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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I was actually coming to ask about the fresh blood we have around here," Tasha smirks, her cold eyes falling on Denna's exposed rump for a moment as she walks over to the closet and deposits the meat, keeping the extra she'd hunted for herself, "I have to say. It's rare that we find ourselves a warrior instead of the usual sheep we bring in.

Tasha puts down her own share of the hunt on a nearby counter, making a mental note to gather it up later. Cooking was nice and all, but she preferred her meats only lightly salted, and rare. Still clad in her dark armor, a few hints of porcelain skin show through the gaps of her protection. Expression still cool and serene, she makes her way over to Denna in a slow manner reminiscent of a cat approaching her prey, her wolf tail raised high.

Completely unperturbed by the continual screwing, she crouches down by Denna and looks her over. There's nothing lecherous about the gaze that one can really tell. Then again, this woman is frustratingly hard to read when compared to her fellow cultists. Her stare seems to be more analytical than lecherous, however. "Hmm so. What's your story, warrior? And what exactly went on while I was away? Chef, you can chime in if you want. Better I get this story from as many angles as I can."

Now that she's closer, it's easy to see that Tasha's hands are tipped with long and dangerous looking claws that extend and retract a bit as the woman flexes her fingers. Denna's first impressions were right. There's nothing really giddy about the woman. It's easy to tell she's more of a fighter than a lover, though with a closer look at Tasha's comely features and athletic build, the possibility of being skilled at the latter rears its head.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora cirled lazily above for a little longer, letting the wind cool her skin. After she had some time to think over the course north she decided to land. She decided to have a look around the village, her curiousity getting the better of her. Her eyes looking about cautiously as she made her way through the village.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF


Coming back down to land, the villagers would give a surprised reaction to her coming down, and would greet her fearlessly as she stood before them. Her appearance mattered none to these people, though granted no appearance seemed to matter given how for all the humans, there were also mutants of mild to vastly differing appearances around. Some had dog ears. Some had cat ears and reverse jointed legs like a su-ku-ta, and yet lacked the tail. There were also beasts roaming around. Wolves, boars, horses. They seemed to be getting more respect than such beasts shoulder, and especially given their appearance. They were also corrupted, warped. The horses had slight distortions in their skin, while others looked to have been treated to look more normal and given plenty of care to appear plenty healthy, much like the dogs in the house from which she fled.

She was greeted as she walked. The townsfolk seemed to treat her as someone new, and rightfully so, she was the most dressed individual there. To that end, the greetings became introductions. A bald man came forth, seeking Aurora's attention. He was nude, nothing left to the imagination as a sizable length hung between his legs. "Hello, newcomer. My name's David." he greeted her. "If you don't mind me being rude, I'd say you look lost. Looking for anything or anyone in particular?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora could not help but feel cautious around these people when she noticed the corrupt anmals. Seeing the bald man approach her, she keep her eyes on his face. "Yes, I would like to speak with the village leader if I can. I would like to discuss being a guard for your way north with them. Can you show me to them?" Glancing cautiously at the others who had greeted her. Her wings flexing nerviously.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna felt rather annoyed when the chef offered her up abruptly to the strange animal woman. She gave him a hard prod to the chest. "Hey. Ask me before you go offering my body to other people, huh? It's rude to ignore me like that. Besides, she's a girl, heck would she do? Just ask next time okay?"

The woman seemed utterly uninterested, there was something about her. She wasn't brainwashed, she couldn't be. She didn't act a thing like any of them. Was she one of Kyubi's willing servants? The thought made her blood run cold. It was dangerous already with the priests operating on a different wave length than the other cultists, if there were those with completely free will, this could be incredibly dangerous. Still, she must have not been here for what happened given the questions. She could maybe wriggle through this. At least her sweating could be explained with the sex.

Tasha moved close enough for Denna to get a good look. This one was a fighter to be certain, and if she didn't lack for natural threats. Denna was pretty sure this one outclassed her in every way.

"Oh nothing... much, we were passing through the woods and met these nice people on the way. We had, ah, a bit of a misunderstanding at first but everything is alright now. We're all heading north and uh, guess I'm the prophet? It's only been a couple hours, still figuring that bit out."

