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RPG NTR [Makura cover soft] 魔剣士リーネ2/ Leane of Legitimate Crown (RJ194521)

Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Or just use the male characters and hope they're actually useful for once.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Pretty much the harem system in a nutshell. As tanto said the carriage is the king moving around from place to place nonstop. It seems as the game goes on and we obtain more characters the carriage begins to move towards our units locations and when it enters the same space with one or many of our female generals she or they are automatically inducted into the harem. The only way to get them back is to negotiate and bargain with the king. However, each time a heroine is returned, the king's dissatisfaction rises and if it gets too high he refuses to part with the heroines anymore.

Damn, so the predictions were true.

Rather than anti turtling its more of testing our patience as imagine this you're amassing for an attack or defense and suddenly he comes over and pulls the carpet right from under your feet.

Double Damn for if we cannot even touch the girls (no chance or word on that?). If that's so why bother putting them in the harem ourselves? It's a waste time and resources.

Triple Damn if there is no rebel option.

It would be a pity though. Good art, good mechanics but lousy implementation if so.
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Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Double Damn for if we cannot even touch the girls (no chance or word on that?). If that's so why bother putting them in the harem ourselves? It's a waste time and resources.

Triple Damn if there is no rebel option.

A would be a pity though. Good art, good mechanics but lousy implementation if so.

They're forced into the harem, probably threatened by the king.

Sadly I doubt there'll be a rebel option, Makura cover games are pretty much all NTR-heavy with maybe a single "oh, you manage to avoid all that...fine, here's your one happy scene"

And sadly lack of ability to break out of the situation is one of the qualification for NTR story MC .- .
If he does break it then it'll be vanilla end, and since the girl does return it's questionable whether that was really NTR or was it simply rape until the girl broke.
Then of course there's the double plottwist with the girl secretly going back to the NTR guy.
A triple plot twist would be something like the MC knew she wasn't satisfied with him and set her up with the NTR guy again. Usually with the reasoning of "I just want her to be happy"

And of course all the while he faps to the video of those two doing it, given to him by the NTR guy as part of the deal or something like that.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

They're forced into the harem, probably threatened by the king.

Sadly I doubt there'll be a rebel option, Makura cover games are pretty much all NTR-heavy with maybe a single "oh, you manage to avoid all that...fine, here's your one happy scene"

So their statement of being able to avoid it was just through negotiations which may and most likely will fail. Quadruple Damn.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

So their statement of being able to avoid it was just through negotiations which may and most likely will fail. Quadruple Damn.

Assuming the king only induct heroines into harem at town, you can potentially just move them around different towns as he approaches, or sending them to attack/retreat mid way repeatedly if it's a one-way road

If he does it as soon as he touches them tho...time for some Benny Hill music and lots of 'kiting' (let's hope his carriage also doesn't move faster than normal units, that'd be extra suck)

Well, there IS one hope to this tho, the title.

Assuming as part of the plot it's revealed Leane have the right to be the ruler and she starts her own country, then that'd essentially be the rebel option we need to say fuck that king (well, not an 'option' since it'd be part of the story)
Then again, here's my evil side argument to this
The king will attempts to get Leane into harem asap, and if she's already NTR'd by the time you reach that point, she simply accepts being the King's wife instead of starting her own country, essentially giving you an early 'bad end'.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Assuming the king only induct heroines into harem at town, you can potentially just move them around different towns as he approaches, or sending them to attack/retreat mid way repeatedly if it's a one-way road

If he does it as soon as he touches them tho...time for some Benny Hill music and lots of 'kiting' (let's hope his carriage also doesn't move faster than normal units, that'd be extra suck)

Well, there IS one hope to this tho, the title.

Assuming as part of the plot it's revealed Leane have the right to be the ruler and she starts her own country, then that'd essentially be the rebel option we need to say fuck that king (well, not an 'option' since it'd be part of the story)
Then again, here's my evil side argument to this
The king will attempts to get Leane into harem asap, and if she's already NTR'd by the time you reach that point, she simply accepts being the King's wife instead of starting her own country, essentially giving you an early 'bad end'.

Cheers to that except the ntr part and hopefully the harem becomes the player's as well.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Good news and bad news from the blog people.

Good news: Though they had a bit of trouble, they're going to upload the updated demo they released at Comiket onto the website tomorrow, which will have functioning harem screen.

Bad news: Game is likely not to be released before spring.
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Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Good news and bad news from the blog people.

Good news: Though they had a bit of trouble, they're going to upload the updated demo they released at Comiket onto the website tomorrow, which will have functioning harem screen.

Bad news: Game is likely not to be released before spring.

Awesome and thanks for info but for me long as the end product doesn't lack and long as I get good amount of content from the game I don't mind the wait :)
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

I don't know why they'd take a solid concept and then piss everyone off with the whole king business. If the devs want to discourage turtling, then have income decrease if you don't take over an territory for too long or have elite enemy units spawn or something. Having a mechanic that can take key units taken away from you 'just because' is not how you make a strategy game.

