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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nowadays, the Black Dark Fighter Cornelia is the one most people consider as the worst black unit.

Really? I would vote for Berna, her aw skill can be quite convenient but still feels too plain for me...
I don't own the black knight so it is not a well funded comparison anyway :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

just barely came through in the end killed amon with sandra doing the finishing blow as he was walking toward the base lol. that alchemist really helps me burst these big bosses down with physical dmg before they can kill me did the same thing with the demon lord in paula's event
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

just barely came through in the end killed amon with sandra doing the finishing blow as he was walking toward the base lol. that alchemist really helps me burst these big bosses down with physical dmg before they can kill me did the same thing with the demon lord in paula's event

What strategy did you use?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

basically this with some differences summoned grace first instead of the berenice sandra dont think my healers can tank those gargoyle/gremlin w/e and no AW anya for me yet I used dine instead. I did not 3 star this just got all the drops with half my units dieing and made the completion

Dine + my Saria AW are what really made this possible for me her heal skill is actually good at lvl 1 all my other healers skills dont add much 1.2 or 1.3 x thier attack. I think I forgot to summon a 4th healer next to claire and her skill still kept dine alive long enough to unload on amon's magic form before she died.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Okay, well I don't have a monk, other than a max cost Rin, I don't use any archers at all because i have Rachel, Fran, Minerva, Aisha. I probably need an archer, but I don't know.

I have never seen a ranger been used before, so I don't know about that either.


Only other things I sometimes pull out are Kurissa, fedora, fran, Hina, Nagi, and Claudia, and Shizuka.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got comp bonus for Amon map after weeks of preparation and awakening tons of units just for this :D Would have 3-starred it but I didn't pay attention and let a unit die that I could've retreated :( Gonna try again later once I get enough charisma again :3

Used this really simple strategy:

Awakened G.Iris (lvl 40) + lvl 70 Sedis (non-awakened) (with %2 attack buff from Aria, not sure that it made much difference) were enough to heal through Amon's attacks.

The worst part was sitting through what felt like 10 minutes as Miranda bashed away at Amon's first form, then passing the baton to the Kingdom's Idol Carrie (love her awaken art :3) to slowly chip away at his second form for another eternity. Next time I'm bringing Zora or a pirate to help out :3
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So hard to balance between these two damn item events ugh...

While I do have Flamel, Erret, and Ether, I believe Serra will be incredibly, incredibly strong. All the item farming characters seem to be. I never used a tactician before, I wonder how much Lian will help.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The only advice you need is to stop spending money on premium summoning; you already have too many broken units that turn this game into easy mode: Aisha, Minerva, Seria, and Iris.

Generally what happens to Japanese players who immediately spend an unreasonable amount of money on these pay-to-win social games is that they get too many of these broken characters, which causes the game to become monotonous and boring before they quit. There's been quite a few accounts being sold on various auction sites from these kinds of players, though most of the players I know who do this just leave their old accounts to rot. I'm playing this one game called Kemocolle, and most of my friends with high-tier characters have all left the game, but I still keep them because I need their UR cards for the command challenge quests to do the highest tier maps to get this card, which isn't anywhere near as good as my friends' cards (hence the reason they quit the game, since none of the event characters are worth having):

The players who tend to stick around the longest are the ones that enforce various conducts on themselves, either to make the game more challenging, or to help other players who probably only summoned one or two unique premium units. For example, someone may have summoned the Gold Ranger Fuuka, but doesn't know what situations she's useful, so a heavy spending player with too many cheat units can limit themselves to test her on various maps to see where they can get her to work for a 3-star clear until they reach their limit. I personally benefited from some insane player who challenged himself with the Hina Rangers Conduct by deploying nothing but Ninja Master Hinas on event maps (sometimes he had to deploy a reinforcement soldier to get this to work). Watching his videos let me spot which spots on certain maps are good for my own Ninja Hina, since very few people had ninjas back then.

To summarise, you don't need Victoria, Fuuka, or Momo. The only reason you should use them—or anyone else for that matter—is to help other people or challenge yourself, since you don't really need help with the broken units you already have.


Someone leaked Serra's LV50 Stats:
Affection Bonus: Attack and Defence
HP1250; Attack: 204; Defence: 204; MR15%
Cost: 14~19

Based on this, her AW90 Stats could be one of the following:
HP2069; AT413; DF422 or HP2069; AT377; DF458

Flamel's AW90 Stats:
HP1986; AT425; DF439; MR10%; Cost: 14~17
Ellet's AW80 Stats:
HP1861; AT372; DF346; MR10%; Cost 12~15

The main thing Flamel and Ellet has on Serra is that their skills cause them to focus on healing. Serra just refreshes everyone, and focuses more on tanking and dealing damage if she catches something (still useful for stuff like the Youkai Subjugation, but problematic if you need her to heal herself or the frontline without a dedicated healer deployed).


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I totally agree with Petite, but I was saying the same thing as he is for quite a while (although my words weren't as good).

I understood that rolling to many blacks it's bad when I rolled my first black and since then I had urge to roll only sometimes - because I really liked the look of girl from premium gacha. For example: black Sherman ( don't remember her name ) or platinum bishop because I really needed one.

Cornelia was cheat button but only for a while: until I raised more characters, to do 100/2 and 90/12 maps . Some of them are easy but some others still hard , as last Maou map. Sometimes one Cornelia makes these maps possible to complete, but they are still hard. I like this, entertainment is good. This game been fun for me for almost a year (23 of June is my anniversary :D ), and I hope it still be. I would be happy to have one or two more black but not every one of them. like I don't want Nanaly since I have both Spica and Claire well raised. But I would be pure happy for having Grace: because I have none battle mage and before Paula I had low number of mages at all.

