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LustFire Artworks

Re: LustFire Artworks

Apparently, my teammate pre-ordered a new RPGM program, which seems to allow for unlimited resolution choices. I most likely plan on jumping the gun and go for full 1080p resolution (16:9) if the program has no issues itself.

I'm still not quite sure how you want to handle your images, but I'll tell you how it works for me. Every CG I make has a "raw" resolution size of 6000 w and 4000 h (for now). This allows me to crop and resize the raw images to fit appropriately to the game (e.g. Battle Portrait). The original CG, depending on what I intend to use it for, is drawn so that everything is within the canvas, not cut out at the edge. You can say the "true" image resolution is a little bit smaller than the 6000 w canvas resolution.

Yeah, but since RPG Maker VX Ace max resolution is 544 x 416 (640 x480 if using a script, but if you want it to look good on widescreen it's actually 640x360), let's say the canvas is the whole scene you need, doesn't resizing it to that size screw your drawings? Since I'm only drawing characters right now I'm using a 3900w 5272h canvas and standing adult characters use most of the height so I can't crop before resizing. I tried using one as an enemy battler but getting it to a size that fits the screen I think stuff like the face lose a lot of detail. Btw, I use 300 dpi.

I'm also excited about RPG Maker MV, the base resolution though bigger is still a bit low (and weird, 816x624), but I read you will be able to change it with a plugin. Let's hope it supports 16:9 but as far as I know there is still no release date so I don't think I'll be waiting for it for the game I'm currently making.
Re: LustFire Artworks

Yeah, but since RPG Maker VX Ace max resolution is 544 x 416 (640 x480 if using a script, but if you want it to look good on widescreen it's actually 640x360), let's say the canvas is the whole scene you need, doesn't resizing it to that size screw your drawings? Since I'm only drawing characters right now I'm using a 3900w 5272h canvas and standing adult characters use most of the height so I can't crop before resizing. I tried using one as an enemy battler but getting it to a size that fits the screen I think stuff like the face lose a lot of detail. Btw, I use 300 dpi.

I'm also excited about RPG Maker MV, the base resolution though bigger is still a bit low (and weird, 816x624), but I read you will be able to change it with a plugin. Let's hope it supports 16:9 but as far as I know there is still no release date so I don't think I'll be waiting for it for the game I'm currently making.

It's not so much a disadvantage for me, because of my artistic style. Unfortunately, artistic style is the prime reason for your concerns with image quality / resolution. The thickness of the outline is a good example. You will obviously see some jagged lines, but that's something you need to tolerate. Another important factor is your perspective preferences. Zooming in on your character models will make the detailed features more visible.

Personally, I don't find that cropping then shrinking the image messed up any of my CG's quality.


But I have a long-term goal of making my outlines less visible or thin. It might help maintain the quality of the CGs without some distracting features.

After shrinking a CG myself, I see how discouraging it is to do it for the sake of program compatability. You can see how different it "feels" when you go back and look at the higher resolution image I just posted. But try not to let your subjective first impressions stop you.

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Re: LustFire Artworks

Oh, for full CG I don't think it will be much of a problem either. Full body tall battlers is. :(

I'll try reducing the height of the canvas, maybe 5000+ is too much. Also I'll upload a screenshot as soon as I can to show you what I mean

Uploaded it. Ignore the face and hair of the girl, it will be random for normal fights, I drew those for test purposes. Also no shadows, etc =P
That's using a 640x480 resolution in the game, I think that stuff like the eyes lose so much detail.


I agree about the outline thickness but too thin and when resizing the images will look a lot fuzzier. I was using a 7 pix brush for the outlines and didn't like it after resizing, I'm currently using a 15px brush and I think it's fine.
You can see the difference in your images right there, the second one looks fuzzier than the first one.
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Re: LustFire Artworks

I just found this thread,
LustFire you're doing some impressive work. I hope I can be as good as you, and many of this world's great adult artists someday.
Re: LustFire Artworks

Hey, just wanted to give you a heads up (because it's in my best interest to play your game without such graphics limitations :D) in case your teammate doesn't know, the release date for the new RPG Maker is this 23rd, and yes, with a script it will support any resolution.

I may draw a bit until then because I doubt I will get any issue in that department (most likely it'll make it a lot easier/better) but I'm pretty much going to wait until then and restart my game with it because I won't know if and how I will be able to translate what I've got and what I've planned to do mechanics-wise, but I definitely want more resolution.

Re: LustFire Artworks

Heya. I got some interesting news to announce. In order to get myself in the drawing mood, I decided to make my Patreon Gallery. Now this may sound like I will likely post less artwork than before, but the contrary can be true. I'm betting my devotion to H-artwork with my effort to manage a Patreon.

My Patreon, which is under development, will be based on monthly tiers rather than per post, as I intend to compile many images. Since I have not launched it yet, I would like to hear some suggestions, especially with the pricing for at least 2-3 pledge tiers.

For example, my lowest Tier allows access to sketches, WIPs, and Featured CGs.

Sketch below is a quick idea for a Front Page. I think it's fine to display this level of NSFW.

Re: LustFire Artworks

I recall somewhere that the front page of a patreon needs to be safe for work, but the rest of the content inside, such as the activity feed, can be NSFW.

