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Artemis Academy


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
This is going to be a somewhat unusual and experimental CYOA. You won't vote on a character's actions or personalities. Instead, you'll pick one of several unfortunate young women, and decide exactly how unfortunate they are. You'll vote on what situations they find themselves in, and how their attempts to get out of those situations work out. The first (several?) posts will be an extensive introduction into the world on which this happens, and your role in it.

== AURORA ==

Aurora Norte sat down on the odd chair, and started swinging her legs back and forth. The shape made it obvious what came next, and it wasn't the part of this exam she was looking forward to.

"Nervous?" The nurse smiled apologetically. "Most women are. It's a big change. You'll be at Artemis for four years, if everything goes well. You can write to your family, of course, but they don't even allow live teleconference. They're very serious about taking academics seriously."

"Most academics do," Aurora responded, "But it's not that. Well, not entirely. I grew up on Earth. And I've never used a Gateway."

"Really? That's-" the nurse reconsidered "It's not too bad. You'll be confused at first, but it fades quickly. Now: we do have a bit of a schedule here."

The redhead squirmed uncomfortably for a moment before pulling her pants and panties down in one movement.

"Everything, all the way off. Then up in the stirrups." The nurse tapped her foot.

"Really? I have to take my shirt off for you to look... down there?"

"Well, if it makes you feel better you can wait until the breast exam, but... you did read the pamphlet, right?" She frowned.


"Oh, for fucks sake! Everyone makes the Gateway journey to Artemis naked. That's sort of their 'thing'. They claim no man has ever set foot on the planet, and they 'enforce' that by having everyone come through naked. You'll be getting dressed thirty seconds after you go through, but until then..."

Aurora sighed, and lifted her shirt, letting her modest breasts plop out. She hadn't been wearing a bra.

"And your legs."

The prospective student lifted her legs into the stirrups, and the nurse shook her hands. A shimmer seemed to pour down from a bracelet on each wrist in a gravity-defying way until her hands were fully covered by the skin-tight gloves. "Now, lets take a look..."

Ten thoroughly embarrassing minutes later, Aurora stood in a white room about the size of an elevator. A small red light glowed above the door, and there was an uncomfortable pressure. She stared nervously at the back wall. In about ten seconds, a ten-foot-wide and perfect two-dimensional circle of bizarre energy would come flying through it at half the speed of light. This, to belabour the obvious, made her slightly nervous. It was just too much energy, too fast, too -

She fell to the ground gracelessly, seeing stars, and nearly threw up as she regained her feet. There was a 'ding', and the light turned green. The nude redhead stumbled out of the doors. A middle-aged woman glared at her from behind a desk, looked her pointedly up and down, then pointed to Aurora's left, saying something unintelligible. She stumbled off towards the indicated door, walked through, and tried to compose herself.

Gateway travel, she decided, sucked blue monkey ass. If there was a less unpleasant way to cover the nearly one thousand light-years between Earth and Artemis, she would take it on the way back in a heartbeat. Even if it took slightly less than a thousand years. But it seemed unlikely that there would be a flight leaving near her graduation. There was supposed to be exactly one way to get within a hundred light years of Artemis Academy, and that was the way she'd just taken. And a similar gate to get back to Earth. So she'd probably have to do that again. Wormhole travel was clearly unhealthy. She supposed that's why they tried to make it last a fraction of a second so small that she couldn't even guess how many zeroes...

She shook her head. 3 times ten to the eight meters per second was the speed of light. Half that. Estimate the length of her body, standing and facing the gate at an angle, as 15 centimeters to be convenient. Eight zeroes. Maybe seven or nine, depending on how close to "half" the speed of light the gate moved, and which way she was facing. The confusion seemed to be fading, fortunately. Some people reported that it could last for weeks, though that might just have been psychosomatic.

Aurora looked around the room. It contained a toilet, a sink, and a school uniform. She looked at that distastefully. It was the one thing she'd really disliked about Artemis Academy. Or it had been, until she'd experienced the Gateway. All students were required to wear a uniform to class and official functions. And it was... well, the pleated skirt wouldn't reach halfway down her knees, and she suspected that it would be way too easy to tell if she wasn't wearing the uniform's included panties. Not that she was likely to have any alternatives, since they didn't let her bring anything with her. Literally nothing. Not her own computer, not even the clothes on her back. What she'd worn to the exam would be waiting for her after graduation.

