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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

@igotnostuffs -
as for strafing, i don't think i'll add it. this game's combat will focus on character mobility, so things like an 'aim' mode and strafing don't really fit into that mindframe. thanks for the suggestion, though.

Well you did say, you want the game to focus on gameplay and make it exciting and fun. Just run and shoot isn't really exciting and fun in my opinion, just fun, maybe, but not exciting. Giving the player more control over the character is exciting and fun because the enemies will then be more complicated and you will need to use different kinds of movements to defeat it. That sounds exciting.

Anyway, maybe, add skills, exp system, inventory to change weapons/armors/clothes or whatever, and a storyline that is not linear. Also let us change the controls, I can probably move the character with just one hand. WASD movement, space to shoot, and shift for the angles.
This will probably turn into a metal slug game, except you can't run and shoot here since its not a one-hit KO kind of thing.
You run only to stop when you encounter an enemy running towards you, what will you do? Run back, face again, shoot, run back, face again, shoot..... Strafe dammit! Its really annoying where in most shooting games, you cant strafe. Make it a skill to unlock at the very least.

Also about the design....
She is on a mission for the future and she doesn't wear a bra for her huge breasts, she should support her breasts for the future of it if not for the whole mankind. Especially wearing thin clothing for an extraterrestrial mission. The military has a ridiculous uniform for space travel it seems. Maybe that's why the scientists died, they thought wearing casual clothing is fine. Why is the bullet exploding halfway anyway? They should fire the engineers right now. But hey, its just a game, a hentai game. That is all.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Why is the bullet exploding halfway anyway? They should fire the engineers right now.

Of all that, I think I can make sense of this one bit: It's either meant to be a short-mid range weapon (in-universe) or the energy shot collapses into itself because it either cannot sustain itself, or if it didn't it would probably go on until it hit something. And since it's not affected by gravity, who knows what you might end up hitting by firing at the sky? (That last one doesn't really make a lot of sense...)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Of all that, I think I can make sense of this one bit: It's either meant to be a short-mid range weapon (in-universe) or the energy shot collapses into itself because it either cannot sustain itself, or if it didn't it would probably go on until it hit something. And since it's not affected by gravity, who knows what you might end up hitting by firing at the sky? (That last one doesn't really make a lot of sense...)

I think its a plasma gun anyway but with the light speed traveling technology they have they can solve that problem with ease. They can probably travel faster than light anyway, given that they have discovered countless planets and got to them rather quickly.

BTW, making sense is also important to making the game fun. Hah!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Well you did say, you want the game to focus on gameplay and make it exciting and fun. Just run and shoot isn't really exciting and fun in my opinion, just fun, maybe, but not exciting. Giving the player more control over the character is exciting and fun because the enemies will then be more complicated and you will need to use different kinds of movements to defeat it. That sounds exciting.

Anyway, maybe, add skills, exp system, inventory to change weapons/armors/clothes or whatever, and a storyline that is not linear. Also let us change the controls, I can probably move the character with just one hand. WASD movement, space to shoot, and shift for the angles.
This will probably turn into a metal slug game, except you can't run and shoot here since its not a one-hit KO kind of thing.
You run only to stop when you encounter an enemy running towards you, what will you do? Run back, face again, shoot, run back, face again, shoot..... Strafe dammit! Its really annoying where in most shooting games, you cant strafe. Make it a skill to unlock at the very least.

Also about the design....
She is on a mission for the future and she doesn't wear a bra for her huge breasts, she should support her breasts for the future of it if not for the whole mankind. Especially wearing thin clothing for an extraterrestrial mission. The military has a ridiculous uniform for space travel it seems. Maybe that's why the scientists died, they thought wearing casual clothing is fine. Why is the bullet exploding halfway anyway? They should fire the engineers right now. But hey, its just a game, a hentai game. That is all.

you know what i appreciate? suggestions. you know what i DON'T appreciate? being told what to do.

you're not the designer of this game. don't go around acting like you know my vision better than i do. for god's sake, you're literally telling me "give the character an ability to run backwards while shooting so every enemy encounter is pathetic and trivialized. it'll be more fun." this game, as i already said, is focused on character mobility. it's not like every damn enemy will have the same identical 'run straight at you' AI, but that's what you're assuming. there will be enemies lobbing projectiles at you, tentacle plants shooting their tendrils at you through the ground, flying creatures that come at you from all sorts of different angles. strafing is NOT an essential system like you seem to think it is. it would hurt the game FAR more than it would improve it.

