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Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

It kind of shouldn't, yeah? He isn't above criticism and you're free to have problems with the guy, but it isn't like he's stealing the money. Even if you think he's somehow tricking people out of money, if people are dissatisfied with his output they're free to stop donating to him.
So? Don't see how this influences whether people here can critisize his business model.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 28, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

A lot of level-headed contributions here (which I'm thankful for), I don't really have the time to respond to everything specifically (and it certainly isn't my role either), but a few things here and there. Let me state (for the record, if you will) that I'm all for constructive criticism of an artist's WORK. Invective criticism is a waste of time for everybody. This will be my last post on this topic though.

No, he's just one of those people that attempt to use the word "entitlement" as an insult. As if watching some lazy, yet talented, man-child get rich off of gullible fools that seemingly can't help but throw money at him, shouldn't make us a least irritated.
No, "he" certainly is not. If I were to insult the original recipient, I would've called him a spoiled brat. Stating that one isn't entitled to the desired commodity hardly qualifies.
Also, welcome to the real world. There are a lot of jobs out there with a serious discrepancy between added value and market price. Most of them related to recreational activities or lifestyle objects.

1) His output is so low and his page so transparently scammy to anyone who pays even a little bit of attention that it makes the whole of patreon look bad and also by extension other artists who are trying to raise money on patreon.

2) Many people who support artists on patreon have a finite amount of money to donate. If they're shoveling money into akabur's useless black hole of no output, then that money can't go to other hardworking and deserving artists to whom an extra 100 dollars or so could be a lifesaver. Akabur is HURTING OTHER ARTISTS.

"He's unhappy." "He feels pressured." Grow the hell up. People work 80 hours plus a week at multiple jobs and don't make a quarter of what he makes.
ad 1: I don't really follow. It's either scammy or transparent, not both. Scammy also implies that there's rule breaking going on, but as yummytiger stated, he is in line with what patreon's for. And even if you called it unethical, it would imply that there is a gold standard for patreon users - but there isn't. Your claim concerning the spread of negativity towards "all of patreon" is baseless conjecture.
ad 2: You're pretty patronizing, even for a random internet guy. At first you tell us how easy it is to see akabur's "scammy" qualities, but then deny that the average customer is responsible enough to make the above observations. You also force your opinion of wastefulness onto akabur's backers, claiming that there are more "deserving" artists. That's pretty arrogant. How about you don't tell other people what to do with their money?

Your last point is kinda ridiculous, too. It's like saying "Can you stop crying over your broken legs? Other people are dead!"
Overall, I wasted enough of my time on you. No offence.

Oh, and concerning ScottPilgrim's post below (as I'm editing this one): I'd be really interested in the "deceit" argument. One would have to be VERY CREATIVE to go along with it.
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Demon Girl
Dec 17, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

It kind of shouldn't, yeah? He isn't above criticism and you're free to have problems with the guy, but it isn't like he's stealing the money. Even if you think he's somehow tricking people out of money, if people are dissatisfied with his output they're free to stop donating to him.
The rub with subscription services is that a lot of people just forget to cancel. If the amount is small enough compared to their monthly income, and especially if they aren't paying using a near maxed-out credit card, people will stay subscribed to a service they either no longer use or care about for months and even years after they last cared to use it.

Saying he's not stealing is an easy (albeit lazy) argument to win. The more creative argument is whether or not he is deceiving people out of their money via his Patreon.


Sep 11, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I love this guys work but as of right now I see so little of it. Like look at his about section on his patreon. A lot of talk about drive and I just look at how long he takes to get shit done.
Dude just needs to set down a schedule and follow it. Even if its like 2-3 hours a day working on shit its better than nothing ya know?


Sex Demon
Apr 11, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I love Akabur's art, I like his games, I've never given him a dollar. I enjoy his humor in the 2 of his youtube vids I've ever watched.

Am I an "apologist" because I honestly like the things he's produced and think he will make more in the future?


Jungle Girl
May 25, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I don't really like the "if you don't like it, then just don't support him" argument for a couple of reasons.

