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Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel scowls beneath his hair as the key is snatched out of his hand, rather rudely, the Reaper stepping out of the cell and squatting down to rifle the body of the man he killed. "Gotta have something of value on him. Maybe a new name for me." he says to no-one in particular, his hands darting into pockets and checking for hidden folds on the man whose life he had personally ended.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Something might catch Mekel's eye... The choked guard had a note tucked into his belt. Otherwise, there didn't seem to be much beyond the club and leather armor, which appeared to be some sort of uniform.

If read, it would turn out to be a rough map of the prison. Four places were marked on it. One was the armory. Another was marked "Sargent's Game Room". The third was marked "Refuse Disposal". The final one seemed to be one of the other cells. It was marked with a note. "Don't bother heading here. We're not ready to risk you guys there yet. Someone else will handle watching that prisoner."

Also, the map would show some sort of guards' room nearby. Given the layout of the prison from that map, it's likely that these two were stationed there. Perhaps more supplies or other personal effects were there.

If Elsie took a moment to look at the map from the veil, it shows the prison in the bottom corner, and closer to the top center of the map is a mansion. Next to the mansion are the words "My master and I will be waiting for you here. Do try to avoid the patrols, if you make it out." At best guess, it's several miles from the prison to the mansion, if one were lucky enough to travel in a straight line.
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel holds the map up over his head, motioning it towards the woman as he rifles through the rest of the guard's uniform, finding nothing of value, preferring his hands over some club. "Woman, map for you. Judging by your bindings earlier, you're either a magician or a very smart person. Better off in your hands." he says, before standing and offering the map to the woman, trying not to notice the man being very well eaten alive, and failing horribly at it. "Gilfer, next time you decide to grab a light snack, do it where I can't see it. I may be a murderer but at least I respect the dead." He says rather calmly, having just rifled through a dead man's belongings.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Keys, good. Whether they opened the other manacles or not, we'll see. Elkise slipped out of the room past the other two, glancing around the hall for a second before starting to chant again, low and quiet. She ended the short spell with her hands cupping a spot on the ground, and a small snake slid out from between them, too large to have fit under, but not by much. It slithered up her arm to wait at her shoulder, while she peeked over Mekel's to look at the map he held, comparing it to her own. "Mine shows the grounds and countryside." She explained, before pointing at the area the dead guard was warned away from. "Perhaps another ally lies there, hmm?"
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer smiled, blood dripping between his teeth, an oddly predatory effect for such a slight individual, and after a moment, his form faded, returning to the slight person, this time with a slight cut on the side of his face, as he picked up the club. For a moment, he thought to himself: Good, I didn't sound like a complete idiot there, maybe I can make a habit of this, maybe that cured it.

Moments later, he spoke, and his hope was dispelled "Oh what frubjious joy, oh fellow sinners, to be able to devour the living. I disdain the dead, typically, do not worry compatriot, for that is not the direction my mind typically desires, but they are short on living meat here that would feed my many appetites."

(Manifestation fading, removing four eyes as I speak. Reforming four unupgraded eyes. Eyes allows me to form / remove up to half charisma modifier in number plus 1.)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel hands the woman the map for safe keeping. "Armory first. I want my damned mask back." he says, before cracking his neck and heading in the direction of the armory he had seen on the map. His mind was set, and damned if they could tell him what to NOT do.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

While it seems that luck was with the trio on getting to the Armory, something inside surprised them... It was unmanned. The unfinished meal, though, suggests that someone was here not too long ago.

Fortunately, there's a few useful things lying around, as well as a few covered nooks apparently for changing.

Items of note include a few maces of high quality, a couple of suits of decent leather armor, a suit of scale mail, and a greatsword. The later might be for emergency use by a higher-ranking guard.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise followed the other two in, not wanting to put herself at risk if she didn't have to. "Here, if you want them." She said, pulling out two bundles of simple clothes from the veil-granted bag and passing them out, taking a third and walking for one of the cubbies herself, changing quickly.

