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Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Well, should you have gone into the cave, I would have changed the background to be more appropriate, but yah, any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't really like making maps all that much.

Also, what if they had decided to carpet the cave with astroturf? Hmm?
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I've also updated the between sessions thread with the results of the search of the mine as well as the loot from the guards.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I just won't give any information away that I know of. That, and all I'd have to do is provide the map. I don't need to populate it with baddies, goodies, and traps. So I'll still be in the dark about things.

Unless you need a quite specific map, I can find just premade maps provided as resources on the internet. When that fails, there's tilesets also provided for a 'make your own map' kind of deal. I suck at map making too, but there's people out there who try to make it easy for people like me.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Hey, just a heads up. I'm not feeling very good at all today, and sort of expect it to go on for a while yet. Just wanted to let you all know that this week's game may be called off. For now, let's assume it's still on, but just be aware that the situation is tentative right now.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I am glad that I read this, because I honestly forgot that tomorrow was game day. Fucking Thanksgiving.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, Server's up. Made sure I set my IP correctly this time so there shouldn't be any problems.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, Server's up. Made sure I set my IP correctly this time so there shouldn't be any problems.

Can't find the server.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Fixed now. Don't know what the problem was.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Think I'm going to have to cancel this week's game. A bunch of things came up all at once and I need to take care of them. Sorry about this.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

So, as of right now, it seems like tomorrow should be fine as normal.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Mkay, good.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Actually I'm sorry I haven't said anything before now, this slipped my mind completely. I now work odd night shifts every other week, starting tomorrow. This starts what, 11am CST? It's going to be hard for me to be awake and coherent for the first half of this.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay Tiff, just do what you can. Hopefully things get settled soon.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I don't know what to do with ye spirit, so I'll leave everything to the barbarian.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Server's up.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Let me know if any of this is wrong/needs corrections or additions.

's Level 3 Report:
Nyktan gets d8+2 HP. (I forget what the special rule on HP was.)

Nyktan gains +1/2 from his favored class bonus. Essentially getting +1 to all knowledge skills when combined with bardic knowledge.

Nyktan has 6+Intmod(3)=9 Skill points to spend
+1 Perform(Singing)
+1 Perform(String)
+1 Diplomacy
All these skills here were unranked. Putting one point in each gave Nyktan a Class Skill bonus to all
+1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering)
+1 Knowledge(Engineering)
+1 Knowledge(Planes)
+1 Knowledge(Religion)
+1 Sense Motive
+1 Perception

Nyktan gains as his level 3 feat
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Leveled up Robern.

Details like MAF did:
Gained Trap Sense 1

Like MAF, don't remember how you wanted us to do hit points. Robern gets 1d12+4 HP

Spent the Favored Class bonus on HP.

Ranks: 4 + 1 (human) + 1 (int mod) = 6
Acrobatics +1
Handle Animal +1
Intimidate +1
Perception +1
Ride +1
Survival +1
Swim +1

For the feat, I took

Also, DnD sheets deleted the bottom half of the sheet again. So, I updated the dndsheets one and also copied it over to mythweavers to see if they were any better about it.
Last edited:
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Server's up. And... I can't remember if I had a special HP rule either... So I'll make one up. Any HP roll of 1 is brought up to 2.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Lang Fu's level up:

HP: d6+3, total 5

Saves: +1 fort and +1 reflex

Skills: +1 to: appraise, Know(arcana), know(planes), know(religion), perception an stealth

Feat: Spell focus(necromancy)

Spells: Gains 1+1 spells of 2nd level per day, +1 bonus from high intelligence, learns Limp Lash and Blood Transcription