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ACT Patreon Active [Anon42] Crisis Point: Extinction

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Pretty fun. I just became a pateron - keep it up! It's nice to hear English voices once in a while too, ahahahaha...

Thanks, Kriss! I'm glad you like the game!

Unfortunately - assuming you weren't being sarcastic - I'm gonna have to disappoint you on the voices - they aren't english, they're from a japanese voice pack my buddy Azure recommended to me :p They certainly aren't the typical voices you'd hear in an H-game, though. I wanted Alicia to have a bit of a more mature, womanly voice than most japanese characters tend to have, so I grabbed the 'oldest' voice that was available in the pack and slightly pitch-shifted it to suit my needs. I'm happy with how it turned out, but don't expect any spoken dialogue, lol.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Shaping up pretty good!

So if the the loosing of HP comes from struggling instead of from the rape, will there be a downside to just letting the enemies have their way with you?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Shaping up pretty good!

So if the the loosing of HP comes from struggling instead of from the rape, will there be a downside to just letting the enemies have their way with you?

Thanks, glad you like it!

There's no "downside" per se to being raped, but it DOES change which ending you get. One thing I'm very firm on is that I don't want the H-scenes to be negative to your progression through Crisis Point; I want the player to be able to enjoy the sex scenes whenever they please, not just in a gallery mode.

With that in mind, I decided there will be multiple endings to the game - an ending where you avoid the majority of rape, and an ending where you've been "raped" a lot. The endings aren't 'good' and 'bad' endings, just different. I don't want the player to feel like they have to avoid rape to get the 'true' ending or anything, but I figured a narrative change would be an interesting way to make sure the player getting frequently raped isn't just ignored.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Thanks, glad you like it!

There's no "downside" per se to being raped, but it DOES change which ending you get. One thing I'm very firm on is that I don't want the H-scenes to be negative to your progression through Crisis Point; I want the player to be able to enjoy the sex scenes whenever they please, not just in a gallery mode.

With that in mind, I decided there will be multiple endings to the game - an ending where you avoid the majority of rape, and an ending where you've been "raped" a lot. The endings aren't 'good' and 'bad' endings, just different. I don't want the player to feel like they have to avoid rape to get the 'true' ending or anything, but I figured a narrative change would be an interesting way to make sure the player getting frequently raped isn't just ignored.

Played it. It is coming along quite well. I can certainly feel the Metroid influences. Just a note, when you get to 0 hp and continue to take "damage" I notice there is a flicker of -2 on the health bar again and again while being hurt. Not sure if you want that sum to remain in.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Played it. It is coming along quite well. I can certainly feel the Metroid influences. Just a note, when you get to 0 hp and continue to take "damage" I notice there is a flicker of -2 on the health bar again and again while being hurt. Not sure if you want that sum to remain in.

Yeah, I just didn't notice it before that update went live. I'll fix it before the next update, thanks.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Thanks, Kriss! I'm glad you like the game!

Unfortunately - assuming you weren't being sarcastic - I'm gonna have to disappoint you on the voices - they aren't english, they're from a japanese voice pack my buddy Azure recommended to me :p They certainly aren't the typical voices you'd hear in an H-game, though. I wanted Alicia to have a bit of a more mature, womanly voice than most japanese characters tend to have, so I grabbed the 'oldest' voice that was available in the pack and slightly pitch-shifted it to suit my needs. I'm happy with how it turned out, but don't expect any spoken dialogue, lol.

Curses I hath been duped!
But it is okay, it sounds nice regardless hahaha.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Unnamed Dialog Test Dummy #01 is the best character.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Unnamed Dialog Test Dummy #01 is the best character.

Glad you approve of him, lol. I want the dialogue in Crisis Point to be very natural and flow well. To that end I'm going to try and make the dialogue change a bit depending on what your circumstances are, so they don't just ignore the fact that you ran into the room with no clothes on, lol.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

It was great to see if he would notice.

