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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Pippin Gives Best Massages with Her Concentrated Healing (Hop on Lean):

Since things are going to be chaotic after the maintenance. Is there any particular story missions that anyone here wants to know the 4-star gimmick for as soon as possible? I'm going to be going over them one after another, after checking Iris (Gold) and Sedis's AW Skills (I haven't awoken Roberto yet).

That kind of massage is pretty good. Off course you need to be light enough to do that.

You are quite true about the fact things might get chaotic. Many want to try the new 4 star + Increased drop + Revival event + The going event Princess. Even I wondered which one I wanted to do

How many we got on subjugation ? As far as I remember we already at 480 something
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If there are multiple missions with the same type of gimmick, maybe you should place them under categories? That should save some character space because you won't have to type the gimmick for every mission available.

As for the missions I would like to see translated, I want to say every desert, oriental country, and magic city story missions even if it's a lot to ask for. Jumping into those missions blind is going to be asking for trouble compared to the earlier missions, especially since those missions will consume more charisma.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

News Report:
-Maintenance Extended to 16:30

Well, that was to be expected. As a warning, considering all of the new, complicated things, there's a good chance they'll rollback any good luck you may have, or have an emergency maintenance to waste yet more charisma/stamina. So be careful when the game is up.

exkale said:
If there are multiple missions with the same type of gimmick, maybe you should place them under categories?
I have them sorted by charisma cost and the Japanese map name according to how they're listed on GCWiki to make it easier to find them. I'm going to separate the post like I did the desert and oriental story missions for Himeuta afterwards (Saya hasn't fixed all of the posts that had the Japanese characters mangled during the migration, which means I'll probably have to go through all of my old posts, one-by-one, to fix them all).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No wonder the maintenance still on. What I should do now ~~~
Napping for the next hour maybe? *plans to do*

Well, that was to be expected. As a warning, considering all of the new, complicated things, there's a good chance they'll rollback any good luck you may have, or have an emergency maintenance to waste yet more charisma/stamina. So be careful when the game is up.
It's a fair warning, please becareful. It happened quite a few times before after a major maintenance like this one.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

[hook=event]Maintenance Update On October 22nd:[/hook]
-Emergency Mission "The Dark Knighthood and the Targeted Healer" Ends.
-Revival Mission "Capital of Princesses, Bandits and Evil Spirits" (姫と山賊と悪霊の都) Between 22nd and 29th (Every Day).
-Story Mission Drop 1.5x (Oct 22~29).
-Daily "Mission Drop 1.5x and Skill AW Fairy Drop 1.5x" Campaign (Oct 22~29) Begins.
-AW Orb Drop 2x (Oct 22~29).
-Story Mission "Magic City" Second Phase Added.
-4 Star Challenge Added to Story Missions (See In-game Help for Details).
 1) 3-star Clear
 2) Drop Complete
 3) Rank 50+
-Rarity Silver Units Witch Merone (魔女メローネ) and Alchemist Thelma (錬金術士テルマ) Added.
Trading Post:
-Viera, Zaram, and Maurette Replaced in Trading Post.
+Platinum Healer Sedis, Gold Mage Armour Raichi, and Gold Ninja Hien Added.
-Platinum Samurai Akane Replaced on Oct 29th.
-Saint Skill AW Implemented.
-Certain Unit AW Sprites Changed.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
-1 Crystal for Users Registered Before Oct 15 19:50.

Camilla (カミラ):
Strengthen Healing III (回復力強化III): (35s; attack 1.8x; AS: 82; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
Wise Big Sis's Prayer (賢姉の祈り:): (30s; attack 1.6>1.9>2.2x; instant: all ally recovery [once]; AS: ; WT: 15; CT: 30)

Fedora (フェドラ):
Extend Range II (射程強化II): (25s; range 1.7x [442]; AS: 82; WT: 20; CT: 30)
Double Heal (ダブルヒール): (30s; range 1.7x; heals 2 allies within range; AS: ; WT: 23.3; CT: 35)

Juno (ユーノ):
Evil Force (イービルフォース): (25s; attack 1.7x; attacks with magic; AS: 82; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
Darkness Soul (ダークネスソウル): (10s; attack 1.8x; attacks with magic; skill changes; AS: ; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)
Brightness Soul (ブライトネスソウル): (10s; attack 1.8x; heals with magic; skill changes; AS: ; WT: N/A; CT: 35)

