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punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
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basically, a discussion on what people think of game over rape and reward sex (e.g mario+porn)

I think Hrpgs benefit greatly from both of them, pure game over rape can only motivate so far...like theyd be only getting to the next part of the game to lose and carry on...

personally the princess peach method of reward sex feels a little boring... and somehow more offensive than the idea of enjoying fictional rape...

yuko has mostly game over sex, but the endings also have sex in them (except 1)

edit; with more action oriented games the gameplay helps a lot too of course
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Personally, I HATE GOR, yes Game OVER.
I hate to force myself to lose for event then get game over to start over again.
I perfer to get LRC (Lose Then Rape Then Continue )
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

My favorite sex scenes occur when I'm too aroused to concentrate on the game and lose which follow into said GOR. These instances can be pretty rare though, although it gives me a problem that when I play hentai games while horny, I end up quitting the game afterwards and losing any progress I made. In one game, I used to never be able to reach the next level simply because I got too aroused right off the bat. The game itself is Trap Quest, the only decent adult roguelike yet, everything else is too shitty or in one games case, relies on third-party developers to make maps since it's still in beta.
It can be difficult for me to enjoy reward sex simply because I prefer outright losing games.(except when they're non-pornographic ones, obviously) The effort taken to lead into the scene was too much and killed arousal, or it simply lacks the emotions I'm aroused by and I can't get anything from it.

Provably one of the few people that actually love Bad Ends/Game Overs.
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Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Games work on conflict and overcoming it. If a game is H, I feel like the conflict should be H. For GOR's or RoR's or what have you, The character tries to avoid it, and it's almost impossible to screw that up: getting sexed is bad, if you are getting sexed, you are losing. But with games that reward it, I often see the concept go disconnected to the conflict. It's easy for the story to become something else and sex is an additive, some disjointed point to it. Although I think H-RPG's are better suited for reward sex, it's common for them to end up just sub standard games with a hentai artist's portfolio scattered about inside. For this, I almost always point myself towards punishment sex.

My point is just how it connects to the conflict, as the conflict drives the interactivity, and if the sex isn't inherent in the entire conflict of the game, then I wouldn't want to be playing a game for my hentai fix.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

well the best solution is bf you don't need to win or lose to se h stuff because bf games are all about it, the only thing that makes bf games even better are spirit animations like in robf or ero night.
really wish there would be more good bf games like them :D
(currently waiting for ero night 2, fleeing)

but bf game dont need spirit animations at all even the old games like the succubus quest or the cg ripped bf rpgs (like leotard quest) are beter then most other new h games.

because bf is what h games are all about (at my personal opinion):eek:
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I have to start this with a disclaimer. That, personally, either one is ultimately fine to like. Neither is superior to the other, it just comes down to personal taste as you can have an enjoyable game with either method, just like you can have a refreshing drink regardless if you flavor it grape or orange. At least, that is how I see it. Mass amounts of text put into spoilers.

I prefer Game Over Rape. I greatly, greatly prefer it. The why to this has to do with the kind of person I am, though. I'm not a dominant sort of person, and am not the one who would want to take the role of the person who is trying to get laid through raping a female or successfully saving her or what have you. Rape and various twists on it is probably my biggest fetish. While either gender is fine to take the role of a rapist, I like playing as females. They are the ones I want to control and watch, not a random stock guy that doesn't even have his face drawn 99% of the time.

From a gameplay perspective, I see it like this. If the game is literally just a dungeon crawl where nothing is given to you unless you fail, that the point of progression is so that you can fail in more ways, I can see why this would bother people. In truth, it can REALLY piss me off depending on the circumstances. If I lack the ability to save anywhere with multiple files, there isn't a gallery mode, or what have you, it can become very annoying. Because the only way you can see the H content more than once is to force yourself through a grind over and over again without the ability to look at it once more unless you put yourself through the same damn thing.

If punishment scenes based on failure are all the game has going for it, but the game isn't sadistic about it and makes picking back up and moving on easy on you, then I'm fine with this. I enjoy it, in fact. In truth, I greatly appreciate it when, after the rape scene and potential game over one that would follow that would show what happened post failure, the game just continues you off in a convenient spot without having to restart the game or load a save.