i will not be adding an exp system. i will not be adding multiple armor sets. i will not be adding multiple weapon types. i will not, for fucks sake, be adding a non-linear storyline. if you want a game with all of those things, do it yourself. you're asking a 'team' of one man (me) to change their game to your specifications, and that's just rude. think about how much effort you're telling me to put into a game that will already take several months to a year of full-time development. adding multiple armor/clothing sets would take an unbelievable amount of spriting time that i could and should be spending doing other things to improve the game.

as for her design - why the hell does it matter that she isn't wearing a bra? first off, it's a PORN GAME. no bra means more jiggling. i'm not trying to make the most realistic game in the world here, you know, her design is built for sex appeal. second, if it makes you stop complaining, i suppose i'll spill the beans on the intro sequence i have planned. when she gets close to the planet and starts to enter its atmosphere, she loses control of her ship and it crashes. she's knocked out for the next several hours, and when she wakes up, her ship has been ransacked and all of the equipment the military sent with her is gone. THAT'S why she has no armor, no heavy weaponry, etc. i already had that planned out a long time ago as an explanation, so stop treating it like i haven't put any damn thought into this game. quit arguing fucking logistics in a porn game, i don't see people bitching about these things in anyone else's project.

as for her bullets, if you need a logical reason why they have limited range, i refer you to barreytor's post. other than that, think about this: it's a GAME. if the bullet had unlimited range, what is there to stop you from shooting enemies halfway across the map and killing them before they can even come at you? think for a second, dude. game design trumps realism, and apparently you don't know much about game design.

@ShaedoK - i'll try to find a good place to add a spanking enemy, if i can. thanks for the suggestion.

@Spiere - i'll have at least one female enemy to satisfy those who want lesbian porn. as for mind break/ahegao, i'm a pretty big fan of the latter, so i definitely intend to have it in some form. maybe as a boss death..?

@haladar - making a suggestion is never rude. however, i don't think i'll be adding an avatar on the side of the screen. i don't think it would really fit the game well. as for accumulated cum, i'm still deciding if i want to try and do that. i love the idea of it, but the effort it would take to animate several different types of cum buildup on every animation she has... well, it's kind of an astronomical task. i'm not saying no, but don't get your hopes up too high.

in any case, sorry for the lack of updates yesterday, everybody. my update speed is probably gonna be slow for the next few days, i got some bad food poisoning yesterday that had me incapacitated all day, and i'm still recovering from it. hopefully i'll have more to share soon though.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

you know what i appreciate? suggestions. you know what i DON'T appreciate? being told what to do.

you're not the designer of this game. don't go around acting like you know my vision better than i do. for god's sake, you're literally telling me "give the character an ability to run backwards while shooting so every enemy encounter is pathetic and trivialized. it'll be more fun.

People like that exist for everything, ever. Sports, movies, games, medicine, politics, warfare... Doesn't matter what you're doing, someone with no experience in the field will think they can do it better than you.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Wow. This looks really good. The sprite looks like a merge between Powerful Sister and Parasite in City's protag. As far as critique is concerned, some sort of animation for recoil on her arm from firing the pistol would make it look better.
And her jumping pose could stand to be more "dynamic". For things I'd like to see, I would love an alternate palette of her having brown skin and silver/white hair if it's not too much. Other than that, keep up the good work.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Wow. This looks really good. The sprite looks like a merge between Powerful Sister and Parasite in City's protag. As far as critique is concerned, some sort of animation for recoil on her arm from firing the pistol would make it look better.
And her jumping pose could stand to be more "dynamic". For things I'd like to see, I would love an alternate palette of her having brown skin and silver/white hair if it's not too much. Other than that, keep up the good work.

glad you like it. i've been trying to give her shot more impact without needing a whole new sprite for it.. i'm having trouble with finding a good idea though lol. still, i agree, and i'll keep trying to find a way to handle it without giving myself too much extra work. maybe just removing the arm from her sprite and drawing it separately would work..

