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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Yeah, that's a pretty rampant issue with Patreon. A couple of my artist pals have had people join their Patreon, collect the new content, then leave before their cards are charged. It's a dick move, and I completely understand the desire to prevent it, ESPECIALLY since you're kind enough to still give public updates. I know a few Patreons that AREN'T giving demo's/updates to anyone but donators.

Seriously, if whoever is doing that is reading this, are you really so impatient you'll fake a donation in order to get it early? Either be willing to donate or wait with the rest of us.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I'd like to test your game and help you find bugs, message me!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I have a thought.

I always liked it in Garden of Grotesque when you'd find the green slimes, and they'd attack the heroine by actually going inside her and staying there. She'd get afflicted with a negative status, walk slower, and cough up green stuff every so often. I legitimately don't remember how they came out; I think you had to regurgitate them? Regardless, I just wanted to say that I like it when enemies latch onto the heroine and affect or alter her status in ways other than simply subtracting HP on physical contact (or on a grab animation initiated by physical contact).

Personal preference obviously. But again, just a thought I felt might help you brainstorm.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Game looks awesome so far! Can't wait to check out the full version!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I have a thought.

I always liked it in Garden of Grotesque when you'd find the green slimes, and they'd attack the heroine by actually going inside her and staying there. She'd get afflicted with a negative status, walk slower, and cough up green stuff every so often. I legitimately don't remember how they came out; I think you had to regurgitate them? Regardless, I just wanted to say that I like it when enemies latch onto the heroine and affect or alter her status in ways other than simply subtracting HP on physical contact (or on a grab animation initiated by physical contact).

Personal preference obviously. But again, just a thought I felt might help you brainstorm.

I've always liked this kind of thing too. I do have some enemies planned with functions other than just doing damage, like slowing her down or rooting her in place. There's a lot of interesting applications for that kind of thing in encounter design, so I plan on taking full advantage of it. Thanks for your thoughts!

@SethK - Thanks for the support, man. I'm definitely trying to not screw over the people who can't/won't donate, I don't want to leave them out entirely, so it sucks when people just aren't willing to have a bit of patience. At least those people are the minority though, I'm lucky enough to have tons of amazing supporters, both on and off Patreon. I appreciate the heck out of you guys!

@Vinceras - Thanks! The full version won't be ready any time soon, but I'm looking forward to that eventual day, too ;)

@Mister2332 - Sorry man, I'm not really giving the game out for testing like that. I do my own testing, and the monthly updates I release are a sort of beta test for the public. If anyone finds glitches I haven't fixed while playing, they let me know so I can fix it up. In any case, I don't really need people just for beta testing right now.

Alright, now that the replies are taken care of, small announcement!

I've decided that the public update will be coming out on the 25th from now on. This will give people enough time to play it and, if interested, sign up to the Patreon campaign just before the next update comes out.

Speaking of that, I'd like to clarify one small thing - I will be switching my Patreon campaign to a monthly system soon. This means that signing on in the middle of the month will not grant you access to the beta, starting October. You must be signed on before the month begins, so your pledge can be processed, as I will only be giving the beta out to patrons who have successfully donated. It's the only way I can prevent piracy.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Hey all, time for the last update before the new prototype hits!

Here's a still from the slime's sex scene.

There will also be a version of this scene with 2 slimes, but it's not in the v.03 update.

In other news, my artist bailed on me - so if there's anyone here interested in collaborating with me to do the background art for Crisis Point, or if you have any ideas on where I could start looking for an artist, feel free to chime in. I have high standards, but I'm willing to negotiate pay for work that meets my expectations.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

In other news, my artist bailed on me

What a bomb shell, maybe you should try using placeholder to continue the work before another good artist hop on to the boat. Cause a good-skilled, in free time, willing to draw hentai animation sprite and cheap one are super rare.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

What a bomb shell, maybe you should try using placeholder to continue the work before another good artist hop on to the boat. Cause a good-skilled, in free time, willing to draw hentai animation sprite and cheap one are super rare.

Sorry for the misconception - I meant my background artist, lol. All of the character art and animation is done by me. I'm just no good at background tilesets and such.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25)

Evening, everybody! Time for another public Crisis Point update! It's still technically a few hours until the 25th where I am, butt fuck it. Updates for everyone!

Now that the control scheme has changed quite a bit, I'll go ahead and list the controls for you all again:

WSAD - Movement, aiming. Rapidly tap to struggle when KO'd/being raped.
K - Jump. Double jump in midair, jump through thin platforms when holding Down (S).
J - Shoot.
L - Diagonal aim button. Forces Alicia to aim diagonally when held, maintains last direction held.
F4 - Switch between fullscreen/windowed.
R - Restart game.
Escape - Quit game.

Unfortunately, the background art hasn't changed much, considering Dace leaving the project. However, I hope you all enjoy v.03 regardless! I'll leave you with the goals list for this update, as an overview of the major changes that have been made.

-Update shooting animations, poses; add shooting straight down in midair
-Design, animate and prep enemies for combat (slimes)
-Finish planning out progression from start to finish (upgrades + world traversal roadmap)
-Rework controls into WSAD, prepare for customizable controls
-More sex animations (slime)
-Implement health-restoration items
-Draw Alicia's base portrait for conversations
-Create more content (areas)


(One last note - the background music playing is temporary. It's called 'Babylon,' and is composed by Kevin MacLeod. You can find it at . I'm just using it to give you an idea of what the music style I'm going for is, until I can compose my own or hire a musician.)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

YAY! An update.
Sounds like you've got a new background artist?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

YAY! An update.
Sounds like you've got a new background artist?

