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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

well it's no different from jigsaw for me, people being murdered in the twisted way as possible only to satisfy a murderous puppetteer master.

Seriously guy's its guro expect death, your not suppose to try and say gross at it your suppose to be " surprised and shocked at what you see", and next feeling would be disgust saying UGH!? from the pile of corpse after the death of the victim... if you don't want it avoid it, Done and Done~

Jigsaw never murdered any one, just the deliver of justice. I don't think guro is the thing I don't like, its what every the pissing and shitting all over place and the jamming of huge rocks up the ass is. I'm ok with giant penises though.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Just to clarify, when I talk about guro I'm talking purely in terms of fantasy. But I think the "gross" comparison is still relevant.

For example, I don't find sexualized young characters in fantasy repulsive, but that's because I know first-hand that you can have such a fetish without real-life connotations. I know that there's nothing inherently wrong with it, because it's psychologically harmless to myself. Because of that personal bias, I associate such content with the way it affects me, rather than how it might affect people with more dangerous fetishes.

On the the other hand, the fact that there's an american show that revolves around a beauty pageant for pre-teen girls grosses me out. I don't have the personal bias I do with fantasy, so my brain doesn't consider how it might be harmless to some people, or how most people won't perceive it sexually at all. All I see is how harmful it might be to people with dangerous fetishes, and the very idea of people watching such a show makes it come off as "gross". The same way I feel about such shows involving real girls, people can feel about fantasy, because they lack the bias that makes them see it as inherently harmless, and all they see is how harmful it might be.

The way I feel about guro and violence is similar. Even if it's just a violent game with a female character, it can come off as gross to me, because I know there are probably guys with bad intentions who get off on that sort of thing. Even though I should know from my own fetishes that it's entirely possible to have a fetishes that exists entirely within fantasy.

I'm ranting now -__-

ehh...I personally don't abhor some guro so long as it isn't really overboard. Several of the deaths in demonophobia were sorta hot.

Now, granted, I'd much rather watch something that doesn't involved guro and/or the death of girls...especially if the show/game really invests some time to make you identify and/or care about them. I had a hard time stomaching parts of 'Attack on Titan' and 'Sword Art Online' had me crying like a baby at times.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

ehh...I personally don't abhor some guro so long as it isn't really overboard. Several of the deaths in demonophobia were sorta hot.

Now, granted, I'd much rather watch something that doesn't involved guro and/or the death of girls...especially if the show/game really invests some time to make you identify and/or care about them. I had a hard time stomaching parts of 'Attack on Titan' and 'Sword Art Online' had me crying like a baby at times.

I...don't think I'd consider any death hot -__-

I can understand why some people like the whole "pain as pleasure" aspect of sexuality, but for me my tolerance for it doesn't really go far enough to include much. Even something as common as whipping isn't really my thing.

I agree with you when it comes to getting to know characters, though. I read a manga at one point that started getting a little too comfortable with killing off main characters in a gruesome manner, to the point where I didn't want to read it anymore. Just because it felt like one of those "everyone dies by the end but the main character" sort of stories. Which is fine, when characters are given awesome deaths.

But then, "hero" deaths aren't exactly realistic in the first place, so I can see how some people might get sick of seeing everybody die lying against a tree with a smile on their face -__-
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

ehh...I personally don't abhor some guro so long as it isn't really overboard. Several of the deaths in demonophobia were sorta hot.

Now, granted, I'd much rather watch something that doesn't involved guro and/or the death of girls...especially if the show/game really invests some time to make you identify and/or care about them. I had a hard time stomaching parts of 'Attack on Titan' and 'Sword Art Online' had me crying like a baby at times.

Hehehe, i wonder how did you reacted when the bad end was the unique ending in Fairy Fighting, then. I bet your reaction was very interesting.

Sorry, i cant help not being sadistic.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I...don't think I'd consider any death hot -__-

I can understand why some people like the whole "pain as pleasure" aspect of sexuality, but for me my tolerance for it doesn't really go far enough to include much. Even something as common as whipping isn't really my thing.

I agree with you when it comes to getting to know characters, though. I read a manga at one point that started getting a little too comfortable with killing off main characters in a gruesome manner, to the point where I didn't want to read it anymore. Just because it felt like one of those "everyone dies by the end but the main character" sort of stories. Which is fine, when characters are given awesome deaths.

