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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Honest question. It may be offtopic regarding to the topic nowadays but did you actually like ROBFS4U more than ROBF? Besides better animation (which is a fact) I would like to know.

I preferred ROBF over ROBFS4U by far.

In ROBF you had a protagonist who was not (really) involved in any plot. Of course you joined the chivalry near the beginning of the game and loosely followed the quest line offered by Crusadeko/Kuroseko (the deputy leader of the chivalry) in order to be allowed moving farther north towards Juno to find a certain person. But that quest line was not binding. You were free to explore the world, get new quests everywhere, just explore the world. Why did I like that? Because it made me remember the feeling of playing Ragnarok Online for the first time. Just trying to figure things out, test your strength against random monsters (hooray for the Hydras southeast of Prontera...) and so on. Overall it was a fulfilling experience.

I also preferred the animations of ROBF. They felt more simplistic and clean compared to the sometimes clunky animations of ROBFS4U, but that's probably just taste. Plus I would say that ROBF had more diverse and interesting characters than ROBFS4U. But that might be just taste as well.

My main point against ROBFS4U, however, is the poorly told story. The game maker tried to tell an exciting story with lots of tension building (e.g. that poor excuse of an "invasion" some time after the beginning, when the 3 sword girls attacked Comodo; or all that drama around the dancer girl Tahsa). But it was really, really bad and superficial storytelling. Also, the protagonist felt superfluous, considering that Bahdo/Bard and Tahsa carried most of the story, expect for the sudden "You are our master!" said by the 3 sword girls, which had no reasonable build-up at all. The story felt forced and thus was bad. Moreover, the game mechanics new to ROBFS4U did not feel refined at all (e.g. the iffy pet system) which further worsened the experience. ROBF's mechanics felt much more smooth and thought-out.

Then again, I did enjoy playing ROBFS4U (it was far above average), but it could not match the expectations after the original ROBF at all. Unfortunatly, I fear that ROBFEOY will follow the steps of ROBFS4U (being focused on a poorly told story). It will try to combine the "plot line" of ROBF and the plot line of ROBFS4U, but I wonder if it will work out...
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Well the story is already written, cause Ragnarok Online tells it.
Of course the Original story is far more fetched out, it still is an MMORPG in which the story was added later on xD

If he is researching it to some extent the story could be great but i doub it cause you need a lot of time to get all the puzzeled story together.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

So where do you get s3u?

And about ROBF and ROBSF4U I really can't decide ^^
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Well the story is already written, cause Ragnarok Online tells it.
Of course the Original story is far more fetched out, it still is an MMORPG in which the story was added later on xD

If he is researching it to some extent the story could be great but i doub it cause you need a lot of time to get all the puzzeled story together.

The stories of Ragnarok Online and ROBF/ROBFS4U are not related with each other. The games are based upon the world's setting, including areas, monsters and several quests, but nothing else.

(At least I can't remember any quest line of RO that even remotely resembles the plot of ROBF and ROBFS4U...)
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Honest question. It may be offtopic regarding to the topic nowadays but did you actually like ROBFS4U more than ROBF? Besides better animation (which is a fact) I would like to know.

Hmmm... honestly, it's a bit hard to decide. Guess maybe considering things by type might be easier to figure out...

Equips -
Being able to change weapon at any point is definitely a plus, and 'armor' type things getting their own slot instead of sharing the pet slot is a plus as well. Also like how the bonuses from refining with elunium (+VIT) and oridecon (+STR) are not both stuck with the same gear as in ROBF... though there's the obvious disadvantage of needing more if you don't stick around with the same stuff (and I found less reason to swap weapon in ROBF anyway). Equips in S4U allowed for more variety as well, though some seemed kinda overpowered, especially for certain builds (I don't think I swapped off Ogretooth after getting it... VIT+10,CRIT+30 and 20% autocounter is just too good for a STR/AGI build imo)
Eh. There's good points to both I suppose so a tie from me here.

