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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon


Demon Girl
Dec 23, 2011
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I am not a lawyer, and all that, but here's my take on it:

Take Yuna from FFX, for example. In the game, she's this innocent "Stay away from the summoner!" character,
and there's tons of character progression and build-up that slowly adds romantic tension as the story progresses.

Because of that, you have an easy starting point for porn, because you can take all that pre-built character, and resolve some of that tension,
like, say, showing what really happens when she's alone in that isolated room with the big powerful spirit...

But if the backstory didn't exist, you'd just be making mildly odd tentacle porn with a generic big-boobed heroine.
So in effect, you're profiting / gaining a competitive advantage from using someone else's work.
You're not directly de-valuing theirs (people are still going to play FFX after watching porn of it), but if you took their part away, your work wouldn't be worth as much.

Now, as far as I recall, many countries have variations on a "Fair Use" law, by which it's okay to parody or critique something without their permission. (Since otherwise, all negative critique would be illegal, which isn't ideal...)
And usually, if your work is sufficiently "transformative" it's also okay - an artist building a pony from ripped-up comic pages probably doesn't need to pay a license to the comic company.

That said, I think I remember someone arguing that Japan does NOT have a transformative clause in their fair use law.
In their system, any use of someone else's creative work is problematic, it's just usually ignored because huge companies don't have the time suing every table at comiket.
But that's why you'll often see dlsite imagesets that are obviously some popular character censoring parts of the name, or just never using it to begin with.

You can't use a product or derivatives. That's mean you CANNOT use "Yuna" with the same concept and story. In any way.
If you look at credits, characters concepts are copyrighted.

Fair Use is about something you do for educational pourposes (or your teacher had to pay for quoting Shakespeare). Not the resellng or distribution of someone else work. You cannot photocopy a book to share knowledge, but you can read it to people or criticize or flame it... whatever is NOT reselling the product (the product= the game, the book, the software...), even in other form (selling at 0 dollars is selling, too).
ALL COUNTRIES agreed with the fair use concept, what's different is the lawyers will pursue or not those infringements. Like creating a game that use copyrighted concepts for your own profit (even if profit is 0). ALL countries will pursue that. But the losing part can avoid to act on you, (too much court expenses and small court interest in the matter).

Laws are something "strange": you can do whatever, THEN someone can inquire about. In Japan, usually the use of concepts doesn't trigger an act, too much expenses for a little gain. But the reselling and piracy is strictly condamned and pursued (with high cost for the loser part).
That's why japanese producer hate to sell in other countries.


Sex Demon
Sep 4, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

can't you guys talk about the game instead of aleatory law crap?


Jungle Girl
Jan 3, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

can't you guys talk about the game instead of aleatory law crap?
Let's talk about Eluku's new Sunday post.

Eluku's talking about addressing the Reset/Load function; so once he's done that and we've beaten the Orc and used a Bed we won't have to face him ever again (cue confetti).

Eluku is also talking about the experience points system. Something about 'back and forth'. Maybe he's addressing how enemies can respawn every time we leave/enter a new area, meaning we can just spam them for experience. Clearly he's not going to have us doing that since it kind of bums the game out.

He's also got a few ideas for the new MeatOpener monster. Eluku is suggesting (or implementing, I can't be sure) the MeatOpener is going attack by jumping on Wolf-chan. No punching or kicking. The monster is also going to be easy to beat, but they will respawn constantly (a lot like those little green suckers we found in the beginning versions of the game).
A new sketch has been put up, showing how the MeatOpener will act in the game.

Last but not least, Eluku's talking about having a Plant Stage in the game.
That's all I've got. Now I'm gonna rest my typing fingers.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Those little suckball enemies were really frikkin annoying in the original version. They made it a pain to kill the plant enemy due to constantly respawning and getting in the way, plus no way to stop them from spawning.

I hope if he does make the Meat Opener a constantly respawning enemy, he includes a way to stop the respawning.

Also, I do love plant-based monsters. I'm a fan of Angel of Darkness and how that plant monster grips the whole groin area from underneath, and have liked plant monsters ever since.


Jungle Girl
Jan 3, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Those little suckball enemies were really frikkin annoying in the original version. They made it a pain to kill the plant enemy due to constantly respawning and getting in the way, plus no way to stop them from spawning.

I hope if he does make the Meat Opener a constantly respawning enemy, he includes a way to stop the respawning.

Also, I do love plant-based monsters. I'm a fan of Angel of Darkness and how that plant monster grips the whole groin area from underneath, and have liked plant monsters ever since.
Well if the sketch Eluku provided is anything to go on, it looks like the MeatOpener will be coming out of holes in the wall. They're also ground based, meaning it'll be easier to hit them. Might have to time our hits right when they jump to attack.