Iris (イーリス):
Strengthen Healing II (回復力強化II): (30s; attack 1.7x; AS: 82; WT: 26.7; CT: 40)
Kind Lil Sis's Prayer (優妹の祈り): (30s; attack 2.1>1.8>1.5x; instant: all ally recovery [once]; attack power decreased afterwards; AS: ; WT: 20; CT: 30)

Roberto (ロベルト):
Strengthen Healing II (回復力強化II): (30s; attack 1.7x; AS: 82; WT: 26.7; CT: 40)
Furious Blow (憤怒の一撃): (20s; attack 4.5x; physical ranged attack that halts enemies; AS: ; WT: 43.3; CT: 65)

Saria (サーリア):
Quick Heal (クイックヒール): (25s; shortens intervals between heals; AS: 42; WT: 15; CT: )
Quick Area Heal (クイックエリアヒール): (25s; recover all allies within range, and shorten intervals between heals; AS: ; WT: 17.5; CT: 35)

Sedis (シーディス):
Star Wand (星の杖): (95s; attack 1.4x; range 1.2x [312]; AS: 82; WT: 47.5; CT: 95)
Fixed Star Wand (恒星の杖): (120s; attack 1.6x; range 1.3x; AS: ; WT: 60; CT: 120)

Story Mission 4-Star Challenge:
-Life 1 For All Missions, and There's No Unit Drops.
-3-star Reward: Sacred Crystal
-(Charisma) (Japanese Name): Gimmick

() ():
(10) (神殿の森): Male Units Only
(11) (女神の神殿): Female Units Only
(12) (神殿を守れ!): Melee Unit Cost x3
(12) (残党退治1): Enemy Attack-up
(12) (田園の門):
(14) (住民救出1):
(15) (住民救出2):
(16) (田園の門防衛戦):
(18) (住民救出3):
(15) (狼の巣): Enemy Speed-up
(19) (火事場泥棒):
(20) (謎の魔物):
(21) (砦の戦い):
(22) (王都に続く道):
(15) (山賊の隠れ家): Enemy Defence-up
(20) (深森の大道): Ranged Unit Cost x3
(22) (残党退治2):
(23) (哀しみの墓地):
(23) (廃都への帰還):
(24) (戦場の群狼):
(25) (見張り塔):
(26) (亡者の鎧):
(28) (城門の戦い):
(29) (王城奪還):
(30) (残党退治3):
(37) (竜の狩場): Recovery Units Banned
(34) (炎の竜):
(42) (不死の魔物):
(25) (熱砂の戦場):
(28) (砂の廃都):
(30) (焦熱のオアシス):
(33) (砂海に潜む魔物):
(36) (拠点争奪戦・前):
(40) (拠点争奪戦・後):
(44) (砂漠のサソリ):
(47) (オアシスに迫る危機):
(51) (二つのピラミッド):
(45) (東の国の港町):
(48) (風に散る桜):
(52) (田を返せ!):
(56) (絶望の城下町):
(59) (風神退治):
(61) (落ち武者たちの行進):
(63) (雷神襲来):
(58) (魔法都市への誘い):
(60) (鋼鉄の手刀):
(62) (鋼鉄の手斧):
() ():
() ():
() ():
() ():

Story Mission "Magic City" Second Phase":
-Silver Witch Merone Skill: Strengthen Range I
-Silver Alchemist Thelma Skill: Strengthen Attack I

(63) (転送の魔法陣):
Russel (), Roy (x2), Semmel (x3), Completion: Merone

(65) (研究塔の巨兵):
Leo (x2), Roy (), Semmel (x3), Completion: Thelma

Revival Mission "Capital of Princesses, Bandits and Evil Spirits":
-Platinum Bandit Imelia in Trading Post (150 Revival Crystals; 100 if Imelia is Possessed).
-Spirit Bonbori Drops Rarely on Certain Maps, and Has Same Skill as Imelia (2x Skill-up Chance).