She pulled on the uniform, then relieved herself and splashed some water on her face. Then went out the clearly marked exit, after trying the door she'd come through, seeing that it was locked. It seemed pretty obviously set up for someone who was still confused. Maybe the 'weeks' thing wasn't entirely psychosomatic, at least for some people.

The receptionist on the other side was somewhat less surly than the first one had been. "Aurora? Aurora Norte?" She nodded. "Perfect. You're the first one of your group. You can wait here, or step outside. Though I'll have to ask that you not leave the courtyard. Oh, and what am I thinking... what year is it?"

"I can't read your mind, but the year is 328."

The receptionist smiled. "Good, you seem fine. Welcome to Artemis. Welcome to Artemis Academy."

Aurora smiled back and excused herself. She stepped out into... paradise. The sea air blew warmly in her face, and suddenly she realized why the uniform was so scanty - it was hot. The cry of a bird made her look up, and she caught sight of the sun. She stared up at it, for a moment. It didn't look any different than Earth's own star. In fact, the whole place could have been a tropical island on Earth, a few thousand years ago. She stared a little longer. Just like Earth, except without all the pollution. And boys.


The camera pulled back from above the redhead, showing the Academy, then the small island it was set on, then the continent to the West, then the entire ocean world, the continent the only land visible at this scale, and not covered in clouds. A huge hurricane spun across the equator, well South of the Academy. You could practically see the storms parting around the Mountains at the heart of the continent, and you could see the band of relative calm at that latitude, and mirrored in the southern hemisphere.

The camera flipped around, facing the sun, and zoomed forward at a ridiculous speed. A dot appeared in the face of the sun, and grew into an asteroid. The camera slammed to a halt in front of a window, and several people looked out, curious to see if there really was a camera. If there was, they couldn't see it. The people turned back towards the view screen in the center of the room, where there was a new young woman pulling her clothes off in an exam room.

On the stage in front of the screen, a light flicked on, illuminating a man. Or at least a human. Probably. It was dressed like a crash-test dummy, except the odd mask. Most of the figures in the theatre-style seating around him wore masks as well, and hid their figures in cloaks or artificial fogs. A few wore human bodies, but it was clear that 'wore' (or perhaps 'occupied') was the correct word. They weren't their original bodies. The man spoke. "Well, ladies and Gentlemen. Aurora. That's all you'll be seeing of her... at least for now. And of course you will have records of her from the exam until she left the arrival building, as you will for each of the ten thousand incoming freshmen. They aren't all as pretty as her - or virgins, like her - but they're all human women, between eighteen and twenty. They're all intelligent, and all fit enough to do well in at least one physical sport or exhibition. We can't guarantee the beauty of each one... but with so many, you'll find something you like."

"You all know the rules! Bid on as many as you like! The top ten winning bids get the girl when they leave Artemis! And the rest of you need not lose out... the ten lucky 'winners' will have quite an experience over the next few years, and you can vote on just how perverted that experience that is! Or perhaps I should say how that experience is perverted." The mask smirked.

"Bidding closes in thirty days, by which time all ten thousand women will have been through the gate, and you'll each have - if nothing else - ten thousand inductions to watch in full 3D and audio. All indexed in a ridiculous variety of ways, naturally, if you're looking for something in particular. And then... and then the fun really starts."


And the winning bids are:

1. Aurora Norte. A redheaded math major, with a-cup breasts and an intact virginity. (0/10 exposure)
2. Sarah Summer. ??? (0/10 exposure)
3. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
4. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
5. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
6. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
7. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
8. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
9. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)
10. ???. ??? (0/10 exposure)

Choice: who will we be 'watching' first?

A.) Aurora Norte.
B.) Sarah Summer.
C.) Suggest a name.

For B/C ONLY: Design a character.

1.) (optional) Hair color.
2.) (optional) Eye color.
3.) (optional) Breast size.
4.) (optional) Major.
5.) (optional) Sexual orientation.
6.) (optional) Previous sexual experience.
7.) (optional) Other physical information, or factual past.

Note: I reserve the right to veto characters that I don't think fit. (Athletic, reasonably intelligent, not complete sluts) "Modifications" may happen later, but they will all at least start out within the normal human variances.

