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Artemis Academy

Re: Artemis Academy

Come on, you know I'm going to pick 1.
Re: Artemis Academy

Flora it is.

Alesha bent down and spread another patch of grass apart, looking for anything new. There had been... a surprising amount. On the surface, the planet seemed pretty much exactly like earth. But the closer you looked, the more different it got. This was, as she understood it, one of the implications of the terraforming program.

Take the ant she saw scurrying away now. It was close to an earth ant, but the mouthparts were different. And it was too big. Not just "bigger" than an earth ant, but actually too big. So big that the specimen she'd recovered a few minutes ago had had one leg broken in half, and stress fractures in all seven others. Half the colony must, she thought, be lost to simply being crushed by their own weight. On earth, such a species would be extinct in a generation. On Artemis...

One had to understand that the ant didn't compete with the bird that ate it. In a competition, one side eventually wins, and the other loses. And if the bird won, its food source would go extinct, and the bird would quickly follow. No, the ant competed with other species and individuals that were after the same food source. Other ants, in other words. And on Artemis, there had been only one species of ants not that long ago. They had been undergoing accelerated mutation from the terraforming program, and while most of the mutations would have been negative... they had been expanding into empty territory. No competition.

Eventually, some other sub-species of the original Artemis ant would reach this part of the continent, one that wasn't so terrible at being an ant. It would wipe this sorry excuse for a species out practically overnight. That would have an effect on the ecosystem as a whole, but part of the terraforming program ensured that the ants didn't reach too far out of their own niche, specifically to limit the impact of one subspecies replacing another.

There was nothing new in the clump of grass, which was... well, not exactly unusual halfway through the day, but not something that happened so frequently that it wasn't disappointing. Doctor Head had been right. Cataloging the entire planet was a task that the entire Academy could do for a decade and still barely scratch the surface.

She shook her head. Enough clumps of grass. Enough insect samples. The other thing she was supposed to be after was flowers. That had sounded kind of lame... but as she had walked away from the camp - careful to keep in sight of the river - she had realized the point. There hadn't been any flowers. Which wasn't right. There were bees on Artemis, though their sting had been modified to not be dangerous to humans, and they seemed to be doing fine. Alesha had even seen a few already, though she hadn't caught one yet. So there had to be flowers somewhere, right?

She continued on, and decided on a whim to climb a small hill. It was further from the river, but the height would let her see it, and to scope out any color that happened to be nearby as well. As she did, she found her thoughts turning to Sally. The other student was certainly pretty enough, and had hardly laughed at all when she learned that Alesha had only brought uniforms. Apparently she hadn't been the first to make that mistake, which was a relief. Still, she wasn't quite sure where to go from there. She'd never been good at talking to other girls, and that was without even considering that Sally was two years above her. And could already be involved with someone. Or straight, though that seemed to be about as rare here as the opposite had been back home.

She adjusted her shirt, uncomfortably warm all of the sudden, as she approached the top of the hill. She looked back, barely able to make out the camp site. Sally and the Professor had gone off in different directions, and there was no sign of either at all. Alesha adjusted her skirt, and panties. I shouldn't have though about Sally...

Alesha sat down in the tall grass. Nobody was about. Sally and Doctor Head were miles away, and moving further. And then there probably wasn't anyone for a dozen miles in any direction. She was alone. For the first time since stepping through the Gateway to Artemis, really. And... this clearly wasn't a problem she was going to solve by loosening her shirt.

One hand dipped into her panties, as she tried to picture Sally without her shirt on. The rubbing started. She let out a gasp, surprised at how strongly she was responding. It wasn't usually so easy, back home. She stopped for just long enough to pull down skirt and panties both to her ankles.

It must, she considered, be that somehow even the locked door of her own room wasn't as much a guarantee of privacy as the pure, empty wilderness, with miles-long sightlines. Or maybe just that it had been weeks since she'd been able to do that. It had hardly taken a minute to finish, and she had to work to convince herself not to have another go. But no, she had work to do.

