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Re: Akabur Games

Hmm I dont think I have ever seen this page go 5 pages back. Hope things pick up again because this is one of my favorite threads.
Re: Akabur Games

Hmm I dont think I have ever seen this page go 5 pages back. Hope things pick up again because this is one of my favorite threads.

Same here, it's one of the few threads I regularly check and actually post in. Definitely being patient on the next release, but so far Akabur's Witch Trainer was good - but then it was made better.
Re: Akabur Games

Due to some technical issues, we did not yet start our beta test for WT RE 1.5.2. I hope today (monday) we will resolve them and after a short beta test will release the game. Thank you.

I guess not :(
Re: Akabur Games

On the russian folks Forum in the english section one of the devs outright says he thinks it'll be out next week some time. Off the record anyway, so no concrete anything as to just how true this will turn out to be but i imagine it as the worst case, where as the original date was a best case.
Re: Akabur Games

I'd tend to take their estimates as wild guesses at best. They may be getting better at it over time, but some of Khan's original estimates were along the lines of, "next week the English translation will be complete". This was when everything was checked into the Git repository, the English version was a separate fork, and you could clearly see that the check-in for the latest version still had about 75% of the text in Russian.
Re: Akabur Games

Translating that game is a nightmare, I tried that one time on my own and I was working day and night to try to make a dent in the amount of scripts and I barely got a quarter of the game translated before I lost it. The game is also weird because it will insert text from other scripts during play and you cant see if they make sense when they run together like that until you actually play it.
Re: Akabur Games

well since the Russian mod won't be translated until next week (yeah right) and Belle Trainer demo is suppose to come out ether today or tomorrow since it was suppose to come out the first half of October (though there haven't really been an indicators that it is coming out) and I am not even going to touch the golden princess one.

The developers need to stop giving release dates. It's gotten annoying.
Re: Akabur Games

well since the Russian mod won't be translated until next week (yeah right) and Belle Trainer demo is suppose to come out ether today or tomorrow since it was suppose to come out the first half of October (though there haven't really been an indicators that it is coming out) and I am not even going to touch the golden princess one.

The developers need to stop giving release dates. It's gotten annoying.

Nothing against release dates. It's giving them and then either saying nothing or having to admit that the given date was never realistic to begin with. Either name a date and do everything in your power to make it happen or just say "When it's done".
Re: Akabur Games

Nothing against release dates. It's giving them and then either saying nothing or having to admit that the given date was never realistic to begin with. Either name a date and do everything in your power to make it happen or just say "When it's done".

People should pick a date they are sure off and then say they will be ready 2 week after that date . That way everyone's happy , as much as people on the net can be .
Re: Akabur Games

From the looks of it, this group is quite serious about their work. I'm inclined to be patient and see how it goes.
Re: Akabur Games

And yet another Iris chibi update from hewhoshallnotbenamed
Re: Akabur Games

I bet it took him a week to draw that.

Your comment truly had me cracking up, but why is he so obsessed with chibi's, I remember when PT was being made, he did away with chibi's because his fans had such a negative reaction to it, so he limited the chibi's to maybe 1 scene in the whole game.
Re: Akabur Games

He wasn't on Patreon back then, now they crave chibis and year-long game making with no release window/actual stuff to show and beg him to take all the time he "needs".
Re: Akabur Games

Dunno how much truth there is to this, but it seems Silver Edition may have been released finally. Early reports are that it's buggy as hell. So about 4 months later than announced, and possibly unplayable. I can't provide a firsthand account until my download finishes.

Silver edition (warning this is very WIP don't expect a bugless experience.)
Send hard crash bugs to [email protected]. Everything else he knows about.
<read me/faq in the download
Re: Akabur Games

Is it just coincidence that he released it just before the Russians released their 100% English version?
Re: Akabur Games

lol I hadn't even heard of the silver edition. Is it more characters again?

Say what you will about akabur, but he really inspired people with his slave trainers game and his style.
Re: Akabur Games

As far as I can tell it's just Hermione. The store Mo added in place of the catalog leaves crap all over the screen, behaves badly in general, and still routes through the "Dahr's Oddities" code, so you're placing owl orders for whatever you purchase. The clothing store just dropped me back to the title screen when I tried to make a purchase, so I can't say much for Silver Edition in terms of usability. The only "new" content I saw so far came out of his earlier mods.
Re: Akabur Games

where do i find the save file location? cause downloaded the mod verisons and its full of save files ........
Re: Akabur Games

Assuming you're on Windows, it'll be under your user folder (C:\Users\{yourname} probably) then AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Bitch Trainer. Note, that you'll have to set up Windows to show hidden folders and files to get there. The easiest way to do that is to click Organize in Windows Explorer, then choose Folder and Search Options and go to the View pane. Then just tick the right boxes. They're hard to miss. This is all Windows 7. The concept is similar on 8 and likely 10, but the specific instructions probably differ quite a bit. If you have Windows XP or something, you'll be looking in the "Documents and Settings" folder for your user account, but I don't know what path RenPy would ultimately put the saves in.

There's not a damn thing in this that you won't have seen before. The store is repurposed from Magic Shop, the clothing shop doesn't work, and the new favors/events that do work are part of earlier mods, with the possible exception of the one where she turns into a cat-girl. He didn't even tighten up the code from what I've seen. I have no idea where all the work that supposedly went into this actually went (probably the marginally functional shop).

If it was bug-free, I'd say go for it to tide yourself over until the Russians release their version 1.5.2, but I'm not sure I can recommend it to anyone who's played the game before. Especially if they've ever used any of Mo's other mods. It seems like there are a few other things planned, but they don't seem accessible, and none of it is new art.
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