Exposure. The only stat I'm tracking. If it reaches 10, the subject is permanently "retired", which in practice appears to mean sold into slavery. It generally represents how fit the person is to continue as a subject. Things like convincing others there's something going on, going insane, or refusing to further participate would be examples of a high score, and something like trying to give birth to their womb full of tentacles in a public place would be an immediate 10. In fact getting pregnant in general is pretty suspicious, seeing as they all had a full medical exam between seeing the last man and arriving at the Academy. I'd suggest ending such things out of the public eye.

You can lower exposure by... well, depending on the particulars you might 'convince' the subject to continue on, or not tell people, etc. Or you could switch to someone else and let some time pass. I'll show this stat for each subject any time switching subjects is an option.

OOC tidbits about the world:

The asteroid from which the voting is taking place is sitting at the Artemis-Star L1 point. It requires periodic station-keeping thrusts, but is fairly stable. It isn't visible to the naked eye or anything simple like a pinhole camera. There are no telescopes equipped to look at the Star from Artemis, but there are some at other Lagrangian points, which lets them keep an eye on the star... without seeing the Asteroid, or wondering why there are no sun-facing telescopes.
Re: Artemis Academy

C. Alesha Willow
1.) Black
2.) Blue
3.) B-Cup
4.) Biology
5.) Lesbian
6.) No actual experience(virgin) but is a great kisser and masseuse.
7.) Tanned Asian/European descent. Does Track and has a very lithe bodyset and stands at 5'4"

Seeing as no one decided on anything I'll put in something.
Re: Artemis Academy


1.) (optional) Hair color: Blond
2.) (optional) Eye color: Blue
3.) (optional) Breast size: C-cup, modest
4.) (optional) Major: Civil Engineering.
5.) (optional) Sexual orientation: Straight, maybe a little bicurious sometimes.
6.) (optional) Previous sexual experience: Limited, not a virgin but also not a slut.
7.) (optional) Other physical information, or factual past: Bleh, I am lazy. Dancer, fairly curvy, likes to jog and do yoga for exercise. Likes to read cheesy romance novels for fun.
Re: Artemis Academy

Guess I'll go with Tassadar's B for now.
Re: Artemis Academy

2nding Bloodshifter.
Re: Artemis Academy

B Second tassadar, I like the start. I would add
5.) (optional) Sexual orientation: Straight, maybe a little bicurious sometimes but no experience YET.
7.) (optional) Other physical information, or factual past: Bleh, I am lazy. Dancer, fairly curvy, likes to jog and do yoga for exercise. Likes to read cheesy romance novels for fun, particularly bodice rippers. May be slightly aroused when held down.
Re: Artemis Academy

And the 'winner' is...

2. Sarah Summer. Blonde, Blue-eyed civil engineer, with c-cup breasts. Limited experience, a little bicurious. (0/10 exposure)
Additional: Dancer, jogger, yoga. Likes cheesy romance.
Additional: Good kisser, gives good massages.

== Sarah Summer ==

Sarah Summer looked out the window of her dorm room. There was a small balcony, and it overlooked the beach. There were quite a few people on it, sunbathing, swimming, or just walking. There was even a volleyball game going on among a few students who looked a little older. She thought she could spot the newest arrivals because they were probably the only ones wearing their uniforms. Back in the dorm room - barely large enough for two beds, two desks, and two standing women, but she supposed you couldn't have everything - she glanced at her terminal. Her selected bikini would be ready in five minutes, and the yoga pants and other less common things would finish during the night. But her shoes were ready, and if the school uniform wasn't ideal for jogging, it would at least provide enough support to make it possible.

She ran into her roommate in the doorway. Literally. April was tall, and had been a sprinter in high school. She did everything quickly, and in this case she had been walking backwards and waving at someone before turning around and bumping into Sarah. "Oh I'm sorry, Sarah." She looked flushed, and from the way she turned as Sarah left the room... the blonde beauty had thought she'd left that sort of thing behind along with all the men, and was suddenly self-conscious about the sway of her hips. Still, maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Four years was a long time to go without growing close to someone, and- Sarah cut off that line of thinking. She'd just let things work out as they did, worrying didn't solve anything.

The dorm building held little interest. There had been a tour at lunchtime, which hadn't taken long. 'Here are the bathrooms, no they aren't marked "women", all the bathrooms on the entire planet are for women. Here are the showers, yes they decided to put all ten in one big room, no I can't imagine why. Here is the lounge, you can use it for whatever, as long as you keep your clothes on. Here's the exit, you can see the cafeteria. Everything else you need is in your room. Mine is at the end of the hall if you have questions.'

