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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

2nd map i got tricked with the drop T_T *1st time run you will understand why*

Well i'm glad Erret + Julian map already appear as these only 2 map i wanted to get the map completion.
As for the rest will spend most of time geting Yurina :D (Yup i'm also not interest in the hexxer, in a way I'm glad there alternative way to spend on Yurina revival)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

She just shouldn't be a breast demon ._.

I was hoping she'd be some sexy, tight-bodied hunter babe. Cuz thats what you get out of jungles were you have to work hard just to meet the status-quo. I will say that that fan art there does her looks a bit more justice, though. Her standup in the banner is just...BLEH
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The gold is basically free food to be use, but i get 0 so far.

Anyway, i need to hunt for silver valks and soliders, need lots of them.

Mitra is a curse user. Since she lives in a jungle, she's most likely a witch doctor, who are second to gypsies in regards to the potency of their curses. Do you really want to anger her and get a curse that your girlfriends, wives, or daughters are all going to develop macromastia along with gynecomastia for yourself by treating Mitra disrespectfully (you can do a google image search of both terms for nightmare fuel)? Do you want to risk a future where your titty monster daughter sends you to an old folk's <s>prison</s> home because you kept calling her a breast demon?

Is this the face of someone that will let you off lightly?

Bring it on! I hate her, so i won't regret it! I rather die than have her in my team! Seriously, what with Japan people and overly large breasts. Normal one is fine, Flat one is fine. At least I preferred good portion

Chance-up is a trap; you still have to spend 20,000~40,000 yen worth of crystals to obtain a chance-up platinum or black unit (I don't know the exact value right now). If you want Matsuri or Kikyou for the plat drop bonus, then you're better off spending the crystals to farm the Gold Rush maps without them instead, or even better, wait until a proper revival for such-and-such character to get the most value out of your SC.

When Flan appear again, Whennnnn.....

You could ask someone that's ordering the book to also order you a copy just for the serial code. I did this for several people (i.e. Hybras) for the first light novel, and exkale did it for a couple people for the fanbook and 3rd light novel. You could ask him or someone else the next time they import books (there's little doubt they're going to print a second fanbook and have Suil in it again as a serial code).

I see... Again, Since I lived in Indonesia getting those books is kinda big trouble for me
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I updated the post in the OP with all of the drop information, though I don't have the platinum unit drops or number. So you can guess who may go where depending on the title.

The third map has nekomimi, so I think that will have Ada (rogue).
The fourth map is magic, so I think that will have Odette (mage).
The sixth map has Oniba-shu, so I think it will have Momiji (samurai).
That leaves Flan (vampire hunter) as the plat unit for the fifth map.

The magic city map has an unknown guardian that's highly resistant to magic, so that's probably going to be something nasty like a Mithril Golem. None of the maps have gimmicks like poison or whatnot.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I updated the post in the OP with all of the drop information, though I don't have the platinum unit drops or number. So you can guess who may go where depending on the title.

The third map has nekomimi, so I think that will have Ada (rogue).
The fourth map is magic, so I think that will have Odette (mage).
The sixth map has Oniba-shu, so I think it will have Momiji (samurai).
That leaves Flan (vampire hunter) as the plat unit for the fifth map.

The magic city map has an unknown guardian that's highly resistant to magic, so that's probably going to be something nasty like a Mithril Golem. None of the maps have gimmicks like poison or whatnot.

It's too cruel if Flan was on 5th map, that a map I don't wanna to complete (Breast Demons and very unappealing drop)
4th map sure is interesting Are you really sure it's (90/12). Very un-GoldRush like (The maps usually 30/2)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's too cruel if Flan was on 5th map, that a map I don't wanna to complete (Breast Demons and very unappealing drop)
4th map sure is interesting Are you really sure it's (90/12). Very un-GoldRush like (The maps usually 30/2)

god i hope not i for one cant complete it
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This second map is doing a great job reminding me how duelist deficient I am.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Petite you still have old link in your signature ;<

And also: this week maint info has wrong date.