That sounds great about the endings, and generally keeping track of your sexual activity during the game. Have you ever played Hounds of the Blade? It saves an entire page of various sex stats. Would you be interested in including something like that?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

when you shoot the floor and trap the blue dudes, they walk to the right and then... ram their heads into the ceiling i guess? they bug out and float there, turning when i walk over them. obviously if it's this one spot it's not a big deal, but just thought i'd mention it in case it could provide insight into some greater issue.


granted, i'm pretty sure this screen is highly derivative of one or more super metroid screens (which is fine; greatest game ever made, yo), and in that case you needed power bombs to advance further down. if that's the case here -- ie. you need some further powerup to keep going -- then rock on. however, if that's not the case, this is an example of the "pointless secret" that frustrates players like me. obviously i could just be missing step 2 of the secret, but in many cases in super metroid, there were weird little alcoves or rooms that literally served no purpose whatsoever. i assume they were the remnants of altered ideas or schemes of player events... regardless, they are super frustrating and break my "i am exploring a universe" mindset, and activate my "person walking through scripted hallway made by another person" mindset, if that makes sense.

PS. why show us the slimes if we can't get to them rrrghhhhr
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

This looks like its starting to come together nicely. The framework seems to be just about all there. The controls feels good, the screen transitions were nice, there's a definite sense of humor, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing more. This is an exciting project.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

It was great to see if he would notice.

That sounds great about the endings, and generally keeping track of your sexual activity during the game. Have you ever played Hounds of the Blade? It saves an entire page of various sex stats. Would you be interested in including something like that?

Most definitely, I had planned on adding in a similar sex stats page to the final game. It's a fun little bonus after you've been playing it for a while, and it'll take me next to no effort to program it in. As for the NPC, the idea actually came about because he didn't notice at first. I noticed how awkward the dialogue felt when he made no comments on whether she was naked or not, so naturally I fixed that. Glad you liked it!

@textbook - Thanks for the detailed analysis, lol. I'm happy to announce that you have nothing to worry about - here are explanations, in order of the things you mentioned:
-The blue guys' AI was never finished, honestly. I kind of just threw them in at the last moment and I didn't test it very well. They'll function much better once they're ready for their real debut. Thanks for pointing out the glitch though, I didn't realize they got stuck in ceilings.
-The 'pointless secret' is a thing that irritates me as well. Finding something new and getting all excited only to find out that it means nothing is a horrible feeling, lol. The reason for it in that demo is because I just wanted to show off the fact that there ARE 'breakable' walls and floors and such, partially to see if anybody would even notice them. The solid floor beneath them was just there temporarily because the area below was empty and incomplete. There's no extra powerup needed there, simply because there's nothing else to see. :p That kind of thing will most certainly show up later on, though.
-The slimes were pretty similar to the breakable floors, actually. They were on display, so to speak. Their AI was horribly unfinished and incompatible with about 90% of the level design, so I had to throw them in an enclosed environment so they wouldn't be teleporting all over and causing chaos. They have since been recoded entirely and no longer pose a threat to the natural order of things.

Again, thanks for the in-depth look! It's good to see people are excited enough for the project to be experimenting and thinking about things like that!

@Onyx - Thanks a ton, man! It means a lot to get comments like this, shows that all the work is really paying off :)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

anon42 said:
Again, thanks for the in-depth look! It's good to see people are excited enough for the project to be experimenting and thinking about things like that!

Don't forget that this is an erotic, fetish, game, hobbyist forum. Those are four pretty narrow qualifiers, and several of them are at best taboo, and at worst associated with shame, vice, neuroses, etc. I'm sure you're aware of this, but I'd just like to restate that if there has ever been a place where the majority is silent, it's here. The actual number of people rooting for you almost certainly exceeds your expectations. Not only the number of people, but their conviction as well.

Consider someone like me. I mean, I love game design, but am just straight-up not creative. Without landing several implausibly specific jobs, I probably won't ever be involved in making a game. That being said, watching you make your game is sort of a way for me to live vicariously through you. For me, it's fascinating, even inspiring, to watch you pluck ideas from your mind and make them into realities. If I try to demonstrate even my most vivid and concrete imaginings, babies start crying, flowers wilt, and dogs growl at me. Here, I'll do it right now.