She headed away from the beach at a quick walk. It was a beach. She'd probably spend a lot of time on it, but it wasn't exactly worth exploring. At least not within the bounds of the Academy itself. The island, she knew from her research into the school, was about ten miles across, with the actual Academy buildings mostly within one square mile up against the Eastern shore. The rest of the island was forested almost to the point of being a jungle, with just two major roads cutting across it. One went all the way to the dock on the Western shore, with a few small administrative buildings clustered around it, the other to the observatory on top of the modest hill in the center of the island.

But neither of those was Sarah's destination today. The observatory would probably make a good destination for her usual Saturday Jog, it was more or less exactly ten miles there and back, through a peaceful forest that was - she had been assured - completely free of predators or indeed non-human animals bigger than a squirrel. Whatever that was. Today, though, she wanted to see the Academy.

There were sixteen tall dorm buildings in four groups of four, each surrounding a cafeteria building and a small convenience store. She would be staying in the same quad for her entire time here, unless she became an RA for incoming Freshmen at some point, or went away on a research trip or something for a semester. For that matter, she'd be staying in the same room unless she specifically requested a change. New Freshmen would go into the dorms vacated by graduating seniors, avoiding ridiculous shuffling about.

The shorter buildings dedicated to each major degree were studded about more-or-less at random, with similar studies and smaller attendant buildings clustered in a casual sort of way. Sarah also had to appreciate the Civil Engineering that had gone into the place. All the utilities were hidden, the paths were broad and unmarred, and there was a pleasing flow to the place. She couldn't even see any lights, which must have taken some doing. Aside from the dorms, every building was unique, but with a unified glass-and-white style. And then of course the location. The planet had almost no axial tilt, so this climate would persist year-around. Storms covered most of the planet, but the latitude and the large continent conspired to give the Academy shelter. There was no tectonic or volcanic activity nearby, and a large atoll further East would even shield them from tidal waves caused elsewhere. It was hard to imagine a better location.

Sarah looked at the people, and it wasn't until she was halfway around campus before she realized what was so odd, though in retrospect it seemed obvious. They were all women. Every one. No men. All college-aged. All in good physical shape. All showing a lot of skin, probably half going about in a bikini and flip-flops. There were a surprising number of couples, holding hands, even one couple kissing in the grass. Sarah blushed and moved on. That might take some getting used to.

Back at the dorm, she pulled out her blue-and-white towel - exactly the same as everyone else's, except for her name stitched into the corner - and went to the showers. None were in use, which was a relief, and after only a brief hesitation she stripped down and stood under the furthest showerhead, and turned it on gently cool after her run.

"Hi Sarah!" She spun in place, then turned back to the wall, blushing furiously.

"Um... hello, April?" She'd gotten an eyeful of her roommate, naked and unabashed. The girl was a good six inches taller than the blonde, but probably didn't weigh a pound more. And Sarah couldn't help but notice that her roommate was completely clean-shaven. Her own nethers were trimmed, but she hadn't actually shaved since she'd broken up with her boyfriend more than half a year ago. The jerk.


Choice A: What happens in the showers?

1.) Cut the hot water completely for Sarah.
2.) Introduce a mild aphrodisiac into her showerhead.
3.) Sometime today there will be a test of the fire alarm. It could happen now.
3a.) And Sarah's towel and clothes could 'go missing'.
3b.) And Sarah's towel and clothes could be sopping wet.
3c.) Some other variation.
4.) Open choice.

Choice B: Any questions?

During Arrival there is plenty of time to ask questions about the school, the island, or the planet. Ask away, and if it's something Sarah might be told I'll work in an answer somehow.

Choice C: Okay, lets get down to business. What do we want to do to Sarah during Arrival?

1.) Tentacles in the jungle.
2.) 'Meet' some interesting sea creatures.
3.) Get her 'involved' with April.
4.) Kidnap her, have some fun off-planet.
5.) Something completely different.

OOC tidbits about the world:

Artemis has a slightly longer year than Earth, and a slightly longer day as well. For timekeeping they just throw in about twenty extra minutes each night, in the manner of Daylight Savings Time. There is no actual Daylight Savings Time despite a latitude that would be inside Earth's arctic circle, because the lack of axial tilt means constant day length at all latitudes as well as no seasons.

