your shoulders to get through but once they are though, the rest of your body slides right through and you tumble through the soft tissue which clamps tightly against your skin until you enter a room full of living flesh. the slime heavily coats the walls and you soon realize you aren't the only woman here.

The massive room houses probably a hundred other women, all held against the walls and being fucked by tentacles in all of their orifices, many of the women are either asleep or awake with the empty look in their eyes, a pool of cum is below you with some tentacles rising up from the pool before you.

The air of this place is sweet and surprisingly refreshing, but it might be an illusion.

you hear a voice and look behind you; eight tentacles wait against the wall, all wiggling excitedly, two for your ankles, two for your arms, one for your neck, and three more for your orifices.

'Welcome to the Lair Princess, your Throne awaits you' the voice says.

you begin to cry uncontrollably, weakness overcomes your knees and you drop down. a powerful force enters your mind and takes control of you, the control over your own body fails and is shoved to the back of your mind.

you feel your limbs move slowly toward the 'throne', the voice in the back of your mind screams no, but your body screams yes, a smile comes across your lips.

What do you do?

A. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

B. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

C. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

D. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

E. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

F. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

G. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.

H. Take your rightful place upon the Throne.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

C. This is the most logical course of action.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

E for Escape ! !
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Nothing about our brave heroine is different from any other woman who is a slave in this lair, the mind controlling effects of the tentacles is potent and i thought this vote would help demonstrate how powerless you are against it; furthermore, though im sure it would be our girl's wish to escape without being raped over and over again, sometimes being a woman in the middle of a tentacle lair has to remind us all how futile any potential resistance you could offer actually is.

There is a scene in the middle of Metal Gear Solid where you become captured and you have little say in what happens for a little while, you are tortured, your decisions/struggles effect other characters in the story and you are really just helpless and in a state where all you can do is watch while things happen around you without your control, this is what i'm aiming for here, an opportunity to experience the process of tentacle indoctrination from the perspective of just another girl.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

You're all morons. A is the only one that even makes a shred of sense.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

fuck you voice in my head. I won't play by your rules!

that is a joke. though seriously, if this decision means something, we should know. if it doesn't mean anything, stop stalling for time ;)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Are you even listening to yourself? How does A make any sense at all? You should pick H, for hopeless hostage situation. All in favor?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Thats one delicious looking tomato; that is all.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

I get the idea of what youre trying to do, but i cnt help but think that it doesnt matter what we pick as theyre all the same. I have a supsicion you prolly want to keep something hidden but at the same time it makes me wonder what point there would be in picking one option from the other and everybody would just puck something different and keep things from progressing. :-/
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

(Mind Control)

You feel your body move towards the 'throne', like with the egg you had earlier, there is a voice in the back of your mind telling you to stop, to run, to get away; you take another step.

you can see, feel and smell everything, the warm ground on the soles of your feet, the pleasant humidity of the air around you, the pleasant smell of sweetness; and yet you feel a stress, a disconnect from what your mind and body want, you can't decide whether or not you truly want this; but as you contemplate the consequences, you take yet another step.

only feet away, the tentacles wiggle excitedly, the proximity to the creatures has both them and you aroused; you turn your back to them and walk backwards into them, your flesh is brought against the gentle membrane of the wall behind you and the tentacles closeby quickly wrap around your thighs, and your arms, holding them gently in place.

a new feeling of relief washes over you; the kind of feeling you get when you return to the safety and familiarity home after a long journey; your mind is simply buzzing with excitement as you watch the tentacles descend upon you quickly.

with wet squishing noises they force their way into of you, two for your lower orifices, and one for your mouth, you feel the pressure as the enter you your cloudy mind only feels pure excitement as the fear is blocked away, the tentacles pound inside of you relentlessly and you can only close your eyes and feel the amazing ecstasy of being utterly taken.

you feel more pressure before as cum escapes from your pussy and gushes out of you, but the flow continues to pump inside, small orbs seem to be moving through the tentacle as it goes; your belly seems to grow larger.

the tentacle in your mouth starts to cum as well, filling your mouth with a potent semen which immediately effects your already-clouded consciousness and the word starts to grow dim around you, the faded feeling from when you were pulled from the cum-sea returns more powerfully; and yet you can't seem to drink it down fast enough.

the tentacle in your ass starts to come as well, filling you up from the other end and drenching your bowels with the same potent substance.

you feel your mind slipping, consciousness fades away until it is replaced with a semi-dream; semi-reality state. you find yourself unable to move, the tentacles around your arms and legs hold you so gently as if to only prevent you from falling over, for there is no way you could take a step.

time fades away, you can only watch your body be filled and fed while you do, occasionally you see creatures crawling out of your pregnant body, crawling up your thighs and stomach towards your breasts for their first meal, you are reminded of the dream you had where you were so happy and proud of your children, your mind is incapable of any other emotion now other than pure bliss and gratefulness, you sit there being fucked and fed with a sappy smile on your face though the whole away, the world is your mind and your mind is a simple place.

The tentacle pushes forward again and your eyes roll back as you accept it's offering, the warm deposit of eggs and cum inside of you makes you feel elated, it is the highlight of your day to feel the warmth and your belly expanding again, you know soon that a whole new liter of your children will be born.

Cool Mechanical arms wrap around you and lift you up, you can feel a gush of cum exit your body as the tentacles are removed so that you can be moved away from your throne.

your eyes show double Zs printed on the creature, but you can't tell if it is the double vision or the true markings. you are carried like a rag-doll across the lair, which is darker and looks unhealthier than you remembered; it seems like only minutes ago it was shining bright and was filled with them, there are only a few remaining now, you are one of the last.

you make a murmor noise as you are carried, cum drips down from your lower orifices onto the blighted ground, your senses seem to be returning, your body is weak and pathetic, your muscles almost useless; your mind regaining some of it's lost consciousness.

'where?' you say, finally after several minutes of being without your dose of cum.

A mechanic voice responds, monotone and cold 'To the new land princess, our master would like to reward his most loyal subjects'

'oh' is all you are able to say for the moment.

the coolness of the air hits your skin as you are taken into the open world again, you shiver and clinch your teeth softly.

'Who.....what....' you say, half asking, half stating.

'Model ZZ, Unit 10 princess, i am a humble servant of the great black overlord, you are to be his royal guest'

you look down at your hand, it is milky pale, the color from your skin has gone, but you look as young as you ever have been, like you havent aged a day.

your mind seems to be returning quicker for every step you take.

'How long was i.......gone?' you ask

'You were a loyal breeder for close to five thousand years, you have given birth to hundreds of thousands of tentacles'

shock comes over you.......five thousand years? it seemed like you only just got here... how did you survive for five thousand years and not look like you had aged at all?

You enter another lair, the warmth suddenly returns and you feel better now; the walls of this place are dark, but healthier you begin to see rows of women pinned against the wall, being fucked; some of them are screaming; others are docile and accepting of their fate, it makes your head hurt to think about it.

'How close are we?' you ask, your mind seems to be your own once again.

'just a few more meters, then you will be presented to the overlord, do you have any more questions, sweet princess?'

What do you do?

A. Ask; what is this place?

B. Ask; What is an Overlord?

C. Ask; Who am i?

D. Ask; Why do you keep calling me princess?