as for her jumping pose, i'm guessing you just now found this game? in the current prototype, the jumping animation was far from completed, i basically just rushed two images out so that she would have SOME kind of air animation. during my livestream a few days ago i went back and fully animated it, so it looks waaay better now. i'll try to get a gif of it sometime soon to show it off for those who missed the stream.

as far as alternate colors go, that's a possibility.. i won't be adding it until the very end of the game, though. simply recoloring the sprite, even with the amount of animations she has, wouldn't take too much effort.. it would just be very time consuming, and i don't want to mess with it until her animation set is 100% done. i don't want to promise anything, but i'll keep it in mind. thanks for the suggestion.

@mech01 - yeah.. what people don't seem to realize is that i know what i'm doing, lol. i don't want to sound cocky or like a douche or anything - i know there are plenty of people more skilled than i am - but I DO have experience with this field. it's not like i decided "hey i'm gonna make an h-game, yippee!" with no prior knowledge under my belt. i've been studying programming, game design, and animation for a long time, and when i say no to someone's suggestion, it's because i took the time to sit down and think about it and how it would affect the end result. it's not like i just go "eh, don't wanna" and call it a day. i put tons of thought into each and every decision i make.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

@haladar - making a suggestion is never rude. however, i don't think i'll be adding an avatar on the side of the screen. i don't think it would really fit the game well. as for accumulated cum, i'm still deciding if i want to try and do that. i love the idea of it, but the effort it would take to animate several different types of cum buildup on every animation she has... well, it's kind of an astronomical task. i'm not saying no, but don't get your hopes up too high
Hmmm. Great idea.

Of course, it would be a ton of work. Maybe you could just note it somewhere on the "to do list", waitin' for when ya'll have the time and the motivation to make it?

Although it would be super, it can wait: I'd prefer to play without it than just having a lonely character which can accumulate cum and dirt on her shirt xD
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I don't think he really meant to be rude or patronising, some people just dont really know how to be polite, especially online.

I'm loving the amount of commitment and motivation for this game; 6 1/2 hrs really shows how hard you're working, just don't burn yourself out :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I don't think he really meant to be rude or patronising, some people just dont really know how to be polite, especially online.

I'm loving the amount of commitment and motivation for this game; 6 1/2 hrs really shows how hard you're working, just don't burn yourself out :)

regardless of how he meant it, he was in fact very rude about it. i'm not making this game for him. i'm listening to what the community wants but, in the end, it's still my game and i reserve the right to decide what to do with it. i already said no to strafing, but he didn't really care about that. so i didn't particularly appreciate the post.

i appreciate the concern lol. i've been working that much because i want to, though. i'll slow down when i feel like it's time to. for now, i'm really enjoying working on it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I don't think he really meant to be rude or patronising, some people just dont really know how to be polite, especially online.

I'm loving the amount of commitment and motivation for this game; 6 1/2 hrs really shows how hard you're working, just don't burn yourself out :)

indeed, he/she hasn't even been on skype all day
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Depending on what kind of fetishes you include into your game, this may or may not be the first hentai game I ever actually purchase. Looking forward to it :).

One thing though: it may seem obvious, but it still needs to be said: please don't force yourself to add in things you aren't comfortable with. If you don't like guro, you are under no obligation to add it in. Same for beastiality, vore, or anything else.

I can't tell you how many times its been obvious that the author added something he didn't personally like in the game, because it always seems rushed and half-hearted, like he was doing it more for the sake of trying to please everyone.

Good luck on your game. :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Depending on what kind of fetishes you include into your game, this may or may not be the first hentai game I ever actually purchase. Looking forward to it :).

One thing though: it may seem obvious, but it still needs to be said: please don't force yourself to add in things you aren't comfortable with. If you don't like guro, you are under no obligation to add it in. Same for beastiality, vore, or anything else.

I can't tell you how many times its been obvious that the author added something he didn't personally like in the game, because it always seems rushed and half-hearted, like he was doing it more for the sake of trying to please everyone.