Alesha reached the top of the hill, and realized that her nipples were at attention again, and that she was imagining what Doctor Head might look like naked. She was breathing too heavily. Had to think about something else. She looked down the hill... and saw her first flower of the trip. And it was a doozy.

The flower was bigger than her. Hell, the petals were twice as long as she was tall. It was a pale pink and low to the ground, and... the color made it hard to tell, but there didn't seem to be another in sight. She approached it. The smell was... she was close enough to touch before she realized where she recognized the smell. Alesha guiltily sniffed her fingers, then blushed. Yea.

Maybe that explained the intrusive thoughts, and the fact that even now she felt an uncomfortable dampness between her legs. Well, that plus the other factors. She tried to focus on the flower. Obviously too big to bring an entire flower as a sample, but she could take a piece. The petals proved surprisingly tough, but she managed to sever a small piece of the tip of one. And a piece of the vine-like greenery under it. The root system would be impossible, the petals were too heavy to lift, oddly fleshy. Another example of the terrible optimization of some of the stuff on Artemis, the whole flower seemed like a huge waste, considering the tiny amounts of pollen that bees would lift.

There was one piece left to collect. Alesha carefully climbed up on top of the petals, on her hands and knees, and approached the stamen in the center. Some liquid flowed down it, and she took a small sample. The stamen was two feet tall, ribbed, and as thick as... Alesha blushed again, and reached out to take a sample.

What happens next?

1.) A much more intense aphrodisiac.
2.) The petals close.
3.) Nothing.
4.) Something else.

If applicable:

A.) It lasts a couple of minutes.
B.) It lasts a couple of hours.
C.) It lasts a full day or more.
Re: Artemis Academy

1, obviously.

Re: Artemis Academy

1,A Between half an hour to just under an hour.
Re: Artemis Academy

The aphrodisiac it is, and for several hours

Well, what its appearance is based on, anyway. A vote for 2 would have resulted in a... different mode of attack. Of course, no reason it can't do the other one some other time...

== Alesha ==

Alesha touched the tip of her collection knife to the stamen... and fell backwards, sputtering and wiping the pale blue goo from her eyes. She shuddered and let out a gasp. Her legs spread almost automatically, and her hands were back at work before she realized what had happened. It felt like she was thinking through a haze. She slipped her pinky finger gently through the folds, and the world seemed to come back into focus for a second. She did it again.

She'd never been so horny in her life. There was something she was supposed to be doing, she was sure, but masturbating was... not exactly more important, but more like required to do anything else. She felt herself orgasm, and thought stopped for a few seconds. The black-haired student was panting. She pulled off her skirt, her shirt, and her bra, trembling, and stood fingering herself as she looked at the plant. She was supposed to do something with it.

She approached it again, and felt herself getting hotter. Touching herself wasn't enough. She needed... something else. Something to cool the burning heat between her legs. Before the pink mist overwhelmed her again, she took another step forward and bent her knees. Genius! The stamen of the plant was just the right size, and Alesha congratulated herself on thinking of a way to satiate herself before she collapsed into masturbation again.

She lowered herself until the plant's phallic stem was brushing her dripping lips and paused for nearly half a second before continuing. She'd used her pinky before because she wasn't used to insertions. But it didn't matter. It might hurt, but not as much as failing to do this would. Her knees bent further and she let out a yelp of pain as the stamen went six inches into her. It had hurt, but the blue goo that was still dripping out of the stem seemed to cool her pussy enough that she didn't care. She raised herself up, and repeated the motion, only a little harder.

It felt so good! The only flaw, a small part of her brain pointed out, was the blue goo that was coating her insides and dripping down her thighs. It was probably that making her even hornier. She orgasmed, and came back to reality with her ass nearly touching the ground, the stamen as far in as it would go. Oh god, what am I doing!?

Alesha bolted upright and looked down in horror. And got another face-full of goo, this time with her mouth hanging open. Her hand went to her throbbing cunt, but it wouldn't be enough. Fortunately, there was a nicely shaped stem just below her. She lowered herself, while bringing a handful of the goo from her thigh to her mouth. The pink fog came back, harder.

