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Lorelai (Zilrax)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 16 vs. Drayne: 1.

Lorelai breaks free!

Melissa continues to enjoy her fun times.

Grapple Attempt:

Drayne: 8 vs. Lorelai: 24

Lorelai easily avoids being grabbed again.

The Scylla delivers another round of pleasure to Melissa, and orgasms around her! Melissa shudders as she experiences 60 Pleasure, and gains 120 KP. Melissa has 92 Stamina left.

The Scylla has 135 Stamina left.

The Parasite's have 1 more round until they change!


1: Try to fry the Drayne.

2: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai was getting used to it this time. She managed to wriggle loose from the bug and avoid it's counter assault. Hopefully Melissa would come to her senses too.

For now she continued to attempt to swat this bug before it latched on even tighter this time.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 29 vs. Drayne: 18.

Lorelai hits for 300 damage, and her spirit lands 300 more. The Drayne has 50 HP left.

Melissa continues to enjoy her fun times.

The Drayne tries to attack Lorelai, but she manages to get a spell off just in time to counter it's attack, and kills it!

The Scylla makes Melissa experience another 30 pleasure, and makes her gain 60 KP as the fun times continue! Melissa now has 62 stamina left. Suddenly, Melissa starts to shake her head, her eyes widening as she realizes what is happening, and begins to fight back!

The Scylla has 80 stamina left until she orgasms around Melissa again.

Parasite Changes (Take effect next turn, but doing this to see if any turns get skipped):

Lorelai: 9: Disrupts the energy flow you rely on for special abilities, causing your class specific skills to become non-functional for five straight turns.

Melissa: 10: Causes you to become less durable for five straight turns, halving your stamina, thus making it easier to bring you to an orgasm.


1: Try to free Melissa now.

2: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grimaced. She was done being the damsel. Well she said that but at the very least she was done with it for this battle! She lead her shot this time for the Drayne's speed, and scored a direct hit, the dark energy of N'gaasha launched from her as the claw shredded through her foe.

The creature lunged once more for her, predictably trying to get atop her and get it's bizarre maw over her cock. So predictable that she caught it's head on her palm as it lunged, her getting a dark smirk. "Begone." Then unleashed her Spirit Thrash.

With the twisted creature defeated she shuddered as she felt her powers being drained towards her groin! The damn creature! She wasn't sure if the power was being lost or something more twisted was about to happen down there, but if the pattern held true, Melissa would be snapping out of it at the same time as now.

She swam back up quickly, hoping the rift wouldn't seal her to a doomed watery fate, hauling herself up. Yup, Melissa had her senses. She quickly rushed over to try and knock the tentacled beast of her friend before the worst happened! She didn't want Melissa to go through the same thing she had to before.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Free Melissa Attempt:

Lorelai: 22 vs. Scylla: 30 (wasted auto counter roll ...)

Lorelai is swatted away effortlessly by the Scylla, who almost seems to be scolding her!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 3 vs. Scylla: 13.

Melissa can't break free!

Skill Activation:

Scylla: 4 vs. Melissa: 1.

Getting back to the task at hand, the Scylla's features darkened slightly at Melissa's struggles, and she decided that wouldn't do. Suddenly Lorelai could sense that the Scylla's tentacles were wrapping tightly around Melissa, crushing her limbs to her side and completely immobilizing her! No longer concerned about her struggles, and certain that her prey wouldn't be able to escape on her own for a while, the Scylla continued to ride Melissa. Melissa suffers 30 Pleasure and gains 60 KP from the rape, and barely manages to avoid having an orgasm! Melissa has 1 stamina left!

The Scylla has 25 stamina left until she shares an orgasm with Melissa, who can't try to escape on her next turn!


1: Try to free Melissa before she impregnates the Scylla.

2: Sit back and let Melissa climax so she'll do damage, and not be distracted being so close to the edge.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"Don't you scold me, you tentacled minx, get off her!," snaps Lorelai as she;s batted away by the scylla. The scylla seemed content to ignore her and grip Melissa even harder. To her credit, the giantess seemed to be edging admirably. Lorelai couldn't let it go in vain.

Lorelai cursed a bit, "N'Gaasha if you can find a means to give me some momentum, do it!," she growled at the masturbating spirit who looks a little put out. Regardless Lorelai charged again and tried to tackle the Scylla off her friend before it was too late.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Free Melissa Attempt:

Lorelai: 19 vs. Scylla: 11.

Lorelai manages to toss the Scylla off her friend!