Good luck on your game. :D

nah, i wouldn't add in anything i'm genuinely uncomfortable with. i'll add some stuff i don't care for personally, but nothing that i'm not okay with animating. if this game was just for me and my fetishes it would basically end up being paizuri: the game :p

@azure - again, recovering from food poisoning right now. i've barely spent any time out of bed over the last few days, let alone being on a computer. my posts have all been on mobile.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Well, here's hoping you get better soon man.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

If you're not completely opposed to the idea, you could reach out for help on recolors. Recoloring sprites is not a hard thing to do, but you're right, it's horribly time-consuming. But I am quite sure there are more than a few people who would help with something like that around here.

Or even adding different levels of cum buildup to each sprite. You make a couple to show what you want it to look like, then ask if anyone wants to finish 'em.

Note: I would only use this sort of thing for optional things, as relying on others for essential things when you don't know them is Not recommended.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

nice project you have there buddy. im a game designer as well and i love seing projects from the very beginning.

reading through ALL the thread and checking the demo i found some points that may be of interest.

-strife is a necessary adittion if the enemies are though, especially if they can surround you, since its better to focus fire on one side, and given the range of the gun, you may not be able to kill every enemy before you have to run backwards and turn again. IF the enemies come in large groups (check HOUNDS OF THE BLADE) not being able to strafe becomes a nuissance design rather than a challenging design. also if you have a large static boss, it opens more rewarding options for the player to defeat it.
EDIT:metal slug has strafe in most of their games(when in vehicles), tarma has it as a unique skill in 7 and XX
also can be a good mechanic if a boss consists of it chasing you and you have to shoot back at it while jumping obstacles and whatnot

-an aim option may not be a good adition, since it forces you to stay still, unlike strafing with can be used for dodging. besides, unless enemies try to flank you, or you want to add obvius puzzles (don't) there is no need for an aim system at all

-extra maneuvers may take away the challenge of the game, if the characther can slide,roll, jump, jump roll, or double jump, and the enemy attacks can all be avoided by jumping backwards, the character will never lose (and in a h-game you want to get caught, but dont want to feel like you're letting yourself lose, some grade of difficulty should be a standard) the easy way is to add only a slide maneuver for dodging mid height projectiles and whatnot, anything more than that and the enemies shuld have harder patterns of attack

and some suggestions i have not seen:

-an ammo system is a good idea for this game concept, not only because it adds fidelity to your universe, but interactions like reloading when surrounded, preventing mash of buttons in tough spots and differentiating weapons not only by shootting pattern can be very satisfying to overcome, and could also add to the gameplay itself.

-a melee weapon: a melee weapon, also adds to gameplay, if its in a different hotkey than the firegun, can open options when changing guns(if there are different guns) (or reloading if there is ammo) and maybe some interaction with lesser enemy projectiles (with a decent cooldown in-between so you cant spam it to win) it also adds to bad-assery of the character to hold a saber/rapier/laserblade whatever.

-getting knocked down before getting raped is a BAD idea gameplay wise if you are gonna go for that way (like kurovadis). most of the time you can escape from the knocked down state with ease(unless hp=0), and when you get caught its most likely because you felt like not getting up, THIS IS HORRIBLE, you should not choose who rapes you XD, the point of rape is that you dont want it, enemies should have a sex attack, different from its normal attacks, that is hard to avoid on its own, so you can't do as any other h-game "oh!! new enemy, i'll let him come close then knock me then wait till it comes to me" it actually has intercourse with you without consent ¡¿HOW DARE THEY!?

the desing of the character is good (animation wise its better than a good part of the h-games out there), and i'd love to see some of the inner monologue she has if she has any during the game, just to get a feel for the character (if she is prude, proud, curios etc...)
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I hope for more updates of your game.
I can't suggest on gameplay, but I looking forward to see some rare sprites of yours.
that all and stay health.:D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

nice project you have there buddy. im a game designer as well and i love seing projects from the very beginning.

reading through ALL the thread and checking the demo i found some points that may be of interest.