1) His output is so low and his page so transparently scammy to anyone who pays even a little bit of attention that it makes the whole of patreon look bad and also by extension other artists who are trying to raise money on patreon.

2) Many people who support artists on patreon have a finite amount of money to donate. If they're shoveling money into akabur's useless black hole of no output, then that money can't go to other hardworking and deserving artists to whom an extra 100 dollars or so could be a lifesaver. Akabur is HURTING OTHER ARTISTS.

The dude is making 140k a year for 4-8 hours of work a week. No fucking excuses.

"He's unhappy." "He feels pressured." Grow the hell up. People work 80 hours plus a week at multiple jobs and don't make a quarter of what he makes.
for 4-8 hours of work a week
Where did you get this information? Proof please or else its slander, imho.
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Demon Girl
Jul 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I'm not sure anything good will come of this discussion, but at least it's not as horrible as on, say, 4chan :D

I stopped supporting Akabur before the whole WT incident. His "business model" always seemed a bit off kilter to me, but when he started posting videos of him having just potatoes for dinner and looking at a ruin of a house (that he said he couldn't afford) it became obvious to me that he was just trying to squeeze his patreons - he was already making 7-8K per month at the time (IIRC GNP in Russia is about 15K, so he's making good money).

Haven't used Patreon since, but I've been considering supporting Dahr lately


Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I love Akabur's art, I like his games, I've never given him a dollar. I enjoy his humor in the 2 of his youtube vids I've ever watched.

Am I an "apologist" because I honestly like the things he's produced and think he will make more in the future?
No, I quite like his works as well, I enjoy is cartoony style and his subject matter (for the most part, never been too big on the "mind break" fetish myself).

There's a difference between enjoying an artist's work, however, and being critical of their business model, or indeed other aspects of their life.

For example, I'm a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's works, but that doesn't mean I subscribe to his very conservative Catholic viewpoints.


Tentacle Monster
Jul 16, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

He'll definitely produce more work that we'll all like in the future, seeing as we're posting in a thread about his endeavors. The deceptive bit is the habitual big talk and big promises, followed by hasty backpedaling when the release occurs, or within the release itself.

History favors anyone suspicious that he won't deliver on many of his claims. Although, admittedly saying that he's being deceptive about PT:GE is just conjecture of a prudent and well-founded sort at this point. If, say, the game comes out in December and it's 80 bits of artwork supplied by Dahr, 10 CGs by Akabur, the new content can be completed in 90 minutes, and clicking certain options is met with a sketch labeled, "I ran out of time", we'll have confirmation that 2 months of work was stretched to 12 somehow. Until then we are just speculating, albeit guided by everything else he's ever done.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Akabur Games

No, "he" certainly is not. If I were to insult the original recipient, I would've called him a spoiled brat. Stating that one isn't entitled to the desired commodity hardly qualifies.
Also, welcome to the real world. There are a lot of jobs out there with a serious discrepancy between added value and market price. Most of them related to recreational activities or lifestyle objects.
Yes, you are. Perhaps you're new to it, but it's clear to anyone who reads the post, the context and tone that were used was of a negative or combative nature.

Also, you can shove the "real world" argument where the sun don't shine buddy. I don't have to accept the status quo anymore than I have to accept a turd on a bun if a restaurant attempts to serve it to me. And much like the previous scenario, even should I not be the individual who was slighted, it's perfectly reasonable for me to state my opinion on the matter.


Demon Girl
Aug 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Also, welcome to the real world. There are a lot of jobs out there with a serious discrepancy between added value and market price. Most of them related to recreational activities or lifestyle objects.
Hey Kiddo,
Someday, when you're older, and you've finished econ 101, and you stop drinking the kool aid, you'll realize that assholes like akabur aren't worth defending. Of course people are giving him money willingly; that's why it's such a good scam.

