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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

how does Zenobia's AW'd Skill work again?

If i remember correctly on 1st use you will get 20 deployment cost.
After that her skill changed into holy awakening, which 2x atk def (like maribelle)
Check 2 page back.... petite has compiled all the aw skill information
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Important decision time for me, farm Odette's extreme-tier map, or farm her mid-tier map.

Extreme-tier (8 trips) Average:
Odette: 4
Calliope: 0.8
Magic Crystal: 1.2

Mid-tier (24 trips) Average:
Valery: 2.4
Magic Crystal: 14.4

Pretty rotten of the staff to reveal the Rune Lord Skill AW now instead of the Arch Mage Skill AW. I have Mehlis and Noel, and besides Odette, I have Paula, Patra, and Grania, and I'm planning to work on Patra as soon as I get some more silver mages to CC her (I would prefer to use Valery or LV1 Pales copies instead of my moderate level Pales drops from long ago).

The main thing working in Odette's favour for me is that I already CCed her, and this is my best opportunity to skill-up or cost-reduce her (+2 skill and -1 cost if my luck is average) in case I need her for a difficult map. This event has a 3 stamina map with Pales and Platinum Fairies, and unless they have another good revival event next week, or do with its second phase like Paula's event did with Charlotte for a character I want to improve, then I should have a moderately decent chance of getting around 2 silver mages to drop on the weekends and Wednesday (I want to farm gold, fairies, and magic crystals).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Alright! Managed to 3 star all of the current maps. Esther sure performed well on the last map since there was a lot of rush of wolves and she could also serve as a counter against flying units. Good timing since Odette would be out tonight I think? Since I have free stamina now, will definitely be farming as many copies as I can of her.

Regarding the new event unit though... seeing her (enemy ver) it sounds like she's going to be a duelist who can occasionally use her skill to blow up everything around her. If it's like Sandra who can do large damage, it won't be bad but... in a sense wouldn't units like Esther perform just as well? Too early to speculate I guess either way.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally a decent video showing Eva's passive effect against enemies in her range.

10% damage reduction, 15% with her skill. That is too good even if it has a long CT. I wonder if it stacks with Yurina's skill.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I have a Patra at lvl1 too. Currently I'm using Odette as my only mage until now. Its quite hard to decide whether to go all out on Odette's event as a gamble, or raise Patra and AW her skill. Then there's Moldevort's revival too...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

thanks that video really helped understanding her passive atk down real well.

Petite also mention this on her 2nd passive:
2) Enemies with low HP instantly die if they receive an attack from self or allies

But from looking at that video i didnt see any assasinate type of atk so i guess its by chance ? also not too sure how much % is that low hp.

The info we know is...
1st swdmaster class role in comment can use deadly skill... i actualy wonder why the need to even put this comment, well other than that there no specialty about this class :p
2nd The info we given is her skill will be large area / stop enemy who got hit / increase dmg to ground enemy.
But we don't actualy know what her skill animation going to be... just cuz sandra is Cross slash that hit across the map.... this unit might be circle or X slash :p
As for esther.... let's just say 90% of black gacha unit is broken when you compared to event unit :p
Even platinum gacha felt most of them outpower event unit...... after that Sabine AW skill out -.- + Erenia Vs Luciele..... etc etc etc (well it also true its alot harder to max CR skill gacha unit)

Edit: Her atk in that event map is just..... single target ranged isnt it ? -.- like sandra she need to train 1st
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

We can see her attack on maps guys....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well I was referring to pegasus riders in general rather than Esther. But as I mentioned, too early to do some serious speculation anyway. At least until some information is leaked or so. Since it could have large aoe or it can do large damage to make it a useful unit to have.

... If it achieves neither then it sounds likely for it to rot in my storage though.

Also her skill in event map is aoe, I had a unit next to the one blocking her and she got hit with the skill as well. Presumably it's her skill in action, though the damage values obviously aren't the same.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sorry now that i think again....
I'm kinda expecting the new swdmaster will become something like sandra who have a whole map hit....
After thinking again skill is depend on unit, not by class.

As you say she might become something like pegasus rider where her skill is in duration and she keep hitting aoe around her during the skill time just like in the event map.
Well at least it stop the enemy (probably something like witch / druid slow) and she still tank her main blocked enemy (i think... just dont say it become 0 block)
Well hopefuly her range is alot larger..... i can't really tell the 1 in event map cuz she was totaly blocked from full hp to 0 with my duelist...
PS: and here i was looking foward to have another sandra type that hit whole map :( and have them duet
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Whats that something :(
The only way i can think is don't even bother awaken her skill, it doesnt effect much as 10% more atk anyway and faster cd.
Her aw ability pursuit still useful anyway as magic fencer

Well 1 thing for sure... regret of farming her during paula event specialy after all those 1 full week of farming her.... should have done Lian instead :(

With all these farming unit become.... not so great anymore i wonder if i shouldn't bother get farming event unit.... well Ling and Miranda still good

Maribelle, Fran, Waltz, Chloe, Ricca, Lucile..... even Emiria for new players... farm units are usually not OP but they are far from being bad.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fucking god damn Aigis crashing and wasting Stamina... Bullshit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My fucking god this is some next level bullshit.

150 Crystals

x2 blacks niether one the one I was after YOU DOUBLE GACHA

Miko - Fuck this unit
Iris.... woo chance at cost down I guess

0 Plat....

12 Gold
15 Silver - Remove this shit from 5 gacha its crazy

Option to just straight out buy units when?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

^ That's a lot of money spent... premium rolls are terrifying.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My fucking god this is some next level bullshit.

150 Crystals

x2 blacks niether one the one I was after YOU DOUBLE GACHA

Miko - Fuck this unit
Iris.... woo chance at cost down I guess

0 Plat....

12 Gold
15 Silver - Remove this shit from 5 gacha its crazy

Option to just straight out buy units when?

wow about $400 in about 24 hrs @.@
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Decided to farm for Odette, so far I got her to drop 3 times in 3 trips. Trying to farm with Betty and Maurette sitting in the front lines is harsh even when I have two Saints backing them up. I need to have Krile as well to outpace the kind of damage Odette and her small army can deal since they're way nastier than their original event since they do magic damage instead of physical damage now.

Kinnotama drew this to celebrate Odette's (2nd) Revival:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Petite, do you know why we still not receive the code for Machinist Knight fee yet ?

They even remove her out of Awakening map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Petite, do you know why we still not receive the code for Machinist Knight fee yet ?

They even remove her out of Awakening map.
I don't know; if I did, I would post about it. But if you want to know my opinion, I think it's because they want to introduce Faa and Fee at the same time, so they're rushing to commission some artist to draw Faa and then make sprites for her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know; if I did, I would post about it. But if you want to know my opinion, I think it's because they want to introduce Faa and Fee at the same time, so they're rushing to commission some artist to draw Faa and then make sprites for her.

I bet Faa will be premium summon then.. <jawn>
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For SU odette do i need to cc her and her copies first.And for getting Maurette passive ability with magic crystals do i need to deploy her?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For SU odette do i need to cc her and her copies first.And for getting Maurette passive ability with magic crystals do i need to deploy her?
Odette's skill is the same no matter her class, so you can feed her copies to her whenever you want for a skill-up.

Maurette has nothing to do with magic crystals. The other Gold Pirate Monica is the one with the +3% magic crystal drop if she's on your team (you don't have to deploy her).