Oh god. What have I done.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say here is that you shouldn't be so (or perhaps act so) surprised when people show interest in your game. Just because they're not posting, doesn't mean they aren't there.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Don't forget that this is an erotic, fetish, game, hobbyist forum. Those are four pretty narrow qualifiers, and several of them are at best taboo, and at worst associated with shame, vice, neuroses, etc. I'm sure you're aware of this, but I'd just like to restate that if there has ever been a place where the majority is silent, it's here. The actual number of people rooting for you almost certainly exceeds your expectations. Not only the number of people, but their conviction as well.

Consider someone like me. I mean, I love game design, but am just straight-up not creative. Without landing several implausibly specific jobs, I probably won't ever be involved in making a game. That being said, watching you make your game is sort of a way for me to live vicariously through you. For me, it's fascinating, even inspiring, to watch you pluck ideas from your mind and make them into realities. If I try to demonstrate even my most vivid and concrete imaginings, babies start crying, flowers wilt, and dogs growl at me. Here, I'll do it right now.

[image removed to save the babies' tears]

Oh god. What have I done.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say here is that you shouldn't be so (or perhaps act so) surprised when people show interest in your game. Just because they're not posting, doesn't mean they aren't there.

I don't think it's so much surprise as it is just straight-up elation. No matter how many people show interest, it's still an honor whenever somebody gives me a comment like OnyxShadow's - or like yours just now. It's humbling, inspiring and motivating, all in equal measure. I wouldn't doubt it comes off as surprise, but it's more about just how much it means to me as a dev and as a person. I don't want to sound sappy or anything, but it really does mean a lot.

Also, as horrifying as your creativity seems from that picture, and as common as the advice may be, don't give up - if you have something you're passionate about, you'll get there someday as long as you stay determined. I myself have never had any lessons or teaching in game design, animation, spriting, coding, or any of those things. I just love them all and I've practiced for immeasurable hours to get where I am today. Perseverance trumps all.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Hum in version 2.0 i cant shoot aim or spawn enemies + theres no enemies at all,weird? can only walk around and jump.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Hum in version 2.0 i cant shoot aim or spawn enemies + theres no enemies at all,weird? can only walk around and jump.

There are multiple areas. Walk off the side of the screen. Also, it's v.02, not 2.0, the game's nowhere near that far into development, lol.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

There are multiple areas. Walk off the side of the screen. Also, it's v.02, not 2.0, the game's nowhere near that far into development, lol.

i did walk around..until i hit blue doors kinda then went back..nothing
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

i did walk around..until i hit blue doors kinda then went back..nothing

You're supposed to go up in the cave area, then left, then drop down to pick up the gun that you can see while you're going through the second screen. The gun lets you go through blue doors by shooting them.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Hey, Anon, can you go over Patreon funding levels?

Is the dollar donation just advance info on the status of the game?
Is the 10 dollar limit the one where you get access to the alpha copies?

And do you have an ETA on how long you'll be developing this game?

It looks like it could be a lot of fun :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Hey, Anon, can you go over Patreon funding levels?

Is the dollar donation just advance info on the status of the game?
Is the 10 dollar limit the one where you get access to the alpha copies?

And do you have an ETA on how long you'll be developing this game?

It looks like it could be a lot of fun :D

Yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head! The $1 tier has all the info, screenshots, and maybe someday videos I share about the game through the Patreon activity feed. The $10 and $5 tiers get you the latest alpha/prototype every month when it's released, which is near the end of the month (aiming for the 27th this time.) Keep in mind that Patron cards are only charged once every month, at the beginning of the month. It won't ever happen more frequently than that.

As for how long the game will be in development - until it's done, really. It's way too early for me to give an estimate on it, and I'm not the type to sacrifice quality for the sake of sticking to a release date. Don't expect any release date announcements for at least several months, I don't plan on really thinking about that until the game is further into development.

Glad you like the game!