-strife is a necessary adittion if the enemies are though, especially if they can surround you, since its better to focus fire on one side, and given the range of the gun, you may not be able to kill every enemy before you have to run backwards and turn again. IF the enemies come in large groups (check HOUNDS OF THE BLADE) not being able to strafe becomes a nuissance design rather than a challenging design. also if you have a large static boss, it opens more rewarding options for the player to defeat it.
EDIT:metal slug has strafe in most of their games(when in vehicles), tarma has it as a unique skill in 7 and XX
also can be a good mechanic if a boss consists of it chasing you and you have to shoot back at it while jumping obstacles and whatnot

-an aim option may not be a good adition, since it forces you to stay still, unlike strafing with can be used for dodging. besides, unless enemies try to flank you, or you want to add obvius puzzles (don't) there is no need for an aim system at all

-extra maneuvers may take away the challenge of the game, if the characther can slide,roll, jump, jump roll, or double jump, and the enemy attacks can all be avoided by jumping backwards, the character will never lose (and in a h-game you want to get caught, but dont want to feel like you're letting yourself lose, some grade of difficulty should be a standard) the easy way is to add only a slide maneuver for dodging mid height projectiles and whatnot, anything more than that and the enemies shuld have harder patterns of attack

and some suggestions i have not seen:

-an ammo system is a good idea for this game concept, not only because it adds fidelity to your universe, but interactions like reloading when surrounded, preventing mash of buttons in tough spots and differentiating weapons not only by shootting pattern can be very satisfying to overcome, and could also add to the gameplay itself.

-a melee weapon: a melee weapon, also adds to gameplay, if its in a different hotkey than the firegun, can open options when changing guns(if there are different guns) (or reloading if there is ammo) and maybe some interaction with lesser enemy projectiles (with a decent cooldown in-between so you cant spam it to win) it also adds to bad-assery of the character to hold a saber/rapier/laserblade whatever.

-getting knocked down before getting raped is a BAD idea gameplay wise if you are gonna go for that way (like kurovadis). most of the time you can escape from the knocked down state with ease(unless hp=0), and when you get caught its most likely because you felt like not getting up, THIS IS HORRIBLE, you should not choose who rapes you XD, the point of rape is that you dont want it, enemies should have a sex attack, different from its normal attacks, that is hard to avoid on its own, so you can't do as any other h-game "oh!! new enemy, i'll let him come close then knock me then wait till it comes to me" it actually has intercourse with you without consent ¡¿HOW DARE THEY!?

the desing of the character is good (animation wise its better than a good part of the h-games out there), and i'd love to see some of the inner monologue she has if she has any during the game, just to get a feel for the character (if she is prude, proud, curios etc...)

for fuck's sake... HOW MANY TIMES do i have to say no to strafing?! quit fucking telling me it's a 'necessary' design choice! i don't care if you're a game designer. if you tell me it's literally necessary, then you must not be a very good one. there are very few things in game design that are absolutely necessary no matter what, and strafing sure as hell isn't one of them.

you specifically say you read through "all the thread," and yet you seem to have no idea what my design plans are here. you say "you may not be able to kill an enemy before you have to run away and turn around again." is that what you're assuming the gameplay is going to be? shoot it until it gets too close, then turn around and run until you're far enough away to shoot it again? how terrible of a game designer would i be if that is what the gameplay focused on? that is the single most boring design in the history of gaming. there's no fun or excitement whatsoever in that. if that was all i was doing, sure - strafing would be a great addition. but it's not. enemy encounter design is a LIMITLESS field.

picture a combat scenario where you have a big, muscly guy coming at you while a creature lobs projectiles at you from behind him and a massive insect buzzes around above you. if you do not have strafing, the ideal solution here would be to bait the big guy into an attack to immobilize him, roll through him while he's busy doing that, take down the projectile thrower as quickly as you can, jump over the big guy and shoot down the insect, then put your focus on the big guy to take him down solo. THAT IS GOOD GAME DESIGN. enemy encounters that make you THINK. that ENTIRE fight would be absolutely trivialized by including fucking strafing. literally all it would take is "put on strafe, run backwards while shooting big guy until he's dead. shoot insect. shoot projectile-user unhindered."

look. i appreciate your feedback, but for the love of GOD, stop telling me what is necessary in my design, because you're wrong. i love suggestions. even if i don't use them directly, they often get me thinking about different aspects of design that i wouldn't normally think of. but i will NOT tolerate demands.


i don't want to hear any more shit about it. any posts telling me to add it from now on will be ignored entirely. are we clear? good.

now... on to the rest of your suggestions.

i already said i wasn't going to add an aiming mode. same reason as strafing. it's unnecessary and my design doesn't revolve around it.

