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Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

C (and A, if possible). I feel like C includes D.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Wow, the tentacle monsters developed an advanced technological civilization! What's next? They build flying saucers and goes to a planet of elf women and abducts them to use as fuel-rods? That'd be so sexy. The progression in this CYOA is so awesome I had to come out of lurking.:D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

This CYOA is a prequel to the others in the series, Model ZZ Unit 10 is another character in the series who appears later on and has a pretty big role, you can expect more of that as we go forward, if you are new to the CYOA it won't effect your enjoyment, but if you have read the others you might recognize some of these characters, and perhaps gain a better understanding of their goals and beliefs (or perhaps even shape them).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Was that the thing they found on the beach in the second Tentacle Lair Escape?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


'Why do you keep calling me that......princess?'

ZZ 10 continues to carry you along at a steady pace as it explains, almost as if it were pre-recorded.

'There was a time before the tentacles came to earth that humanity was the most powerful race in the world, their technology and intelligence made them the masters of this world, no beast could outsmart them, the elements could be endured with technology which heated their homes, the most prominent of the human race was the royal families, who were their leaders, when the tentacles came to earth, the humans were not prepared; tentacles were as smart as humans were, they were resistant to the elements and their weapons proved ineffective against the strength, speed and endurance of the tentacle race; humanity fell quickly and was enslaved in short order'

The construct continued.

'The Tentacles quickly began to breed and distribute the spoils of war systematically, most of the female slaves were spread amongst the tentacle lords, but a small number of them were chosen for their exceptional fertility and loyalty to become breeders for the next generation of slaves'

'Only a small number of male slaves survived, of that group, some were chosen for their fertility and other beneficial properties to become breeders as well, the other survivors were used to labor harvesting precious resources or digging new lairs, their existance began a burden and they might have been destroyed further had it not been suggested of a new way to harvest energy from them as well.'

'For years, the tentacles tried to harvest energy from male slaves, but they weren't effective, it wasn't until a powerful lord suggested infusing female slaves with a bit of their own power that a breakthrough occared and male power could be transferred to the overlord by empowering the female slave'

'The breakthough was flawed however, because the power of the human and the tentacle lord were linked, they both gained power from each other, and the human could potentially cause problems if she became too powerful to control, the death or enslavement of another lord's empowered female would be a crippling blow to the energy force they had gained together and thus, only the most trusted slaves could be candidates'

'Kings, Queens and Princesses we're the names the humans gave to their royalty, the rest were peasants; farmers, blacksmiths, merchants; but the royalty were revered, they were distinguished and could eventually rule, therefore the name 'princess' was given to the candidates who would undergo fusing with a tentacle lord'

'You are one such candidate, a potential princess who could rule over tentacle and human alike.'

'I don't want to rule, i just want....i want' you said, confused.

'You don't know what you want, for your entire life you have been a servant, a loyal servant who should be rewarded'

You are brought into a giant room, with slimy black tentacles all over the walls, slime and cum drip down the sides and from the ceiling, the walls go high up and women are held against them, each being fucked in their orifices; in the center of the room is a gigantic black tentacle with thousands of smaller tentacles around it, it's head goes up to the ceiling and it's polished blackness shimmers the dim light within this place.

you are dropped before the creature on a pedestal which meets the tentacle halfway, you can see down into a pit where thousands more tentacles are as well as the continuing length of the creature, it seems to go down forever, like it had burrowed into the earth, the tentacles around it, extend and detract, almost like the creature is breathing.

Model ZZ sits behind you patiently as you watch, finally the voice enters your mind, it is soothing and calm.

'Welcome to my lair, Princess Rachel'

Rachel, it is a name you were never given, you had always simply just been 'girl' or 'a girl', you are sure the tentacles had some way of keeping track of their slaves, but a name had nothing to do with it.

'Why are you calling me that?' getting up slowly and carefully.

'Each candidate was given a name, names taken from the minds of slaves who have outlived even you Rachel; your name is an identity, a chance for you to become something more than a slave'

The cum and the ooze rolls down the walls of this place into the pit, tentacles roll over each other slowly within.

'Just let me go, let me be free' you beg

'There is no freedom, not for us, not for you, we each have our place within the brood, i didn't have anymore of a choice than you did, believe it or not'

'I'm not a part of your....brood...im just a human'

'But you are an important part of our brood, perhaps the most important part; without you, expansion isn't possible, birth isn't possible, our race would cease to exist without the energy your race provides, and you have been a most loyal servant, you have given birth to many thousands of tentacles, some of which have gone on to become lords themselves, your service should be rewarded'

'But why me, why not any of the other thousands of slaves you have here?'