Nowadays, the Black Dark Fighter Cornelia is the one most people consider as the worst black unit.

Whaaaaat? who is telling mean things about my sweet girl? Cornelia you are awesome! I wouldn't give you Happy Fairy off I didn't believe in you! Don't cry <3

EDIT: lol this gif ! :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Think the reasoning behind Cornelia being bad is that she isn't as OP. She doesn't really give you any power in completing maps, other than possibly letting you tank a black oni or aoe damage a bit easier. Other ones have really good firepower, or have a really powerful skill. I only use Cornelia because she's cute and black, and that's about it. She was able to take on skeleton warriors on the last story mission, and that's about the only place I found that she was really useful for.

Well for reference, I spent around 300-400$ give or take.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Generally what happens to Japanese players who immediately spend an unreasonable amount of money on these pay-to-win social games is that they get too many of these broken characters, which causes the game to become monotonous and boring before they quit.
I can understand that, since for some people, their motivation for playing the game is that they want x and they want y, but then they spend money and obtain all of the things they want... as you said, they get bored since they lose their goal. Normally if it's a MMO you can still find some degree of fun but... games like these are practically glorified single player games. Moreover most of them don't even have much interaction involved, Aigis is slightly better in that regard.

Someone leaked Serra's LV50 Stats:
Affection Bonus: Attack and Defence
HP1250; Attack: 204; Defence: 204; MR15%
Cost: 14~19
Def seems pretty low... maybe I should be working on CCing Leanne as a blocker after all.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Nowadays, the Black Dark Fighter Cornelia is the one most people consider as the worst black unit.

This makes me sad and happy at the same time, tried so hard to get her when she was first released and never did.

I am currently stuck in poor mans hell I have no gold and so many fairies and plat cans waiting to be used I can't even CC the Black Vampire hunter my funds are so low.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm a free player....
I can't always 1 shoot the hardest and 2nd hardest event map sometime it took me 2-4 try trying dfferent strategy from other video.
Some of the hardest map i know i 100% can't 3 star it as well like eden golem / paula maou / nagi 100/2 map (this 1 due to no low cost tanky unit to handle the master ninja inc)
I also took alot of time researching if my unit able to handle the strategy up to the calculation of enemy stat vs my unit stat. (the pharaoh map in Paula event took me 5 try to 3 star it)

Even now i still find this game quite the challenging and yeh i have 0 black from premium roll and 1 premium platinum (rachel) when i just start i click those gacha and tons of silver streak.

Soo many times i wonder if i should spend cash on this, but i know if i got addicted spending cash the game will become easy mode and bored fast (self learn lesson from other game)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

this game is monotonous by nature the story mode auto clear button helps but the only thing that makes it not monotonous are the events but those also become monotonous when you have to look up strategy videos for every map unless you like wasting entire days worth of stamina failing. So I dont think having black units really matters much the game is already monotonous we just still play it anyway.

Now if this game actually allowed you the luxury of blind running everything and figuring out your own strategies then I would say having black units really mattered.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The fact you can now auto clear story maps really helps a lot since it makes most of the grind only stamina related and unless you use SCs it's pretty easy to use up. I refuse to play the English version just because of the thought of having to grind maps over and over again instead of clicking a button.

Honestly speaking though, I think it's more fun to do a map and figure out the strategy by yourself. Feels a lot more satisfying when your strategy succeeds and you get through. Can't say it's the most efficient way of doing things though since consulting videos will obviously get you through the map with less time and stamina consumption.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wish i have that luxury of always blind run.
But yeah i'm not checking video for every map, the low lvl 1 is doable blind run (i still remember i killed my unit from those suicide bomb goblin and the dark elf avenger i was WTH prince death in 1 hit from full hp)

The 1 i check is the 1 that cost stamina 6+, and i only checked 1 video just to see whats coming out to try my own strat 1st. This is why when event out i try the map asap, low lvl video come out 1-2 days later and even easier version will be out way later more. (remember i did mention i failed the last map efreet of current event, my unit taking too much dmg from aoe)

Well farming and item collection event tend to just keep redoing the same map again and again, but star event you only to do 1x anyway (unless charlotte pop again and screaming feed me with that rare drop)

Borrowed pict from petite post*
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Speaking of which, I remember it being said that there's a pattern where x doesn't happen after y, what kind of event can we expect after item collection anyway?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just realized something;

Im getting Red Wine from Lian's revival AND the Mithril thingy...

Gimme my black male unit nao so I can get him super drunk!


11 MAN-Diamonds
45 MAN-Rubies
15 MAN-...uh...purple gem thingies
45 MAN-Flowers

Need black male unit. Make him an Angel too, just to REALLLLLLY F*** with us >.>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

does the amon map drop platinum armor 100%? I think it may be more worth it for me to use my extra stamina on that map rather than story quest if that is the case

Id want a utility black if they ever make a male one add % to certain drops something that would make me actually use him. maybe a fairy king that adds fairy drops so we dont have to roll for the impossible ceria
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Id want a utility black if they ever make a male one add % to certain drops something that would make me actually use him. maybe a fairy king that adds fairy drops so we dont have to roll for the impossible ceria

And the black male itself is premium roll :p
Well the latest male unit is abel dragon knight, appearently male is not so wanted.... whats the ratio again male vs female ?
and most of male stayed in silver gold too... the platinum male unit is really good though jerome / Julius (still unmatched in tanking power and fat fat HP)

Personaly i am interest if there is another platnum male unit cuz ever since those 2 male unit, which my guess already out during the very begining of aigis out, there never been another platinum male unit.