With no seasons to speak they aren't too worried about keeping track of the 'actual' year, but the self-imposed 1-at-a-time journey of students through the Arrival Gateway, the limits of power generation required to run their Departure Gateway, and the actual time they wanted to teach without sending students into a nervous breakdown pushed the Artemis Academy 'year' beyond 365 days, at which point they elected to pad things out a little more to give them a little flexibility, and to very nearly match the planet's 406.65-day year. The final total is 58 weeks and 406 days.

  • Moving
    • Departure (6 weeks)
    • Arrival (6 weeks)
  • Primary
    • First (9 weeks)
    • Primary midterms (1 week)
    • Second (9 weeks)
    • Primary finals (1 week)
  • Break
    • Break (6 weeks)
  • Secondary
    • Third (9 weeks)
    • Secondary midterms (1 week)
    • Fourth (9 weeks)
    • Secondary finals (1 week)

Because each 'month' starts on a Monday, nomenclature like "Third Thursday of Second" is more common than "18th of Second". Staff believes it helps students more intuitively understand where they are in the semester.
Re: Artemis Academy

A.) 4 (April joins/asks to join Sarah in the shower)
B.) n/a
C.) 3
Re: Artemis Academy

A: 3a, humiliation ftw.
B: What do they do for fun here besides lesbosmut and fanservice-related activities on the beach? Also, they don't actually remember what happens during that Arrival smut, do they?
C: 3, assisted by some variety of 1
Dem calender tidbits.
Re: Artemis Academy

B. Is there anyform Of 'sercurity' force on planet?
Re: Artemis Academy

Also, they don't actually remember what happens during that Arrival smut, do they?

Just a clarification here, since "do I remember this" isn't going to fit in-character. They do remember, but as far as they're concerned it was a perfectly normal and not-televised-at-all physical, which included a gynecological portion, and a breast exam. Followed by a somewhat bizarre ritual/tradition where they go through a gateway naked. A total of two people see them naked.

And I'm probably exaggerating how much nudity is really required for the exam (especially given that this is the modestly-distant future), but that's the nature of the smut. The gateway-related confusion may blur things somewhat, but not enough that they've forgotten what happened.

There are cameras watching all this, and a bunch of shadow figures watching the feed from those cameras, but the students, nurses, and Academy-femaleness-verifier are all unaware of this.

I'll address the "what do we do for fun" bit among other questions in the next post (especially since that's a pretty common subject during university orientation). The beach is just something nobody is going to miss noticing immediately, in addition to its smut/fanservice potential.


Also, I decided to track a second stat: people who have voted for/on a particular character. Proposing a character or voting on them will give you points towards that particular character. Whoever has the most points at the point when the character is 'retired' is retroactively declared the person who bid on them to be one of the selected 'subjects', and gets to decide their final fate, including at least one post-retirement scene. I'll track this stat silently, and award bonus points for winning suggestions, and ones I especially like.

Edit edit:

Dem calender tidbits.

I hate the real-world calendar.
"September" -> "Sept" -> "Seven" -> 9th month
"October" -> "Oct" -> "Eight" -> 10th month
"November" -> "Nov" -> "Nine" -> 11th month
"December" -> "Dec" -> "Ten" -> 12th month
30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+30 = 365
30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31 = 366
We could have only 30 and 31 day month lengths, with one 30 switching to 31 on leap years. Damn romans. Also stupid earth, not having a number of days evenly divisible into both weeks and months.

Edit edit edit:

Further clarification: Sarah will remember things that happen to her, generally. If they're arranged such that she can explain them away as a dream or similar, she'll probably do so and her Exposure rating will rise less. If there's no choice but to accept it as real, she'll be in danger of getting an early retirement.
Last edited:
Re: Artemis Academy

I hate the real-world calendar.
"September" -> "Sept" -> "Seven" -> 9th month
"October" -> "Oct" -> "Eight" -> 10th month
"November" -> "Nov" -> "Nine" -> 11th month
"December" -> "Dec" -> "Ten" -> 12th month
30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+30 = 365
30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31+30+31 = 366
We could have only 30 and 31 day month lengths, with one 30 switching to 31 on leap years. Damn romans. Also stupid earth, not having a number of days evenly divisible into both weeks and months.