As many said, this just creates pointless micromanagement where the player moves their female units around to avoid the king entirely. If they allow the king to steal them even when moving around the map, it's just going to lead to the player not even bothering to use them.

Or just use the male characters and hope they're actually useful for once.
They were in the first one, other than the very early units that couldn't change jobs to anything useful. The only units worth using in the end were the final magic knights or whatever the job was and the thief girl's sabotage command. Everything else was just fodder against the demon and final boss units. The reverse may occur in the 2nd though as it sounds like the major characters will have powerful skills, while the generic units not so much.

Hopefully the 2nd demo will shed more light onto it. Or as said an option to go NOPE and turn on the king.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

yeah, i don't want this one to be as buggy as the first game. man, i was pretty damn amazed i was able to finish it with all the crashes and things i had to do to avoid the game crashing. it was like an extra handicap mode rather then bugs. "can't take this unit to this place or it will crash", "don't let this person enter battle or it will crash".
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

I don't know why they'd take a solid concept and then piss everyone off with the whole king business. If the devs want to discourage turtling, then have income decrease if you don't take over an territory for too long or have elite enemy units spawn or something. Having a mechanic that can take key units taken away from you 'just because' is not how you make a strategy game.

The circle is HEAVY on NTR .- . the fact that there was no douchebag ally to backstab you in the first one was already a blessing.

Personally I think they started with the idea of NTR from the ally side first, then someone probably suggest this way to make it avoidable at least.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

does any one happen to have a link to this teams DLSITE? i'm interested in seeing the work they have done besides these 2 games.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

does any one happen to have a link to this teams DLSITE? i'm interested in seeing the work they have done besides these 2 games.

This is their dlsite products if anyone is interested later to figure out what kind of games/genres they work on.

yeah, i don't want this one to be as buggy as the first game. man, i was pretty damn amazed i was able to finish it with all the crashes and things i had to do to avoid the game crashing. it was like an extra handicap mode rather then bugs. "can't take this unit to this place or it will crash", "don't let this person enter battle or it will crash".

I'm not sure if its just couple people or not but mine never crashed on me when I use to play the first one for like 2 months couple years back to figure out how to get some of the cg
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Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Gonna be really honest here, if the game is really all about moving the generals away from the king or he gets them and we aren't even able to touch them, it is gonna be pretty freaking annoying.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

tanto said:
Double Damn for if we cannot even touch the girls (no chance or word on that?). If that's so why bother putting them in the harem ourselves? It's a waste time and resources.

sgb3 said:
As many said, this just creates pointless micromanagement where the player moves their female units around to avoid the king entirely. If they allow the king to steal them even when moving around the map, it's just going to lead to the player not even bothering to use them.

I don't think its a matter of purpose but rather a matter of difficulty. The harem system seems like its just there to add another layer of difficulty to the gameplay, meaning unless your doing careful micromangement you will end up losing heroines to the Saint King. The problem is several game mechanics already in place make difficult to avoid this..

-Several paths and routes on the complete map are said to be narrow and lead to dead ends making it difficult to run away.
-We lose heroines if the king enters a space that they are on or if we enter a space that he is on.
-Although he can take multiple heroines at once, we can only ask for one heroine back at a time.
-The longer or more times a heroines stays or enters a harem, it becomes harder and harder to take her out of it.
-Also since the purpose of the captured heroines is for "heir production" the heroines will probably end up pregnant if we take too long to take them out of the harem. And while we can remove pregnant heroines from the harem, the author has mentioned that after a certain point they have to return to the harem to give birth.

Combining these mechanics with a continent conquering strategy can easily lead to scenarios where we are forced to leave 1 or 2 heroines in harem to get back a needed one or leave captured heroines in the harem because we are incapable getting them back due to lack of resources or time.
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Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Wait a minute. That sound like the heroine is captured even when she meets the king outside village/town/castle. If that's the case I will really be disappointed.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Wait a minute. That sound like the heroine is captured even when she meets the king outside village/town/castle. If that's the case I will really be disappointed.

You're literally fxxked up then. They WILL be captured. And the king will head towards where your heroines are. Some evil bastards even suggested to make the king walk faster than your heroines.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

there's pregnancy!? awesome, i was hoping that would make a return since only 1 girl got pregnant in the last game. though i hope monsters / goblins make a return or something else. of course i hope for good pregnancy endings too.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Wessex said:
Wait a minute. That sound like the heroine is captured even when she meets the king outside village/town/castle. If that's the case I will really be disappointed.
Confirmed. Just finished the trial any form of contact the king makes with the heroines leads to them being captured.
Re: [Makura cover soft|SLG]Leane of Legitimate Crown

Confirmed. Just finished the trial any form of contact the king makes with the heroines leads to them being captured.

The more info I get about the game the less hyped I am for the extremely post poned release.