But then, "hero" deaths aren't exactly realistic in the first place, so I can see how some people might get sick of seeing everybody die lying against a tree with a smile on their face -__-

hrmm...lemme guess...that manga was ?

I've got this really bad habit of curiosity and getting so wrapped up in the characters and story that I can't help but keep watching hoping that somehow things work out okay in the end and they survive or are brought back to life or something. Usually never pans out and I just end up feeling sorta depressed. I've been keeping up with Akame ga Kiru! but, for a while now, I keep wondering why.

Hehehe, i wonder how did you reacted when the bad end was the unique ending in Fairy Fighting, then. I bet your reaction was very interesting.

Sorry, i cant help not being sadistic.

Unique ending? I know there was a bad and good end...but a unique? If you are referring to the bad ending where she was pulled back before going through the portal and ended up being a play thing to monsters, I liked it quite a bit.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

hrmm...lemme guess...that manga was ?

-I can't help but keep watching hoping that somehow things work out okay in the end and they survive or are brought back to life or something. Usually never pans out and I just end up feeling sorta depressed.

Yuuup. That's the one. I think I got about as far as a girl's head getting impaled on a pike before tapping out -__-

I read another manga revolving around an author getting sucked into his own manga once, and I always think back to this scene when I see over the top gore in a manga.

I feel like it's when I start to see that kind of mentality in practice that a manga becomes awkward for me to read.

It's not really death that I have a problem with, though. Personally, I just prefer bitter-sweet deaths, as opposed to ones that just kind of make you feel...well, bad. I watched an anime before that I considered to be one of the best animes I had ever seen, mostly as a result of how they handled character death, but then they botched the ending and brought everyone back via deus ex machina -__-
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Ever see the end of the Dexter series (the serial killer that only kills serial killers)?

[series finale of the "Dexter" TV series]
Literally everything fails, dies, or falls apart. The protagonist (Dexter) drives his boat into a hurricane in an attempt to kill himself after his only family member went braindead -- she didn't die, she went braindead, presumably so that they could show him having to pull the plug on her. He survives, and the show ends with a few shots of him working as a logger in a nondescript lumber camp in the Canadian wilderness. He pretty much commits character suicide; his internal monologue is silenced, and he resolves to live out his life alone for fear of harming others with his dangerous lifestyle. For most, this is a fate worse than death. He kills his mind.

It even shows his lover (and his 5 year old son!) in Argentina, wondering why he hasn't reunited with them like he said he would a few days beforehand, as she finds a newspaper saying "man lost at sea" or something, and starts crying as she asks his son if he wants ice cream. I fucking bawled.

The finale honestly seemed like it was saying, "Some people are just different, and will be doomed to a life of solemn, gruesome failure and sadness. Some people cannot be fixed, and will be broken forever. Suicide is a viable solution."

Needless to say, I had feelings that paralleled a lot of what happened in the show, and my emotional connection was quite the liability when I saw the end of the series. I was fucking DEVASTATED.

Eventually I concluded that the writers just cashed out on the series; they made a tear-jerker finale that would stir people up by suddenly expending however many seasons' worth of emotional energy in one explosion of pathos.

It's shitty writing, is what I'm trying to say. Sorry for the rant.
When writers decide to expend all the accumulated pathos/ethos in a character by gruesomely excising them from the story, it's just bad writing. They are blowing through entire books' worth of pent-up emotion for one moment of bizarre, unwieldy tension, which inevitably is 'resolved' through tragedy.

It's shock factor at its most potent, and cretinous artists can't help but cash in on it.

Also, guro is gross.
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I hate to be bitch, but could we keep this thread only for the relevant game, not TV Serie ?
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I hate to be bitch, but could we keep this thread only for the relevant game, not TV Serie ?

Thank you, I was really getting lost on the reason why there is a thread about Wolf Dungeon because none of what's being talked about isn't fitting this thread.

Make a separate thread if people wanna talk about a TV/ Movie series or something. I mean, its really out of context now. ;w; Not trying to hate or anything, I was just don't understand on what's going on here sadly.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Not trying to hate or anything, I was just don't understand on what's going on here sadly.

