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RPG [猫ひげラジオ] プリンセスサクリファイス~供犠姫フィーナの冒険~ / Princess Sacrifice (RJ124341)

Re: Princess Sacrifice

The last two are a bit of a pain to translate. The first one, 加 is to inflict, and gives you mana when you deal damage, no? And 被 is to suffer and give you mana when you take damage.

The English words for this concept are "Sadism" (you get sexual pleasure by torturing others). And "Masochism" (you get sexual pleasure when you are abused by others).

I don't speak a lick of Japanese, but that's how I translated it in my mind while playing the game :) (yeah, I figured out what the values did by trial / error. Lol)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

I'll try and fit them in if I can, but I'll need to shorten them to three letters or less. (I'll figure it out...eventually...)

Oh, I'm almost done with "File 015: C84". I just need this translated:


It's describing the classes, but I never got a hang of the game's classes, so I'm not sure how to translate it without giving the wrong info.
(I'm a filthy cheat, so I never understood it)

Using Google Translate and others, I think this is a rough translation:

"When the class changes, the growth rate of each ability value at the time of leveling up changes; a little bonus attaches to the current value."

The first part means that, when leveling up, the ability values that increase depend on what the current class is.
When you level up, you may or may not increase in max HP, max MP, Strength, etc. Whether you do and by how much depends on your current class. (I think it also depends on which level you increase to.)

The second part means that when you change class, your current ability values change.
If you change classes from Traveler [旅人] to Priestess [女司祭], your max HP decreases and your max MP increases, among other changes.

I think the changes of the current values in the second part is what is described by the letter rankings.
Traveler: HP - B, MP - D
Priestess: HP - C, MP - B
Re: Princess Sacrifice

I really hate to be THAT guy who has to ask question after question, but...I have another question.

Basically the stat overview of the classes. I've already got "HP, MP, ATK, DEF, INT, WILL", but those last four in the quote has me lost.

In this context it means Agility ('speed'), Dexterity ('use of tools'), Sadism ('to add [pain]'), Masochism ('to receive')
Re: Princess Sacrifice

I found the enemy names (I checked in-game to be sure, but only some show up in English, so...yeeeeaaahhhh) and I somehow messed up. Image of enemy and names don't match up! I had a large squid appear and it was called a "Bandit" or a "Blue Slime"!

File 017: D34
Info: Feena's sudden encounter with enemies and enemy names.

This file is gonna be a pain - I may need to experiment it a little more.
Also, I had to translate the whole file TWICE because I thought the fault was due to Notepad++ screwing up, but NOPE. Turns out, it was me all along. And now, I have to translate the file again for the THIRD TIME.
I'm going to start with the Large Rat first, since it's the first/second enemy in the game.
This is soooo gruelling. (Especially the repetition)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

This file is gonna be a pain - I may need to experiment it a little more.
Also, I had to translate the whole file TWICE because I thought the fault was due to Notepad++ screwing up, but NOPE. Turns out, it was me all along. And now, I have to translate the file again for the THIRD TIME.
I'm going to start with the Large Rat first, since it's the first/second enemy in the game.
This is soooo gruelling. (Especially the repetition)[/QUOTE]

all your grueling work will be very much appreciated.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

who know condition unlock any class?
and how i can kill extra boss dragon?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Just got done testing the names aaaaaand.........nothing. There was zero change. The Japanese name of an enemy (コウモリの群れ / Flock of Bats) did not appear in English.
In other words, I'm moving onto the next file. (Because lingering is baaaaaad)

I am disappointed by this. And here I thought I found the perfect file to translate! (I may come back to this...whenever possible)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

how can i seduce lord wellston?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

So many files and data, yet I still haven't found the location of town/city names!

Aside from that, I found the file for the bar where Feena can dance to an audience. The dialogue list is relatively short, so does anyone wanna tackle this while I translate the first village or should I?

Any raise of hands?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

I didn't notice the previous translater left a note. Apperently, the reason why changing the names of, say, enemy and equipment names in a single file, aren't working is because I have to change ALL of them. In ALL the files they are in.

This makes the game so much harder to translate than it looks!
Re: Princess Sacrifice

OK, lord knows I shouldn't be volunteering my services for any other projects, but what tools are you using to translate the game? It may be possible for me to cludge it into RPGMaker Trans, which would nicely solve this "I can't find all instances of a string" problem. As well as enabling you to use nice non-crashing editors and easier collaboration and stuff. (Note: this isn't me saying I'll do something, just me saying maybe I'll look at doing something!)
Re: Princess Sacrifice

OK, lord knows I shouldn't be volunteering my services for any other projects, but what tools are you using to translate the game?

Tool to access the files = LiveMaker 3, NotePad++
Tool to translate = Google Translate, IMTranslator
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Hmm. Looks fairly straightforward actually. I'll see if I can get something rigged up at the weekend, although no promises.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

To be fair, the only parts I need help with are cryptic text. The rest, dialogue and descriptions, I can figure out given time and context.

Speaking of cryptic text, I recall the church and a stone monument have them as well. I hope I can still receive co-operation from habisain and everyone here as soon as I find them.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

Oh, I think you misunderstood what I was offering. I'm offering to cludge support for editing the game into RPGMaker Trans, which would handle the finding of text easily. This would make it so that you could translate the distributed elements (i.e. enemy/equipment names and anything else that is in multiple files) very easily.

Of course I'm willing to help out with cryptic translations where appropriate as well, but that's not quite what I meant.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

If you got RPGtrans working with this it would be a huge boon Habisain.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

Well first I need to fix some current bugs, but I'll see what I can do this weekend.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

............I am so stupid. >.<
It never occurred to me that I can use the Tool Set to open all the converted files at the same time and use "Search" to find results under their names such as the name of enemies or weapons like "Longsword".
Welp, that's what I did and now I can translate the enemy names into English without the game bugging out. (Tested on 'Flock of Bats')

File 124: 146E

Seems to have majority of names, both enemy and other stuff. I'll need to comb it bit-by-bit as I go.

EDIT: I'm sorry I realised this so late, habisain. I feel like your efforts in trying to use RPGMaker Trans to help has been a waste. I'm really sorry.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice

Oh, boy. Ever since I started using the "Search" function, I completely lost track as to what I've been translating. I know it's now the story, but it's mostly about menus and battle text.
Untitled4 (2).jpg
I ended up messing around and named the Dark Lord after that one boss from Dark Souls. (I'm gonna change this back, no worries)
Definitely gonna upload a RAR/ZIP file here soon. I accidently broke one of the files before I fixed it. I'm getting very scared about this.