Princess and Bandit Band (20/1) (姫と山賊団):
R Crystal (x2), Burgan (100)
Souls Per Trip: 1.22; Per Charisma: 0.061; Per Stamina: 1.22
Bandit: "My lady, people are here! I wonder if they have valuables..."
???: "Geez! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me lady! Call me boss like you're supposed to, OK?"
???: "Ah, geez! The mood's all spoiled. Anyway, what kind of people?"
Bandit: "People wearing hot and stuffy clothes that are jangling with something. They won't be able to move around easily in those things!"
Bandit: "We'll win for sure!"
???: (... Honestly, these vulgar people...)
???: "Hmm. I wonder if they're people of noble birth. All right! Let's get to work!"
Bandit: "Hei!"
Bandit: "The... these guys are stroooooong! My lady! These aren't normal people, are they?"
???: "I told you to call me boss!"
???: "Hmm, we lost... Let's see... Sorry! Please overlook our transgression and let us go!"
???: "Come on, you guys also tell them you're sorry!"
Bandit: "Sorry for suddenly attacking you! Forgive us!"
???: "Apologise properly!!"
Bandit: "Please forgive us. We're terribly sorry..."
Anna: "..."
Pumpkin Devil: "Found her. Found her. The princess. Let's take her soul...!"
???: "...!! You guys..! Not now...!"
Anna: "Where did those monsters come from...? I've never seen them in this area."
???: "Excuse me, you people over there! I'm sorry about earlier! There, I apologised, so will you defeat those monsters for us?"
???: "If they're not stopped, they'll steal away everyone's souls!"
Anna: "Eh!? Steal souls...!? I don't really understand, but they sound like dangerous monsters. Let's fight them."

Imelia Introduction:
Imelia: "Thanks for saving us earlier! I'm Imelia."
Imelia: "To tell you the truth, I was born and raised as a princess from a kingdom far away from here."
Imelia: "My kingdom used to have a great and prosperous city."
Imelia: "My people were full of vigour, and... I thought things would always be that way."
Imelia: "But that all ended the day the nightmares paid us a visit..."
Imelia: "That day our kingdom was celebrating a great holiday. Every year, the children of the city would all dress in costumes and visit homes to receive candy from adults."
Imelia: "I thought those pumpkin monsters were also children in costumes, everyone in the city paid them no mind..."
Imelia: "Before we knew it, the souls of all the people and soldiers were stolen by the monsters..."
Imelia: "I wasn't able to do anything except flee..."
Imelia: "I want to somehow retrieve the souls of all the people of my country. I want to save all of my countrymen...!"
Imelia: "Please, Prince. Lend me your strength!"

Imprisoned Soul (30/2) (囚われた魂):
R Crystal (x3), Ballad (10), ()
Souls Per Trip: 3.11; Per Charisma: 0.1036; Per Stamina: 1.555
Anna: "...! Who are these people..."
Imelia: "These are the people of the city. They became a shell of their former selves after their souls were stolen... They won't respond even if I call out to them..."
Anna: "Is that so...? Is there a way to return the souls to the people?"
Imelia: "Everyone's souls are stored in the lanterns the pumpkin monsters carry around. If you defeat the monsters, I'm sure their souls will return to their bodies...!"
Anna: "I see. Understood. Prince, let's save these people."

Evil Spirit Capital (40/4) (悪霊の都):
R Crystal III (x3), Loren (10), Funes (10), Bonbori
Souls Per Trip: 6.54; Per Charisma: 0.1635; Per Stamina: 1.635
Imelia: "There's a lot of small roads in this district. Those guys could come from anywhere..."
Anna: "It's necessary to fight with caution so we don't get caught off guard."
Anna: "Prince, prepare for battle!"

Heavy Gunner Monsters Extreme-tier (50/5) (重砲の魔物 極級):
R Crystal III (), Mischa (10), Platinum Armour (10), Bonbori
Souls Per Trip: 7.99; Per Charisma: 0.1598; Per Stamina: 1.598
Soldier: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"
Anna: "Kuh... The enemy are still heading this way! Let's fight back!"
Soldier: "Report! Enemies carrying large cannons have appeared at the front line!"
Imelia: "Those guys...! Be careful! If you receive a cannon shell from those monsters, everyone around that area will be engulfed in the explosion!"
Anna: "I see. Prince, give your order the front line squad!"