Nope, not yet. I'm in talks with some people, so hopefully I'll have info to share on that soon, and the background art will likely be completely reworked when it happens! In the meantime, I'm making do with edits of the existing tiles when I need them.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Eh, I wish I had half of the spriting skills that you have - they're just gorgeous. I have one lousy sprite to make for something I'm making and I can't get it right :/. Must keep practicing...

Is it just me or does Alice look in the portrait like a guy? Sprite doesn't leave room for interpretation (boing, boing ;)), but that portrait is bugging me.
Unnamed Dialogue TestDummy mentions something about one tile lower jump and in the same room there's a ledge which looks like it's one tile too high. Is it on purpose or was it not changed after jump change? Same thing in the room with first slime.
Ah, almost forgot... is there a way to re-cloth Alice or is it related to health or not yet existing pick-up?

Well, good luck with your search for BG artist and game in general.
Last edited:
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Eh, I wish I had half of the spriting skills that you have - they're just gorgeous. I have one lousy sprite to make for something I'm making and I can't get it right :/. Must keep practicing...

Is it just me or does Alice look in the portrait like a guy? Sprite doesn't leave room for interpretation (boing, boing ;)), but that portrait is bugging me.
Unnamed Dialogue TestDummy mentions something about one tile lower jump and in the same room there's a ledge which looks like it's one tile too high. Is it on purpose or was it not changed after jump change? Same thing in the room with first slime.
Ah, almost forgot... is there a way to re-cloth Alice or is it related to health or not yet existing pick-up?

Well, good look with your search for BG artist and game in general.

Hey, thanks! I'm glad to know you like the sprites, after all the work that's been put into them. Just keep practicing, and don't be afraid to 'mimic' other styles to try and get a handle on the basics. Inspiration is a powerful thing, and once you've nailed the ins and outs, your own style will come forth and you'll be spriting just as good as anyone else!

As for the portrait, I'm not sure.. Something has always felt just a tiny bit off about it to me, but I've never been able to place my finger on it. If anybody else has some input on the portrait, please do chime in and let me know.

The blocks you can't jump to are very much intentional. Every platform that's too high was either placed that way for a reason, or is part of an incomplete room - but don't forget you can give yourself double jump after collecting the health upgrade. There aren't really any secrets to find yet, though.

Her outfit - once you get the debug 'cheats' activated by collecting the health upgrade, you can turn her outfit on and off at will, but right now you can get your clothes back by talking to Unnamed Dialogue Test Dummy #1. Once the game gets a bit further into development and I add save points, she'll get her clothes back when she uses those.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I guess her chin is too short or her neck is too big, or something.

But with all the Bishōnen males in anime the blur between male and females is pretty thin at times
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

I guess her chin is too short or her neck is too big, or something.

But with all the Bishōnen males in anime the blur between male and females is pretty thin at times

This ain't anime. I don't want to see any weird androgyny bullshit. Or literally anything having anything to do with anime.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

@Anon42 - thanks for the spriting tips. About 'cheats' - any hint on how to activate them? Collected health pick-up (not sure if it was "upgrade"), but I haven't noticed any difference - tried some keys, but hitting reset one by accident cooled my enthusiasm ;) - maybe you could change it to F12 (many engines use this for reset) or something.
And forgot one thing - when sex scene is triggered near left/right edge of the screen - normal view is visible under zoomed view - not sure if it's intentional.
Oh, and there was error in my last post "good look" was supposed to be "good luck", but you probably figured it out (damn, I need sleep bad).
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

@Anon42 - thanks for the spriting tips. About 'cheats' - any hint on how to activate them? Collected health pick-up (not sure if it was "upgrade"), but I haven't noticed any difference - tried some keys, but hitting reset one by accident cooled my enthusiasm ;) - maybe you could change it to F12 (many engines use this for reset) or something.
And forgot one thing - when sex scene is triggered near left/right edge of the screen - normal view is visible under zoomed view - not sure if it's intentional.
Oh, and there was error in my last post "good look" was supposed to be "good luck", but you probably figured it out (damn, I need sleep bad).

The health upgrade is at the end of the demo. You get a dialogue popup when you get it, and it lists out the different cheats you can use. I can move the reset key to F12 though, I'm used to using R but it does make sense to have it further away from the action. Thanks for the suggestion!

The normal view being visible while zoomed in is definitely a glitch. I didn't notice it for v.03, but I fixed it a little while ago so it won't be there for the next update. Thanks for pointing it out!

@MrMe - Now that you mention it, her neck does look a tiny bit too long. I'll see if I can fix that. I also noticed the right side of her face goes out farther than it should, so I'll edit that, too. Hopefully it'll be enough to fix it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention! Here's the list of the goals for the v.04 update, which will be coming to Patreon in about a week, and to the public on October 25th:

UPDATE V.04 GOALS - Combat focused update!
-Add in Force Shot upgrade
-Add sliding ability
-Add in a non-knockdown "taking damage" animation
-Update crouching animation
-New HUD
-Design, animate, and prep enemies for combat (tentacles)
-Add in lighting system
-Improve camera
-Fix the visual glitches zoom-in is causing
-More sex animations (tentacles, slime duo)
-Create more content (areas)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

This ain't anime. I don't want to see any weird androgyny bullshit. Or literally anything having anything to do with anime.

I'm annoyed that I have to add something here instead of creating a post consisting entirely of a quote I agree with.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Sept. 25th)

This ain't anime. I don't want to see any weird androgyny bullshit. Or literally anything having anything to do with anime.

I'm annoyed that I have to add something here instead of creating a post consisting entirely of a quote I agree with.

Well, I mean.. The art is a bit anime-inspired.. pls don't hate me