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Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Fine
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Fine
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Somewhere in N̶e̶v̶a̶d̶a̶ Badaria...

It was a tavern with no name or known description, in a town with about the same qualities. It seemed to be far from an honest town. All of it's folk were in a business of sorts, and their smiles were fake as they tried to rob travelers of their currency through various means, including thievery, ridiculous prices, and outright extortion. As such, travelers hardly stayed for long.

But when a certain day came, when two beautiful looking individuals with a feminine grace strolled into town, they had a change of policy. They dropped their prices, tried to be as welcoming as possible, and watched with patient eyes as the three began going about their business. The orc juggled her axes, the half-breed sang her songs. All was well and good in their minds. Just corner the women and have a little fun... Little did they know.

Night came in the town, and those of wicked intent decided to tip freely the trio, because it was all going back in their pockets eventually once they were robbed. After various folk emptied the bar, and the barkeep was handed his bribe, seven men suddenly approached the three before they could return to their rooms.

Ulalamulg(whom shall be referred to as Ulala from now on), Hecro, and Zarila suddenly found themselves, as total strangers to each other, with seven armed men pulling out their guns and knives to threaten them. Specifically, three men with knives, and four men with pistols in hand. The middle man was one among them with a pistol, and he wore a crescent shaped grin with a lit cigar in the corner of his mouth. "Was a mighty fine performance, you pretties put on. We got ourselves a trade for fine ladies like yerselves. So you best put yer weapons down so we won't have to stitch you up." he advised.

And to the man, Hecron, the thug gestured "And you, laddie, will also fetch a fair price to some hungry succubus."
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

(I will just refer to Zarila as a she, as it fits her appearance for the moment.)

She thought nothing was amiss as she entered the town. She smiled and waved at the people who greeted her as she made her way to the tavern. Stepping inside she inquired about being a minstral for the night. She was hardly surprised when the tavern keeper let her play for his customers. She quickly found a quite place to change into her revealing dress, before going out into the common room.

Placing her pack down she looked about the room. Wow this is quite the crowd, there certainly seem eager. Smiling naively at what she thought was eagerness for her performance, completely oblivious to their hidden darker agenda. Let's start of with something good, an ancestral melody perhaps? With a deep breath she began to sing in her mother's Sidhe tongue granting her song a beautiful mystical and almost enchanting quality. Her body beginning to move and dance sensually along with her enchanting voice. Though she was momentarily startled as a large tanned man began to play along with her.

She continued to happily sing and dance as the hours quickly melted away for her. When she began to see customers leaving, she thought the night was much later then it actually was as she stopped dancing and singing to take a break. She happily walked over to the man who had played for her. Giving him a charming smile as she looked up at him. "Thank you for playing so beautifully for me." Though she was about to say more, several men approached telling them to give up and let themselves be taken as slaves. Given a worried frown, she quickly hid behind the man who had played for her, pressing against his back for safety. Unsure whether to try and fight them or run.

Full defense for this round while she hides behind Hecro.
Also she is caught whilst wearing only her dress and not her battle gear.
AV: 1
Revealing dress: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
Dodge: 78 (38 + 10 +30)
Resistance: 50 (20 +30)
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

(I will just go by Hec as its easier for me to write it. Being lazy on his name.)

He strolled right into town, long and shadowing cloak keeping his form cool from the sun as it beamed down and cooked the earth. It wasn't at all surprising that most people were intimated by him at first glance with the towering figure he made. But those looks quickly shifted to one of intrigue and a slight bit of lust as the hood fell from his features. Showing the man underneath.

He browsed the city, taking a look over the stores and quietly chatting with the folk behind them. Unlike the other two new comers in the town, not attempting in any shape or form to attract attention to himself. And thanks to them the focus on him shifted quite a bit. Allowing him to purchase some fruits and a refill of water for his skins for another journey. Buying extra so he could eat heartily on his travels.