Incoming useless information, brace for impact:

The Roman calendar didn't always have 12 months. July and August were added after the fact, meaning September and onward would have originally been where one would expect.
Re: Artemis Academy

Part A: a close vote. There is a tie between "April asks to join Sarah in the shower" and "fire alarm goes off, Sarah's towel/clothes are gone". I should note at this point that while the powers of the shadowy figures are vast and perverted, they don't include mind control. If a suggestion goes too much against the existing character, it'll be veto'd.

Part C: "Get April and Sarah 'together'" wins easily.

== Sarah ==

"Mind if I join you?~" Sarah could practically feel her roommate standing behind her.

"What!? I'm... I'm not..." The gears in her head spun quickly. "Oh, you mean... yea, I mean, I guess I'll have to get used to it, once the dorm starts filling up." Her blush faded and she let out a sigh of relief as she realized what April meant.

"Huh? No, I didn't mean -" whatever April had been going to say was cut off by the sudden wailing of an alarm. "Oh, naturally it happens now! Come on, we better get out or we'll get in trouble."

The tall brunette walked quickly out of the showers, pulled her towel off a hook, held it around herself with one hand, grabbed her bikini with the other, and stepped into her flip-flops as she exited into the hallway.

Sarah followed behind, ignoring the deliberate sway to her roommate's hips. She looked around the little room where she had left her towel and her clothes. It was empty. She'd watched April walk away, and the other girl certainly hadn't been carrying anything extra. In the hallway, there was the sound of a door shutting, and the last of the hurrying feet stopped. The alarm still blared, now with an added voice. "Please exit the building calmly but quickly, for your own safety."

The blonde freshman tried the door to her dorm. It was locked. The voice spoke again. "Please exit the building immediately, for your own safety." Sarah let out a frustrated scream. "I need my clothes!"

"Please exit the building immediately, for your own safety, or you will be subjected to harsh disciplinary action."

She stumbled out the door into the back of a crowd of students huddled around a slightly older woman, struggling to cover her plentiful breasts with one hand, and her pussy with the other. "You will be allowed back inside five minutes after the last student makes it out. Ah. I see." The older woman had seen Sarah, and the entire crowd of students turned to see what she was looking at. "Um... does anyone have something for this young lady to put on...?"

There were several giggles, and Sarah turned bright red as she continued trying to cover herself as best she could, but nobody seemed to have brought an extra set of clothes. And while half the group was staring at her and the other half was ignoring her, nobody would meet her eyes. Except April. Sarah's roommate pulled off her towel, walked in front of the group without so much as trying to hide her perky breasts or cleanly-shaven pussy, and handed Sarah the towel.

Sarah pulled it around herself gratefully, and shuffled into the group. A few moments later April had pulled on her bikini, and stood next to the towel-clad blonde, squeezing the hand that wasn't tightly holding the towel in place. "Thank you." Sarah whispered gratefully.

"Hey, what are roomies for?"

The slightly older woman cleared her throat. "Now that that's, um, dealt with... Well, while we're all here. I'm your RD, your Residence Hall Director. I live on the first floor of the building, behind the lobby, and if there's any questions or problems that your RAs can't help you with, feel free to come to me. This is our first fire drill, we'll have another one near the start of the second semester, and possibly one or more randomly throughout the year. Now, we've still got another couple minutes out here: any questions?"

A shorter blonde woman wearing the school uniform - one of the ones who had looked away from the whole spectacle - spoke up. "What sort of clubs and extracurricular activities does Artemis Academy offer?"

The RD smiled, and spoke quickly. "Artemis academy offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities. We of course wish you to focus on your studies, but everyone needs a break once in a while and we are happy to offer you a wide variety of diversions when they are needed. The beach is open 24/7, with clean, warm water and absolutely free from predators and other natural dangers. We have facilities for just about any sport you can think of - indoor and outdoor volleyball, soccer, field hockey, tennis, racquetball... dozens more. Even a rock-climbing wall. You can check out equipment free of charge in the lobby of the Sports building, or they can direct you to any of the other facilities. There are also a variety of teams and clubs that you can join during the Fair the week before classes start, from Chess Club to a competitive fencing club."

Another student spoke up when it was clear that the speech was over. "We're outside the UPA, right? So... who are the police? Or, like, what would you do if someone broke the law?"

This one seemed to require more thought from the RD. "Yes. Artemis Academy is outside of UPA authority, an independent system. Technically speaking there are no laws. There is the Code of Conduct, which includes provisions that students should follow UPA law where possible, and expect punishment similar or proportional to what they would have received on any UPA planet. There are no police officers as such, but part of the Academy staff is a small security force. At need they can be issued tools to deal with any situation up to an including a full-scale riot."