She hoped that would be plausible enough. This was going to be a huge mess to say the least. There went what little sense of security she had felt she gained today. She'd have to be all the more careful to play the part now.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha takes a deep breath through her nose as if sniffing out the lie, though her expression remains as placid as ever. Her pupils narrow into slits, making her glacial stare more frigid than before. She could tell right away that the newcomer wasn't telling her anything. Something had gone wrong with Kyubi's ritual. She'd left on a hunting trip to avoid having to be around when Kyubi ate eight of her priests, but when she'd gotten back, she'd heard no news of the kitsune having eight fluffy new tails. And this new girl. She obviously hadn't come willingly. The misunderstanding was probably her getting kidnapped. If she'd come willingly, she'd be way less embarrassed and wouldn't have protested nearly as much when the chef offered her up. Something was definitely fishy. And Tasha would get to the bottom of it. Not through any sense of loyalty to the kitsune whose true colors she'd already discerned, but because she'd grown a little on a few of the cultists, even if she'd never admit it. That, and this was her territory now. If this woman was a threat to them, she'd snuff her out.

"I... see. Chef, may I have a moment with our new friend? Once you are done, of course. I have a feeling she and I have a few things to discuss," Tasha says evenly, fixing a look on Denna that plainly shows she's not buying the cover up. Then, Tasha does the most eerie thing she could do at the moment. She smiles.

There's no warmth in her expression. More the look of a cat finding injured prey. In fact, it's made even more fearsome, as it shows off the nest of fangs that lie within Tasha's mouth. Sharp and pointed like a wolf's. "Perhaps I can help jog our new friend's memory a little. I'm told I'm good with that," Tasha says with a playful tone that seems utterly wrong with her wintery demeanor, "Though, if she really can't remember anything, I'm sure there were other newcomers who can paint me a more complete picture."

Tasha's elongated claws tap the ground in a staccato drumming as if emphasizing that if Denna didn't tell her everything later, she'd have to interrogate those who came with her. Her tail stays stiff and raised behind her, as she continues, "After all. When I'm not hunting, security is my duty. And every little bit of information helps me with that job."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David nodded to Aurora, "Well, our former leader has gone away, but we have a substitute around. I can take you to her." David declared, before heading off to go find them while Aurora was free to follow him. He'd walk up to a building that had it's door open, before peeking inside. There, Aurora would catch sight of a girl on her back with a rounded man on top of her and the smell of sex and raw meat came from within. From the doorway, Aurora had the perfect view of a healthy sized cock stretching the woman's pussy and burying itself deep into her rapidly. "Heh, she's a bit wrapped up at the moment." David said to Aurora, before noticing the other girl standing in the room, whom David greeted happily. "Hello, Tasha! You're looking like you had a good hunt!" he declared in her favor. "Everyone, this is our new guest. She didn't tell me her name when I gave mine, so she might be a bit shy." said David, who assumed Aurora's shyness before rudeness.

Not long after David walked in, the rounded chef quickened his pace, groaning and fucking Denna harder into the floor as loud wet slaps filled everyone's ears. Soon he was bottoming out inside Denna as a layer of lady juices coated the floor. His cock hit her in just the right final spot as Denna came while feeling the man's seed gushing into her pussy. His balls visibly pulsed and throbbed while he was sheathed inside of her, leaving little to the imagination of what was happening as she coated his balls and the floor with her lady cum. Once he pulled out, a pool of his seed added to the mess Denna made on the floor as the Chef stood up, looking satisfied. "She's all yours, Tasha." he said, before looking to Aurora with a grin.

"What about you?" he inquired towards Aurora. "You look like you haven't seen a dick this big before." he chuckled.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Everything was going horribly wrong. Not only had Denna not fooled Kyubi's minion, she was threatening to torture the others as well! She almost shuddered at the fact she was considering letting Erin get rid of this one, since she was clearly not brainwashed. She had to think of something.

Then to add insult to injury, She was driven over her edge, as David came in with... A dragon?! She gave a cry, trying to not let the utter humiliation of the audience show on her face as she once more was spent inside by some male.

The chef pulled out and rather than confirming what she said simply handed her off to the wolf girl like she was some object again just to act as the cornerstone of this day. She promptly got a grip on her head as she got up, not going to let this beat her. Humiliating as it was, her own comfort came second, and she could not afford to lose her cool now.