== Alesha ==

Alesha woke up with a moan. There was something sticky and sweet in her mouth. A hand slipped between her legs instinctively, her first two fingers slipping between her lower lips. She let out a yelp, and sat bolt upright.

The huge flower wasn't ten feet away. She backed away without getting up, and collapsed panting twenty feet back. She took stock of herself. Completely naked. Odd blue goo over most of her body, completely coating her thighs, heavy over her breasts, and from the feel of it all over her face as well. Hornier than she had ever been, at least before today. Even as the thought occurred, a hand slipped between her legs again, and again the pain stopped her from actually masturbating on the spot.

She got to her feet, and nearly collapsed. Her thighs and butt hurt even worse than her abused pussy. She had to... had to get back to the camp. Tell the Doctor. Of course, there was the fact that she was buck naked. She could see her clothes a few feet from the flower, her pack a little further away. The knife lay on one of the petals.

The pack she could get. The clothes... she'd have to risk it. But the knife was as good as gone. Even now she wasn't sure she trusted herself to get so close to the stamen again.

A minute later she sat on the top of the little hill, rubbing her clit and trying not to think about it. She felt herself orgasm, and practically collapsed again. Alesha looked at her stuff. The pack was fine. The clothes were... well, a bit gooey where she'd picked them up and held them against her chest as she ran away. And her panties were missing. She didn't remember taking them off, but obviously she had at some point, and she wasn't going to stick around to find them.

It was also probably a good idea to get rid of the blue stuff as quickly as she could. A sample went into a sample jar, and she slipped into the river long enough to rinse it off. The black-haired student sat on a rock. She was, she realized, no longer a virgin. Or, well, in the physical sense. She'd never used a dildo, or even really put her fingers all the way in. But that plant's stamen had touched her cervix. Fuck. She laid back, hoping to dry off a bit and finish calming down at the same time. And felt a shadow fall across her.

Alesha sat back up, and looked around. No, not a shadow. Not a cloud, not a person, not an animal. It was the sun reaching the horizon. It wasn't down yet, but it would be in a minute or less. That meant... it had been early afternoon when she found the flower! She was supposed to be back at the camp by sundown...

The florally-scented student got back to her feet and pulled what was left of her uniform on over her dripping-wet body, then started back towards the camp, wondering how the hell she was going to tell the Doctor about this.


1, how does the plant reproduce:
a.) The same animal has to fuck two different flowers, transferring pollen from one to the other inside them.
b.) The same animal has to fuck two different flowers, one giving it seeds, the other pollinating those seeds.
c.) It is pollinated in the normal way, and plants its seeds in whatever animal fucks it.
d.) The fucking is entirely unrelated to reproduction.

2, the providence of the species:
a.) The flower Alesha found was the only one, and it's gone by midnight.
b.) The flower Alesha found was the only one, but it's still there the next day.
c.) The flower is a rare species found in these plains.
d.) The flower is a fairly common species found in these plains.
e.) The flower is a rare species, but could be found almost anywhere on the planet.
f.) Other

OOC tidbit:

The year is 328. Obviously that doesn't mean this takes place ~1700 years in the past, but rather that it's been 328 years since the event on which the current calendar is based. Which, in this case, is the same one that required a new calendar in the first place.

328 years ago was the end of the last great war. It wasn't fought with bombs - well, mostly not with bombs - but instead (almost) entirely by computer. And it was... much more thorough then previous such wars had been. A lot of information was lost. An almost incomprehensible amount. Every networked computer was completely wiped in the early years. No individual unaffected computer was ever found, after the war's end. And that included the ones that most people had in their heads by that point. Physical strikes focused on physical records.

There are ways of dating things aside from computers, of course, but they all rely on having some known date. After somewhere between 10 and 200 years of war, there wasn't one.

Today historians are *fairly* sure that the date under the old calendar would be somewhere around 3870, but there are still disagreements about the exact date.
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Re: Artemis Academy

1.) C
2.) C
Re: Artemis Academy

C,C. I'm guessing if it were common enough the other 2 women might find them.
Re: Artemis Academy

The Seeding is unanimous. Perhaps unsurprisingly, details of location are less clear.