She pursed her lips. "I should make it clear that this has never really been an issue. Mostly the security force has to break up a few fist fights around Finals time. There have only been two murders in the more than twenty years the Academy has been open. Not bad, for a population of nearly 50,000. Perhaps it's because we left the men behind." The RD smiled. The alarm stopped, and then a bell sounded, just once. "Ah, and the drill is over. I'll be happy to answer any more questions, but you'll all free to go now."

== Sarah ==

"No, you're right. You don't strike me as the type to accidentally walk to the shower naked." The towel was draped over her chair, and her uniform was in a heap at the foot of her bed. "I might have kinda left the door to our room open, though. Anyone could have walked by and grabbed your stuff. Maybe someone's idea of a prank?"

Sarah had her own thoughts about who the most likely prankster would be, but was grateful enough to have gotten the towel when she really needed it that she wasn't going to mention it. "I guess. Not sure how they could have known the fire drill would be then, but I guess just watching me run back to my room would have been enough? Thanks again for saving me out there, by the way."

"Hmm. Grateful enough to buy me dinner?" April smiled.

"Our meals are all free. Well, already paid for."

"So that's a yes, then?"

Sarah glared at her roommate, trying to figure out what the trick was. "I guess?"

"Great, it's a date, then!" she walked out of the room before Sarah could argue.

Well. She supposed it was, at that. It was going to be a long four years without men, and... Sarah couldn't help remembering glancing over her shoulder in the shower. Sure, it had been mortifying, but April was... kinda cute. In a girly sort of way.


Sarah and April are now dating! Sorta! And now... how to proceed.

1.) Lace Sarah's food with an aphrodisiac.
2.) Lace April's food with an aphrodisiac.
3.) Make Sarah dream about April.
4.) Leave their relationship alone for now, and:
4a.) Tentacles, jungle.
4b.) Sea-creatures, 'meet'.

OCC tidbit about the world:

There is exactly one way on and off Artemis: the Gateways. The Arrival Gateway comes from a major hub on earth. It has effectively unlimited bandwidth, but Artemis Academy voluntarily throttles it by only sending one person through at a time, and with enough time in-between so that they don't have to see one another naked. It takes around 4 weeks for all the students to arrive, and at least another week for faculty and supplies. Then the Arrival gateway is shut down for most of the year.

The Departure Gateway has to draw on Academy-side power, and so while up to four or five people can depart at a time, it requires time to recharge between trips. A month is usually sufficient for departing graduates and staff, but even in an emergency situation it would take more than two months to fully evacuate.

Spaceflight is technically possible - there are no rockets, but the machinery and materials required to make them are available, as are the plans - but there are no other inhabitable planets or moons in the system, and no inhabited planets for more than a hundred lightyears in any direction.

The small asteroid sitting at L1, and the considerably-more-advanced Gateway in said asteroid are completely unknown to very nearly everyone on Artemis.
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Re: Artemis Academy

3 as well.
Re: Artemis Academy

And the winner is... make Sarah dream about April.

== Sarah ==

Sarah settled into bed, somehow still off-balance even as she closed her eyes. The dinner had started off awkward, with April flirting for all she was worth. But after a few unsuccessful passes, she'd stopped, and they'd started talking. For hours. She felt like she knew April's life story, and wasn't sure if there was anything of her own history she hadn't eventually admitted to. Including the fact that she'd only ever dated boys, which didn't seem to bother April. She'd gotten up feeling like she understood what was going on, and that they were just friends now. And then April had surprised her with a kiss just before bed. Which, before Sarah had pulled away, had been... surprisingly nice. She could still faintly taste strawberries.

== ??? ==

"As you know" the man on the stage said "we won't directly control our subjects. Ruins the authenticity. But dreams... we're free to add things to them, within the rules, and we can even watch how the person responds, inside their own head. No expenses spared! And perhaps we can even nudge things in the right direction, with a mild aphrodisiac. What do you say?"

To absolutely nobody's surprise, the motion passed.

== Sarah's Dreams ==

Sarah worked her fingers into her patient's muscles with practiced skill, feeling them loosen by the second. There was a lot to work out. Her boyfriend had been a real jerk, but she had still missed him when she went... whereever she had gone. She shook her head. It didn't matter. They were together again. He'd promised not to sleep with her best friend anymore, and set up this secluded glen floored with flower petals to apologize for taking her virginity and then starting the affair the very next day. And he'd done it so romantically that she'd forgiven him, and now she was just working the last of his pain and badness out, and she was practically tingling with need for what would come next.