Lord of the Dead God-tier (100/2) (死者の王 神級):
Gold Fairy (50, 100 first drop), Platinum Fairy (10, 100 first drop), Black Fairy (5, 100 first drop), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Imelia: "Here is the heart of the city. We've finally reached it."
Anna: "However, I feel some kind of foreboding atmosphere."
Lord of the Dead: "Fufufu. You humans have done well making it this far."
Imelia: "Who are you...!?"
Lord of the Dead: "I'm the Lord of the Dead... The foolish humans here have been nourishing my power."
Lord of the Dead: "Isn't that joyous? They have become one with me. Fuhahhahhaha!"
Imelia: "Foolish, you say? One... How cruel! Is that what you think of everyone... I mean humans!?"
Anna: "Prince, let's defeat the enemy at once and take back the townspeople's souls!"
Lord of the Dead: "Now then, I'll have my undead army be your opponents. It looks like we're going to have an entertaining battle on our hands."
Lord of the Dead: "For humans, you have done well to claw your way to victory. I shall withdraw for the time being. However, next time I shall have you hand your souls over to me!"
Imelia: "Ahh! Wait! Wait—! Return everyone's souls!!"
Anna: "Imelia-san, please calm down. It would only weaken our forces if we were to pursue them right now."
Anna: "We still haven't taken back the people's souls. Let's concentrate on quickly taking back the ones here."
Imelia: "... Yes. You're right. We'll quickly retake the souls, and return the country to its former glory!"

Fading Monsters (35/3) (うつろう魔物):
R Crystal III (x2), Nenya (10), Kagerou (10), Bonbori
Souls Per Trip: 4.8; Per Charisma: 0.1371; Per Stamina: 1.6
Anna: "Feels kinda gloomy here, doesn't it?"
Soldier: "Report! The pumpkin monsters look as though they're suddenly disappearing and then reappearing in other places..."
Soldier: "They appear to be trying to confuse the front-line squads!"
Anna: "Prince, please keep an eye on the enemy's movements!"

Army of the Dead Extreme-tier (50/5) (死者の軍団 極級):
R Crystal V (100x2), Phyllis (10), Giovanni (10), Bonbori ()
Souls Per Trip: 9; Per Charisma: 0.18; Per Stamina: 1.8
Lord of the Dead: "Fufufu. So you've shown yourselves, humans."
Imelia: "You...! I will no longer let you do as you please with our country!"
Lord of the Dead: "Fuhahaha! Your words are meaningless. Well then, I shall turn this place into your graves. I think you should be thankful to be allowed to die within your country!"
Anna: "Prince, let's fight! We must save the people of this country!"
Anna: "We somehow managed to defeat them."
Imelia: "Thank you... Prince, everyone... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my country..."
Imelia: "The enemy has also been defeated, so all that's left is to revive the kingdom. As its queen, there's still more to do!"

Reunion God-tier (60/7) (再会 神級):
R Crystal V (x2), R Crystal III (), Bonbori (), Complete: Rainbow Fairy
Souls Per Trip: 14; Per Charisma: 0.2333; Per Stamina: 2
Anelia: "What's this. Aww... these pumpkins are persistent...!"
Imelia: "Onee-chan!! You're finally here."
Anelia: "Imelia! What are you doing here!?"
Imelia: "Fufu—n. I knew Onee-chan never went that far away."
Anelia: "... The way you're talking is making me angry."
Lord of the Dead: "Oya oya. Is now a bad time to interrupt your moment of making peace?"
Imelia: "You...! I thought we defeated you...!"
Lord of the Dead: "Fuhahhahhaha! You thought that was enough to send me away? Even though my body is rotting, my soul is immortal. I'll revive no matter how many times I'm defeated!!"
Imelia: "You're a really persistent guy, aren't you? Onee-chan, this is the one who has stolen the souls of everyone in the city."
Anelia: "One who won't die when he dies, how pitiful. Such a person should be beaten down again and again."
Anelia: "Imelia, please back away. It wouldn't do if you hurt yourself due to your clumsiness."
Imelia: "Aww, Onee-chan! I've become stout! I'll be OK! So let's get to fighting!"
Lord of the Dead: "Is this what is known as beautiful, sisterly love? Fuhahaha. Enjoy your reunion while you still can. Soon you shall witness despair."
Anna: "Prince, they're heading this way! Let's engage them!"
Lord of the Dead: "Guaaaaaaaa!!!!"
Lord of the Dead: "Guh... Prince, I'll remember you. I'll definitely return to this world. Remember me......!"
Imelia: "We're finished~♪"
Anelia: "Prince, and the rest of you, thank you very much. Also, it appears Imelia is indebted to you. Did she have any accidents?"
Imelia: "Aww! Quit treating me like a little kid!"
Imelia: "... But, I really appreciate everything the Prince and the others have done for me. Thank you all so much!"
Anna: "No. We're glad we were able to help. It would be great if your kingdom is rebuilt soon."
Anelia: "Indeed. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'll do my best with Imelia."
Imelia: "Eheheh. Despite how we look, we're both princesses~♪"
Bandit: "My lady—! We were so worried about you."
Bandit: "My lady, where have you been...?"
Imelia: "Stop calling me lady. I'm your boss!"
Imelia: "I'm going to be really busy from now on. There's a lot of things I'm going to have you guys do too!"
Bandit: "Boss—! We'll follow you wherever you may go!!"