I must say I am not thrilled for this gold rush D:
I already completed 1st map with Erret, I don't care about Julian (I have 2 or 3 copies of him in barracks already), Chizuru I do want - I have one copy from premium summon so having second one will be nice, same for Kyuteri - I have one copy, second will be nice. Zaram? I have one copy, he is in shop, I do not use avenger anyway... I don't need him at all. Gold curse user? Gosh, I wasn't interested in Platinum one either and she was much better looking girl. I will try to get her just for my collector sake.

Miranda? Got bunch of them in barracks and no resources to raise
Ada? Got none, if I will get any copy I will feed it to my Flan
Odette? we can raise her skill a bit, although she is still before CC, and min costed
Flan? Min cost, 6/10 skill, I actually use her so any free copy will be welcome but I am not wastig my SC on farming here on Gold Rush.
Momji: ok, I will be happy having some spare copies but no way I am farming her. My is still before CC and has some skill ups and cost reductions.

As for good things: Pippis needs 7000 EXP to be maxed out with all resources to AW already prepared (they were for Sedis :<) But I lack platinum fairies.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ironically, Mitra's map is the best one for me. I'm sure Exkale will agree.

Silver Healer Dolka on a 30/2 map

I need a ton of silver healers just to do the following:
AW Pippin
AW Liana
AW Roberto
AW Waltz
AW Echidna

At the moment, I only have 2 30CC1 healers, and 1 LV30 healer. That's only enough to awaken Liana. If these silver units have a 10% drop, then they're going to be the best to farm, since the only way I could do better is with certain 20/1 maps like the one for Hores's event (Pales at 10% on a 20/1 map is godly; most 1 stamina maps don't have silver units, or only have them at 5%). I was trying to find a revival event map with 20/1 silver healer drops, but couldn't find any (Roana's event only has them on a later map, and her event supposedly has 5% drops for its silver units on the middling stamina maps according to aggregate data).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Unfortunately I also need to farm healers... :/ after I will AW Pippin I will have 4 healers left: enough to follow my plan AW Sedis but not for future events...

@Petite, I uploaded you whole Yurina event (you have link on PM), Altrius posted you first map one page ago (I will add link later, I am writing on my tab.)

Thank you Altrius!

And bigger thank you to you, Petite <3
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was trying to find a revival event map with 20/1 silver healer drops, but couldn't find any.

Umm, the very first map from Noel/Kagura event? I remember making a post about (me) farming it for healers, and now I still have a sizeable amount remaining in my barracks. ;)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ironically, Mitra's map is the best one for me. I'm sure Exkale will agree.

Silver Healer Dolka on a 30/2 map

At least I can farm for Fran at the same time, which is very convenient if she drops any copies. I'm a little disappointed they found a way to force Mitra on us, but I'll shove her into the second barracks because I must have her in the future even if I hate her design. I'll take revenge on the completed Mithril Golem and then get rid of her!

The number of silver healers I need still remain at a large number. Here is who I want to AW:
Echidna, 2
Sedis, 4
Fran, 2
Waltz, 2
Hana, 2
Paula, 2
Pippin, 5
Total Required: 19, maybe 12 more if I want AW Krile, AW Fedora, and AW Roberto

I'll most likely awaken Sedis first because that's limiting me the most. I refuse to use a rainbow fairy on her because I want to get the most value out of the additional purchased copies. I also refuse to purchase said copies because she's not awakened. Placing higher priority on other units (Mia, Kagura, and Serra) has prevented me from awakening her for a long time.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chance-up is a trap; you still have to spend 20,000~40,000 yen worth of crystals to obtain a chance-up platinum or black unit (I don't know the exact value right now).