Wolf Dungeon > Guro > Death/Shock value > Examples in other works.

I think guro/violence and it's effects in media are pretty relevant in a topic about a game revolving around guro/violence -__-
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I respect Akame ga Kiru because of the lowered amount of plot armor. Though I'm suffering something similar.

Akame ga Kiru spoilers
I was personally fond of the scissors girl whose name I forget. I liked her character a lot, and it was a huge bummer when she died quite soon after revealing her past.

Though I hate most of all how the MC seems an exception to the rule. Taking the plot armor off of everyone but him is so inconsistent that it makes my eyes bleed.

Back on topic, given what Eluku's blog often contains, it's most likely going to contain the same extreme stuff Fairy Fighting did. At least he seems to do a good enough job of keeping that kind of stuff mostly restricted to enemy types. Though Fairy Fighting had the glory of the ability to select your boss. Wolf's Dungeon, I'm not sure how it's going to allow you to skip past an enemy that might wanna tear someone's nipple open.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I respect Akame ga Kiru because of the lowered amount of plot armor. Though I'm suffering something similar.

Akame ga Kiru spoilers
I was personally fond of the scissors girl whose name I forget. I liked her character a lot, and it was a huge bummer when she died quite soon after revealing her past.

Though I hate most of all how the MC seems an exception to the rule. Taking the plot armor off of everyone but him is so inconsistent that it makes my eyes bleed.

Back on topic, given what Eluku's blog often contains, it's most likely going to contain the same extreme stuff Fairy Fighting did. At least he seems to do a good enough job of keeping that kind of stuff mostly restricted to enemy types. Though Fairy Fighting had the glory of the ability to select your boss. Wolf's Dungeon, I'm not sure how it's going to allow you to skip past an enemy that might wanna tear someone's nipple open.

Yeah...really liked the Scissors girl...think her name was something like Sherrie. Hated that she died. Seems to be a death flag extraordinaire when they do a back story on a character. They've gotten pretty bad lately...dunno if anybody kept up with it but not even 4 or 5 chapters ago, there was a new group introduced and they are way worse than anything we've seen yet. Clown dude that rapes and then brutally murders little kids. Crazy guy who rapes and then brutally murders women. Couple crazy girls who torture and brutally murder guys. It's been sickening seeing some of the stuff that has happened in this manga...but I can't seem to stop reading since I keep holding out hope that something truly good will happen somewhere down the line. Something like Esdese turning good for the MC and putting an end to the entire war. But more than likely that won't happen because MC will pronounce his love for Akame and then Esdese will go crazy and try to kill her and then MC will end up killing Esdese.

^^Not "on topic" stuff.

Anyway, yea...personally, I'm just not entirely sure what will be put in. So far, the most guro thing that I can think of that Eluku has done is in the slime stage where he did that guro nipple penetration in Fairy Fighting. And honestly that wasn't bad at all.

If we're talking about what bothers us or not, I'd have to draw the line at amputation or major bodily disfigurement as well as horribly, gruesomely painful deaths. That meat grinder death in demonophobia nearly made me vomit...
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Well he has drawn boiling a wolf girl boiling from the inside out, pulling her insides out, and tearing pieces of her vagina off. Not exactly erotic, but it's drawn eroticly up until that actually happens.

It's conflicting when you see such a cute reaction, then the gore hits you.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

ehh...I personally don't abhor some guro so long as it isn't really overboard. Several of the deaths in demonophobia were sorta hot.

Now, granted, I'd much rather watch something that doesn't involved guro and/or the death of girls...especially if the show/game really invests some time to make you identify and/or care about them. I had a hard time stomaching parts of 'Attack on Titan' and 'Sword Art Online' had me crying like a baby at times.

Something like this at Demonophobia is kinda hot.
But after that................. meh....


  • Demonophobia.JPG
    46.6 KB · Views: 15
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Some rambling about Guro and the differences in experiencing fantasy:

Honestly you can be as inclusive or dismissive about guro as you like, but in the end it isn't about what you're experiencing or even how you're intended to experience it. In the end, it's about the experience itself. We can probably all agree that if something wants to make you harm other people for your own amusement you probably shouldn't be going for that, and I'm sure the more savvy among you already know that such triggers can be anything from pink flowers to graphic depictions of torture.