She was, however, ticked off now that she could focus. She turned around and walked up to Tasha.

"Now then, as I was saying. Kyubi took off to the north, as any of the priesthood can confirm. The other new folks are mercenaries who got brought here by a bunch of the animals in the woods. Now you can contest my prophethood, but they're the ones who declared me it. I didn't go seeking it out. So you got a problem with that, you can talk to my fluffy blond tail. Because they've put me in charge. You say you're head of security? Fine, then work with me to get these people up north safely. Do not threaten me, or newcomers again, though. Understand?"

She looked over at the dragon and David now. Evidently this was a new person who wandered in not knowing what she was getting into. A dragon though... Or just a mutant who looked like one. Either way, she'd need a fair warning.

"Hello, miss. I'm Denna, local uh... Prophet I guess. I appear to be getting no ends of interruptions right now. Tasha and I were just hammering out our relationship, it was the first time we met. You have something you want to ask me?"

Denna kept one eye on Tasha though, gauging her carefully. She wasn't quite sure how Tasha was going to act after all. She doubted the mutant girl was going to assault her outright, but one never knew. It wouldn't be a fight she could win, but Denna also doubted that it'd be tolerated by the townsfolk either.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha's fur bristles as Denna confronts her, though as the warrior woman speaks, a few of the pieces start falling together. Mercenaries who were brought into the woods? More like forced. Tasha was willing to bet her claws that Denna had been one of them. Or associated with them, at least. That she'd jump so swiftly to their defense reaffirmed her suspicions. Clearly though, the warrior woman wasn't going to wither underneath her intimidation. While slightly miffed that she couldn't cow the girl into submission, she could definitely respect her guts.

The way Tasha had read it was that Denna hadn't gone through the brain wringer because she'd somehow forced Kyubi out. But probably not until after the fox had had her way with Denna. The tail was the proof for that. Bloody gullible priests. If Tasha had gotten a golden fox tail, she probably would have been put in charge already. Either way though, she'd gotten what she needed out of Denna. For now. She still wanted to speak to the girl in private. If there were more people who hadn't been put through the brain wringer, she'd want to know. Also it would be nice to put away the crazed fanatic act for at least a bit. Maybe she could talk like a normal person for once.

Looking to Aurora, she walks behind Denna and whispers in the warrior girl's ear so that only she'd be able to hear, "After this, my place. We have a lot to discuss." After a moment of thought, and reflecting how her earlier behavior might have colored her request as a threat, she decides her pride can afford to take a hit. Softening her tone a bit and removing her icy demeanor for just one moment, she adds, "Please."

Hoping Denna would accept, she puts her frigid mask back on and takes a position one pace behind and to the left of Denna. Remembering David's compliment, she gives the man a respectful nod. It's a small gesture, but given her reputation as a bit of a detached loner, it had a bit more weight attached to it. Pleasantries done, she turns to Aurora and studies the dragon girl. She hadn't seen a dragon in a long time. The last one she'd met had been friendly enough, but she'd been warned by said dragon that a lot of her kin weren't so civil. From the fact that she was still clothed, Tasha could tell that she hadn't been brought unwillingly at least.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Upon entering to see Denna being mounted by by the chef and pounded brought a blush to her dusky cheeks. She looked about the room at the other occupant, her gold eyes looking the wolf woman over a moment as she waited for the woman and the man finish. Hearing the woman give a cry of pleasure she glanced back with a soft blush as they finished up. She watched the woman get up and begin to reprimand the wolf girl for some sort of slight. She thought good for her, though it may have been a little more effective if she wasn't flushed from the chef's attention and leaking onto the floor after having been on her back.

After the two settled their difference for the moment she gave them a small wave in greeting. "I am Aurora Darkfury. I came to see about traveling north with you a ways to offer protection in exchange for food and pay." She glanced at the wolf girl and how she stood protectively close to Denna. "I was told by David you are the one in charge?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

As Denna went to speak to the dragon woman, the wolf girl asked her came to her place alone. Denna had an immediate case of deja vu. How many more people were gonna invite her over to black mail and probably violate her? Well, she supposed she'd have to risk it again. "After I'm done talking with our guest.," said Denna in a low tone before turning her full attention to the dusky dragoness.

