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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Agreed, problem is... I kept going on that one and my next 3 draws have been silver only.. Which kinda has me disheartened.
It's called using up all your luck. You will get used to it.

It's also the reason why we suggested you just stick with your main and go from there.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's called using up all your luck. You will get used to it.

It's also the reason why we suggested you just stick with your main and go from there.

I mean I'm still gonna stick to both, after all. Don't see a reason why not to.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I mean I'm still gonna stick to both, after all. Don't see a reason why not to.
Waste of time basically, any time you spend on a secondary account is time you are not spending on your primary ... argument doesn't really apply.

I suppose you can decide it later when a trial item event hits and takes up all your time. But having a secondary account is usually a bad idea. (Aegis has a high tendency to send all your good roles to your secondary account even at 50/50)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I think sue attacks faster than .67 times a second so your calculations may be a bit off she at least if 攻撃硬直-18% for 100 likeability means attack delay. She has both that and quick draw the GC wiki list .67 as her attack speed without the likeability included says at the top of the page her attack speed with that included is unmeasured. Pjfrost may want to keep his account with Sue or Snow w/e her name really is if this is true I imagine she is a decent blender machine with all those atk speed increases and a 30 second near double attack button with added range sounds easily capable of carrying him through awaken orb maps and extreme tier dailies maybe even god tier
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What Draa is saying is correct. You'll only want to commit to one account and you want it to be as good as possible. There are some really nice events occasionally and you don't want to miss out on some apology rewards if they make a mistake.

Just buy the EXP increase buff and the Gold increase buff and start grinding. You will still be skipping many events for a couple weeks, but that's just how this game is once you start late. Once you make a high-level team, then it should be smooth sailing. It's still going to be hard or impossible to do higher tier missions, but patience is rewarded. Don't feel jealous of the people that talk about clearing missions that you can't. They have gone through this as well (except for the whales that have a team of Blacks).

I also like Cornelia if you want to stick with her. Having a tank is really important once you reach end-game levels. Some enemies are impossible or very difficult to handle if you don't have a tank that meet or exceed certain stats.

Also, try to get strong enough to be able to get at least 1k total kills during Subjugation events. Occasionally they will give out a special reward if you meet the requirements. For example, Spirit Happy/Joy* was given for two different Subjugation events and those Spirits can level up any unit from 1 to their max level. The only requirement was to obtain 1k total kills, so it is possible as long as you can commit the Charisma to obtain those kills. It won't happen any time soon, but it's still possible for them to start another Subjugation event that has that Spirit as a reward again because of their upcoming anniversary.

*Spirit Joy/Happy grants 150k EXP. The EXP won't overflow across evolutions, so it isn't wise to use it on a non-AW unit. You'll really want to use it on an AW Black because it will make them your best unit to use.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Didn't know he has cornelia now too I think he should of stopped with Sue she seems like good burst dmg with not so high a cost vs cornelia who I will admit is probably the best tank in the game. I feel tanking should be secondary in this game you just need someone who can take 1-2 hits and live indefinitely or at least long enough that you can burst down w/e is attacking.
I mean this is really tedious making all these accounts right? laziness would make me take any black unit and run with it w/e was summoned first.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Didn't know he has cornelia now too I think he should of stopped with Sue she seems like good burst dmg with not so high a cost vs cornelia who I will admit is probably the best tank in the game. I feel tanking should be secondary in this game you just need someone who can take 1-2 hits and live indefinitely or at least long enough that you can burst down w/e is attacking.
I mean this is really tedious making all these accounts right? laziness would make me take any black unit and run with it w/e was summoned first.

Say that to my old R.I.P friend :p
he made around 70-80 account was it ? and he finally quit.
On other hand i did get the account now... and made me played alt account cuz it have black soldier altair / plat Uzume + black bandit amanda (this 1 my lucky roll) in it.
Although after hitting rank 80 i quit, finding it too much more of a chore than fun :(

I think i also have 1 more black account from him, it have black omyou Mikoto in it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoilers:
-Subjugation Mission "Princess of a Ruined Kingdom and the Ninja Army Corps" (亡国の姫と忍者軍団) Begins.
+From Oct 15th Maintenance to November 12th Maintenance.
+Rarity of Princess Louise Based on Aggregate Subjugation Total (All Players):
100 Million: Silver
300 Million: Gold
600 Million: Platinum

(Event) Princess Louise (ルイーズ):
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Princess..... i want >.< hopefuly it is platinum unit at the end >.< since i need a strong duelist.......

The fact that its 600mil to turn her to platinum mean she could be 1 of the strong unit right >.< (cuz maurete only 6mil).
Time to use the alt account to help increase the subjugation kill :D

Edit: If only they put 1 Billion kill : Black...
For some reason even its really high order i had feeling will still go for it
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Who are your options to tank that 1 or 2 hits, assuming we are talking about the Iron Golem (4k attack power)?

Excluding Premiums, there are few options that could work.

Buffs include Prince 19% stat increase.
Anya (Black Dragon Princess): 3,775 EHP @ AW99; multi-block (2); 20 MR
Imelia (Platinum Bandit): 4,351 EHP @ AW90, 4,541/4,736/4,853 EHP w/1.5x/2x/2.3x* buff; single-block
Maribelle (Platinum Heavy Armor): 3,794 EHP @ AW90, 4,321/4,584 EHP w/2.0x/2.5x* buff; multi-block (3/3/4)
Miranda (Platinum Heavy Armor): 4,203 EHP @ AW90; multi-block (3/3/4)
Raichi (Gold Mage Armor): 3,695 EHP @ AW80, 4,192 EHP w/1.8x* buff; multi-block (3/3/4); 15 MR
Abel (Gold Dragon Rider): 3,973 EHP @ AW80; single-block
Lucille (Platinum Dragon Rider): 3,993 EHP @ AW90; single-block; 10 MR

Going to add Cornelia since that's an option.
Cornelia: 3,682 EHP @ AW99, 4,782 EHP w/2.5x* buff; multi-block (2); 20 MR

A multiplier with an * indicates that it is a Skill AW

Anya requires a bunch of SC and it requires being active during both of her events. Imelia can be possible to obtain during her revival if it happens any time soon. Raichi and Abel can possibly show up in the trading post. You can try to get Maribelle/Miranda/Lucille during their revival events if they happen to do it or if they show up during a Gold Rush (very low chance to get them and difficult to get multiple copies).