Jungle Girl
Mar 11, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Also, I do love plant-based monsters. I'm a fan of Angel of Darkness and how that plant monster grips the whole groin area from underneath, and have liked plant monsters ever since.
Ditto. There's not enough of that.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Finally got around to testing the orc, love his difficulty. He's designed so you will pretty much have to lose to him at least once to learn his attacks, I love challenge like that. This is how I think more H games should be, so tired of having to intentionally play bad to see H scenes in most games. Eluku is a master of difficulty settings, same reason I loved Fairy Fighting. So hard to find a good challenge like this, where even if you try your best, your character is still going to get graped relentlessly, without it being impossible to advance.

I hope he keeps this up throughout the whole game like FF. Fairy Fighting had some balance issues because of the amount of attacks, you ended up mostly just relying on dash attacks, special spam, or jump kick spamming as they were the safest way to avoid grabs while dealing damage. This game seems like it might be more about proper timing thanks to the good block mechanic that's actually a necessity. I'm looking forward to this more now.
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Jungle Girl
Jan 3, 2013
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

A couple of new sketches from Eluku showing new potential monsters. There isn't a poll or anything...yet:

1. Iron Orc - This guy throws iron balls at the player to incapacitate/stun them. Then he pries Wolf-chan's anus open with some hooks and shoves an iron ball inside. Whether he leaves it there or not I don't know. Might slow down Wolf-chan or something?

2. Boogey Orc (not big on the name) - Looks like this guy is chained to a post with a bag over his head. Fairly straight forward rape-age here.


Tentacle Monster
Sep 27, 2010
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I hope there is something more than orcs to this game...


Apr 19, 2009
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Somehow I got turned on from Boogey Orc's concept...

I'm guessing from the name, it'll be a background enemy that jumps out suddenly?


Tentacle Monster
Mar 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New update
The Meat openers have been added, they dont do anything, but its good that they're in the game now.

Settings are saved between sessions. Now they only revert back to the default when you exit the game.
(Arrow keys Master Race)
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Jungle Girl
Jan 3, 2013
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New version is up. If someone could play through and tell what's new I'd be very grateful (I still can't do the Orc).
Apparently the Meat Opener has made his debut in this version, but he doesn't do anything at the moment. Eluku's said he's going to make their behaviour similar-ish to the Anamoguri (the little green fellows from Fairy Fighting).

Also a new sketch of the Boogey Orc from last time. This time he comes with a wooden horse and shoves his fist up Wolf-chan's bum. Enjoy.


Formerly Havokor
Sep 6, 2010
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

There are little goblin looking dudes in the room after the save/rest point. They didn't do anything other than follow you and look creepy. There is a rock blocking the tunnel to the next room so unless I'm missing something, that's all there is so far.

Also, seems like the big guy in the beginning is a touch easier. Not much...but enough to where you can get into a slugfest with him using blocking and be able to win some fights.


Jungle Girl
Jan 6, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

1. Iron Orc - This guy throws iron balls at the player to incapacitate/stun them. Then he pries Wolf-chan's anus open with some hooks and shoves an iron ball inside. Whether he leaves it there or not I don't know. Might slow down Wolf-chan or something?.
Actually seems Wolf-chan gets put in a chastity belt afterwards, so the ironball will likely be stuck in her.


Tentacle Monster
Mar 14, 2010
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New Blog Post

Eluku's goal is to release the next update on the 22nd


Tentacle Monster
Sep 27, 2010
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New Blog Post

Eluku's goal is to release the next update on the 22nd
People will call me selfish over this. But I really wish sometimes, that when he says "update is in XX number of days from now on the YY" I wish it was because he wanted to give us a BIG update with lots of new stuff.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 18, 2010
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

It could just be me but I'm having difficulty on the very first orc. I can't even get it donw to 50% before it kills me.


Formerly Havokor
Sep 6, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

It could just be me but I'm having difficulty on the very first orc. I can't even get it donw to 50% before it kills me.
Totally just you...the other 30 people in the previous 4 or 5 pages have it figured out. :cool::p


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

It's an Eluku game, his games should be known for their difficulty by now. Just takes some trial and error, or reading the thread. He just doesn't baby players (Thankfully) like most games. If you've played Dark Souls, it's similar. Difficult the first few times on a boss regardless of your awesome gear and afterwards you're running around naked, killing everything with a dagger. Love games that train the player instead of just getting them to level up to beat everything.
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