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Suggested Rpg games list

Re: Top 20 Rpg game

Been wondering for awhile when we were going to see a thread with this topic, I can't really argue about any of the games here being on the list they are sure better then the dozens of shitty games that have gotten released.
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

This is an ARPG, but made using RPG Maker 2000 with EXTREMELY well done animations, having 4 heroines you can pick from to save a city from a monster invasion. 3 of them have suits that can be damaged, and there's a lot of status effects and weaknesses to be debuffed by if you get raped too much. It's actually kinda hard to beat and get the 'good' ending for.
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

Either i'm doing something wrong or the Links 7 and 8 don't work. I know you said you will improve the first post later but a little improvment would be nice like putting numbers before the links so i know which i already looked at.

Thanks for ur suggestion i will add the number first

also i fixed the 2 link with problem

thanks lipucd game added to the list
Last edited:
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

These are all RPGs that I enjoyed. I think it's silly to limit it to just RPG Maker games, so there might be some that aren't.

[Butakoma 300g]
RJ096241 - Vitamin Quest www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ096241.html
No RJ# - Drop Factory b .dlsite. net/RG05370/archives/51669190.html

RJ117085 - Angel Quest www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ117085.html

RJ111043 - クラン姫のコスプレRPG www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ111043.html
RJ107332 - 淫乱勇者セフィのRPG~世界を救うエッチな冒険!?~ www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ107332.html

RJ124341 - Princess Sacrifice www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ124341.html
RJ106851 - SonabiA www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ106851.html
RJ087612 - ソル・ルイ-異界の魔法少女- www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ087612.html
RJ116839 - Second Hand Shopgirl www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ116839.html
RJ079857 - 触手で洗脳 www .dlsite. com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ079857

Sorry for spaces, not enough posts just yet.
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

No one mentioned Magica by Eclipseworks

Also Scgarden's second game was really good too.

Valkyrie Destruction had a good concept with really nice art

Another really good one by Circle Poison (people who did Valkyrie Destruction)
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

Thanks a lot i added the link who was not allready on it :p

its cool some game particulary suggested the top 5 ranking gonna be kinda easy to select

we still need some suggestion before starting the selection of the 20 best one !
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

im happy to know that ur ass is that good

actually the goal is to list the game people liked after that we are gonna debate on these game to just keep 20 of them. Elimination will help find the real top 20.

Seriously instead of qqing i want to ask you to suggest you'r epic rpg maker game so at least its gonna be usufull ur actual comment is usuless


And thanks all for the suggestion we will be able to proceed the next step soon
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

Thanks a lot for you'r consideration its really apprecied !

By the way about my english i know its a little broke i doe my best :) you can probably suppose that english not my first language and u know what ur right. But at least i can understand you'r language and answer you'r comment

i speak 5 other language can you doe the same ? ... sorry but i always find it cheap when somone complaint about the english of a guys when its oblvious that its not hes first language

anyway i respect you'r point and im also thinking about changing the title to 20 great rpgmaker game suggested (not that long but something like that) because i understand that its all a question of point of view

but i don't like ur jerkstyle answers there still way to argue a point.
Re: Top 20 Rpg game

Thanks a lot for you'r consideration its really apprecied !

By the way about my english i know its a little broke i doe my best :) you can probably suppose that english not my first language and u know what ur right. But at least i can understand you'r language and answer you'r comment

i speak 5 other language can you doe the same ? ... sorry but i always find it cheap when somone complaint about the english of a guys when its oblvious that its not hes first language

anyway i respect you'r point and im also thinking about changing the title to 20 great rpgmaker game suggested (not that long but something like that) because i understand that its all a question of point of view

but i don't like ur jerkstyle answers there still way to argue a point.

Deleted my messages, sorry for being an ass. I browse /v/ a lot so I guess I adapted to their cynical shit posting attitude.
Re: 20 Great rpg games

Haru Uru and Vitamin Quest is my Choice of great RPG games :)

ROBF is not bad too but i just don't like how the replay is, wish they have the function that u can just view the image instead of going thru the whole scene again.. :p
Re: 20 Great rpg games

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Dragon Slave from nekomakurasoft.

It has decent RPG system with lots of H-scene, lots of costume change.
The "bad" thing is the protagonist must lose her virginity early.

Dragon Prison, from the same creator.

Although the protagonist's breast is a somehow too large, the RPG is fine.
Re: 20 Great rpg games

Any link pls?
Re: 20 Great rpg games

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Dragon Slave from nekomakurasoft.

It has decent RPG system with lots of H-scene, lots of costume change.
The "bad" thing is the protagonist must lose her virginity early.

Dragon Prison, from the same creator.