'I'll be honest, your mind is becoming resistant to our semen, in a few decades, we won't be able to control you as well as we would need to, you would grow bored and depressed with your enslavement, you would eventually long for death and your production would suffer, only happy or mindless slaves are suitable to be breeders, negative energy produces low quality offspring'

'So i must choose between greater responsibility or.....'

'or eternal woe' the overlord finished.

In service to the tentacles? you never truly had hatred for them, you always understood them only as subjugaters, but they had been part of your life since the very beginning, you couldent hate them anymore than someone could hate winter; it was simply a fact of life.

'very well.......i accept' you say, but in many ways you feel as though the decision had been made for you, you had no reason to doubt the sincerity of this creature, it's power could not be denied.

A feeling of satisfaction comes to your mind, a reflection of the emotion the overlord must be feeling, with no way to smile or frown, their feelings would be transfered in this way, you had learned much about the tentacles after giving birth to so many of them for thousands of years.

A tentacle comes down from the ceiling and places what looks like a smaller tentacle at your feet, it is a green rod shaped thing which moves slightly, as you pick it up, the side warms to your touch and it begins to sweat a bit of slime with coats your palm.

'This is a tentacle staff, a powerful living rod imbued with the power of the green tentacles, while you hold this relic, you will be able to hear the mind of your lord and any of it's children, you will able be able to summon them to come help you from anywhere, if you are in trouble, they will sense it, if you need anything, they will provide it; it is the single most potent artifact a human can wield and it is my gift to you'

The rod seems weightless in your hands, it's green side shivers to your touch, like it feels incredible pleasure from simply being in your hands.

'I can't hear anything' you say

'That is because your lord has not been born yet'

Another tentacle comes down from the ceiling, it is a translucent tentacle which is clearly an ovipositor.

You will give birth to your lord and become a princess of the green tentacles, you will share each other's power and grow; eventually you will leave and begin your own lair; far away from here.

'Why? where will be go?'

'Now is not the time to discuss such things; you must prove your loyalty to your lord and to me; but if you would like to wait and explore my domain, i will allow it, it would be good for you to learn how a lair works as you may be in charge of one yourself one day'

you nod.......freedom, at last, it wasn't quite the freedom you envisioned, but it feels right, you can't help but feel a strange happiness.

What do you do?

A. Become impregnated with the Green Egg now.

B. Explore the Lair and it's surrounding lands first.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Semi-spoiler for readers of the previous CYOAs

Perhaps some people saw this coming, especially with the last update which featured Xozz for the first time. The origins of Rachel, Sylvia and Sarah have been a mystery up until this point, but they become more important characters as the story goes on and i can say with certainly that when the fifth and final installment of TLE is finally written, these characters will play a major role in it. Olivia and Laura had their own personal stories; their goals and personalities are well defined and Ella of course, but the 3 other original princesses are still relatively unexplored even though they have been part of the series from the beginning.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Since you got a choice, you can always come back and do the Green mission later.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

B sound informative
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A! Just kidding. I'm all for side quests. B it is!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

B! Let's go on an adventure! I vote anything that has a chance of "accidental" molestation...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


'I guess ill take a look around for a while' you say, as you watch the impressive ovipositor overhead drip steadily.

'Alright, Unit 10 will show you the nursery and the housing spire, it will also instuct you on the basics, though you will probably know most of it by now'

The ovipositor retracts into the ceiling, you feel a bit of relief as you watch it go.

'Come with me Princess Rachel' the construct says from behind.

you feel a thousand tentacles watching you as you leave the giant room, following the giant squarelike construct closely like a child following a grownup.


The halls of this place as endless, women line the walls, some awake, others pacified, almost all of them have tentacles inside at least one of their orifices.

Unit 10 comes to the front of one of the unconscious humans and begins pointing at her at various points.

'Human females are capable of producing energy which can be drained from them with a tentacle appendage, the two best access points are the vagina' Unit 10 points to her unoccupied pussy

'and the anus' the robotic appendage moves back and points up behind her pussy to her anus.

'Other orifices are capable of being drained of energy, the mouth and the nipples can be drained of minute amounts of energy, though spawnlings perfer sucking milk from the breasts as their best source, the mouth has mucas membranes which can be siphoned, but it is best used to feed the human a continuous amount of semen'

Unit 10 continues

'As you know by now, tentacle semen acts are an energy source for humans, it stimulates the sex organs and dims the mind, allowing a human to be better controlled; it also extends the life of a human greatly, a human on a heavy dosage of tentacle semen will age at an estimated rate of 1 age day per 1000 years of being fed, meaning that in your captivity with us, your body has aged only about 5 days; if you continue to consume it for the rest of your life, you will be almost immortal'

'Why do tentacles take humans as slaves?'