People don't have perfect information; they aren't robots who make 100 percent rational choices with their money. If akabur becomes more popular and makes more money from patreon, he gets more visibility than other artists. If he has more visibility than other artists, more people will end up visiting his patreon page. And if akabur has more money going to him via patreon, he looks more legitimate to people who don't know he's essentially a con artist.

So it creates this perpetual bullshit machine that draws more and more donations away from places where they could go to better use.

You don't defend people who scam others out of their money. And you can write all day about how "people are giving it to him willingly" and "he's not breaking any rules" and that's fine. But akabur is still an asshole. And he's an asshole who makes very little to no content.

Donald Faction

Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

honestly I wonder who has a larger hatebase Akabur, or Gabe, i personally find them both at best lazy, and over hyping of their abilities.

Perfeccia Ars

Demon Girl
Apr 19, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

honestly I wonder who has a larger hatebase Akabur, or Gabe, i personally find them both at best lazy, and over hyping of their abilities.
For me that's the problem with these devs, they talk too much and make promises every chance they get only to feed the hype. I've always been one to think that a dev shouldn't talk about content or make promises about things they haven't started working on, especially since halfway through development of a game you're pretty much looking for anything that can lower your workload, especially content or functions that you can throw out the window.

But that's how they get their money, a lot of talk, hype and little to no work.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

For me that's the problem with these devs, they talk too much and make promises every chance they get only to feed the hype. I've always been one to think that a dev shouldn't talk about content or make promises about things they haven't started working on, especially since halfway through development of a game you're pretty much looking for anything that can lower your workload, especially content or functions that you can throw out the window.

But that's how they get their money, a lot of talk, hype and little to no work.
Well, I'm definitely one who talks too much and has yet to deliver. I will say though that I'm not doing it to feed the hype, I just enjoying discussing the game and gameplay elements. Additionally, with Patreon, I feel the need to post updates frequently and have to talk about something interesting ;)

To your last sentence though, completing any game of merit requires a good amount of work. Akabur definitely put in the work at some point. He produced PT and WT, which definitely required work. The issue that I feel people have is that now that he has "made it," he seems to be coasting instead of working harder (which is kind of the idea behind funding someone so they can focus on game making).

I do get what your saying though, and in a perfect world, it would be nice to just develop things behind the scenes and release the finished product.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Well, maybe there is a fundamental problem with the Patreon system. It's a relatively new form of funding things and perhaps 0% oversight just won't work with certain groups. Maybe that's just not it being perfect (which nothing is) or maybe that will lead to a decline in the system. For now it seems Akabur is sitting out like a sore thumb, showcasing the problems inherent in the system.

...well, that being said, where does one go to pick up his games? I can't find a download link for his games anywhere, especially the ones with the new content.
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Tentacle God
Jul 14, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

^ Check the last posts on page 82 in this thread, you got 2 links to the russienglish version 1.5.1 of the modded Witch Trainer. Or the 1st post on page 1 with a bunch of torrent links to other mods.


Demon Girl
Apr 12, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

^ Check the last posts on page 82 in this thread, you got 2 links to the russienglish version 1.5.1 of the modded Witch Trainer. Or the 1st post on page 1 with a bunch of torrent links to other mods.
It seems that a lot of the Mega links for the Bitch Trainer mods are dead.

Can someone re-upload those?

If they're in 1baka's folder, I'm not entirely sure which corresponds to the few listed before that link on the first post- Like Chandra and stuff. Assuming those have enough content to be worth looking at.


Demon Girl
Jul 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

It seems that a lot of the Mega links for the Bitch Trainer mods are dead.

Can someone re-upload those?

If they're in 1baka's folder, I'm not entirely sure which corresponds to the few listed before that link on the first post- Like Chandra and stuff. Assuming those have enough content to be worth looking at.

1.5.2 (which should be fully translated) is coming soon, though - you might want to wait for that

edit: Sorry, didn't notice you were asking for all mods.
c/p from 4chan

Major Versions of the game (BT is necessary for mods):
Each of these is a standalone game, not a mod for any of the others

Mods available for BT. Install Maverick or Mo's mod (NOT BOTH):
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