For once, I didn't get screwed over when going for a black unit.
Oh who am I kidding? I am not screwed over only if I ignore all my previous attempts (x number of rolls in double digits for Kikyou alone which I didn't bother counting) to get Kikyou for that 7% damage buff.
Yes, it was when Kikyou was first introduced chance up, and another time she was on chance up.

Let's wipe my memory pre-patch clean, and go with pretending I am lucky this time around. *memory wipe complete* I got Kikyou 'today' with only 4 rolls!

AW Stats Buffing 36% attack
2% Aria + 5% Uzume + 7% Kikyou = 14% Attack buff across everything.
Just need Matsuri (don't have) and Kagura for 10% more Attack buff
Then +7% class buff and +5% rarity buff
For a total of 14% + 10% + 7% + 5% = 36% attack buff for close range, gold rarity or below classed specific unit!

All you need is 3 + 2 + 2 units! taking up half of your 15 slots!
Is it worth it? In my opinion:
Aria = ++
Uzume = ++
Kikyou = +
Matsuri = x (clashes with Uzume, otherwise +)
Kagura = x (clashes with Kikyou, otherwise +)
Sherry = ~ (depending on rarity of party)

++ Any deck
+ Depending
x Not suggested

So the answer is an arguably yes for 3 or so for the sweet spot. Using all 6 + class buff is a flat no.

... oh right, why did I bother raising Desperia again? ._.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hate you so much. I rolled 6 times last night and only got Marnie. Someday I'll get Kikyou, Uzume, and Matsuri.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hate you so much. I rolled 6 times last night and only got Marnie. Someday I'll get Kikyou, Uzume, and Matsuri.
Uzume you should definitely go for, she's ++ (suitable to any deck) in terms of a unit.

Matsuri clashes with Uzume, so it's better to have Uzume Noodle Bowl than matsuri for obvious reasons. (range damage boost matters more than melee damage boost)
Kikyou by the same argument is better than Kagura, she's great for buff reasons and if you don't have a good witch.

Kikyou - *kicks 50CC56 Desperia out of party*
Desperia - *pops back in to 3 star Great Magical War then goes into barrack*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Uzume and Kikyou are the ones I want the most because of the reasons you stated, but I don't mind getting Matsuri. Even if Uzume and Kikyou are overall better, Matsuri is still a large boost for me because of the number of melee units I have. I just gave it a try today since it's a chance to get someone that can buff my team.

I'll have to start saving again and then try again during the next Gold Rush or when Uzume is in the spotlight.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There was some hate for the shaman a while back, good to know others love it like i do even if i havent awoken it :D

on a side note rolled that platinum 9 tail fox girl as my 1 roll
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so to reach massive dmg like that 2k-3k can you stack units like kagura and kikyo or they have to be different classes for the buff to work?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

so to reach massive dmg like that 2k-3k can you stack units like kagura and kikyo or they have to be different classes for the buff to work?
2k~3k is easy, just use a unit that has 3x damage.

Kagura and Kikyou while can be stacked, gets no where near 2k~3k unless the unit being buffed has that high of a stats.

Like the analysis I mentioned, that's just 36% at most for the game at the moment. Compared that to 300% (or a certain Minerva's 400%) it's just 'add-in' to the damage.
While these AW buffs does do however, is make your unit perform noticeably better. Cause more damage = faster kill/better healer = less need for tanks => faster map clears, etc etc.

In terms of class limitation. Kagura is melee only. Kikyou applies to all units.
So class doesn't matter for these 2 specific AW buffs.
For the records for Minerva:

AW Kikyou, AW Uzume, AW Aria, AW Aneria (AW class buff to pirates), AW Waltz
+ Uzume 3rd stage AW skill, Minerva 5th stage AW skill.
Of course Prince Big Hero (+21%) skill

Results in an attack power of 6622.
Add in Goddess Protection damage buff results in a damage of 11257.

For the records, Leone still has higher dps xD.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You can use Desperia for Golems, if you can't get past their huge armor.