As for reward based sex in games... Egh. Typically, the games aren't very fun, and the scenes can't excite me if they are consensual or the like. I just find it really boring.

I can't express how much I hate hentai RPGs where you play as a female and the only way to get punishment based scenes is to succeed. Lose to an enemy? Fuck up? No fuck you, straight to a game over scene with nothing interesting happening. Beat the boss and make it back to the village so some random person can fuck you.

Everything I just said aside though, I think a game benefits a lot from variety. There is only so much content a game can reasonably have, but being rewarded with H scenes for success and failure makes the game better, I feel.

tl;dr: As long as the game isn't sadistic with how you obtain the scenes, I prefer game over rape because I like seeing my character raped, and it makes the rape scenes feel more organic when it is actually my fault it happens, not something you're being rewarded with for naturally progressing.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

well.. im vote for GOR... but it still have continue,,, with some consequence..
i think that will interesting...
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

The goal is to create an emotional connection to the player, and the flavor of porn in the game needs to coincide with this.

In action games punishment sex feeds off the adrenaline rush and the dissonance between not being allowed to have something making you inadvertently desire it more (i.e. you can't have the porn because it means being bad at the game, but that kinda makes it hotter). Reward sex feeds off the satisfaction of performing well at the game or some other emotional investment you have in what's going on (re: VNs).

At the same time you're trying to design (ideally) a good game as well. That means being conscious of the fact that the porn is the primary reward you're offering. This means two things: 1) porn must be dolled out just enough to feel rewarding but rare enough to be meaningful and 2) the porn as a reward needs to scale with the effort being put into the game.

The fuck up is when the porn isn't integrated into the game very well. If punishment sex is the sole form of porn, then losing or screwing up needs to be a core aspect of the gameplay. If it's RoR, the difficulty should be such that you screw up enough to get glimpses, with the promise that there is better porn to see later on in further levels. If it's GOR, then losing needs to be an anticipated, frequent part of the gameplay (I'm rather shocked no one makes GOR roguelikes). The issue I always see is when you feel you have to deliberately screw up, let yourself lose, to see the porn. That causes a conflict of interests. Or when losing in the game is so punishing and frustrating that it ruins the reward of porn for getting that far.

On the flip side, a lot of reward sex games hand out the porn too easily. The harder something is to accomplish, the better the reward ought to be.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I have to start this with a disclaimer. That, personally, either one is ultimately fine to like. Neither is superior to the other, it just comes down to personal taste as you can have an enjoyable game with either method, just like you can have a refreshing drink regardless if you flavor it grape or orange. At least, that is how I see it. Mass amounts of text put into spoilers.

I prefer Game Over Rape. I greatly, greatly prefer it. The why to this has to do with the kind of person I am, though. I'm not a dominant sort of person, and am not the one who would want to take the role of the person who is trying to get laid through raping a female or successfully saving her or what have you. Rape and various twists on it is probably my biggest fetish. While either gender is fine to take the role of a rapist, I like playing as females. They are the ones I want to control and watch, not a random stock guy that doesn't even have his face drawn 99% of the time.

From a gameplay perspective, I see it like this. If the game is literally just a dungeon crawl where nothing is given to you unless you fail, that the point of progression is so that you can fail in more ways, I can see why this would bother people. In truth, it can REALLY piss me off depending on the circumstances. If I lack the ability to save anywhere with multiple files, there isn't a gallery mode, or what have you, it can become very annoying. Because the only way you can see the H content more than once is to force yourself through a grind over and over again without the ability to look at it once more unless you put yourself through the same damn thing.

If punishment scenes based on failure are all the game has going for it, but the game isn't sadistic about it and makes picking back up and moving on easy on you, then I'm fine with this. I enjoy it, in fact. In truth, I greatly appreciate it when, after the rape scene and potential game over one that would follow that would show what happened post failure, the game just continues you off in a convenient spot without having to restart the game or load a save.

As for reward based sex in games... Egh. Typically, the games aren't very fun, and the scenes can't excite me if they are consensual or the like. I just find it really boring.