The dragoness introduced herself, and it was clear she was another mercenary of all things. Clearly not an guild affiliate, she'd have heard about a dragoness for certain by now.

"Hello Aurora, my name is Denna. And yes, I'm the one elected to be in charge. I'm a bit new to leading a town, and to this town in general. I was a mercenary myself.," says Denna with a friendly smile.

"I'm happy to have someone interested in lending a hand. A lot of the folks around here have some experience with a weapon but it's a dangerous world and I refuse to let anyone be lost to trouble if I can help it. But you probably want to discuss details, right?," says Denna, before looking to David, "David, is there a private place me and Miss Darkfury can discuss this stuff? It's a big job, and I wanna be sure she knows what she's getting into, and she probably wants to know all the details of the job too."

The dragoness needed to know what she was getting into alright. Denna would love some support here, hopefully from someone levelheaded and definitely safe. but she wasn't going to trap her into this and have an angry dragon rampaging through it all.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha's ears twitch a little as she sizes up the dragoness. She didn't show any telltale signs of brainwashing. She was still clothed, after all. The blushing also told Tasha that the dragoness hadn't exactly been numbed to the sight of two people screwing in public. Most people lost that within a week of being in this particular village. Why was she here? Mercenary work took people to all sorts of places, but circumstances must have been most peculiar for someone to end up here. Then again, that had been how she'd wound up working with the cultists.

"We can use my room. It's quiet, secluded, and no one really comes looking for me unless there's a problem. Besides. Since it seems I'm your security now, I should be briefed on our assignment as well. After all, I only heard about the move up north a few moments ago," Tasha says calmly. She's dropped her predatory demeanor for now, reverting back to her usual stony self. She seems more tired than lusty at the moment. Looking back to Aurora, she adds, "Besides. I should know who I'm working with." If this girl wasn't brainwashed, that could be useful. She could use more friends who weren't completely loyal to Kyubi. It was Denna's show for now though, so she'd play along as well as she was able.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David shrugged, "I was gonna say you guys could come over to my house and talk while I cook you guys up something to eat. Tasha just got back, right? And Aurora, some water would be nice in this heat right?" he inquired with a smile. With the way things were going, everyone was going to walk off on their own. David looked a little lonely at the prospect.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna glances over as Tasha pipes up and is about to answer when David also answers. She wasn't sure if Tasha perhaps was hoping to turn on the dragoness and could brainwash too, but Denna liked her chances better with Aurora nearby. While it could be a trap, it struck her as unlikely. David didn't have the free will to be deceitful. That said, watch David be the most diabolocal person in the village all along.

Food sounded good right now actually though, she wasn't sure how long it'd been now. Plus she wanted away from here. Blegh.

"Your place sounds fine, David. We can talk a bit privately while you cook then.," smiles Denna, "I'd normally offer t' lend a hand, but well, duty calls and all. That's alright with you, right Aurora? Tasha?"

Guess she'd see how this played out.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a small nod as she glanced between the wolf woman and David. "Sure, I would not mind having a quiet place to chat and a meal." She was still hungry having not gotten a chance for seconds earlier from the couple with the drugged wine. She was a little glad it's effects had faded. She moved aside and looked at David for him to lead the way. "We can discuss further once we are inside David's house." The dragoness thought nothing was amiss.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha simply shrugs and nods to the pair, picking up the haunch of meat she'd kept for herself. Under the circumstances, she couldn't see harm in sharing it. David was less likely to drug her food, after all. "Here, you can use this, David. You know how I like it at this point. Rare and easy on the salt," she says easily as she hands over the generous portion of venison. She enjoyed David's company from time to time. He could get a little clingy at times, but he meant well, and he was generally more harmless than most. He reminded Tasha a bit of a pup. The thought of David as a puppy makes the wolf girl smirk a little. Of course, this meant that speaking freely would be difficult in the house, but that was why she'd requested Denna meet her afterwards. Would probably put the poor girl at ease to know she wasn't a Kyubi zealot. And perhaps it would give Tasha a new ally when it came time to escape wretched Badaria.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David nodded at Tasha as she spoke, "Rare and easy on the salt," he said along with her, knowing what she was going to say. "I remember how you like it!" he said with a grin, which could mean multiple things depending on if Tasha had chosen to lay with David or not. Though in David's case he seemed more eager to please than bragging, as much of a yes-man as they come among human beings.