Two Lords of the Dead (100/12) (2人の死者の王):
R Crystal V (x3), R Crystal III (x3), Bonbori ()

Subjugation Mission "Princess of a Ruined Kingdom and the Ninja Army Corps":
-From Oct 15th Maintenance to November 12th Maintenance.
-Rarity of Princess Louise Based on Aggregate Subjugation Total (All Players):
 100 Million: Silver (Skill; Trading Post)
 300 Million: Gold (AW)
 600 Million: Platinum (All Status Up; Growth Up)
+Rarity reflected during next maintenance; level based on xp total, but doesn't affect Louise negatively if you AW her as a Gold before she becomes a Plat.
-Cost Won't Regenerate; Bring Reinforcement Soldiers, Valkyries, or Pegasus Riders.
-Platinum Princess Louise given at 3000 total subjugations.
-Skill: Great Sword Graban (名剣グラバム): (1/5: 30s; defence 1.1x; block#+3; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
-Ability: (難攻不落の要塞): All Unit Cost +2 And Defence +10% if Louise is a Team Member.

Louise Introduction:
Louise: "My name is Louise. I am the queen of a ruined kingdom."
Louise: "I rule the fort near the frontier in order to protect those without a kingdom who survived. I have come to request aid from the Prince's army."
Louise: "Recently, I've received reports of frequent sightings of an unknown ninja force near the fort."
Louise: "We investigated them, and they're the ones that go by the name Oniba-shu."
Louise: "They seem to be looking for the Majin bone fragments that are kept in my territory."
Louise: "I strengthened the patrols and was observing them, but..."
Louise: "The ninjas began to gather their numbers as though they intend to make an attack on the fort."
Louise: "There's nothing but citizens and a small smattering of soldiers in the fort. If we were attacked by ninjas skilled in combat, it's only a matter of time before the fort falls..."
Louise: "The way things are going, the people will lose an important roof over their heads once again... I don't want to let them experience such hardship a second time!"
Louise: "The situation is such I came on our swiftest horse to request your aid."
Louise: "Also, there's no doubt that if the Majin bone fragments they're seeking fall into evil hands and the Majin revives, then disaster will befall this world..."
Louise: "If that happens, not just the citizens in the fort, but many humans will become victims."
Louise: "We must repel Oniba-shu, and prevent that at all cost."
Louise: "I would appreciate it if the Prince to help us against that. I would like us to fight together to keep Oniba-shu from stealing the Majin bone fragments."
Louise: "As rulers of similar kingdoms, I ask that you lend your support for the sake of the people."
Louise: "You accept...!? Thank you very much. You're as compassionate as the rumours say..."
Louise: "This is an urgent situation, so I'll guide you immediately to the base."
Louise: "The battle this time will be a 'Great Subjugation Mission' where the goal is to just defeat the enemy."
Louise: "Great Subjugation Missions are different from regular missions in several ways, so please pay attention."
Louise: "First, the goal of a Great Subjugation Mission is to 'defeat the enemy', nothing more."
Louise: "Defeating the enemy is much more important than preventing casualties on your side."
Louise: "You'll clear the mission even if your life reaches zero, and the number of enemies you defeated will be tallied in the results."
Louise: "Please focus on defeating as many monsters as possible without fear of being wounded."
Louise: "However, even if you defeat the enemy, you won't receive any EXP, gold, or drops, so keep this point in mind."
Louise: "Also, this time the sortie cost won't regenerate over time, so take heed."
Louise: "Now then, let's begin the 'Great Subjugation Mission'." 
Louise: "Please work with us so the Majin bone fragments don't pass to Oniba-shu."