I can't express how much I hate hentai RPGs where you play as a female and the only way to get punishment based scenes is to succeed. Lose to an enemy? Fuck up? No fuck you, straight to a game over scene with nothing interesting happening. Beat the boss and make it back to the village so some random person can fuck you.

Everything I just said aside though, I think a game benefits a lot from variety. There is only so much content a game can reasonably have, but being rewarded with H scenes for success and failure makes the game better, I feel.

tl;dr: As long as the game isn't sadistic with how you obtain the scenes, I prefer game over rape because I like seeing my character raped, and it makes the rape scenes feel more organic when it is actually my fault it happens, not something you're being rewarded with for naturally progressing.

did undercover athena bug you aswell?
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

You keep talking about Mario and Princess Peach like those are H games themselves. I'll assume that you're talking about Mario is Missing over at LoK. Your question is also kind of vague, so I'm just guessing at what I think you're trying to ask here...

Reward sex is good when you want some kind of emotional connection to the characters like visual novels or where you want to empathize with the character like if you're telling a deep story or something. Punishment sex is more for casual play/enjoyment, it really depends on what you're going for. You don't need to know why the girl is being buttfucked by insects for failing to kill/run from them, it's pretty self explanatory. Why players should care that your MC is fucking or being fucked by things at the end of the game or after they accomplish something needs context, they need a reason to care about it.

Some people can be pretty turned off by looking at porn of characters they empathize too much with, though some people are also really into it, it all depends on the content and context. So it's kind of a risky move to do reward sex in my opinion unless your prons is the afterthought or secondary goal to telling a good story/having good gameplay. I think punishment sex is a lot easier to use because it doesn't require any build up to work well. Language barriers won't hamper anyones enjoyment of it like reward sex could for those who don't understand the plot/story as well. There's no point in reward sex if you don't know why you're being rewarded after all.

A problem that I have with most games is that they aren't difficult enough for you to see the gameover scenes without intentionally trying to lose. Of course it's difficult to judge a happy medium between easy and hard, but that's what difficulty settings are for. I think that in game sex/rape is the best option for most games and I wouldn't mind if gameover scenes were removed altogether (Or just used better, like a loop of the sex animation you would have seen if you just were captured).

I don't want to have to run around intentionally losing to every enemy to see scenes, that's not gameplay in my opinion, but it's what I often find myself doing and dreading in most H games because if I actually played to the best of my ability, I'd usually only see like 10-25% of the h content. If I made a RoR type game, it would be difficult as fuck. Bitches could complain about it all they want, but I'd make it so you didn't have to worry about not seeing most the animations or scenes unless you're very skilled (Which would probably have a reward for playing well). I see people on these boards whine about difficulty on easy games and it terrifies me. Those people who ask for saves for CG galleries and stuff on games here instead of actually playing the game themselves hurt my soul. Go look up hentai on booru sites and doujin sites if that's all your interested in.
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Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I enjoy both sides, but I think that you should receive more reward sex than punishment sex in a game. Especially in RPGMaker games. This leans more toward the idea that actually completing or advancing in the game is a reward rather than simply losing repeatedly in the same spot.

GOR is too final for punishment sex to give to a player, and should rarely be used in my opinion. The best way to use GOR is if you repeatedly screw up in the same area, with the scene escalating until you are too weak to get away from the enemies after your last failure. The best way I've seen this carried out was probably in Arms Devicer.

There's also a third version I call "Exploration sex." This isn't necessarily linked to losing or winning in the game, but actually searching through the environment. Finding easter egg scenes and such, or side quests that end in a reward (or punishment if you want to add that part too).
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

You keep talking about Mario and Princess Peach like those are H games themselves. I'll assume that you're talking about Mario is Missing over at LoK. Your question is also kind of vague, so I'm just guessing at what I think you're trying to ask here...

Reward sex is good when you want some kind of emotional connection to the characters like visual novels or where you want to empathize with the character like if you're telling a deep story or something. Punishment sex is more for casual play/enjoyment, it really depends on what you're going for. You don't need to know why the girl is being buttfucked by insects for failing to kill/run from them, it's pretty self explanatory. Why players should care that your MC is fucking or being fucked by things at the end of the game or after they accomplish something needs context, they need a reason to care about it.

