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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't envy their balancing team. Aegis has done better than any other DMM game I've played (And most other browser RPGs really) in that regard. It's rare to find a game that keeps so many units relevant, they work pretty hard. They have to balance units, and constantly balance events for new and old players, pretty rough.

I'm just happy I'll finally have a 4th healer that isn't Echidna.

As mentioned before, I just go with whatever the names machine translate to as long as it doesn't seem funny. I don't have time to individually translate all the girl's names. I know most aren't correct, but as long as people know who I'm talking about, seems fine to me. I don't care much for remembering names in English either lol. It's just a title, the person/character themselves are more important to me. I guess the name can still have meaning/purpose in fiction though. Not so much in reality :p

Sedis does sound nice though, I usually prefer short names. Maybe I'll be able to remember that like Momoji. Shidisu never really bothered me either though.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite. Your posts are always full on information. Unfortunately this time you made me even more lost. Now I have no idea how much crystals I have to farm (I have -1 cost Sidis but no Camilla). I have a feeling Liana should be farmed to max or not at all :/ That is quite a lot crystals....

I was one of these people who were calling our Fairy Queen - Shidisu so thank you for showing me my mistake. I read somewhere (on forum or maybe on wiki?) "Shidisu" and it sticked in my mind. If I will write something wrong again I would appreciate telling me about it. My Japanese doesn't exist but it doesn't mean I have to write it wrong :p

Sidhe is name for whole faeries race in Irish lore. I think Pratchett used it in some of his Discworld books (discworld). This name was also used in Butcher's books "Dresden files".

I agree with Fruit, it will be nice to have 4th healer. My Echidna is low, she can't really work as a healer on her own untill I raise her. And I dont like her really much. I hope devs will show us Liana sprite in second part of the event
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sedis has better cost reduction than Liana; you can trade for a second Sedis and get a 100% cost reduction which is equal to getting Liana to -4 cost reduction. The whole purpose of this event is that they're giving away a gimped unit that's easily acquired at 50 fragments that you need to spend a lot of money to bring her down to near the same cost level as her peers. For most players, they're either going to have a black unit that costs about the same as a max-cost reduced Echidna, or one that's close to a full cost Black Iris or Platinum Camilla.

On the topic of Sedis. I know quite a few people on here keep referring to her as Shiidisu and so on. Her name in Japanese (シーディス) is how they write Sedis and Cedis. The former fits her thematically in both her role as a priestess, and its Latin meaning fits her role in your party. The only other translation of her name that could work better is if the first part is Sidh (síthe, Sí, sídhe, etc.) and the second part is something in relation to it that. Sidh is the word for the palace of fairies, which was a small mound, until it was later applied to fairies in general. You probably have heard of Banshees (Bean sídhe) and Cait Sith (Cait Sídhe).

What a lot of people are doing here is similar to writing シーランド (Sealand) as Shiirando.

Emmm I bought a third copy of Spica some weeks ago but didn't get a 100% -2 cost reduction (it failed). I though all exchange units were excluded from that, can u confirm its 100% for Shidisu and the others (saki, akane)?

On the name thing, Japanese kanas and katas are phonetic symbols, and they have "official" transliteration to roman characters. I see nothing wrong using that to address her. Maybe just stripping the last u since it has almost no sound.
Unless a common noun which can be translated names are just as they are. If we were to talk (using our voices not keyboards) it would sound way too different, like if your name was Charles but I call u "Carlos" (the spanish translation of that name) which sounds completely different.

Finally, I agree with your thoughts on the event unit. Yet I want to add, it's an event unit... weaker than a gatcha black? absolutely, weaker than Shidisu? likely, but she will be no worse than the usual plat event units we have. So, if you need a fourth healer (or third if u missed aaaaaaaall the Iris codes, lol) it's worth farming.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sedis does not get 2 100% cost reduction. What Petite said is buying 2 copies of Sedis (if you don't have Sedis) with magic crystals is better than trying to farm shards to get Liana. The second copy will be fed to the first copy, thus the -100% cost reduction being mentioned.

While thinking about the cost to obtain them:
It takes about 23 sacred crystals to get Sedis with -1 cost (20). Half of the sacred crystals required if you already have Sedis and will only buy the second copy.

It takes about 45~60 sacred crystals to get Liana with full CR (19). You can also include platinum armors and drops as part of the cost if you plan on using them solely on her.