'The energy siphoned from humans is the only way a tentacle can feed or grow, the human reproductive system is also the only method in which a tentacle creature can reproduce, the power a tentacle can gain is limitless and like human's under the influence of semen, their life expectancy is unlimited as long as they have enough humans to sate their needs; a newborn spawnling only needs a small fraction of a woman's energy to survive, but a giant creature such as our overlord needs several thousand women per day in order to survive'

'What else should i know?' you ask

'Although you yourself likely never be in position to subdue another woman by yourself, you should know how a tentacle will attack you as a woman, incase you ever are attacked by a rival creature'

'Tentacles will strike low, going for your lower legs first in order to get you off your feet, if they are able to penetrate either of your orifices below, you will immediately be drained of significant energy, so much so that you will not be able to continue the fight, at this point they will bind your arms and legs and continue fucking you until you pass out, at this point you will be at their mercy'

'How do i fight them?'

'As a woman you will be unable to fight them, your best option is to run or submit, you will be protected by your own brood so you will need to let them do the fighting.'

Model 10 backs away from the woman and continues down the hall, the ground is wet with cum and the walls are bleeding slime, the dim lights from the walls surround you, and shine upon the many slaves along the way.

'Do you have any more questions?'

'....what are you?'

'I am a reproduction assistance model, designed to calculate the best method in which to produce the most healthy spawn, i calculate the best comparability a woman has to the tentacle which can impregnate her, i also assist the nursing a young spawnlings by ensuring they are properly fed by their human mothers.'

'i meant...' you continued to ask

'I am a construct.....a half machine half tentacle creation, assembled at a facility far from here'

'I never knew the tentacles had such advanced technology' you say

'You have been enslaved for a very long time, much has happened while you have slept.'

You come into a large room with a pool of white cum in the middle, the tentacles all around you wiggle excitedly as they notice your presence, many of them are unoccupied.

'What is this place?'

'This is a fertilization hall, women who are ready for impregnation are brought here and eggs are deposited inside of them, then they are transported to another place where they are given the fluids they need for a successful birth weeks later'

'Where are the women?'

'They come from here above'

you look above to see a tube-like orifice above your head.

'Ah, here comes one now, perfect timing'

A woman is squeezed through the tube, and dropped into the pool below, before she can move, the tentacles on the walls shoot forward and wrap around her arms, legs and torso, you can tell by her face that she is completely out of it, as devoid of sense as any woman here.

'Bring her closer' Model 10 says aloud

The woman is brought close to you two, her legs are spread wide before you, you see her wet pink pussy two feet in front of you, ready to accept.

'would you like to touch her?'

you hesitate for a moment before putting two fingers together and running them along the outside of her pussy, feeling the slick moisture of her lips.

'allow me to show you the process'

a large tentacle descends from the ceiling and comes down between her legs.

'First, a large amount of semen must be squirted into the vagina and womb, this would normally be painful, but the semen has a pain dulling effect'

the tentacle is stuffed into the woman and begins to fuck her fiercely, the woman's blank face doesnt change at all while this happens, eventually the tentacle splurts a large amount of semen inside of her, the flow continues and come squirts out of the edges of the large tentacle, dripping below into the pool, her belly starts to grow a big bigger until the tentacle pulls out and another large helping of cum escapes.

'With the semen inside of the womb, the eggs are ready to be deposited, the semen acts as a shell for the eggs as well as energy for the woman to draw upon, in a few days the eggs hatch and the spawnlings begin to draw energy from the woman, her womb will start to absorb the semen and the space will be replaced by the growing tentacles, the shell of the eggs will dissipate and become absorbed as energy as well'

an ovipositor comes down from the ceiling and plunges into the girl's pussy, you can see as large eggs are forced inside of her, the ovipositor is removed and retracts back to the ceiling, the woman's belly is full now and she is dripping only a bit of semen from her cunt.

The tentacles lift the woman back up to the ceiling and the tube open again and lifts her up into it, presumably to be transported to another area where she can be fed and cared for.

'Being impregnated with several eggs will make it impossible for you to stay conscious while pregnant, but being impregnated with only one will allow you to function at 98% capacity, if it were possible, it would be optimal for every woman to be pregnant with one egg all of the time, but the energy used for moving women through the lair would be too much to accomplish this.'

'While we are here, why don't you become impregnated?, there will be plenty of time to show you the rest of the tour while you walk around, plus your body has become accustomed to it, you should be able to birth a fully developed spawnling within a few hours'

you look up at the ovipositor, still dripping above head.

What do you do?

A. Agree to have one egg inserted into your pussy.

B. Agree to have one egg inserted into your ass.

C. Refuse and move on.