adding in more mobility doesn't mean the game will be less challenging. it just means it will be different than it would be without it. that's the entire point of game design, working around the abilities you give your player to make things stay interesting and challenging the entire time they play, while, in this case, simultaneously making them feel like they're growing more powerful.

the main weapon will not have limited ammunition. in a fast-paced action game on a 2D plane, as i have planned, there's not a lot of room for reloading, and her alternate weapons will have limited (but upgradeable) ammo to begin with.

i've already considered a melee weapon, but i haven't decided if i want to yet. it'll depend on how my design ends up and if it would make any meaningful changes to the gameplay. if it's there just so she has a melee option, and it serves no real purpose, there's no point to it.

i already said, SEVERAL times, that i hate the way h-games are designed in regards to this. making the player lose to see porn is a stupid idea and i've already thoroughly established my position on that. however, i disagree with you on the "you should not choose who rapes you" point. in real life, that's a duh. but this is a porn game. seeing the sex scenes IS a player goal and it should be something that's easily attainable without interfering with the gameplay. i'm going to have a button for Alicia that immobilizes her for a long period of time, triggering any enemies in the area to come at her for sex. it won't change the scenes, but it's a non-threatening way to see the scenes as often as you please with no danger. the tradeoff to this is the alternate (read: ALTERNATE, not BAD) ending you get if you get "raped" often. if the player wants to challenge themselves to avoid rape, they'll get a different ending than someone who enjoys the rape scenes fully. this design will not change as it is integral to defining the two different sides of play - the person who wants to enjoy H-scenes, and the person who wants to challenge themselves with the gameplay.

@romerskie - thanks, glad you like the project.

@shadow_hazuki - i might do that. we'll see. it will still take time to add in the recolors, and i don't want people expecting me to add in a dozen of them. IF i add recolors, i only want one or two of them.
as for reaching out to others for cum buildup sprites, no. that would only work if they were a static sprite. they're going to have to be animated to fit onto every single sprite Alicia has, including sex scenes and basic movement animations. no offense to anyone here, but i don't trust anyone else to animate them to my standards.

@Zodiark - thanks. i'm mostly feeling better today, was just very lethargic yesterday.

EDIT: to whoever neg-repped me for this post, you should realize i asked for FEEDBACK. not to be told to add the same thing by several different people, each of whom refused to listen to me when i said i wasn't going to add it, and consistently told me i was straight up wrong and that it was a necessary addition. there's a difference between feedback and being ignorant.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

for fuck's sake... HOW MANY TIMES do i have to say no to strafing?! quit fucking telling me it's a 'necessary' design choice! i don't care if you're a game designer. if you tell me it's literally necessary, then you must not be a very good one. there are very few things in game design that are absolutely necessary no matter what, and strafing sure as hell isn't one of them.

you specifically say you read through "all the thread," and yet you seem to have no idea what my design plans are here. you say "you may not be able to kill an enemy before you have to run away and turn around again." is that what you're assuming the gameplay is going to be? shoot it until it gets too close, then turn around and run until you're far enough away to shoot it again? how terrible of a game designer would i be if that is what the gameplay focused on? that is the single most boring design in the history of gaming. there's no fun or excitement whatsoever in that. if that was all i was doing, sure - strafing would be a great addition. but it's not. enemy encounter design is a LIMITLESS field.

picture a combat scenario where you have a big, muscly guy coming at you while a creature lobs projectiles at you from behind him and a massive insect buzzes around above you. if you do not have strafing, the ideal solution here would be to bait the big guy into an attack to immobilize him, roll through him while he's busy doing that, take down the projectile thrower as quickly as you can, jump over the big guy and shoot down the insect, then put your focus on the big guy to take him down solo. THAT IS GOOD GAME DESIGN. enemy encounters that make you THINK. that ENTIRE fight would be absolutely trivialized by including fucking strafing. literally all it would take is "put on strafe, run backwards while shooting big guy until he's dead. shoot insect. shoot projectile-user unhindered."

look. i appreciate your feedback, but for the love of GOD, stop telling me what is necessary in my design, because you're wrong. i love suggestions. even if i don't use them directly, they often get me thinking about different aspects of design that i wouldn't normally think of. but i will NOT tolerate demands.