Spica gets 100% chance on her first cost reduction and 50% chance on her second cost reduction.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm game is down for me and no maintenance notice.

Ah, back up. Well that was random. At first the page wouldn't load at all, then got an error message a few times before it let me log in.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I translated a short comic about Liana that is cute, even though I don't understand the joke:

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lol, it's from Bleach. Google searched it and then I remembered it when I saw the image (When I actually read Bleach). There's a villian that can extend his sword length an ungodly amount, and the MC asks him how far it can reach or something. The answer, of course, being 13km.

You can notice the similar "evil" facial expression in the reveal. Pretty entertaining.


Next we'll have an Aizen "It was all part of my plan" Aegis meme, probably involving the Crystal Goddess. We all know she's up to something.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As for stats, they can't make Liana good, otherwise she'll devalue Black Iris and Platinum Camilla. Sedis is balanced between these two by having elf-level HP while not having the elf-level attack-speed-up perk. They can give Liana 4 different kinds of affection stat bonuses, and not all stat bonuses are equal. For example, having a +198HP and +120AT affection bonus is better than having a +396HP and +60AT one, except in rare situations where that little bit of HP will allow the unit to survive a hit from a certain monster (i.e. High Princess Lilia can fight the stone golem, but High Princess Sherry and Claudia normally cannot).

One thing, that also is part of the equation is that Liana doesn't have a throughput increase on her skill. Silver healer during skill activation has Camiilla (w/o skill) throughput and gold Iris on-skill has way more throughput than black Iris w/o skill. On-skill healing is very important property for healers.

My hoping is, that due to her skill, Liana can have black Iris level of base stats, maybe even better. That would make her good unit for AFK farming, while still being 'bad' at progress maps, as you would rather just take gold Iris over her to have better throughput in the crucial moment of fight.


Since the treasure fragments give mobs hp regen, I wouldn't be surprised if Liana AW has something to do with that as well. Giving her map-wide hp regen aura would be quite strong and would make above base stats expectations irrelevant. However, more likely is hp regen in her healing range which I think would be a relatively unimpressive AW as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Thanks for that writeup on the Black healer, convinced me to stop trying to farm her 1500 points.

I already Have black Healer Iris, Platnium Healer Camilla and Sedis so I am covered with good healers.

Maybe if she looked better I might care more but I have farmed too many item drop events and wasted so many crystals on units I never use.

Looking at you Bandit Princess.


That is Gin's bankai if I am not mistaken? Didn't that also turn out to not be the only/true ability of his sword, forshadowing maybe.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Black Angel Sophie's AW Ability grants regen to everyone so long as her skill is inactive. So if they gave Liana an AW ability of regen, it may just focus on her, or be comparatively weaker in comparison to Sophie's. Though, from what I heard, all of these regen abilities supposedly stack, so you can take both Sophie and Eln, and then drop them on the map board so that characters like High Princess Lilia and Sacred Fist Ur have enough regeneration to make healers unnecessary.

Both Liana and Black Iris are utility characters. Another utility character is the Platinum Mage Odette, who does have good attack, but they balanced her by making her cost +2 more than her Platinum peers (40 instead of 36 at full cost, and 35 instead of 33 at max cost reduction). So there's a chance that instead of a rotten affection bonus, they just make it so Liana normally costs 26, and that you're doing this event to get her reduced the same as a -1 cost reduced Black Iris.

I'm saying these things mainly because it's better to consider the worst case scenarios in case WankoP screws with us like he did with Kaguya being a Princess instead of a Samurai, and having a 1/10 skill instead of a 1/3 skill like Tamamo (I snubbed Momiji's event; I thought Kaguya would be my samurai). I'm just hoping that the second phase of this event will have Liana as a guest so her stats become available like they did for Claudia and Imelia's event. I was farming Claudia and Imelia's first phase for the drops, but maxed them out when they revealed their stats during the second phase.

Right now, Liana's first phase is pretty bad; just a single black fairy and silver healer. Though, I do need silver healers since I'm in need of them like I'm in need of archers, soldiers, and rogues (I always need rogues). So I'm spending crystals on stamina, but I made this decision based on the assumption that Liana isn't going to be particularly good.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah I desperately needed silver healers, so I haven't minded farming it so far.

I agree that getting hyped for a unit is almost never a good idea, low expectations, difficult to be disappointed. Need to have just enough to decide on how to farm an event. Well I need a 4th healer, so even though she may not be great, she beats Echidna for sure.