Some people can be pretty turned off by looking at porn of characters they empathize too much with, though some people are also really into it, it all depends on the content and context. So it's kind of a risky move to do reward sex in my opinion unless your prons is the afterthought or secondary goal to telling a good story/having good gameplay. I think punishment sex is a lot easier to use because it doesn't require any build up to work well. Language barriers won't hamper anyones enjoyment of it like reward sex could for those who don't understand the plot/story as well. There's no point in reward sex if you don't know why you're being rewarded after all.

A problem that I have with most games is that they aren't difficult enough for you to see the gameover scenes without intentionally trying to lose. Of course it's difficult to judge a happy medium between easy and hard, but that's what difficulty settings are for. I think that in game sex/rape is the best option for most games and I wouldn't mind if gameover scenes were removed altogether (Or just used better, like a loop of the sex animation you would have seen if you just were captured).

I don't want to have to run around intentionally losing to every enemy to see scenes, that's not gameplay in my opinion, but it's what I often find myself doing and dreading in most H games because if I actually played to the best of my ability, I'd usually only see like 10-25% of the h content. If I made a RoR type game, it would be difficult as fuck. Bitches could complain about it all they want, but I'd make it so you didn't have to worry about not seeing most the animations or scenes unless you're very skilled (Which would probably have a reward for playing well). I see people on these boards whine about difficulty on easy games and it terrifies me. Those people who ask for saves for CG galleries and stuff on games here instead of actually playing the game themselves hurt my soul. Go look up hentai on booru sites and doujin sites if that's all your interested in.

i was talking about mario in the get the girl respect... :)
you're rewarded for going through the trials with the girl...or in this case a cake...though there's still a relationship implied between mario and peach...

i suppose it would be better if the reward sex had more to do with characters you fight along side instead of someone you save...
with the relationship getting more bold as the game continues...

also, i figure even victory rape would be more fun than saved the girl sex...because then the sex is still tied in with the conflict of a game
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I feel it comes down to the writing and execution, so long as the character make sense (even if it's a really twisted kind of sense...that Imdria evil route :x) and the scenes aren't tedious to unlock (like if after a rape you can continue from where you were, a suicide skill so there's no worry about being too strong to lose or too weak to progress, etc) then both options are fine.

For example, a game where you play as a typical knight save princess story.

Along the way losing to female monsters let them rape you, enough of that and it leads you to give up your quest (either through understanding the monsters more or simply falling in love-lolNTR?-with the monster)

And winning til the end means you get the reward for saving princess (money, fame, the girl, etc)

Then of course there's possibility of plot twists
For example, maybe it turns out the princess wasn't kidnap, she ran away from home because the king was going to marry her off to some ugly rich guy for money.

Or maybe the princess was actually the aggressor in this conflict and the monster capturing her stop anymore of their friends from being hunted down when they just want to live in peace.

Or maybe it's the king who's been hunting down monsters in prejudice, and the princess offers to play hostage to help the monsters out.

Or the knight didn't care about the princess at all, he took on this quest to prove his worth to another girl altogether. (I get a feeling there's an ending like that before...)

Or after defeating the final boss, and her armor breaks off, the knight fall in love with the one coming out from inside and propose right there (there's definitely something like this in manga 'x ')
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Interesting question! I'm generally leaning toward reward sex, although I have absolutely no interest in being the aggressor; games where you attack people to rape them are big no-no in my book and I want nothing to do with those (which unfortunately is the majority of h strategy games premise :().

I'm definitively more interested in the gameplay element than the h element: Most of my favorite h-game have little in term of h-content (Like Nightmare Sphere). If there's no interesting gameplay, then the game holds little attraction for me, no matter how good the h-scenes may be.

However, there's two h-game that I found to be spectacular and which the inclusion of h-content makes them better games. I consider those to be perfect examples of what an h-game should be. One of those fall under reward sex, the other under punishment sex.