Deciding to save the skins and food for when he left, Hec headed for the tavern. Perhaps he might even buy a room and stay the night for a change? Thankfully people naturally made a path for him when his shadow grew over them and allowed him inside without a fuss. And for a moment he was surprised as a rather attractive form gliding around in a dance...and then the voice of her tongue reached his ears.

Feeling as if something was missing...a ocarina slips into his hand and he soon finds himself playing along with her voice. Matching her song with a tune of his people. Light and jitty, quickening her steps and making it more happy and enjoyable.

It ended much too soon for his tastes, a faint feeling of disappointment filling his head but staying away from his stonelike features. Listening to the words of the dancer as she came over to him and thanked him for the music. "Pleasure" A single word slips out, a deep yet...graceful tone. One used rarely. But when used says all that needs to be said.

He stares hard at the rather...distasteful men as they approached him. His bone musical artpiece slips within the folds of his cloak, and his hands soon come back out with a set of knucklers on them. For a split second his cheeks warmed at the feeling of something soft and squishy pressing against his back. But he tries not to let that distract him, and prepares to launch two jabs for the leader as soon as battle begins. "Thoughts Dancer, Axe juggler?" He addresses them both in a small whisper. Finding themselves surrounded it shouldn't be that hard to whisper and made some form of battleplan with the forces he had with him. Even if one seemed more needed in protecting than the other.

All his stats remain full as he has all his gear on him. So it would be a roll to hit with all his weapon, body, skills and other modifications. A high chance of killing the leader if his hit points are low enough.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Her musically soft voice in a slight panic. "Think we can run to the exit?" Pressing her breasts against him more as she peeked out from his back. Her tail quickly coiling around her backpack's arm strap.
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Hecs cheeks gain a small warmth to them as she presses into him more. And finds it a pretty bad time for his body to be reacting to anything as it seemed to be. His natural scent likely tickles the nose of the woman pressing into his back. A mixture of an oasis, sand, and sun hitting her nose and filling it.

His feet shift a little to get into a better stance for defence as he responds to the dancer. "Its possible...but we'd need to make a path. So taking out the leader and perhaps another one of their members would be the best bet.."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Okay, after you." She stayed were she was though. From where she stood pressed against him, he would have no trouble smelling her sweet womanly and flowery scent. Her very feminine pheromones likely effecting the man more. She looked over at the orc. "What about her?"
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He feels his trousers growing tight against his loins as her scent fills his nose. Part of him wondering if this effect she was having on him was natural or demonic as he remains pressed tightly against his back. Warming him with her aroma and fur as it brushes against him. "You're having a surprising effect on me..." Hes being rather blunt, if quiet still. He knows that if they don't make up a plan quickly the thugs will get annoyed with their whisperings and start getting even more aggressive.

He peers towards the orc that the woman one his back was indicating towards. And another small whisper leaves his lips. "Would you be able to throw your axes at two different enemies to wound them enough so they can't use their pistols?" The main reason he wasn't for running solely. They'd be shot down.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"What I think...?" Ulala whispered back quietly. "I think..."

In a flash, he reached up and back, and flung four of his axes out at once at two of the pistol-wielding men - the ones closest together, but not the one right next to them. She'd gripped two in each hand, holding the axe-shafts between his green knuckles. It had taken some practice, but it had definitely paid off, learning to throw them quickly like that.

"I think I see seven dead men!" Ulalamulg cried out, gripping a fifth axe of her six and hurling it at either of the two he'd thrown his first four at, if they looked to still be standing - or the other pistol-wielder out of her immediate reach, if they looked to already be slumping to the ground. "Did you think this steel was just for show, southern half-wits?! You'll be filler for six-deep holes before dawn!!" She yelled out.