I'm still thinking of her like Saki, a plat with a instant skill. Her skill may not be awesome, but I'm sure it will help in a lot of events.

Also somebody remind me to farm the damn Witch AW daily on Friday >.> I'm probably going to try to set an alarm for it, but with my luck I'll be away from my phone or whatever, lol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I will gladly trade half of them for HA and soldiers :/
I need more storage space ;/
Black fairies doesnt want to drop from 50/7, while I have lots of exp cans to raise Cornelia

Lol another Christopher just dropped D:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah I desperately needed silver healers, so I haven't minded farming it so far.

I agree that getting hyped for a unit is almost never a good idea, low expectations, difficult to be disappointed. Need to have just enough to decide on how to farm an event. Well I need a 4th healer, so even though she may not be great, she beats Echidna for sure.

I'm still thinking of her like Saki, a plat with a instant skill. Her skill may not be awesome, but I'm sure it will help in a lot of events.

Also somebody remind me to farm the damn Witch AW daily on Friday >.> I'm probably going to try to set an alarm for it, but with my luck I'll be away from my phone or whatever, lol.

I think she will be useful besides being strong or not.

When Saki got introduced (before I started playing) there were no magic fencers nor low rarity ninjas. No sailors, no Ricca. So she was one of a kind.

When Anya came (again, before I started playing) she was (still is) one of the more thought units out there and the magic dmg added a lot.

Right after Karma's event, a lot of god damn strong bosses were used in the following events and she was a life savior. Even now she finds a place in a lot of blind run teams.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I will gladly trade half of them for HA and soldiers :/
I need more storage space ;/
Black fairies doesnt want to drop from 50/7, while I have lots of exp cans to raise Cornelia

Lol another Christopher just dropped D:

You have so many Christophers. It's like the opposite of what I'm getting. I have gotten 12 black fairies and only 4 healers from 50/7 as drops. I'm glad I got enough healers to awaken either Sedis or Liana, but I want more healers if I want to awaken Fran, Marius, or Elva. :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I will gladly trade half of them for HA and soldiers :/
I need more storage space ;/
Black fairies doesnt want to drop from 50/7, while I have lots of exp cans to raise Cornelia

Lol another Christopher just dropped D:

id trade you a few HA xD
after all week farming i have only gotten 5 Daniela's (1 more needed to CC a Daniela, Spicca and Soma
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on February 12th between 10:00~15:00:
-Subjugation Mission "Rural Great Decisive Battle" Ends.
-Subjugation Mission "Monster Infested Island" Begins.
-Emergency Mission "Great Treasure of Healing" Latter Maps Added.
-Valentine's Day Campaign Begins.
+Between February 13~18 (6 days), Log In Bonus Includes 1 Valentine Chocolate.
++Valentine Chocolates Recover Stamina.
+On February 14th, Log In Bonus Includes 3 Valentine Chocolates from Female Units with High Affection.
++Priority to Units with Highest Promotion.
-Niconama 3-star Clear and 200,000 Comment Celebration Present.
+3 Sacred Crystals & 1 Rainbow Fairy Given on February 12th's Maintenance.
-Units Added to Trading Post
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Unit(s) Changed.

I'm currently at 695 fragments, 9 silver healers and 14 black fairies. Hopefully the 2nd phase has better drops, and they don't add too many distractions tomorrow.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So Chocolates are just for recovering stamina? Do we get to keep them after the event to use them whenever?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So Chocolates are just for recovering stamina? Do we get to keep them after the event to use them whenever?
Yes, they're stored in your present box, and will remain in there indefinitely, so long as you don't go over your 100 present limit.

Dragaonpaladin showed that he still had his chocolates the last time I answered this kind of question about the present box expiration several months ago.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wonder if it takes total levels into account with chocolates.

Iris: 50/60/71
Carry: 50/60/72
Noel: 50/60/61
Betty: 50/60/52
Katie: 50/60/59

Spica: 50/70/55

I wonder if Spica will beat out Noel for example. Well, if I manage to awaken Desupia, I'm just going to use my super fairy on her to max her after awakening, so she'll surely kick someone out. Pretty sure I'll end up with Desupia, Carry and Iris. I don't mind.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wonder if its going to be total level like fruitsmoothie says, or the % of completion of the unit levels, with AW as priority. That way, a maxed gold AW unit may be more likely than a AW black with like level 90. That sounds pretty bad or good, depending whichever you like more.