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Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Is the UR card from the raid boss rewards max stats or base stats?
Kind of wondering whether I should use the mirror or not on the HR.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Is the UR card from the raid boss rewards max stats or base stats?
Kind of wondering whether I should use the mirror or not on the HR.
It's her base stats if you're talking about the information if you click on her in the subjugation information screen. If you're talking about max-evolving, then the UR card is the same as if you did max evolves starting from HR.

HP: 4234
AT: 706
SP: 1323

Her auto skill is 50% fire resistance, and her awakened skill is 50% water resistance. She's not particularly good as a leader card, but she's useful as a party member for the water dungeons that also have wind elemental enemies.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Doesn't sound too impressive lol.

I came to look at this game cause it was one of the earlier games that I couldn't figure out how to grab CG's from.

At some point while I was writing a tool to send requests, I ended up turning it into a bot.

They've got a terrible bug where you can keep requesting to move forward in the dungeon and after you finish the boss, it'll just keep repeating the boss fight, allowing you to accumulate infinite exp and gems in a single dungeon. But then I quickly realized that level didn't really mean much, especially since it was pretty much impossible to make use of it anyways.

There's another bug where you can literally just skip dungeons and go to the last dungeon in the area, then clear it to unlock the next area.

This probably doesn't really matter for players that have already been in the game for awhile though, since there's only so many dungeons.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Been playing this game for quite a while and I got to say I'm absolutely hating raid bosses now. 500 bosses is now becoming too time consuming... Managed to get the last one to 500 but this time I got annoyed around 300's.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yup raid bosses are the worst event, I appreciate that they always want something going though so I hope they can get more events in the rotation.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Finally reached 30 magic stones, so I decided to do 11-consecutive gold gacha draws. Got 4 characters I already had, and 2 characters out of the other 7 were ones I really wanted, especially the new (though I'll have to use the event's R-mirror if I want to get her to UR status without gambling with my points/real money). Though, I also drew an , who I'm probably not going to be able to use for quite some time. I have a lot of HR and SR mirrors from past events that I need to start using.

Right now, the only one of the seven I drew that is immediately useful is , since she gets a buff against the current raid bosses. I still have only 5 copies of the new RP-BOX Gacha character Rawisu (I haven't figured out what her name is based off yet).
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

This event dungeon seems kind of difficult to farm for those event items.
The high-level dungeon gives about 100 when you clear it, but you can only do it once every 2 hours.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Yea the new girl is cute, Chimo as well. I'm at 5 of 8 of the cowgirl though I'm taking my time with her and the bosses because they arent going anywhere soon. I did get the nun who I don't particularly like but she'll at least help farming points for the cowgirl. As for the dungeon as long as your clearing it consistently you shouldn't have any problem getting the rewards that matter, if your after that title however, well that's another story.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

lol I noticed the title said 9999.
Just going for the 3000....

But I'm doing the high-level one and I'm getting like 20 per run...for 40 stamina.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Got Harushagiku to UR60, and found out that her bonus affect of instantly killing all of the enemy mobs in the event dungeon if she's your leader doesn't work unless I purchase the Holy Water of Purification from the shop for 2-3 magic stones.

The high-tier dungeon is surprisingly brutal without Charl or Doll-Bell with their bonus effect and non-elemental resistance as the leader; had to bail over halfway through when I tried it with Harushagiku as the leader.

Currently have 1303 cooling fans from the high-tier event dungeon. In a worse case scenario, I should get at least 4500 if I keep getting 20 fans per trip, so all I need is to get several more gold chests with 100 fans to clear the 5000 threshold.

Just in case, don't forget that you also get 50 cooling fans along with the usual daily log-in bonus (they're silently added to your present box). Getting 5000 is a matter of luck, but the odds seem to lean in your favour if you grind the high-tier dungeon diligently; it has been the same way for the last two dungeon collect-a-thons for me.


  • Harushagiku.jpg
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

is there a gallery of cards for this game? Some other dmm's game have it.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I am not aware of any full galleries for this game. There are 3 ways to get them that I can think of:

1. Get a community to collect images. This is what I think they did for lord of walkure, or the uploader found a way to query all the data. The idea is that someone would have a card that you don't have, and given enough people, you'd be able to put together a full gallery.

