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RPG RPG Maker The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2 RJ122507

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Well I didn't find a thread for this so here is somthing I stumbled upon.

edit: found it on the english DLsite

Another RPG from Rosesoft featuring two heroines, one with a moderate bust and one with a chopping board for those of us who like that sort of thing.

From what I understand from pictures and a whirl through the demo is that these girl are highschoolers (I'm guessing from the uniform) who also hunt monsters in a dungeon.

You control one heroine at a time, and if it's like the demo this is your choise for the game and the monsters have both molestation attacks and rape upon your loss, each has a unique scene.

A link curtosy of AMKahm

Judgeing by the pictures, there is also pregnancy but I found non in the demo.

Edit: Ok having now run the description through an auto translator I got this:

This "lamplight Ramayana ' is double hero!
Added "undertones" also available!
Previous system base intact, new to add a number of features.
First check the trial version!

■ first CG number more than last time!
Basic CG: lamplight hinako 26 pieces
: Honoka 25 sheets
Cut-in: lamplight kanako 21 pictures
: Honoka 20 sheets
Even torn clothes reflect the cut-in!
Lamplight hinako, Dim with almost all CG conceives differential available!
Differential includes more than 1100 copies!

Real time ■ battle!
Combat is in real time.
You can select the action gauges can be used to fill up the tank and combat during the.
Enemies and attack without having to select a command here. Try the quick action.

■ enemy attacks
Behavior of monsters are all H attacks. Powerful cut-in attack while simple animation is displayed.
This h would come off armor and attack wears with a certain probability.
And to defeat in combat in the State were all removed and get violated by Monster.

■ nasty State
Increase in enemy attacks, continuously violated by monsters nasty, nasty State.
Becomes nasty H scene little changed as well.

■ State stakes
Even if you were committed to certain monsters, with a certain probability it is 産み付け Monster egg thing.
But stat gains and make this egg!

■ invite Dungeon
5 Color a dark Crystal 2 or more to pick up and make the item a demon magnet.
Change the level of the Dungeon by the crystal material with two dark colors attract.

■ development of village
You can get villagers to collect the development of village.
Initially almost nothing village also to attract people and development, various buildings.
Increases by the number of Dungeon was captured also in the number of villagers, goods, etc. of changes.

■ change
Development of village becomes, to purchase uniforms can.
H of the village cannot go to the Dungeon in this State, the event is raised.

■ light to work
Advance Dungeon cheats in the works now, and lamplight hinako, in addition to possible to Dim even adventure.
Of course my Ramayana as well as get raped, you defeat the monster in.

■ CG mode
You can watch CG CG pictorial items, once watched at any time.

I wouldn't say the art is particularly good but it seems to have an odd charm about it.

So revising what I said I'm guessing it's about getting stuff from adventuring to grow your town.

Curtosy of AMKahm
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Re: RJ122507

It's RoseSoft, not Alicesoft, and it has been out for a while, pretty bad.

He has 2/3 older games that are much better.
Re: RJ122507

I wuld be wery grateful if some one would for example post a download link for this game possibly mega ^^
Re: RJ122507

It's RoseSoft, not Alicesoft, and it has been out for a while, pretty bad.

He has 2/3 older games that are much better.

You mean the one with the exact same red hair girl? Because that one was really mediocre. Kind of enjoyable, but barely.
If you're telling me it's even worse I might not even bother with it.
Re: RJ122507

Personaly having now played both demos I'd say it seems a peg up on the other one, not a large peg though, but thats my opinion.
Re: RJ122507

Know what? I like RoseSoft, ALL of their games because they are usually fun and don't need a lot of japanese speaking abilities. If anyone has a link post it and if I find one I will post it, sound good?
Re: RJ122507

If it winds up falling in my lap I'll do the same.
Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

EDITED : problem solved... thx minifancy
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Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

oh dont say anything about i must instal XP RTP or so...
i have it.. and before this game, my other game run well..
just this game i get that error...?
so any sugestion?

change your path to all jp or english
Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

How do you switch between the 2 heroines ?
Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

How do you switch between the 2 heroines ?

If it's like their other game, then I'm guessing by changing into certain armors I think.
Re: RJ122507

Thanks for the share, I've added the link with credit to the origanal post.

How do you switch between the 2 heroines ?

Huh you're right, in the demo it asked as soon as you got too town. I'll let people know as soon as I figure it out.
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Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

How do you switch between the 2 heroines ?

Defeat the "Red/Yellow" crystal dungeon(the 5th one you create.) And go back to village and talk the dark haired chick. After discussion you can select to play as her. Either that or its a certain amount of villagers for the village.
Re: RJ122507

It's RoseSoft, not Alicesoft, and it has been out for a while, pretty bad.

He has 2/3 older games that are much better.

Urgh. Way to destroy a man's hope. Alicesoft making rpgmaker games... *orgasm*
Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

Thx for upload ;3 game looks great : D
Re: RJ122507 The Bizarre Dungeon of Hero Hinako 2

thx for the links um culd any one give us a short guide i am kinda totaly lost in this game and what are the options for the first item u click for the first oprion i think u can turn h mode on or of but i dont know what the secound option is and i think i accidently turned random monster encounters off cuz i cant find any and what do you do after you kill the slimes in the cave and meet the king ?
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