Even if she hid her violent tendencies behind a pretty, unassuming face most of the time, under the surface, Ulala enjoyed fighting. Immensely. He had been spoiling for a fight for a good long time, but the roads had been distressingly peaceful as of late - he'd planned to take it out on some slut later tonight instead - one of the taverngoers had been cute, and had seemed receptive enough to 'her' advances - but really, hacking these Badarian swine into ribbons was just what he needed to scratch his itch.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Fine
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Fine
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Ulala's axes, flung through the air as they were, struck four of the seven men, causing them to misfire and drop their guns as two hit their arms, and two other axes struck a shoulder and chest respectively. The confusion was where Hec slipped in, delivering two firm punches to the leader and rendering him nothing more than a rag doll, all bloodied up on the floor.

In a panic to see such capable fighters all of a sudden, the thugs panicked. "H-holy jumping frogs! T-these people are crazy!" one unwounded bandit cried out, before retreating with the rest of his companions, quickly trying to flee the bar. "We're gonna tell our boss on you!" the first swore, while a second shook his hand at them. "He'll bury you into the ground! And then fuck all three of ya!" a second shook his hand at them as they all ran for their horses.

The trio were free to chase the thugs off, even try to pick them off. After the fact, the bartender looked impressed, though none too pleased. "You three best get on up out of town." he advised. "They've got a whole gang that'll ride through this town, come lookin' for you. You best get out of their territory if'n you favor not bein' prisoners... Cuz their gang leader, Tucker, loves takin' prisoners."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

As the watched the two suddenly explode into action she took a step back and simply watched the scene unfold. Seeing them panic and run as a few of the were taken out quite quickly brought a smile to her lips as she gazed at the two fighters. She slung her pack onto her shoulders before approaching the other two after the barkeep spoke.

With a wide grin she wrapped her arms about the large man and giving him a big hug. "Thank you, thank you." Grinning up at him as her breasts squished against his front, seemingly oblivious to his erection. A few moments later before he could respond or hug her back she hurried over to the orc. She happily clomps onto the orc woman giving her a friendly boob squishing hug. "Thank you, thank you." Giving the orc a happy smile as she looked at both of the fighters. Looking back to the orc though still hugging her."Well aren't you the cutest little heroine ever." The orc would find she could easily escape from the much weaker cat girl's grasp if she wanted to. "I may be able to help you two escape." Giving them both a wide grin.

If the orc doesn't object to being hugged

Squishing her ample chest against the orc as she hugged her tighter. "I can use magic and take us from here and out of town, though I will need contact from both of you." She unwrapped a arm about the orc and offered the man a hand, though she seemed quite content to continue hugging the orc. "It is only fair I teleport you two to safety for defending me." She waited for them to decide whether to trust her or walk out the door.

If the orc objects to the hug
Pouting as the orc stepped away from her and her warm embrace "I can use magic and take us from here and out of town, though I will need contact from both of you." She gave them both a happy smile as she offered each a hand to take. "It is only fair I teleport you two to safety for defending me." She waited for them to decide whether to take a hand or walk out the door.
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He takes a moment to cheek his hands for blood that he had gained from breaking the bandit on the floor and then suddenly finds himself thrown into a hug by the woman again. He freezes for a moment, unsure on what he should do. More so since he was still calming down from the battle, even if it was short it got his adrenaline going. Luckily for him she let go before he could react and jumped towards the orc that brutalized a few of them with the axes...which he may of lost if they left with them still in there body.

He crouches and urges his body to relax and return to its former state as he checks the downed bandits pulse. While also going through his pockets to see what he carried on him, and taking anything that he could consider useful. Including coin.

He turns and looks up at her as he disarms the body, checks for a pulse, and loots it with a rather blank expression....And then addresses them both differently. "Mhm...Orc, would you prefer to clear the bandits out, or flee?" He is considering the possibly of them getting to a place where ranged combat wouldn't be possible so they could draw them in and fight them all. "We could also flee...it would be a group decision since they'll be after all three of us."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulala hurled her fifth axe at one of the men as they ran for the door. "You do that!" the orc shrieked back when they threatened her with their boss. "Tell 'im I'll carve 'im a vagina with one axe, and FUCK it with the other sixes' handles!"

