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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Lol Ryu, I was rolling for the best part of an hour and that was the best roll I got xD

And I'm going to make sure I'm playing completely evil. So watch out whoever is partnered up with me :D
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Yes, and I talk with him on MSN, and he tells me he still has to add and fine tune a few things. Maybe this gives me time to re-roll till I get all 30s though.....
You will be rolling a while then... I would be bored out of my mind if I did that. I simply rolled until I got my main stat group over 20 and secondary over 15. I just got insanely lucky when I remade my character.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Place holder for Me I need to study the system more but I'm planning to play an evil naga like last time...
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Actually Pheonix, PA, Alugere, Mr. Bond, whatever the hell you feel like being called cause-your-name-is-really-long, I thought I posted somewhere that there was still some more stuff to be done - Hell, the Rule Sheet I have on Microsoft Office is over 20 pages long.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Ah, oops, too late now... Still, 20 pages is a lot of copy and pasting: don't break any fingers, that would be bad.

Also, I like them shaken, not stirred.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Of course Mr. Bond.

It's not breaking my fingers I'm worried about, it's getting everything balanced correctly. All Elements are going to have at least 5 more spells than they originally did, plus I still need to start writing down Advantages and Disadvantages that you can 'buy'.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth


Balancing is always tricky. Just make sure to get it correct. Take the time you need, I can wait :p

And those who can't, well, they can BITE MY SHINEY METAL ASS.
too much futurama... hehehehehehehehehehehe.... going insane!

Maybe some blood injections as to buyable things?

I.E., Naga blood, and you get the advantages/disadvantages of a Naga added to you?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Character deleted. I'll make a new super original non-good non-ninja when Silth is closer to finished.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Character deleted. I'll make a new super original non-good non-ninja when Silth is closer to finished.

Oh sure. POST that you're actually doing that so you undermine us that have been doing so silently from the beginning. :/
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I am interested but, confused, could someone help I with rolls and etc?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Hey ^^, I think I'll participate in this revival of Jumpers seeing as that I'll stop lurking as of now. This will be a placeholder for my character.

Character Sheet

Class:Erotic Artist (Unarmed)
Alignment: Evil


Red Stats=23
Dexterity: 1+5=6

Green Stats=24
Finesse: 16+5-3=18

Blue Stats=19
Will Power:15+5=20
Depth: 3+5-5=3

Orange Stats

Experience til next level: (10*Level)
Spendable Experience Points:
Aptitude: (Style)(Level)(AXP(100*Next Level)
Mind: (Element)(Level)(MXP(100*Next Level)
Technology Points: 0/300.
Ascension: 0/200

Race Bonuses:+10 to spread amongst Red stats.
-3 to Finesse
-5 to Depth
+5 to Pregnancy rolls

Determined: Once per battle, if the Heroine’s FP points hit 0, she gets up with 1/4 FP, rounded up.

Fertile: Whether it be horomones or just bad luck, the Heroine seems more fertile than others… +2 to pregnancy rolls. Can be taken 3 times.

Class Bonuses:
+10 to damage
-5 to Magic attacks; no clothes may be worn.
Beginning Clothes: Birthday suit. Penetration starts immediately.

Style: Earth
Spell: Flatten Terrain. Allows the Heroine and her team to move over two mountain tiles, instead of going through a mountain. 100 MP.
Level 1: Armor: A very thin layer of rocks covers the Heroine, giving her some extra protection. 25 extra Armor, 10 MP to activate.
Area of Effect
Level 1: Thick Foliage: Sure, the leaves look weird on your outfit, but at least it adds to your Armor. 25 extra Armor, 10 MP per character.