i don't want to hear any more shit about it. any posts telling me to add it from now on will be ignored entirely. are we clear? good.

now... on to the rest of your suggestions.

i already said i wasn't going to add an aiming mode. same reason as strafing. it's unnecessary and my design doesn't revolve around it.

adding in more mobility doesn't mean the game will be less challenging. it just means it will be different than it would be without it. that's the entire point of game design, working around the abilities you give your player to make things stay interesting and challenging the entire time they play, while, in this case, simultaneously making them feel like they're growing more powerful.

the main weapon will not have limited ammunition. in a fast-paced action game on a 2D plane, as i have planned, there's not a lot of room for reloading, and her alternate weapons will have limited (but upgradeable) ammo to begin with.

i've already considered a melee weapon, but i haven't decided if i want to yet. it'll depend on how my design ends up and if it would make any meaningful changes to the gameplay. if it's there just so she has a melee option, and it serves no real purpose, there's no point to it.

i already said, SEVERAL times, that i hate the way h-games are designed in regards to this. making the player lose to see porn is a stupid idea and i've already thoroughly established my position on that. however, i disagree with you on the "you should not choose who rapes you" point. in real life, that's a duh. but this is a porn game. seeing the sex scenes IS a player goal and it should be something that's easily attainable without interfering with the gameplay. i'm going to have a button for Alicia that immobilizes her for a long period of time, triggering any enemies in the area to come at her for sex. it won't change the scenes, but it's a non-threatening way to see the scenes as often as you please with no danger. the tradeoff to this is the alternate (read: ALTERNATE, not BAD) ending you get if you get "raped" often. if the player wants to challenge themselves to avoid rape, they'll get a different ending than someone who enjoys the rape scenes fully. this design will not change as it is integral to defining the two different sides of play - the person who wants to enjoy H-scenes, and the person who wants to challenge themselves with the gameplay.

@romerskie - thanks, glad you like the project.

@shadow_hazuki - i might do that. we'll see. it will still take time to add in the recolors, and i don't want people expecting me to add in a dozen of them. IF i add recolors, i only want one or two of them.
as for reaching out to others for cum buildup sprites, no. that would only work if they were a static sprite. they're going to have to be animated to fit onto every single sprite Alicia has, including sex scenes and basic movement animations. no offense to anyone here, but i don't trust anyone else to animate them to my standards.

@Zodiark - thanks. i'm mostly feeling better today, was just very lethargic yesterday.

even though my mini project is about jumping and dashing, I can totally see where he's coming from... strafing would be bullshit in this kind of game, when parasite in city came out no one was like..."this needs a strafe feature",

i like the idea of multiple endings too... rewards the player for replaying the game and not just to lose to everything (which is a trap ive fallen into)
though there will be multiple endings in mine depending on completion time and lives lost... i couldn't think of any smart way to let the player continue without messing up the time variables so

normal mode= 5 lives before you have to use a continue and every 5 levels you can continue from there... completing the game normally would get you the lowest tier ending (some would say bad end but that depends on your perspective), and also unlocks time attack.

time attack mode= -1 lives (infinite) and you need to complete the game in a certain amount of time (but time only passes when the player can move, not H grapples of loss cg)

there's probably also gonna be items to fetch for an upgraded one... hmmm

anyway back to the main point, this game is gonna be great, so if everyone could stop pissing of the dev that'd be great

inb4 negrep for self promotion, inb4 negrep for my opinion
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

sorry for the several day long hiatus, everyone. i promise this project is nowhere near dead lol. i haven't physically felt up to working on anything over the past few days, just trying to recover from the food poisoning. i should be able to get back to cranking stuff out very soon, within the next few days. i would promise something sooner but there's some other stuff going on in the personal life that might slow me down for a short while - regardless, it will pick up again very soon.

with that out of the way, does anyone have recommendations for places to find voice clip packs? i plan on animating the sex scenes soon, and i'm working on finding sound effects for it. it doesn't have to be now, but i'd like to be able to find a voice for Alicia's sexier moments, and i'm having a hard time finding any good ones online. i can't exactly mix and match different sounds from different women, lol.

EDIT: here's a screenshot of some of the background art i've been working on, for those of you who missed the livestream.
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