2. Figure out how to get the server to give them to you. I haven't found out a way to do it.

3. Figure out how they generate the hash for each file. Given that there's 40 characters, I would initially assume SHA-1 is involved (20 bytes, which is a 40-character hexstring)

However, there's this function that I found in the program

private function CryptoTest() : Object
	var key:String;
	var txt:String;
	var type:String;
	var key_:* = Hex.toArray(Hex.fromString(key));
	var data:* = Hex.toArray(Hex.fromString(txt));
	var pad:* = new PKCS5();
	var cipher:* = Crypto.getCipher(type, key_, pad);
			return Base64.encodeByteArray(data);
	catch (error:Error)
	return 0;
}// end function

And it would be really terrible if they first encrypted it with something like this, and then hashed it.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

They finally stopped with the boss count event but does anyone know what the new one is? I think its a pvp but it seems I click a guest but nothing in particular happens and I'm assuming the button on top that cost 50000 is to refresh the list.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

It's not pvp I'm not 100% sure how it works, but you can create extra parties for a event dungeon. Each of those parties has a space where you add other cards which essentially lets you take a party of 5 without using a guest or friend. Completing the dungeon gives you points to trade like you would in the boss events. Lastly, and this is the part I'm not sure about is you use ap to do the dungeon but I dont know what is the difference 1-3 ap does.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Lastly, and this is the part I'm not sure about is you use ap to do the dungeon but I dont know what is the difference 1-3 ap does.
The units you bring with you have a squad cost that's listed in your stat menu. Spending more AP means you have a higher reinforcement cost total, which is only useful if you're doing a dungeon and one of your team members dies. Supposedly you can replace them by going to to the Squad Menu in the upper-left corner, but I haven't had it happen to me; the only one who died on me is my leader which led to a gameover (the dungeon sets you back a certain number of tiles when you return, and the enemies you fight seem to be static, so you can prepare for them when you come back).

Actually, as an important tip so you don't wind up like me: bring the cheapest party that you possibly can without having a need to replace any of them. The spare points you have when you complete a dungeon gives you a sizable bonus. If you play your cards right, you can get the title and the search point bonus before you reach dungeon 44. Spending more AP does not give you a better bonus, so there's no reason to spend anything but 1AP if you're strong enough. The best leader is one with non-elemental immunity (Rakshasha is a good choice, but Charl with her 50% resistance and 25% attack reduction is still viable according to Japanese players).

I didn't do this, and I'm 30,000 points away from getting my title, and the fire dungeons past 40+ start to get extremely hard to the point you want a leader with both fire-elemental and non-elemental resistance. You also fight *-elemental and non-elemental knights as the boss, so be careful if you reach this point.

Actually, I have my own question, does the 11-consecutive gold gacha draw guarantee that you get 1 copy of the Christma and New Year's Day event characters? Or just 1 of the 6? I really want , but I don't want to purchase more magic stones if it's just a random chance, since I only like 2 of the 5 other revived event characters, but not enough that I would feel happy to spend money on them.

EDIT: 2:
Since some people, like 5454, said they can't read the text. The small squad event dungeon cycles through its elements like this:
1-8 (Fire 火), 9-16 (Water 水), 17-24 (Wind 風), 25-32 (Light 光), 33-40 (Dark 闇), 41-48 (Fire 火), ..

Hopefully this helps make things simpler when it comes to setting up suitable decks for anyone else. Basically, you want a non-elemental resistant leader for 1-40, and then a leader with the specific dungeon's resistance for 40~ (I'm using Harushagiku for the 40+ fire dungeon, and carefully controlling Mamari and Sazamika to eliminate the non-elemental enemies so they don't damage my leader too much).
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Thanks for all that. I kind of like the harder dungeons, I do pretty much the same and it works pretty well. Unfortunately I don't know about this particular gatcha because I already have them all so I can only speculate.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

The promotion says, "いずれか一枚を保障". I don't really know if I understand this to mean that I'll secure just one copy from among these 6 characters, or that I will get 1 copy of each of them. I'm leaning toward the former, which means I have a 17% chance of securing the character I want. If I were to do 3 consecutive 11-draws, that's only a 42% chance of getting Takane as the secure single copy.

Otherwise, it's a 2.6% chance per draw for Takane if I counted the number of R-cards correctly, since there's no indication that any of these characters have a %-up chance, which means I only have a 54.6% chance of getting just one copy of Takane if I were to do 3 consecutive 11-draws...
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I actually suspect its the other way around, this game's been pretty decent about handing out event cards. Also since you can only get R versions they'd probably be more lenient cause you still have to gatcha the other 7 copies for most of them since there are only so many mirrors. That said I still wouldn't roll based assumptions.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Got 5,000 cooling fans yesterday, so I now have UR Yukari. Though, I had to use an HR-mirror, since I used the R-mirror for Harushagiku. I'm down to 1 HR and 2 SR mirrors.

The upcoming event looks like it's going to be another Raid Boss, ugh. Guess they're going to pore over the over the results of the small squad event, so they can balance it as a proper event with a character as its reward. I didn't bother going deeper than the title (48), but how far has everyone gotten? Supposedly this thing can go really deep.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Personally I prefer the raid bosses...this dungeon thing takes too much effort.