Pet system -
S4U lets you get basically everyone in your harem, which I can't say I particularly dislike, while ROBF just let you have certain ones in there (the ones you'd be able to tame in standard RO). You can do more with them in and out of battle in S4U as well as opposed to ROBF, where you just get one position and they randomly do their support action in battle (in that sense more like standard RO, which I don't really mind). Though to be honest, I didn't tend to use too many of the skills available in S4U anyway (double drop from Kafra support being the biggest one I made use of).
Advantage: S4U.

Enemies -
More in ROBF, period. Partly due to just being larger to begin with (particularly if you include the updates) but even without them... ROBF just feels a lot more diverse which is a big plus.
The additional animations for enemies, and especially the added responses to Provoke and Eagle's Eye (known as Vulture's Eye for english RO) for all enemies were nice additions for S4U.
In both games, knowing what normally spawns in the areas you were going to also generally gave you a good idea of what you'd be going up against as well, though obviously there were some things that were out of place, at least in terms of current RO (though they probably spawned there back in the day; I didn't play RO way back at the beginning but I know there have been changes). In terms of challenge, the enemies in ROBF seemed more difficult than in S4U as well, which I welcome in an RPG... though that might have just been due to using a different build in S4U (mostly STR/AGI in S4U vs. mostly VIT/INT in ROBF).
Despite the good points of S4U, I think ROBF wins here.

Open world -
This is one of the big things of standard RO; you can pretty much go anywhere you want (possibly requiring a quest to get some places). ROBF did this much better than S4U which was more linear... I suppose S4U's way makes balancing more easy, but... half the fun in RO, at least for me, is being able to go get slaughtered by going someplace you can't handle ahead of time (or managing to do well despite being 'too weak' for it) :p
So points to ROBF here.

Skills -
Player skills are basically the same between the two games unless I'm forgetting something obvious... Blessing does seem to get a buff for your companions in S4U (faster charge of green bar) but I honestly didn't use those much as mentioned above.

Story -
Can't say I play RO (or ROBFs) for the story; I prefer to do silly builds and see how well I can make them work, so no judgment from me here. Might take a closer look at some point, but eh.

So I guess I liked ROBF the original a bit better, but S4U is still quite good, naturally :)
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

The only thing about the ROBF that puts me off is the girls after you win. Their faces suddenly get all super twitchy, their eyes and their mouths just start pulling off all these random expressions as they're having their way with you and it's kinda just... odd.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

New Update which features 2 animations

sometimes clunky animations of ROBFS4U

Well to a certain point it would be also clunky for me but this wasn't the case so i prefered ROBFS4U's animation. But the new ROBF really feels clunky especially the hair animation. Wished he would stay at ROBFS4U.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Gentleman, it has been five months since the creator has started on the animation part and as of today, he finally finishes it.

He mention that the animations are the third part so from what i am guessing,
  • First part were the layout maps/towns/dungeons
  • Second part was the texts/dialog
  • Third part are the animations.

He also posted a GIF of a guardian machine Loli which he also mentioned that its duty is to protect this "Apocalypse-chan" Boss.

Lastly, i can't tell much from google translate but i think he said he is gonna have the test players do the run on November.

of course there is still No info on the completion date but we can expect it to be finish by December~
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Oh god no.... we might just have a Vesper boss fight. (I hate Vesper)
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I just hope it won't have percentual more loli than Robfs4u. But great to see this part is completed and that this thread isn't dead anymore.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

also posted a GIF of a guardian machine Loli which he also mentioned that its duty is to protect this "Apocalypse-chan" Boss.

Lastly, i can't tell much from google translate but i think he said he is gonna have the test players do the run on November.

of course there is still No info on the completion date but we can expect it to be finish by December~

Pretty sure google translate is giving you the wrong idea there (though I haven't bothered the text through it); the guardian machine like girl there is an Apocalypse (here's the normal RO monster for reference; ratemyserver .net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=1365 and still need to make more posts to be able to post links :p) and she's protecting the ancient ruins of Juperos.