1) Pregnant Brave. I'm not a fan of pregnancy, but the concept works very well here as reward sex while being on the "good" side. It's a very decent strategy game, where the main character can birth various creature and unit types in battle. Every storyline stage, if your main character is defeated (you have a skill that brings you down to 1hp), you get an h-scene, your character can now summon that unit type, she gets back to full hit points and she turns into "awakened mode" (stronger) for the rest of the stage. If you get defeated while in awakened mode, you get a game over.

Basically, this means that you have play well to get finished off by the creature type you want to get both the unit and the h-scene from that stage, while actually winning the stage afterward. The h-scene are a reward for playing the game well, you are still on the "good guys" side, you are not an aggressor and makes complete sense from a story perspective. From a gameplay perspective, it makes you careful choose which unit you want to get (you won't have all of them by game's end) and it gives you a wide selection of units to summon during battle which makes you adapt every battle. Excellent showcase of a "reward" game done well, in my opinion.

2) Maidensnow Eve. It's an amazing roguelike game; the most enjoyable I've ever played. Without the h-elements, it's a great game... But the h-elemements push it toward one of the best games I've ever played period.

In short, while you also have your regular hit point bar, it's not the only element present. It's turn-based, it's challenging, and it's thrilling. Your character might end up knocked down, or ensnared by tentacles. The next turn, you might end up with your underwear being shifted or removed; you know what's comming next. When you end up in a bad situation, every turn really counts and every decision is critical. For example, I once ended up in a situation with half-hit point bar, half filled pleasure bar, with a tentacle in the mouth and two monsters on each side. It's my turn. I have a teleport scroll, but I can't cast it because of the tentacle in the mouth. Gamble and throw an holy water; the tentacle monster dies. The two monsters bring the pleasure bar to 80%. Read the scroll, get teleported a few squares away, get teleported near a few other monsters but barely manage to dispatch them. Immense sense of relief and satisfaction at evading disaster.

Not only that, but each piece of equipment have resistance bonuses (or penalities) for sexual attacks. For example, that bunny suit might give you a big boost to dexterity, combat bonuses and look sexy, but it also has fewer layers for enemies to peel off first and has low sexual attack resistance. It's something to keep in mind while gearing up your character.

Also, it's not GOR. Losing means that every enemy neary gets chance with you until they get enough eventually leave. Everything that happens to your character is noted down in detail; your character might develop bad traits or addictions depending on what happened. There's a consequence for losing (especially if you lose while there's a horde of monsters around...), but the game goes on. It makes losing far more horrifying than just a game over; there's consequences. I did a "no reset" playthrough of the game, and it was one of the best gaming experience I ever had (Finished in a good state, but there's been some losses...)

That's the kind of thing that's impossible without the h-part: The unfortunate thing is that there's extremely few h-games that take advantage of that. Dungeon and Prisoner looks to be extremely promising for that reason: It has both punishment sex ala Maidensnow Eve, but it also has reward sex (waves Miene x Lynn flag forever) if you do well.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I just thought it would be fun to start the discussion, hopefully designers can get some use out of it :)

i surprised myself today, got a bunch of scenes written so now im only 2 endings away from finishing this game (and the finishing touches and fluff for the gallery)
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

It's hard to say, depends on what you're looking for at the time. For me, rape as a fantasy is little more than a combination of "struggle" or "endeavor" and "eroticism", I like the idea of a character strugging against horrible odds only to come out on top, and nothing says "threat" than the threat of being physically molested. Certainly, it's only an alternative for death, mutilation, ryona or any number of "penalties" for losing, but rape is appealing because it's not only a deeply traumatic experience, a grand ordeal to overcome, but it also (at least in porn) leaves no permanent physical damage. That, and I get to see boobies...

The worst thing for me is when a girl starts to enjoy herself in a rape scenario, indicating she has mentally given up to the point where she isn't herself anymore, no longer being a strong individual rising to the challenge, but weak and yielding. It then follows that I prefer rape as punishment, you (and the character you control) failed to overcome the trial and face the (harsh) consequences, reinforcing once again that this is something to avoid, and motivating you for trying harder (plus, I get to see boobies...)