Melissa wastes no time in casting her mantra, and has only 82 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 10, 22, 26, 24 & 17 vs. Scylla: 2, 7, 3, 24 & 15 (All hits).

Melissa lands all 5 hits, with 2 landing critical! Melissa deals 700 damage, and the Scylla has 100 HP left.

Melissa: 23 vs. Scylla: 26.

Melissa can't end it!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 14 vs. Melissa: 25.

Melissa dodges!


1: Finish Her!

2: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grunts as she used firing a spirit thrash backwards to get a bit more momentum to shove the Scylla off, scrambling up to her feet in time to recover. Melissa managed to get up enough to get her spell off, before delivering a brutal beating to the scylla, unfortunately missing the ending blow.

Lorelai promptly fired a spirit thrash to finish the job. She still had to think of a new method before trying her tests again. She couldn't risk Melissa like that. She needed a method that would be too subtle to notice. Or to break the grip that thing had on their souls.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 27 vs. Scylla: 11.

Lorelai kills the Scylla, and ends the fight!

Both women gain 1,100 XP.

Loot Phase:

Drayne: Nothing.

Lich: Full HP Potion

Tar: Map Piece!

Scylla: Nothing.

Melissa bent down, grabbing their loot and handing one of the Full HP potions to Lorelai. Grinning, she also held up the Map Piece, looking at it and reading it. Cassidy did not appear this time, and after a few moments Melissa let out a sound of triumph.

"I think I have learned how to read this. Good thing too because I think something has happened to Cassidy, she's not here."


1: Try to remove the parasites before moving onward.

2: Try to remove the parasites, rest to full, and then move onward.

3: Other?

((Can't be caught now that you have that map piece btw))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai sighs, taking the potion and landing on her rump, grunting at the feeling of the cold stone on her naked rump. "Damn do I miss clothes..." She tied the potion onto her woven belt.

She watched Melissa studying the map piece before smiling at Melissa's triumph. "Good job! Now let's see if we can get these bastards off and catch our breath before... Well you know... Though you're um... Well you look like you're about to blow... Do uh... Do you want me to tip you over so no monster can...?," asks Lorelai, blushing deeply in embarrassment, looking slightly to the side.

"I know for a fact you can breed with them and all so... You know... Safe then sorry...?," she murmurs, getting redder by the second.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"If we can actually rest, and I think we can now, I should be fine in a few moments. However, let's see about getting rid of these damn things ..."

Remove Parasite Attempts:

Lorelai: 29 vs. Parasite: 14 (GONE!)

Melissa: 25 vs. Parasite: 30 (Nope!)

Lorelai manages to remove her parasite, but Melissa isn't as lucky. The parasite stubbornly refuses to let go! Meanwhile, Lorelai's cock vanishes. Melissa will have to wait a little while ... 3/3 turns left.


1: Rest until Lorelai is at peak strength (1 turn).

2: Rest until Melissa is at peak strength (2 turns).

3: Move on now.

((Parasite changes turns on Melissa after this next round regardless.))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods, not sure if she was relieved or disappointed by Melissa declining, and focuses on removing the parasite on herself. She studied the parasite, before grabbing it swiftly where she gaged the best leverage to be and pulled!

With a wince, she managed to yank the parasite off, blasting it out of existence with a spirit thrash.

Looking over, Melissa wasn't having as good luck it seemed. "No luck. Well we may as well wait. I'll keep an eye on the map. It has to let go at some point right?"
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Deciding to wait, the two women sat around for a little bit.

Parasite Change = 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns.

Soon Melissa was back to full strength, and shortly after that she took a deep breath.

"Well, let's see if it's ready to let go now ..." (3/5 turns left on ailment).

Parasite Removal Attempt:

Melissa: 26 vs. Parasite: 25.

The parasite tried to cling to her, but finally Melissa was able to yank it off! For a moment, it seemed like her cock would remain, but then it vanished, the woman breathing a sigh of relief.

"Right, now that's taken care of ... shall we move on?"


1: Move on.

2: Talk about something before moving on.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai wasn't sure if she was disappointed or not Melissa's cock was gone again. this was bugging her, she really had to sort her head off, it was completely anathema so why was she thinking like that. Was it the planet, some sort of outside influence? She idly glanced at N'gaasha who waves back with a friendly smile.

It was impossible to say. Though an idle thought did come about. She'd seen the creatures use the spell many times. Maybe she could copy their futa spell and improve on it? It was worth testing next time the opportunity arose.