As for completion I seem to recall him getting the previous games out relatively soon after the trial version is out (though that may just be my memory betraying me because I want that to be true) and he mentioned in a previous blog post that he'd like to have the trial out sometime in November or December of this year; I'm personally very much looking forward to that :D

Oh god no.... we might just have a Vesper boss fight. (I hate Vesper)

Considering we have confirmation on Apocalypses, it seems pretty likely Vesper will show up as well. Though I have to wonder how it'd be handled, as last I checked the big issue with Vesper is the absolutely huge (potentially) mob that it can spawn - though unlike a lot of MVPs it doesn't spawn too many at once... been a while since I fought it though so memory's a bit rusty.

On the subject of Juperos, I have to wonder if Archdams are going to show up and how many varieties of Venatu and Dimik we'll see around - as I believe I mentioned previously, for those who haven't played standard RO there are 5 types of each; one for each for fire/water/wind/earth/neutral elements. It'd be an easy way to get some more numbers in terms of monstergirls in the game, anyway.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I've reuploaded the English Translation Patch for anyone who needs it. Courtesy of hyperk2.

Sorry but its not mega. I've uploaded it to different file sharing services since MEGA seems to get taken down pretty fast in the ROBF threads.

Mirror 1 -
Mirror 2 -
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I've reuploaded the English Translation Patch for anyone who needs it. Courtesy of hyperk2.

Sorry but its not mega. I've uploaded it to different file sharing services since MEGA seems to get taken down pretty fast in the ROBF threads.

Mirror 1 -
Mirror 2 -

Full translation?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Unfortunately no, this is only a partial patch. I've only reuploaded the patch because all of the links in the thread are dead. The translation effort was started and abandoned by a total of 3 people if I remember correctly. As far as I know, the main story translation efforts have halted.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

while we're at it, the patch that solve japanese kanji quiz in comodo jungle got removed by MEGA. can someone reup? lost mine since i update the game
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Let me know by private message if anyone wants this translation as well. I have it.

Rep to you my friend, also do you know if there is a dedicated Re-battle room in this one?, I have a 100% save but can only find the "Loss CG" room with the crystal ball, seems strange for the sequel to omit a cool feature that was present in the first one..

EDIT: I got my games mixed around, I meant in the original ROBF, is there any re-battle area in it? Also explains why it's not in the original but improved in the sequel!
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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Rep to you my friend, also do you know if there is a dedicated Re-battle room in this one?, I have a 100% save but can only find the "Loss CG" room with the crystal ball, seems strange for the sequel to omit a cool feature that was present in the first one..

EDIT: I got my games mixed around, I meant in the original ROBF, is there any re-battle area in it? Also explains why it's not in the original but improved in the sequel!

Not that I know of unfortunately. It's all losing scenes.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Rep to you my friend, also do you know if there is a dedicated Re-battle room in this one?, I have a 100% save but can only find the "Loss CG" room with the crystal ball, seems strange for the sequel to omit a cool feature that was present in the first one..

EDIT: I got my games mixed around, I meant in the original ROBF, is there any re-battle area in it? Also explains why it's not in the original but improved in the sequel!

there is one, here grap that save its right in the re-battle room
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

To make your live easier I've uploaded ROBF v4.1 and ROBFS v1.2 prepatched with the latest english patches.
Since these will get taken down pretty quickly as usual, I additionally made a torrent.
Be adviced though that my upload speed isn't the greatest.. Uploading those two games took over 5 hours.
The files that the torrent is using are identical to the ones uploaded on MEGA. If you want to help out seeding, you can either download the full torrent or download the two games and place the files in your torrent client's download directory.

ROBFS4U Forgot about the loli content, PM.

Have fun!


  • ROBF.torrent.zip
    127 KB · Views: 127
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