I think that people who pay you money should have entitlement to calling out what drawings you make. Someone might want you to draw their Original Character for instance and would be willing to pay you cash. But they'd be less inclined if they were just paying you to do whatever you want. That's just my two cents though.
Re: LustFire Artworks

Uh, going on Patreon?
I wouldn't ever do it because you'd pass from drawing for fun and passion to drawing for money which would make it look like a job. But that's me, ofc.

I'll follow your updates for sure! :)

However, maybe I'm wrong but aren't these arms a bit small compared to the rest of the body?
Re: LustFire Artworks

@Mamono: I intend to hear just about very comments and suggestions and work accordingly. Not all of them will be CGs, but I'm sure anyone is content with me responding well.

Uh, going on Patreon?
I wouldn't ever do it because you'd pass from drawing for fun and passion to drawing for money which would make it look like a job. But that's me, ofc.

I'll follow your updates for sure! :)

However, maybe I'm wrong but aren't these arms a bit small compared to the rest of the body?

I do a have a personal reason, too. I'm not gonna attend college for quite a long time, so this is a perfect time to focus on H-artwork, although I also got an Internship to attend (which I'm not gonna portfolio H-artwork with.. haha).

Regarding the arms.. perhaps if I coil her bicep, you can see the direction. However, though I should've mentioned this in your thread, some of your models actually have pretty long arms. The basic rule here is that a person's wrist cannot reach the crotch height with an upright torso. I'll most likely compete the outline once I come back for the night.
Re: LustFire Artworks

I intend to have a Patreon one day as well, as I will be making a career of drawing.

Hope it work's out for you LustFire, good luck!
Re: LustFire Artworks

@Mamono: I intend to hear just about very comments and suggestions and work accordingly. Not all of them will be CGs, but I'm sure anyone is content with me responding well.

I do a have a personal reason, too. I'm not gonna attend college for quite a long time, so this is a perfect time to focus on H-artwork, although I also got an Internship to attend (which I'm not gonna portfolio H-artwork with.. haha).

Regarding the arms.. perhaps if I coil her bicep, you can see the direction. However, though I should've mentioned this in your thread, some of your models actually have pretty long arms. The basic rule here is that a person's wrist cannot reach the crotch height with an upright torso. I'll most likely compete the outline once I come back for the night.

Well then you are right, that's a great moment to get into drawing since you'll have a lot of time to spend on it.
My point of view is based on the fact I work already and finished the college a long time ago...yep, I must be quite older than you :p

About arms of my models, thank you for pointing this out! I'll pay more attention to that! I always welcome criticism! :)
Re: LustFire Artworks

Hey, this being the most visited thread here I just wanted to leave this link, if LustFire doesn't mind. I found it the other day and I think it's great for learning and to practice anatomy and expressions. :D

Re: LustFire Artworks

Hey, this being the most visited thread here I just wanted to leave this link, if LustFire doesn't mind. I found it the other day and I think it's great for learning and to practice anatomy and expressions. :D

That's a great tool, thanks.
Re: LustFire Artworks

I might be too early on this, but I decided to open up my Patreon. Surprisingly, I don't really see a lot of public images on other Hentai Artist's blogs. I would occasionally show off my sketches to the public (or even CGs).

Edit: Nvm about other blogs. Those, for some reason were not marked as NSFW, since you can't search NSFW in Patreon's search.

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Re: LustFire Artworks

So, I spent the whole day getting used to Hentai-Foundary.. and thanks to the commentators, I had many ideas for improvement on my picture.

This is what I did before I looked for their opinion. It's probably best to open these images in tabs so the differences can be seen.


And then changes made here.

Re: LustFire Artworks

I can see the subtle differences, looks better.
Re: LustFire Artworks

I'm looking for more opinions, such as color changes and shading areas, by the time I wake up. I plan on trying soft shading over the usual cell shade.

I already colored the bikini, but I'm leaving her naked for better view of the body.

Re: LustFire Artworks

I'm looking for more opinions, such as color changes and shading areas, by the time I wake up. I plan on trying soft shading over the usual cell shade.

I already colored the bikini, but I'm leaving her naked for better view of the body.


I think the highlights under the breasts shapes are missplaced. There is no light source behind them but the chest. That area should be darker to bring out the breasts and enhance the depth on field.

I also still believe that these arms are a bit too short. Visually arm and forearm together are shorter than the thigh. It looks a bit out of proportions.

That's my personal point of view, ofc. I might be wrong! :)

Great work overall! I like your style!
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Re: LustFire Artworks

I think the highlights under the breasts shapes are missplaced. There is no light source behind them but the chest. That area should be darker to bring out the breasts and enhance the depth on field

It's called lightning bounce/lightning reflection, you can look at how it's used in photography mostly and see the examples in spheres and tubes but the basic idea is that the light reflection in the darkest area or the border is due to the source of light bouncing off the wall or the room and touching the darkest area in the body, this lightning is many times weaker but enough to define the form almost like an outline

You use lightning bounce to make things pop out or to define the form of what you're working on especially in paintings with little lightning or a dark atmosphere. Tenebrism paintings especially use this as they have really dim light most of the time.
Re: LustFire Artworks

When it comes to drawing I tend to have most trouble with hands/feet and naughty parts. For women at least, and size and proportion for males. I seem to draw all my male characters rather bulky for some reason.The boobs never look quite "right" for my female pics.