Single Map Rewards:
100: Silver Magic Fencer Cassis
300: Spirit Queen (Joker Fairy)
400: Platinum Armour
500: 50 Magic Crystals

Multiple Map Rewards:
Every 100: Crystal Fragment (0~2000)
Every 200: Crystal Fragment (2001~10,000)
1000: Gold Fairy
2000: Platinum Fairy
3000: Princess Louise
4000: Black Fairy
5000: Rainbow Fairy
6000: Gold Fairy
7000: Rainbow Fairy
8000: Platinum Fairy
9000: Black Fairy
10,000: Rainbow Fairy

Beginner-tier (15) (亡国の姫と忍者軍団 初級): 100
High-tier (30) (亡国の姫と忍者軍団 上級): 300
Extreme-tier (35) (亡国の姫と忍者軍団 極級): 400
God-tier (40) (亡国の姫と忍者軍団 神級): 500

Premium Summon:
-Premium Chance-up Unit Rates:
+Plat: 6x; Black: 7x.
-Black Archer Nanaly
-Black With Despia
-Black Heavy Dina
-Platinum Dancer Marnie
-Platinum Feng Shui User Marle
-Platinum Healer Camilla
-Gold Pirate Monica
-Gold Rogue Kyuteri

Premium Summoning is going to remove the following units on November 19th's Maintenance.

Iris, Dina, Nanaly, Sybilla, Berna, Despia, Clissa, Minerva, Olivia, Mikoto, Sophie, and Farne.
Figneria, Adelle, Thetis, Victoria, Lilia, Sherry, Bashira, Camilla, Dahlia, Cypria, Jerome, Grania, Lyra, Jelius, Rachel, Sakuya, Hina, Shizuka, Elizabeth, Ridy, Marius, Uzume, Sasha, Marle, Marnie, Rubinas, and Daisy.
Julian, Garrett, Cyrus, Bella, Carrie, Claire, Iris, Betty, Themis, Berenice, Fedora, Kyuteri, Conrad, Barbastraff, Mehlis, Strey, Monica, Kojuurou, Vincent, and Zora.
Valery, Clave, Bernard, Funes, Mischa, Cecily, Soma, Alyssa, Harissa, Elaine, Phyllis, Calliope, Daniella, Dolka, Lean, Loren, Sanosuke, Kagerou, Ricardo, and Fudou.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well games is up sooo...
good luck on ur management + care not to get dc-ed from bug / emergency maintenance
PS: ha-ha-ha Raichi did made it to trading post >.< need magic crystal as well now T_T
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Napping for the next hour maybe? *plans to do*

That's what I did, and it was excellent.

Now to forsake all the other goodies in order to farm for Imelia.

Edit: Crap, all the TP units are worth getting.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chatroom for discussing post-patch.

Now to forsake all the other goodies in order to farm for Imelia.
Imelia spam time? Me too :X

omg 100 charisma, 12 stamina, this is officially the highest costing mission in game.

AW Roberto skill
- hahahaha

AW Fedora skill *****
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Saint AW Skill about time right :3

Any news about the subjugation mission princess >?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does Bonbori only work for Imelia?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They're planning to remove a bunch of units from premium next November.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Premium Summoning is going to remove the following units on November 19th's Maintenance.

Iris, Dina, Nanaly, Sybilla, Berna, Despia, Clissa, Minerva, Olivia, Mikoto, Sophie, and Farne.
Figneria, Adelle, Thetis, Victoria, Lilia, Sherry, Bashira, Camilla, Dahlia, Cypria, Jerome, Grania, Lyra, Jelius, Rachel, Sakuya, Hina, Shizuka, Elizabeth, Ridy, Marius, Uzume, Sasha, Marle, Marnie, Rubinas, and Daisy.
Julian, Garrett, Cyrus, Bella, Carrie, Claire, Iris, Betty, Themis, Berenice, Fedora, Kyuteri, Conrad, Barbastraff, Mehlis, Strey, Monica, Kojuurou, Vincent, and Zora.
Valerie, Clave, Bernard, Funes, Mischa, Cecily, Soma, Alyssa, Harissa, Elaine, Phyllis, Calliope, Daniella, Dolka, Lean, Loren, Sanosuke, Kagerou, Ricardo, and Fudou.