David led the way to his house, waving to almost everyone he walked by, giving friendly greetings and smiles to as many people as he could, who often greeted him back. He looked like the cheerleader of the town, his objective to keep spirits high. Though as they came to his house. "I'd warn you about my little friend who lives with me here, but she doesn't much mind females, so I'm sure you'll be alright." he said, giving fair warning of his rowdy roommate, before opening the door and walking right in. "Popo, I'm ho-" he was cut off mid-sentence as all three girls following him saw David get tackled from the side by a short green humanoid. If they followed in, they'd see David getting assaulted via blowjob by a female goblin who was sucking his cock so hard that she might have wanted to pull it off and take it with her. She was a goblin with green hair done back into a single pony tail. She was as nude as David was, and had a large round rump for her size. "P-Popo we have guests, c'mooon!" David moaned in complaint as he gripped her head gently, trying to encourage her off.

But the goblin just wrapped her arms around his legs, and moaned "Mmm-mm" as if saying 'nope' to David's wavering request to get her to stop. At a bit of a loss of what to do, David just pointed to another room that seemed to be a dining room for many guests to gather. There were six chairs around a large table. "P-please wait for the food a bit. I'm... I'm a bit occupied..." he said a bit shamefully, knowing he should be being a good host to his guests but faced with a needy partner. Said goblin just ignored the other woman, bucking her head along his length while gripping him fiercely to prevent him from escaping.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Had she not already seen David's energetic housemate before, she might have been shocked. However, Tasha still finds herself shocked and somewhat amazed at how much force such a little body could propel through the air. As the goblin keeps David busy, even the wolf woman can't help but chuckle a bit. She took a special liking to David, having lain with him every so often. He was nice to her despite her usual borderline standoffish behavior. And eventually, his irrepressible smile had won her over bit by bit. His consistently upbeat moods had been the cure for many a bad day, and she appreciated him for that.

"Don't worry, David. We'll be fine. Just enjoy yourself," Tasha chuckles.

Stepping over the two in a way that would give David a very nice view of her panties and tush, she heads for the table tail swishing from side to side almost suggestively. Normally, flirtatious was far from what anyone would describe Tasha, but David had earned his way into seeing her without her armor on both literally and metaphorically. He had a way of making her relax when he was around.

Depositing her venison in the kitchen, she trots over to the dining table, taking a seat to the right of the table's head and looking to Denna as if she'd expected the warrior woman to take the central position. Denna would be able to notice her change in demeanor upon seeing a rare smile on Tasha's features. A genuine smile, instead of the predatory grin she'd been flashing before.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora nodded and followed along behind the two other woman. Stepping inside of David's home, she was surprised at the appearance of a goblin rushing him and latching herself onto his length. She blushed a moment and glanced up to look about the room, more to avoid looking then anything else. After a moment she walked around the rather brazen couple followed Tasha into the dining room. She then took a seat across from Tasha, waiting for Denna to have a seat herself.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna followed David along, musing about how to handle all of this mess in her head. What a nightmare. Best broach it carefully to the dragon. Then of course there was Tasha...

David was as popular as ever as they went. Denna couldn't help but smile though she had to wonder how much of that had been the programming. It was a constant burden in her head, that these folks might be nothing like they once were. A happy illusion, tainted because she could see the sad reality.

When they arrived, Denna was about to ask what David was talking about when suddenly he was tuckled by a green short vacuum. Denna blinked in surprise, noting the attacker was a female goblin. "Huh... I didn't know there were girl goblins...," mutters Denna, before heading into the dining room, blushing at the brazen display.

Once inside, she blinked, noting Tasha seeming wanting her to sit at the head of the table and was smiling all happy like a dog about to be praised. She wasn't sure how to feel about that as she went and took the chair left to her. Guess she'd see how this played out now.

"Right... So... Miss Aurora, how much do y' know about this little village? I assume you've noticed it's real different from the rest of Badaria yes?"