Other than those listed, you'll have to wait for an event unit that is focused on being a tank or has high durability. You'll also be wanting a really good duelist type units from an event.

Edit: I forgot to mention about the Hex User. It will be important to get 1 or 2 copy of Mitra in the future in the trading post. 10% attack reduction will do wonders and can make more units viable as tank options and it should lessen the requirement for certain units. For example, Iron Golem will be doing 3,600 damage instead of 4,000 while it is within a Hex User's range.


Well, that's a cool looking Princess. 600 million is a tall order so it looks like she'll be a Gold unit. I really want her to become a Platinum unit. :(
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dunno how this'll turn out. Hopefully we get to platinum.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: I forgot to mention about the Hex User. It will be important to get 1 or 2 copy of Mitra in the future in the trading post. 10% attack reduction will do wonders and can make more units viable as tank options. For example, Iron Golem will be doing 3,600 damage instead of 4,000 while it is within a Hex User's range.

Wanna ask question regarding hexer.
The 10% atk reduction, does it auto apply as any unti got into her range ? or its on enemy that got atk-ed by her and the debuff within duration ?.
Cuz if it apply to any unit that inside her range, Mitra actually really good unit when you have multi high atk enemy... (although i still don't like her ilustration as mention before *no offense*)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm sure it applies automatically once they are within range. Otherwise it would be pointless to have her in the team often if other enemies deal full damage instead of the reduced damage.

I hate her illustration as well, so I'm hoping there will be a Platinum event Hex User in the future so I can delete her. At least she doesn't need levels so I can leave her at level 1 and not waste anything on her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As Much utility that a Princess would have for the Playerbase at Gold, I really hope we all pull together and Make her Plat. I feel like a Princess should be the bestest she can be.

Prince needs to AW into King, Anna in Queen *nod nod*

Anna AW Ability: Her buff now applies to all Princess-Class units in range as well.

Prince AW Ability: F*** that prince, He doesn't get an AW ability. Just a few more stats.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Louise's illustrator is Kageshio ( ). He's been waiting a long time for the staff to implement Louise into the game. Looking at his Pixiv gallery, I hope they commissioned him to do a youko character, though I guess Hisahiko (Yuyu's illustrator), Tamamonoato (Nanaly's illustrator), or Yaman** (Pippin's illustrator) would be much more suitable for that class.

exkale said:
petite said:
exkale said:
petite said:
exkale said:
petite said:
exkale said:
so I can delete her
My friend says a prince tried that and got killed immediately after.
Who was he?
Ain't sure. I heard he was weird.
He was crazy?
No, a retard. His mama was in the store. And the prince needed to go to the toilet. His mama was taking her time, choosing this, and looking at that. So the prince started moaning. His mama got mad at him; sent him across the street with her Android. His mama's at the checkout, and she hears her prince screaming, 'Mama! Mama!' There's a big tough guy. He runs over to check it out, and comes out of there shaking and crying. He had only been in there five seconds. Come out of there and his hair turned white. I mean, it turned white, just like that.
Was the prince murdered?
Worse. He's lying on the floor in a pool of blood, holding the Android with the screen frozen on the retire unit screen. They found 'it' floating in a toilet. Can't fix that. Better off dead.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I'm crazy, not retarded! I was laughing while feeling horror the whole time I read that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite and exkale

I think sue attacks faster than .67 times a second so your calculations may be a bit off
That's only for normal attack for affection under 100%. AW requires 100% affection and therefore the testing on the attack speed with AW skill already accounts for it.

I feel tanking should be secondary in this game you just need someone who can take 1-2 hits and live indefinitely or at least long enough that you can burst down w/e is attacking.
Remember that Corenlia is also a duelist and ace rolled into one. It reduces the need for supporting damage and healing, allowing to field more healers and generally do more damage due higher attack while engaging.
It's the reason why duelist =/= tank, and ace > duelist. Duelist allows you to go 1v1 on hard to kill enemy/boss. Ace allows you to 1v1 bosses and hard hitter yet do enough damage without needing much in terms of support.

Wanna ask question regarding hexer.
The 10% atk reduction, does it auto apply as any unti got into her range ? or its on enemy that got atk-ed by her and the debuff within duration ?.
It's within her range. This applies to the 10% attack reduction and instant kill.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Cornelia is most impressive when AW. Since I AW her Bernice was rarely used as my tank.
Cornelia is good, solid and decent dps and upon AW she got 20% chance to do 1.8x DPS while again undead and demon chance is increased to 100%

As Draa mentioned: she can be tank, duelist and ace at same time. Without Bernice Cornelia will be great help for you.

Although I still think that rolling 666 accounts to get black at start is silly thing.
I did my first premium after half year playing and I was capable of doing a lot of things without my Paladin girl
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hope it's nothing like what we had to do for Maurette, gonna be huge challenge for her to get to plat if it is.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

okay misinterpretation that's pretty amazing though Sue is really weaker than Elizabeth when shes black and liz is platinum they should probably fix that.