So in short, for me the keyword isn't things like humiliation, coercion (blackmail) or overall degradation of the victim, but the struggle the victim goes through, a more.... erotic version of the knight facing the terrible dragon, if you will.

TL;DR: Punishment sex if it's rape. Reward sex if it's nice, consensual vanilla romance. Or you know, the girl just wants to fuck something and needs to do things to get herself laid, to a point, the character needs to be a girl/woman first and interested in sex second, if that makes any sense
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

It's hard to say, depends on what you're looking for at the time. For me, rape as a fantasy is little more than a combination of "struggle" or "endeavor" and "eroticism", I like the idea of a character strugging against horrible odds only to come out on top, and nothing says "threat" than the threat of being physically molested. Certainly, it's only an alternative for death, mutilation, ryona or any number of "penalties" for losing, but rape is appealing because it's not only a deeply traumatic experience, a grand ordeal to overcome, but it also (at least in porn) leaves no permanent physical damage. That, and I get to see boobies...

The worst thing for me is when a girl starts to enjoy herself in a rape scenario, indicating she has mentally given up to the point where she isn't herself anymore, no longer being a strong individual rising to the challenge, but weak and yielding. It then follows that I prefer rape as punishment, you (and the character you control) failed to overcome the trial and face the (harsh) consequences, reinforcing once again that this is something to avoid, and motivating you for trying harder (plus, I get to see boobies...)

So in short, for me the keyword isn't things like humiliation, coercion (blackmail) or overall degradation of the victim, but the struggle the victim goes through, a more.... erotic version of the knight facing the terrible dragon, if you will.

TL;DR: Punishment sex if it's rape. Reward sex if it's nice, consensual vanilla romance. Or you know, the girl just wants to fuck something and needs to do things to get herself laid, to a point, the character needs to be a girl/woman first and interested in sex second, if that makes any sense

I kind of want that enjoying the sex...but some day i really want a girl to turn around those comments like WHAT A SLUT, LOOK AT HOW WET SHE IS... and say so fucking what...then kick serious ass...

still...i like sex slave endings... ones with as little pain as possible...it should be their own pleasure theyre giving into...not submitting to pain
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Well I'm rather firmly in the area of "you can't rape the willing" and "you can't S an M" there is just too much of a personality inconsistency between a character saying "No" and then just going back on that only because she felt nice (which, let's be honest, forceful sex isn't going to be pleasant, no matter how it's applied)

But those are just my tastes, I abhor submission, or rather submission to the point where you cease being who you are to suit the desires of some other party.
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

Well I'm rather firmly in the area of "you can't rape the willing" and "you can't S an M" there is just too much of a personality inconsistency between a character saying "No" and then just going back on that only because she felt nice (which, let's be honest, forceful sex isn't going to be pleasant, no matter how it's applied)

But those are just my tastes, I abhor submission, or rather submission to the point where you cease being who you are to suit the desires of some other party.

it comes with those, she needs to get laid, and she didnt know she wanted it stereotypes that dont work irl...

for example...rin tohsaka... i know too many people who thinks she just needs a good fucking :)
Re: punishment sex vs reward sex discussion (discussion)

I think we may be looking at this the wrong way. The way I see it, H should neither be a reward or punishment, not exclusively anyways. Like combat, or any stealth or whatever else games use as interaction, H should be a means to interact with the game.

Take fighting games as an example. Depending on how you play, which charactor you've chosen and a multitude of other factors. Fighting can easily be as rewarding as it is frustrating depending on how you and your opponent react to each other. The same can be said for stealth. Being a smart little sneaker can have you at the end of an objective with no one the wiser, which can be satisfying. Or you could lose track of enemy patrols or whatever and end up constantly being spotted and attacked, which can be really frustrating.

The point being that I think it's not the mechanics themselves that are the satisfying or punishing parts. But how well implemented the mechanics are, and how good the game is at rewarding or punishing you for your execution of them. I see sex as just another mechanic the player can use to interact with a game. And as such it should be better intergrated into the mechanics and narrative in the games it's used in.

TL;DR: Sex should be treated not as a reward for succeeding or punishment for failing, but as a mechanic that determines whether you are rewarded or punished.