"Yes, let's go on. Sorry I didn't help sooner. Weird tentacle mouthed bug girl things.," says Lorelai with a grimace, starting to walk, "But hey, least you didn't get her pregnant. I had to eliminate one of the succubi who... forced me to get her with child before. I still am not sure how I feel about it. Intellectually I recognize they'd probably be monsters or at least slaves to... whatever it is that's puppet mastering them. But emotionally it's troubling. Feh. When I get to that thing I'm gonna feed it to N'gaasha."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa listened to Lorelai as they moved on, nodding her head.

"True, and I'm sorry about that. Though, I suspect our captor enjoys seeing that inner turmoil, probably gets off on it almost as much as watching us get raped. Just be sure if you feed him to your spirit that he can't reanimate himself using your spirit or we're both screwed royally."

Moving onward, they soon found another shrine. Cassidy appeared this time, looking worn down, but before they could say anything, she spoke.

"You have found a shrine of protection. This shrine, when activated, will save you from becoming pregnant, or impregnating a foe once. If you want to take this shrine, you must defeat Liara the Soulless and her Lich Queen ally. If you do not want to fight, you should leave now."

Just like that, she was gone again, leaving the women to decide what they wanted to do.


1: Give me that shrine!

2: Nah, let's move on.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"You don't have to apologize for being mind controlled. And I was kidding, I don't think N'gaasha has a stomach. In any case I would not be too shocked if he was. Let him be amused then. We'll just keep crushing our way through."

Soon they came to another shrine. Cassidy reappeared surprisingly, though she looked worn down. "Hold strong, Cassidy.," Lorelai tried to speak out, as the woman disappeared. She wasn't sure if she was heard or not, but she was sure Cassidy could maintain herself. She had to be sure.

Lorelai looks at the shrine then smirks to Melissa. "We haven't backed down from a challenge so far. Let's do it. Sounds like we've got some corpses to put back in the ground. Hopefully they'll get some rest."

She called N'gaasha's Barrier Spirit arm over herself as she moved forwards.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Moving into position, the familiar energy barrier went up, and the fight began!

Enemy Spawns:

Liara the Soulless: HP: 5,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 40.

Level 7 Lich Queen: Stamina: 190. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Taste of Corruption.

Initiative Rolls:

Liara: 17 (1st)
Lich: 14 (2nd)
Melissa: 4 (Last)
Lorelai: 7 (3rd)

Grapple Attempts:

Liara: 11 vs. Lorelai: 23 (Dodge)

Lich: 11 vs. Lorelai: 24 (Dodge)

Lorelai dodges both enemies with ease, perhaps to her surprise.


1: Attack the Lich.

2: Attack Liara.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai moved with purpose. The last experience put a bad taste in her mouth, as well as seeing how beaten down Cassidy had seemed. Fortunately a couple corpses who didn't want to stay dead had made themselves available to her.

As the two lunged, Lorelai used a spirit thrash downwards to use the impact force to throw herself out of reach quickly. Upon landing she swiftly made sure to call up her flame claw, before firing another spirit thrash at the lich.

She'd just killed one of these so called lich queens before. Even the dead could reproduce here? It raised some intriguing questions. Pity she wouldn't be allowed to subdue her to investigate a means to replicate the process. After all, immortality without much consequence was appealing, even if just as a thought exercise. Not that anything lacked consequences.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 6 vs. Lich Queen: 7.

After summoning her spirit, Lorelai misfires her spell! Her sprirt hits for 50 damage, leaving the Queen with 750 HP.

Melissa casts her Mantra of Speed, giving both women two turns!

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 19 vs. Lich Queen: 27.

Melissa: 20 vs. Lich Queen: 19.

Melissa lands her second shot, hitting the Lich for 600 damage! The Lich Queen has 150 HP left.

Grapple Attempts:

Liara: 6 vs. Lorelai: 15.

Lich: 28 vs. Lorelai: 9.

Both enemies lunge towards Lorelai from opposite directions. While she manages to avoid Liara, the Lich Queen gets her from behind and tackles her to the ground!


1: Try to get free and then blast her.

2: Submit to a blowjob or ride.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai curses as her calling on another spirit thrash so quickly made it go awry. Melissa clubbed the lich queen down quite well. Unfortunatly both decided to focus on her, Lorelai cursing as she tried to duck between the two. She dodged Soulless, but the lich queen knocked her down.

Lorelai growled and started to struggle with her. "You know, you ever consider the bizzarity of your existence? Not the undead bit, we both get that, but the fact there's a whole bunch of you running around. That somehow you can reproduce undead sexually from the living who are by all appearances, clones of yourself. Do any of you even know who or where the first of you are? Liches normally originate from those with the might and the intellect, so I assume you considered this."