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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Elfina takes 30 ST to + according to the spreadsheet. its got alot of info on it :p

How long did it take you to get Jean? i cant play defense long enough to get her to spawn a bunch =(
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Elfina takes 30 ST to + according to the spreadsheet. its got alot of info on it :p

How long did it take you to get Jean? i cant play defense long enough to get her to spawn a bunch =(

oh i guess i missed that info lol, thanks

i got her from gacha, just pure luck
i spin the roulette using 5 tickets once and got her

and btw why you plan to play defense anyway?
as said earlier by bebenofate, cards and items only drops during the first several minutes, so no need to grind longer than that
after maybe 3 minutes passed you might as well finish and start anew
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Dont you need to kill the special girl to get her card tho? It takes almost 1-2 minutes before she even spawns. i play defensive or else i never see her spawn. Atleast its good money/xp for trying to get her :p

Wish i could figure out this gacha thing. to many buttons all over the dam palce on it.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

if she didn't even respawn after 2 or 3 minutes don't bother lol
just maybe def for 2-3 mins, defeat, try again

btw i just remembered i haven't added a single comrade yet lol
pls add me my code is 940CAF
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

No idea how to add the code. but if you say the name you use i can add you :p im uh i have no idea lol. i cant figure out how to find what name actually worked. tried a few before i hit t he correct button lmao

i wonder what hte icon at top right of the cards means.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

if she didn't even respawn after 2 or 3 minutes don't bother lol
just maybe def for 2-3 mins, defeat, try again

btw i just remembered i haven't added a single comrade yet lol
pls add me my code is 940CAF

That code is for introducing other new player (when you start this game for the first time, there's is a step you can input this introducing code).

From your main menu, click to the tentacle. You should see the name of your tentacle displayed above the experience bar.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ah my name on there is Sipher if anyone wants to add me.

Bah i just royally screwed myself. evolved one of my main spam heroines and i cant do my super duo anymore cause her cost doubled lol. ah well. note to self - dont upgrade as soon as possible
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hm what would you suggest for my next few upgrades?

Slots 5
Max Energy 3
Energy Regen 4
Health 1
Defense 4 (mistake spent, thought i was doing attack power lol)
Attack Range 1
Attack Power 5
Attack Speed 1

(Btw what does Attack Speed do? I know Attack Power is something with humiliation stage)

Wow getting Jean De Arc is a royal pain. she barely even spawns on that stage and i either over spawn and decimate or get owned lol

Maximum upgrade priority should be Energy regen and Slot. Other upgrade aren't going to help you much.

Ah my name on there is Sipher if anyone wants to add me.

Bah i just royally screwed myself. evolved one of my main spam heroines and i cant do my super duo anymore cause her cost doubled lol. ah well. note to self - dont upgrade as soon as possible

There, added you.

You should consider participate in current event. You can get one SR card for 15000 points (it's not difficult at all). And one SR could greatly boost your team's fire power at early game.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ive got her already, im sitting at 22383 pts atm and working on more every time i get a chance. shes starting to take 2x for me to kill now but meh :p

ya guess ill pump energy regen, that SR costs 500 :eek: :eek: :eek:

had hoarded 106k from tryin to farm Jeanne, got me 6th slot and level 5 regen :p

btw i also managed to get Amakusa Shiro Tokisada SR, she worth playing with or should i wait?
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Amakusa Shiro: she got a skill that buff defense for your team when she is summoned. But other than that, her combat ability is quite low compare to other SR. If you've got Seiya, I think you would better use Seiya.

Btw, training and selling SR can nest you lot of money. A lvl 50 SR card can be sold for 1.5M (though it take time to level her up to 50).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Its taking me forever just get get my Rs to 20 lol. Ill hold onto her for now i guess. i ended up putting Seiya in my 6th slot to level her atleast.

What level do the energy regen and stuff max at ? 10?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah, all upgrade include tentacle skill max at lvl 10.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Do you happen to know what attack speed does? I cant think of what it would do. the hearts pop absurdly fast as is.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Attack speed upgrade increase your tentacle attack speed (your tentacle can attack too). It's not related to the click minigame. Only attack power actually related to the minigame.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ah okay. guess ill work on maxing regen and then figure out what to do next.

That clicking heart minigame gets absurd at how random and the amount of hearts it throws at you. Would it hurt to avoid the pink and focus purely on green/blues?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ah okay. guess ill work on maxing regen and then figure out what to do next.

That clicking heart minigame gets absurd at how random and the amount of hearts it throws at you. Would it hurt to avoid the pink and focus purely on green/blues?

Honestly it only get's harder from here on out. Learn to gauge what's going to turn gold before the others. I've got the rule of "Hit them in the order they spawn, unless blue right after pink". I tend to get a full perfect combo chain that way ( almost ) every run, and it becomes almost necessary if you'll be using the normal style whips to raise gal's to Obedience 10 ( and for R/SR's, that's almost a necessary thanks to how much it cuts back on cost/cooldown ). Doesn't sound like you've ran into the 'skulls' yet thought, as those can end up screwing you up a ton if they spawn RIGHT next towards a heart and you don't quite notice just how big of a range of a click zone you have doing that mini game ( like 60% of that tentacle from the tip down 'counts' as a click zone I would say ).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

umm curious and probably already answered question is there away to play dmm games if it comes up not avalable in your area warning
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

umm curious and probably already answered question is there away to play dmm games if it comes up not avalable in your area warning

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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I saw the skulls when i was getting one of them to obediance 8 but hearts were spamming on the screen so dam fast i didnt have time to even click remotely near one lol. but its good to know its insta ko.