W-What the hell is going on here?!

They're planning to remove a bunch of units from premium next November.

Is it because of how mess up their system are ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Louise's AW ability looks good. 10% defense is a lot and it's well worth the +2 unit cost, especially if a team is strong enough to counteract that overall team cost. I might be using her in missions that doesn't require immediate unit deployments.

Since I saw the Premium unit removal notice, I rolled twice and got the first Geomancer. Now I have every single Geomancer in this game and I will need to awaken her as well. More healers to farm for, but now I'm invincible! :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What the hell? These characters are removed from premium only , but maybe they will give them bigger chance on sp and free summons? Amy thoughts why they are removing them?
My Claire is not perfect yet :(

As for Raichi: I just bought 2 copies but managed only -1 cost and 2/5 skill out of them :/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They are likely removing the 'old' premium units, so that mass rollers are not discouraged by possibility of getting another copy of unit they already have...

Priest skills:
Camilia - nice
Fedore - great, unless the WT/CT is too high now
Juno - could be ok (first setup with damage and than trigger healing when you need it), but only 10s for healing CD is likely not enough
Iris - Interesting idea, you often use a healing CD only once in a run anyway. Wonder however, if her attack outside of skill is reduced or the latter part only refers to the fact that consequent skill usages are weakened.
Roberto - ah, so his dream came true
Saria - another good skill AW for premium unit
Sedis - I will likely go for it, but the timers are sooo long...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OK, since the 4-Star Challenges can only be done in sequential order, I'm going to do them later. The reward is just a sacred crystal if you can survive them without anyone dying (you only have 1 life, so you can't let any monsters through).

They're removing them because there are too many god-damn characters to summon. Everyone with an ounce of brains knows chance-up is a trap, and that you're unlikely to summon a character you want if you're a collector, so they're tidying it up. Though, I'm surprised a new character like Platinum Dragon Shaman Rubinas is being removed along with everyone else.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What the hell? These characters are removed from premium only , but maybe they will give them bigger chance on sp and free summons? Amy thoughts why they are removing them?
My Claire is not perfect yet :(

As for Raichi: I just bought 2 copies but managed only -1 cost and 2/5 skill out of them :/

I have an idea ... Maybe I was wrong... It's only a possibility

They might want to make a new kind of premium summon.

We have 5 one, they might add 10 one or ...
Make a specific gacha (like Solider only, princess only like in the past) or ...
Make a multiple-roll gacha (waste 50 SC to get 11) or ...
Maybe they gonna make a totally new units + old ones too OP ? or...
Just false news so we spent more money there to roll gacha

OK, since the 4-Star Challenges can only be done in sequential order, I'm going to do them later. The reward is just a sacred crystal if you can survive them without anyone dying (you only have 1 life, so you can't let any monsters through).

They're removing them because there are too many god-damn characters to summon. Everyone with an ounce of brains knows chance-up is a trap, and that you're unlikely to summon a character you want if you're a collector, so they're tidying it up. Though, I'm surprised a new character like Platinum Dragon Shaman Rubinas is being removed along with everyone else.

In Order? Petite it's kinda hard because I have a map that I not managed to complete yet. Last Map of Oriental one. SC reward is nice. I wanna 2 SC per map though :/
But seriously, it totally a mess up. Good thing they started the cleaning. Still, they need to fix the system
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new story missions are quite challenge, took me 3 to 4 tries to get 3 stars.
new missions.jpg
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They're removing them because there are too many god-damn characters to summon. Everyone with an ounce of brains knows chance-up is a trap, and that you're unlikely to summon a character you want if you're a collector, so they're tidying it up. Though, I'm surprised a new character like Platinum Dragon Shaman Rubinas is being removed along with everyone else.

Figured it out just a while before your post. I believe my low thinking was because I didnt drink coffee yet.
I dont like Louise AW but I believe they gave us this to help with golem storry missions. My Louis already lvl60, can you help me with info what orbs she uses?

Looks like I managed to 3 star everything except 100/2 map from Imeria event, from now I used all sta/char for red crystals daily. Please let me know which Imeria map is best for revival crystals.