Although the protagonist's breast is a somehow too large, the RPG is fine.

His first post says "rpg maker game", I could be wrong, but aren't those games on the wolf rpg instead?
Re: 20 Great rpg games

His first post says "rpg maker game", I could be wrong, but aren't those games on the wolf rpg instead?

I see Scarletz listing even wolf rpg games, so I guess it's fine to list it here too.
Re: 20 Great rpg games

One game I was really into for quite a while was . It's a damn shame the author abandoned his work after that death threat, or at least that's what I hear.

was another game I enjoyed quite a bit. At first I was like "I'm going to do the pure route first because that's what I usually do first," but there was no pure route and then I was like "f*** it I'll get as many h scenes as I can." But then they give you an item that let's you unlock them all when you beat the game, but by that point there was only one scene I missed.

Threads for the games:
Incubus Fantasy

Sister Yuri

Side note: Not really the place for this but I'd be appreciative if someone could pm me a link of the latest version of Incubus Fantasy.
Re: 20 Great rpg games

I've Looked about everywhere for

And usually i can find games, but i've honestly searched bout everywhere.

If someone has a Download for RJ058443 can you please pm me. Thank You
Re: Suggested Rpg game

Thanks for the suggestion i am starting editing the first post sorry for the delay have lot of work this week at the job for the holliday :p

I will add all ulmf link

i also change the title to suggested rpg game

My goal actually is to reduce the number of game to 20

but 20 good game for new user :p

gonna need to put all mega link also i posses almost all of these game but it won't be now prolly after the chrismas week
Re: Suggested Rpg game

Scarletz: Do you have a plan on how you're going to select the top 20? One idea would be to sign up for a site like polldaddy.com, create a poll with various games as its options, let people vote for up to ~5 games, then make the 20 games with the most votes = the top 20 games.

It's hard to keep track of which games are worth playing, and many of the lists I've seen people make are very out of date, or they list far too many titles to know which ones are really good. So a non-arbitrarily determined list of the best games from 2013 and earlier seems like it could go a long way toward helping make sure people don't miss out on the "classics".

Some of my favorites, roughly ranked from best to least best (to me).

Arms Devicer+
Thief & Sword
Dragon Prison
Saki Quest
Princess Sacrifice

I hope you're accepting nominations of things not on DLsite, because Thief & Sword isn't on there.

I left out unfinished games like 堕邪女神, Anise, Passion Beats, and RyonaRPG, although it's not like they're comparable to Dungeons and Prisoners since they're not being developed for commercial distribution. There's also one reverse rape game I found very worthwhile called Desire Dungeon, but I'm not sure it's fair to put it in a list that's (almost?) 100% player = heroine games.
Re: Suggested Rpg games list

See the list of games that got translated. Someone thought they were good enough to spend 100+ hrs translating. Plus they are WAY easier to enjoy.
Re: 20 Great rpg games

I agree about Dragon Slave & Prison being great games, and notoriously underrated.

There are tons more (released and probably under-rated, or not as known as they should) games which spring instantly to my mind, among those that I've played : "othERs", "lilim union", "naedoko dungeon chronicle", the "ani/twin/saki quest" games, "monochrome quest", "redinaito saga", "maiden-snow eve", "magica", "lessica's chan adventure diary", "haru-uru", "orc strike", the "bounty hunters" games, etc., etc. (I am sure I'm forgetting some).

About translated games being necessarily good games though, I have to say that it's a more subjective statement, and therefore questionable (at least to me).

If it's true that popular games have the highest chance to get translated, great games can remain under the radar because of technical issues (for example, Wolf games seem harder to translate than RPG maker games, and even among RPG maker games, XP/2k games seem to be easier to translate than VX or ACE ones).

On the other hand, even pretty bad games can get a translation if it caters to someone's interests. Without criticizing the talent or the decision of the translator, I have to wonder how Sangeki of Gear for example can get a translation before much more "deserving" games. Except maybe the art, the game has no redeeming qualities in my eyes : the girl is dumber than a rock, it's ultra-linear, the story is cringe-inducingly bad, the gameplay is meh at best, but hey... I'll probably get off-topic here, and I don't want that. Again, this is my opinion, and even if I strongly dislike the game, I am grateful towards the translator, for something is always better than nothing.

If I have time, I'd like to contribute more to this thread. It's a good idea to have one beside the "translated games" one, so that people don't waste their time downloading crap, or can check it for suggestions, and potential translators could get motivated/petitioned to look into these lesser known games too.

This thread will probably need to be better organized (separated in genres, engines, etc.?), and have some kind of "rules" or at least be monitored, to be any useful on the long run.