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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Edit: Rerolled Stats

Name: Sydia Godforsaken
Class: Mage
Race: Furry Cat
Alignment:Chaotic Evil

Personality: (Got this from oni, thank you oni!) Sydia was born and left to die, in a glade full of life. Surprisingly as much as it should happen, a GOOD Mage came along and resuced her. There was a strange mark on Sydia's forehead, which when translated was revealed as Godforsaken. (The mage translated it.) So, the years passed with the good mage traveling and teaching Sydia. As Sydia began to develop as a woman, the good mage(male) began to notice her and lust after her. His lust raged and became stronger and stronger, Sydia was not yet fully grown and could not go into heat just yet. Till finally the good mage raped her. (You all knew I was building up to it.) Sydia screamed and screamed as he forcefully raped her young and underdeveloped body. Till he finished and fell asleep on top of her. With this emotional scarring continued to happen night after the night, Sydia finally struck back in a most (smiles) gruesome way. Learning the death spell, damage corruption she finally corrupted her master till he became her personal slave. She then forced him to cut off his own balls a millimeter at a time and she did bit his dick off. As he lay there bleeding and order not to make a sound or a move, she sacrifaced him.

Appearance: Due to her being chaotic evil, Sydia's body has undergo changes that have resulted in Orange fur with mixture of blood color red fur spots, Golden cat eyes with red glints in them, lithe build, 5"06", 48K cup breasts ( ) and a very muscular tail and trained genitals.

Red Stats=27

Green Stats=21

Blue Stats=27
Will Power:8+5=13

Orange Stats
Aptitude: 8
Mind:7.5 = 8

Fatigue Points:=44.75=45
Action Points:=24
Armor Counts:=18.5=19
Magic Points:= 68
Pleasure Points:13.5=14
Corruption/Broke Points:2 Automatic From small itch.

Experience till next level: (10*Level)
Spend able Experience Points:
Aptitude: (Style)(Level)(AXP(100*Next Level)
Mind: (Element)(Level)(MXP(100*Next Level)
Technology Points: 0/300.
Ascension: 0/200

Race: Bonuses.
+5 to pregnancy rolls
+10 to Finesse
+5 to speed.
Condition: Heat – Every 10 movement rounds, the character goes into heat; in the next battle, they try their best to become pregnant, or until they suffer two orgasms. All rolls are halved until this condition is met.
1d5 to determine offspring.

Class Bonuses.
Advantage: Skilled: The Heroine can take up two more Styles.
Disadvantage: Devoured: +7 corruption gained.
Main Stats: Intelligence, Depth, Strength, Stamina.
Trained in: Staves
Beginning clothes: A long robe laced with magic to make it stronger. +5 to armor, 50 or higher to tear.
Gifted: Start with 2 elements instead of 1
Small Itch: +2 corruption points

Witty: The Heroine gains +2 Intelligence points when first taken, gaining +1 for every level.
Fertile: Whether it be horomones or just bad luck, the Heroine seems more fertile than others… +2 to pregnancy rolls. Can be taken 3 times.

1st Style Staves: These aren’t the strange little substitute for wands that most Mages use; these are the real deal.
Level 1: Sweep: The Heroine swings her staff in a circle, knocking opponents off their feet. D12 damage, 75% knock down, 6 AP.
2nd Style:
Short Bows Short Bows specialize in the Heroine taking cover behind anything – including a Willing Tank!
Level 1: DUCK!: The Heroine immediately takes cover. Adds +5 to cover, 6 AP.
3rd Style:
Long Bows Heroines who use Long Bows are perfect for taking the enemy out from afar.
Level 1: Eage Eye: Allows the Heroine to spot any enemy at least d40(minimum 20) feet away. 50% chance the Heroine(s) are seen also.

Death: Uncaring and unforgiving, Death is feared by all. Spell: Deathly Cloud: This spell blankets the entire world, draining 2 FP from every other team per round in their next battle. Costs 200 MP.
Level 1: Vampire’s Kiss: A seemingly pleasant kiss, the Heroine drains some life away from an enemy… Drains d15 FP, 10 MP.
Special: Must be within grappling range.
World-Only Spells
Level 1: Damage Corruption: The Heroine can damage corruption of someone on her team (or a captured enemy), turning them closer to a personal slave. Deals d30 CP damage, costs 3 MP per corruption point.

