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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city

I had to check:

Jap dlsite do take less from the maker then Eng dlsite.

Actually, this doesn't surprise me at all.

where is come from i can't see

never mind...i find..

actually if sale 1500jpmoney

i get only 800jpmoney
Last edited:
Re: parasite in city

Since we're on the topic... "pregnancy" (specifically unwanted) whether it's embryos, cocoon, or my personal favorite eggs and larva, conjure the image of real psychological distress that's far greater than the rape which really tests the heroins strength.

I find status affects to be the most interesting like slowed walking, panting, or cramps prior to the birth or expulsion. I'm also a fan of realism and yes the VAST majority of these scenarios are so unrealistic that it's a total buzz kill. That's why I prefer eggs and larva, because it is like pregnancy but without the unrealistic bulging. Not to mention the mental stress of having larva wriggling around while she's in a life or death situation.

I do agree, its the consequences that make it ultimately fun. Its part of what made the fly stage from nanocrisis interesting.
Re: parasite in city

Western people like pregnant cause western girls are thin and doesnt look like they can give birth to healthy children so its hot and exotic.

I would ever prefer a japanese clumsy girl before a western woman she just looks more like woman should be XD

Yeah, that's definitely a no on that.
Re: parasite in city

Yeah, I'd say that's broad stereotyping or overgeneralizing.

Personally I'm not much of a fan of pregnancy, either. But I am a fan of pumping like how the bugs do it in this game.

I also like how in insect porn, the insect wrap their legs around the waist and reach around the back. That way you can still see all the action and it almost looks like the insect is a part of her body. Kinda looks like the insect is a corset with wings that fucks the girl. :p
Re: parasite in city

The bulging stomach doesn't interest me as much as how she ended up that way.

For example, this becomes a lot more interesting (to me) when I learn that this happened first.
Re: parasite in city

Yeah, I'd say that's broad stereotyping or overgeneralizing.

Personally I'm not much of a fan of pregnancy, either. But I am a fan of pumping like how the bugs do it in this game.

I also like how in insect porn, the insect wrap their legs around the waist and reach around the back. That way you can still see all the action and it almost looks like the insect is a part of her body. Kinda looks like the insect is a corset with wings that fucks the girl. :p

We may share in common about the pumping of bugs. I do like the bugs wrap female character around the back or in front of her face or ***holes and she try to escape uselessly. About the "pergnancy", I do not hate it but cannot enjoy "pergnancy" scenes
Re: parasite in city

Mainly. I can't care what Fetish others in general have or want.

I'd rather see the Developer make his/her own decisions onways the Product/Game/Movie and etc. In the end. Its about satisfying themselves and others, but not at cost of what they wanted out of at first place.

Generally now. I just have fun with things that has a huge set of contents, without sacrificing the delicious challenge and rewards along. But when its not Game Mechanics and Gameplay. I'll enjoy the juice and fun out of H's around.

Reason being i see myself loving this nice piece of H-Game. I don't mind when its Guro, long as the Guro isn't slaughtering the H-Content in it. Unless it wasn't intent on H-Content to begin with.

So yeah. dot_slave3. Do as you please, and i will enjoy the shit outta yer Game!
Re: parasite in city

Fetishes you say? Sprite sex is my only fetish. I don't really care if there's going to be pregnancy or shit like that. I'm still going to buy the game.
Re: parasite in city


When is the next demo update?

Just make the game like You want it

Other pregnancy thing can wait in Your next game
Re: parasite in city


When is the next demo update?

Just make the game like You want it

Other pregnancy thing can wait in Your next game

we get voice problem

next month
Re: parasite in city

honestly not a fan of Preg.

Girl on Girl is my biggest fetish, probably followed by the traditional Japanese tentacle scene.
Re: parasite in city

honestly not a fan of Preg.

Girl on Girl is my biggest fetish, probably followed by the traditional Japanese tentacle scene.

girl on girl counts as a fetish?
Re: parasite in city

Everything is a fetish.

im used to the idea that something has to be rare to be considered a fetish...girl on girl is hot feels almost universal in the minds of heterosexual males
Re: parasite in city

[cleaned up formatting from copy/paste]

noun \ˈfe-tish also ˈfē-\

: a strong and unusual need or desire for something

: a need or desire for an object, body part, or activity for sexual excitement

: an object that is believed to have magical powers

Full Definition of FETISH
1a: an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
1b: an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession
1c: an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
2: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers
3: fixation

Variants of FETISH
fe·tish also fe·tich

Examples of FETISH
He has a fetish for secrecy.
He wore a fetish to ward off evil spirits.

Origin of FETISH
French & Portuguese; French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço, from feitiço artificial, false, from Latin facticius factitious
First Known Use: 1613

Related to FETISH

fixation (also fetich), idée fixe, mania, obsession, preoccupation, prepossession

hoodoo, jinx

Related Words
monomania; complex, hang-up, problem, trip; appetite, cacoëthes, compulsion, craving, desire, drive, enthusiasm, fascination, hankering, hunger, infatuation, itch, longing, lust, passion, pining, thirst, urge, yearning, yen; idiosyncrasy, quirk; bent, disposition, inclination, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency

Near Antonyms
apathy, disinterestedness, disregard, indifference, insouciance, nonchalance, unconcern, unconcernedness

Rhymes with FETISH
Lettish, pettish, wettish

So... I guess a heterosexual priest can be accused of "having a fetish for the opposite sex".
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