That done, she scanned the supplies quickly, hefting a mace and taking it with her, just in case. She paused a moment with the armour, then changed her mind. "If you think we can spare another minute, I can be of more help." She commented, glancing at the door. The guards had left in a hurry, she wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but surely a minute wouldn't hurt...
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Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel grins as he walks over and grabs hold of the greatsword in both of his hands, raising it and standing in a combat stance, obviously pleased as he brushes his hair aside, revealing the left half of his rather pale face. Before he can comment on the blade, he sets it back down and takes the offered clothing, stepping just out of view, and sliding the clothing on hastily, before picking up a piece of the scale mail and beginning to don it. "If one of you two would care to help. With that sword and this armor, nothing can stand in my way." he says, waiting for one of them to help him don the armor.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Picking up a mace, Gilfer looks at Mekel with the same stupid grin on his face, that neverchanging aspect of his personality, as he slid the new clothes over his prison clothes, layers were the best way to resolve cold weather, although, honestly, he was -slightly- disturbed that the mist lady had his measurements.

After a second's thought he stated "We should give the lady time to be able to be of future use, as I believe we can hold this room with alacrity, and the joys of the future demand that we have proper time to execute plans, which require time to be made. But that involves people being measured and ready for the thoughts of then, before now, of course." With that, he moved over to the maps and looked at them, apparently intent on reading them both side-by-side, looking patiently for any differences he could find.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

As they were sorting out plans and actions, footsteps were heard in the hallway, heading towards the armory. But before the person could enter, the trio would hear a male voice groan... "Oh, no... Not again..." Immediately following that groan, the footsteps could be heard very rapidly retreating.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer sniffs the food curiously, before stating "Oh most embarassing of dillemas for the poor group. This seems to be the rawest of meats I have smelled since the beginning of an hours travel."

As he stated that, he turned his thoughts inwards

(Manifesting four more plain eyes, instead of upgraded eyes. I'll keep -one- perceptive eye)
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel stops donning his armor and stays still as he hears the footsteps approaching, before hearing them running, stifling a chuckle. "Poor blighter probably ate the nuts." he says, before resuming donning his armor. "Word to the wise, never eat the free nuts they give you at taverns." he says with a chuckle, before concentrating on getting the armor put on right.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Oddly enough, there was a small bag next to the food, obviously having carried it. On the bag is an odd design, that of a bell.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

"Not counting the chunk you took out of that guard, i'm guessing?" Elise said, walking to a spare corner away from Mekel putting the armour on. Biting her finger to draw blood, she put a loose circle and a few symbols on the floor, closing her eyes and starting to chant, swaying and spinning as magic filled the air, much more than her previous spells.

Her own flesh warped and changed, a thin chitin covering her. Glossy black covering the soft grey of her flesh. A second pair of arms sprouted from her middle, just along the bottom of her ribcage, ending in wickedly curved talons. Her face changed as well, almost imperceptibly, growing a little more feral, her mouth gaping slightly, the teeth seeming a bit sharper.

And then she was done, the haze of magic diminishing again as she strode towards the pair again, hefting the mace a little easier now. Another short spell, this time causing a faint shimmer around her torso, and she nodded. "Ready as I'm going to be." She said, her voice similar, but with an almost chittering quality to it.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel drops his last remaining gauntlet of his armor he's so stunned by the sudden change of appearance of the woman. "......Do I want to know what you just did?" he asks, before squatting down and picking up the gauntlet, shoving it over his hand and flexing, before grasping the greatsword, hefting it onto his shoulder with a grunt. He was as ready as he was going to be, and his hand rested on the door's handle. "Soon as I open the door, we make a break for the prison cell our guards were warned away from. Any luck, it's that beauty who saved us." he says, waiting for the others to be ready, before opening the door and beginning his less-than-fast run towards the prison cell, weighted down a bit by the armor he now wore.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

The armor stop proves to be a good plan, as the trio near the indicated cell. Near the last turn towards it stand two guards, both in leather armor, and both wielding longswords.

And initiative time! No surprise round.

Guards both have +3 modifiers to Init.

So, 9 and 14.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Mekel slows to a halt, readying his greatsword in his hands, and growling as his hair settles to hide all but his eyes from the guard, said eyes seeming to almost glow through the obfuscating darkness.

(( Poot horrible initiative roll here.))
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Gilfer, 22.
Elise, 16.
Guard 2, 14.
Guard 1, 9.
Mekel, 8.
Re: Shadowed Path - Ironscar Prison Breakout

Elise stayed just behind, somewhat more confident with her familiar power surging through her. The snake she had summoned let out a little hiss, and she copied the action, the threat implied.

( got a 16)
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