The dreaming blonde lowered her head down next to her patient's, closed her eyes, and pursed her lips. The kiss was perfect, hungry but not demanding, and she lowered her next to the one she'd been massaging, pulling off her loose dress with one hand. The lips pressed against hers tasted of... strawberries.

She blinked her eyes open, and found herself face to face with April. Only this time she didn't pull herself away. Skilled hands ran down her body, cradling her generous tits on their way to the slit between her legs, which was already dripping wet. April's fingers explored, gently teasing Sarah's lower lips apart, running up and down before dipping gently in.

The hand came back up, and April stopped the kiss long enough to sensuously lick her fingers clean before putting them back to work. Sarah felt... slightly confused, but extremely aroused. It was hardly a question of who, she needed attention and April was there to give it to her. The other girl found Sarah's clit, and things really started heating up. Two fingers slipped up her well-lubricated snatch, and started pressing rhythmically against her inner folds, moving around, searching. Sarah let out a passionate moan as they found what April had been looking for.

Now April rolled on top, and pressed her own hot snatch onto Sarah's leg, rubbing it up and down, moaning and leaving a cool trail of dampness. Her fingers continued their amazing work with one hand, while the other guided one of Sarah's breasts into her mouth.

The blonde quickly found herself arching her back in pleasure, screaming out her second orgasm. And then April moved her head down between Sarah's legs, which confused her. But only for a second.

== Sarah ==

The blonde freshman woke with a low moan, and found one hand in her panties. Fingers and panties both were slick with girl-cum. She surreptitiously wiped her fingers clean, and looked guiltily over at April's bed. The other woman wasn't there. Maybe she'd left before- "Ah, you're awake now. Pleasant dreams?~"

She looked around the room, half in a panic. April was sitting at her desk, smiling at her. Sarah pulled herself out of bed, pulled a fresh uniform on, and started out the door. "I'm... um... going jogging." That would be the perfect thing to clear her mind, and convince herself that April hadn't noticed how... vivid... her dream had been.

"Oh? I've always liked jogging in the morning as well. You're going in your uniform? Sure you wouldn't rather change?" Sarah realized with mild horror that her roommate wasn't wearing her uniform. She was wearing a sports bra, tight shorts, and running shoes, with her hair up in a ponytail.

Voting: that went about as well as could be hoped for. Now... the new couple are going jogging. What do they find?

1.) A secluded glade that looks suspiciously like the one from the dream.
2.) A stream with a nice deep pool.
3.) Tentacles:
3a.) Sarah only
3b.) Both
4.) 'Interesting' sea life:
4a.) Sarah only
4b.) Both
5.) Something else?

Note: "both" getting molested is going to increase exposure much more quickly than just Sarah.

OCC tidbit:

The weather on Artemis is almost uniformly terrible.

The world is about 90% water, and the only single mass of note is the continent to the West of the Academy, though there are a few other island chains, mostly volcanic, and large swaths of the planet are littered with occasional islands in shallow seas. The planet is also hotter than earth. Surface temperatures of upwards of 120 are the norm near the equator, and 150 isn't unheard of. Over water.

The combination of water and heat gives Artemis storms. Multiple hurricanes huge beyond belief are almost constantly running amuck in the tropics, and even the poles are no strangers to the massive storms. As on earth, though, convection tends to give rise to "bands" with prevailing winds. And two of these bands, one in the north and one in the south are fairly calm, with conditions that tend to thrust the big storms North or South of them.

The academy lies in one such band, and the continent to the West gives it additional protection, amplified by the large mountain range that runs across it. As such, and completely unlike 99% of the surface of Artemis, cloudy days are unusual at the Academy. Rain isn't uncommon, usually as a brief downpour in the afternoon, with occasional week-long storms as the tail of a broken mega-hurricane makes it over the mountains. Once in a great while, unusual wind directions will let an unbroken hurricane touch the island, but this is fortunately extremely rare, and the Academy was designed with the possibility in mind.

On the whole, the Academy and almost half the Continent are fairly safe. Going anywhere else on the planet, though, should include planning for hurricanes the likes of which have never been seen on earth.