People experience things in different ways, some people furiously masturbate to Guro, others empathize with the suffering character and it in turn can make them feel better about their own circumstances due to the perspective it offers (which as an experience can be just as enjoyable) others might sate some need to see others harmed and others still might just find it incredibly comical to see the twisted imagination of some random stranger.

The kicker with Guro that I imagine most people object to is the part where it isn't just violence (we've all been there, we all watch tv and play games, violence is a-ok!) but the violence is heavily sexualized, graphic and focuses on the experience of the victim. It often boggles me just how easily people are willing to accept brutal serial murder that shows not a moments concern for the people getting killed, but people balk the moment the victims and their deaths get a bit of reality added to them, did the fantasy suddenly stop being a fantasy? Surely not. Is a fantasy wherein you murder people with no regard for them really that thematically different from a fantasy where grievous bodily harm is systematically applied to a victim? Not really no.

I suppose a key difference is once again in how it is experienced, when you murder people in an FPS or RPG you can insert yourself into a character, it isn't you, a human being, taking enjoyment out of a power-fantasy where you can treat others' lives as disposable means of entertainment, as mere obstacles to get you high on the success of overcoming them. No, you are that character, you are motivated and have legitimate reasons to do what you do, you have no choice but to kill that guy over there because he is in your way and you need to save the world or w/e. Guro in that regard is rather difficult to morally justify, you can't insert yourself into a torturer in the same way as you would a heroic rebel fighting the evil regime or w/e and I can understand that trying to do so would make someone feel incredibly uncomfortable.

In the end though, while thematically more intense it is really no different from other popular media, no more damnable. It's not for everyone same as some people cannot enjoy horror while others despise romance etc. etc.

Personally, I can enjoy Guro for a variety of reasons;
1. I like tits, pure and simple.
2. I appreciate human suffering, find it pleasant to see perseverance under the worst circumstances (For example, think "Shawshank redemption")
3. Seeing how far a person is willing to go to try and shock you is for whatever reason incredibly entertaining to me, I went through "yandere" and "dustmania grotesque" laughing the entire way at just how absurd it all was.

It really comes down to taking what you enjoy and leaving what you don't, and this can apply to anything really, that's the beauty of fantasy is it not?

Conversely, I also filter out some of the more unappealing parts;
1. Pain; really not my thing, I can see that it's there but I don't really pay much attention to that aspect of what's on display.
2. Empowerment; I don't really care about the whole "power to do whatever you want to someone/something" as a man who enjoys a challenge I cannot get a sense of "power" when there isn't something threatening.
3. "Breaking" someone; Same as above really, and it kind of goes against point 2 of what I actually like about it, I find the idea of mental death while remaining alive to be appalling (as in, unpleasant)

Guro isn't really for people who both self-insert and are inexperienced in dealing with the extremes found in any fantasy representation of a real subject. Or, for that matter, people who experience the border between fantasy and reality rather weakly.

If you care to comment on any of the points I've raised please do so in PM, while the notion of Guro might be relevant to the game and there isn't much else to talk about here, it's probably best to not go too far off-topic ;)
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Something like this at Demonophobia is kinda hot.
But after that................. meh....

Ahh the slime death. Yeah...that one was hot for a sec...then it turned pretty gruesome. There was another ending with the slime that you could trigger where it raped her. That one was pretty hot. I'm definitely not a complete weirdo freak though....now that I think about it, the total number of deaths that I thought were hot is ZERO...but there are little scenes before the deaths that are pretty hot. Such as the lolipuncher til he started beating her head in...and the butcher scene where she pissed herself...til he chopped her in half.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Ahh the slime death. Yeah...that one was hot for a sec...then it turned pretty gruesome. There was another ending with the slime that you could trigger where it raped her. That one was pretty hot. I'm definitely not a complete weirdo freak though....now that I think about it, the total number of deaths that I thought were hot is ZERO...but there are little scenes before the deaths that are pretty hot. Such as the lolipuncher til he started beating her head in...and the butcher scene where she pissed herself...til he chopped her in half.

That weird nerve, tentacle womb thing till it started comming out of her ears.
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Just got updated, dont know yet what is new.