Collecting her axes and cleaning them off on the men's clothing, Ulalamulg sulked. That wasn't a fight! They didn't even fight back! Ula was so ready to handout a good beatdown, too...

"Well aren't you the cutest little heroine ever." said a voice from behind him, whose owner quickly wrapped herself around Ula. He endured this for only but a moment before the cat found a green hand on her face, pushing her away. "An' what does that mean, exactly?" questioned the orc with a scowl.

Looking at the big one when he spoke, Ulala grinned. "I'm mad, now. This 'Tucker' fool found me the wrong mood - let's bring 'im back to Earth, and stomp him into the dust." Being pushed around and the like was especially irritating for the orc - the whole reason he'd left his home was because of it. Out of the blue like this, some idiot wanted to enslave him? Coupled with how irritated he'd already been, this idiot had pissed him off supremely, and now Ula was going to make sure he knew it.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Just that you are the cutest little orc woman I have ever seen." In response to the orc's question. Rubbing her little nose from when the orc pushed on it. Throwing on her backpack as she surveyed the room. "Are you sure taking on a whole gang of slavers is wise? You could end up collared and sold, or worse...." There are fates worse then being a slave or death. Given the orc a sad expression at the thought. "Besides how will only two people take out a gang, especially one able to afford firearms?" Making sure her outfit and fur wasn't dirtied during the fight as she listened to their responses.

Looking at the orc and at her very apparant and bloodthristy anger. "Thanks again you two. Are you both sure you wouldn't like me to teleport you out of town?" Making sure to speak only loud enough for the two fighters to hear and quickly, making sure they hear her out before responding or deciding. "I may know a safe place outside of town where we can spend the night without fearing attack. If you are still set on taking out this gang, it might make a safe spot to use as a base. If it is a slave ring, if wanting to sell us was any indication, they wont be easy to attack. Wouldn't it be best to have some sort of plan, know their location and their numbers first and some sort of safe haven to fall back to should things go south?" Giving them both an appraising look, hoping they wont be foolish to attack by themselves with no sort of plan.
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Pissed off
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = A man with breasts
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Not a trap

Throwing his axe, Ulala's weapon struck against wood as the men fled. It didn't kill it's target, but on the bright side, Ulala wouldn't lose an axe should the man have survived.

After hearing of Ulala's intention of fighting the bandit gang, the bartender over the counter shrugged. "It'd be nice if they were gone all the same. I'd appreciate the business too if you have any to give, before Tucker and his gang have at your money." he announced to the trio.

(All three get 10 denarii each in tips from the bandits.)
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"A base? We're not going to siege them, woman. We're going to find out where they cool their heels, and then we're going to kill as many of them as we can! Preferably the leaders - sergeants an' the like. 'At makes 'em disorganized, and 'at makes it harder for 'em to get anythin' done."

"They's got more folk and more weapons 'an us, which means if we let them decide the where an' when, we lose. We hit them hard now, then let them chase us. You!" Ulala grabbed the man the big one had punched out, sticking his hand in his mouth and dragging him into a sitting position. "Where's this boss of yours like to hang out on a lovely night like this, eh? Drinkin' in some other tavern, or sommat?" If he was too busy being insensate to answer, Ulala would turn the question to the barman, on top of asking for a bottle of his strongest liquor... which she would then proceed to pour a shot of and toss it into a fire, to see how well it burned.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Hec collects some of the coins he was managed to get before that orc went and dragged him away. The fact that he wasn't concious didn't seem to be be clicking in her mind at the correct time. Or possibly even alive for that matter as he had been unable to check for his pulse.

He splits up the coins he managed to collect and pockets his share of the money. Before offering a share to the other two. "I agree that it isn't best to run at them without a plan....their range weapons will pick us off before we can even reach their leader."

He turns and looks at the animal woman...part of his mind registering the fact that the 'woman' orc kept speaking to her as if 'she' wasn't a woman herself. And he considers the possibly that she may not be, its only a small part of his mind that was considering at this point of time. But for now he would leave those thoughts alone, they weren't really in such a state where they could think about such things.