== Alesha ==

By the time she made it back to the camp, Alesha was dry. It was also fully night, and for a while she had to slow down. Then the sky filled with sheets of eerie green light, and while it was still nowhere near as bright as day, Alesha could at least see where she was going.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, off towards the mountains, as the freshman practically collapsed. "Ah, Alesha. Good. I was worried I'd have to go looking for you. What do you have for me?"

Alesha had had time, on her way back, to consider how she was going to tell the Doctor what had happened. It would not, she decided, include the part where she was so overcome by the aphrodisiac that she broke her maidenhead on a plant. Faced with the woman in the flesh, the story shrunk even further. By the time she had stopped, counted to ten, and started speaking, Alesha had noticed the scent making her aroused, gotten some blue goo sprayed on her, fled, and had to lie down for a while before she felt able to continue.

"Ah." The doctor looked nonplussed, and it was a few seconds before she continued. "Well that's certainly... a new one."

== Alesha ==

The next day, Sally set out on her own again - with strict orders to avoid any flowers like the one Alesha had described. The Doctor followed her newest charge back up the river, until they found the hill. Alesha half expected the flower to be gone, but it was clear even before they reached the crest that this was not the case.

The masks Doctor Head had found took the edge off, but Alesha could nevertheless feel her nipples hardening, and by the time they were in front of the plant itself she was fighting the urge to lose a second pair of panties. The Doctor started to step up onto the flower... and apparently decided better of it. She gestured to Alesha to head back towards the river, and the black-haired student was only too glad to do so.

"Well, I wasn't sure I believed... how intense that effect was." Doctor Head was visibly flustered, pacing and wringing her hands. "Certainly something that I'm sure someone will find very interesting."

She stopped for a moment, and Alesha could practically see the older woman's hands creeping towards her belt buckle. She made herself stop rubbing her legs together, as she became aware of the growing wet spot in her panties. The Doctor spoke suddenly. "I wonder if it works on men..."

The arousal was obvious. Alesha wasn't sure how she felt about the teacher - she'd only known her for a few days, and only seen her for a few hours - but with the aphrodisiac still in her own veins, she knew that if Doctor Head offered... right now... she'd accept. It was an oddly giddy feeling, and she pulled one finger away from prodding at her panties just before the Biologist spun around. "Come on, a walk will do us good."

About a mile later they stopped, the Doctor's arousal apparently being gone. Alesha was painfully aware that hers wasn't. Not completely. In fact, it hadn't completely faded since... the incident. She bit her lip. The Doctor noticed. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

The raven-haired student stared at the ground, shifting uncomfortably. Finally, she responded. "No, that's all. Well, maybe I am kinda hungry."

The granola bar hit her on the top of the head, and she unwrapped it as Doctor Head started walking away. "Glad to hear it. You keep going along the river, then, and I'll head North. We'll meet at sunset again, and... try not to go near anything bigger than you, yes?"

So... Alesha's got some seeds. Lets get a little more detail.

a.) The host is solely to move the seeds around. They'll come out shortly, the same size as when they went in.
b.) They start growing in the host. They'll swell up a little before they come out, in a week or two.
c.) They milk the host for all she's worth. It will be months before they are delivered, and the host will be obviously pregnant for most of that time.
d.) Other

Note: C is a perfectly valid option. But it will mean that the end is Nigh for Alesha. She will 'vanish', and a plausible accident will be all her friends and family ever get. This will happen before she reveals that the plant impregnated her, so that the population as a whole remains ignorant of what is going on.

I should note that characters will be retired eventually. That's why there are to be a total of ten Freshmen picked out. With 9 more, losing one really isn't that important.

I won't generally give this warning, but since this is the first time it really applies...

OOC tidbit.

Sally and Jeff were asked, by their teacher, to identify which was correct in a given sentence, 'had', or 'had had':

Sally while Jeff had had had had had had had had had had had the teacher's approval

(The importance of punctuation. Because "had had" came up too many times in writing this, and the rest of you deserve this semantic satiation as well.)

Sally, while Jeff had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had the teacher's approval.
Re: Artemis Academy

A but they cause her to a bit hornier until they leave.