Love: A… strange Element, this can counter act many effects made by Alchemists or others. Spell: Aphrodisiacs: Every other team begins the next round with the ‘heat’ status, even if they’re human! Costs 150 MP.
Level 1: Sweet Words: By imbuing her words with magic, the Heroine is able to change the intentions of those around her. 50% chance enemies who are trying to harm the Caster become allies for d10 rounds, costs 30 MP.
Area of Effect Spells
Level 1: Lovely Aura: An aura surrounds the Heroine, which lets her turn her Ally’s pleasure into health. For every 5 PP dealt to other Heroines, the caster gains 1 FP. Costs 10 MP per round.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Holy shit.

So that's what happens when you drink Bourbon-Vodka-Cocktail.

You don't wake up for a few months.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Ah, that explains where you were..
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

It was oh so tasty too... Then my heart nearly stopped beating.

People, please take a look at the character sheet template. It changed a bit.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I will. Later. When I don't have to piss/fart/burp, all at the same time.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I's gonna take a stabity at this too. *Stabitiy*

Name: Blazetail
Class: Fighter (Erotic)
Race: Kitsune
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Red Stats
Strength: 5+7+5=17
Dexterity: 5+2=7
Stamina: 5+8=13

Green Stats
Speed: 5+6+5=16
Finesse: 5+4=9
Senses: 5+6=11

Blue Stats- 20
Will Power: 5+10=15
Intelligence: 5+5=10
Depth: 5+5=10

Orange Stats
Charisma: 5
Aptitude: 7
Mind: 7
Presence: 6
Mentality: 10
Command: 6

FP: 32
PP: 14
AC: 7
AP: 24
MP: 40

Experience til next level: 10
Spendable Experience Points: 0/0 EXP
Aptitude: (Broadsword) (Level 1) (AXP (100*Next Level)
Mind: (Fire) (Level) (MXP (100*Next Level)
Technology Points: 0/300.
Ascension: 0/200

Race Bonuses:
Ability: Kitsune Fire – The blue fire of Kitsunes, it can be used to nearly decimate enemies. ((d20, no weakness/strengths to Elements))
Disadvantage: Slavery – When captured by Slavers, all Kitsunes suffer a -10 to rolls.
+10 to magic rolls
+5 to speed
+5 to strength

Class Bonuses:
Advantage: Hard Hitter!: +5 to damage, Easy Target: +5 to-hit.
Disadvantage: Soft Will: Magic deals +5 damage, Gang Bang: -5 when outnumbered.
Trained in: Long Swords, Short Swords, Broadswords
Main stats: Strength, Finesse.
Beginning Clothing: A chainmail bikini over a nylon cat suit. +2 to defense rolls; 35 AHP.

Broadsword Who the hell needs armor when you have a huge fucking sword to block attacks?
Level 1: Slam: Using the… well, broadside of her Broadsword, the Heroine slams it into an opponent. D10 damage, 6 AP, 35% stun.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Uhhh, can I select the love spells aoe and direct or do I only get to pick 1? Also can I have dark as my second style?

P.S I am a VERY evil bastard I WILL betray YOU if I AM the target OF enemies... Also to all other evil people, form an alliance of backstabbers with me, so that we can backstab eachother with varying anger at eachother.... Mmmmm Personal slave from death spells....

Edit: Hey oni, do you wish to be sworn enemies/friends that backstab eachother as much as possible while still trying to accomplish similiar goals?
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Wow, I just forgot something big.

At Level 1 (the starting Level) there is a cap on your Stats. No stat can go above 30 points.

At level 2, no stat can go above 60, and at Level 3, no stat can go above 90. Once you hit Level 4, it doesn't matter anymore - every stat is capped at 100 until you Ascend.

Of course, Race additions let you go above this Cap.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Does that mean my stats are okay? Or do I have to do some juggling?