"But I don't believe running would be the best idea...if this man is anything like those man seemed to believe him to be, then he will quite likely have men chasing us down out of 'prides' sake, if nothing else."

He glances at the orc and the woman. "The main problem in this would be range...we need to find a location that we can lure them too that they will not be able to shoot us at...we mostly managed to win this time since they were cowards and weren't expecting any resistance. Next time I doubt they will hesitate to gun us down." His head tilts to the side as he listens to the orc question the downed made still..."However...if the location their leader is at should be such a place. Then attacking may be an option...May I asks your names and what each of you is capable of orc, dancer?"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

She gave a sigh realizing they were determined to fight the slavers. "Going after them may not be the wisest course. If we attack them, they will not only have the advantage of range, but they will also know the ley of the land, and time to prepare for us, even if it is only minutes. Plus if their location has cover, they will have it's adavantage before we get close." Looking curiously at the orc woman as she questioned the barkeep. "Will you two at least let us scout them out first before rushing in and attacking? I do not fancy being enslaved again or shot up with bullets."

She gave the large man a pretty smile. "I have been given the name Zarila Æmehla and I am a traveling singer." Her eyes twinkling as she held up her hand. White wisps seeping up into the air above it, Looking as if a skeletal figure was clawing it's way up. Very faint whispers seemed to echo about the room, as the wisps seeped from her hand. "I can use ancestral spirit magic to tear apart and harm enemies or call upon my ancestors for aid. I am also able to used ley lines and the roots of the world to teleport me or anything I want with me to places I have been to or can see. I can also sing and dance as you saw earlier." She would smile at them both serenely. Giving a soft giggle should either of them look shocked at her display. Waving a hand through the skeletal mist, both the mist and the whispering voices swiftly vanishing. I will keep my shapeshifting to myself, for the moment. "And you?"
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He quietly rises a brow towards the woman as she suggested scouting out their enemy. "That is what I had intended to do in the first place.." He begins to walk across to the orc and the body it held clenching within her hands. Hands reaching out and casting 'Diagnose' as he should of before. A faint glow of green appearing on his palm as he does so.

"Myself?" He quietly questions, mostly to himself than the woman who asked. "Hecro Fangwing....a travelling warrior wishing to learn..." He looks over the body as he inspects the injuries he had imparted upon its body. Should it still be living as he had thought it would be, he planned to cast a 'healing touch, lesser' upon him so he would at least be well enough to speak to them.

"My skills....are fighting, music, and healing...As you may of noticed earlier." He looks at the orc and then the furred woman. Who called herself 'Zarila'. "I have been told that I am a natural when it comes to body magics...which I have specialized in along with hand to hand fighting. One does not need a weapon to win a battle."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Face Fisting
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 108, Status = Able to used ley lines
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Wins hand battles

When Ulala stuck his hand in the man's mouth, the no good man looked shocked as he awoke to find his mouth being fisted. Once allowed to speak, no longer being orally fisted, the man spoke with a panic. "P-please miss orc, have mercy, won't you? I-I was just lookin' to make end's meet and Tucker had jobs where there were none. He doesn't tell us nothin', b-but I know people who do! I-If you let me live, I-I'll tell you who his bottom bitches are, the ones who live in the tall three story house whose names are Cinnamon and Candy-god damn it I can't shut up when I'm scared!" the man cursed himself.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"You tryna make excuses for puttin' a gun ta me and tryin' ta sell me off?!" Pulling him by the hair, Ulala lifted the man up and dragged him to a wall and slammed his back against it, pinning him against it. "You picked the wrong girl 'ta fuck with tonight, motherfucker! I got three questions for you, pissant! One: What's your name?! WELL!?"

"Two! Where's this fuckin' house?!"

"And three: How many of Tucker's ball-less little lackies like you they got in there!?"