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[DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

can you guys add me? my ID is 12575001 and one question why do I see people that have spawned event bosses but no one kills it? Im looking at the chick with the head gear with about 25% hp missing that I think I did to it but it has 14 mins left till its gone.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

About this Dark Asagi do you guys know if she's gonna be in the normal rotation as well after this?
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Another thing perhaps is to make some changes to the ranking rewards for the arena as well, just for that extra boost of motivation. I still can't make head or tails of how the rewards are handed out, even after reading the FAQs.

Agreed. Not only is it needlessly confusing, the rewards are also barely worth the effort. I don't see why they couldn't just distribute rewards weekly based on rank the same way they do for events, ie ranks 1-10 5x gacha ticket; 11-20 4x gacha ticket; 21-30 3x gacha ticket, etc.

THIS. Definitely this. To add to that, the Weak BP potions should be augmented to recover half the BP of the cap, instead of the weak +1 BP per use. That was annoying as hell when you have +50% Endurance Recovery and +1 BP Recovery. To add even more to it, there should be a timer to show how long it'll take for HP and BP to recover to full.

Yeah, the lack of symmetry between BP and stamina pots annoys me too. While they're at it, they should fix that ridiculous bug which causes the BP recovery timer to get reset every time you spend some or restore some with a potion.

Or perhaps, here are my 2 cents on it, there should be an Affection Meter that only goes up as you use the cards, slowly culminating in unlocking of H-scenes and/or boost the card's stats slightly. That will really make it so that players form an emotional attachment to that. As a corollary to that, maybe make it so that you can still level in missions as well as training but perhaps weaken the amount of EXP gained from training.

Ah, I like that idea. Why not also have said affection meter affect skill activation chance since that has probably been the cause of more frustration than any other part of the game?

Another thing I will say: They really should boost the odds of those HR and SR drops for the raid bosses. As it were, you have a better chance of getting a LR from a Gacha than you are of getting a SR from the raid bosses, which kinda defeats the point.

Yeah, I'd love to get one of the SR drops one of these days, but I actually think the HR drop chance is reasonable enough. I actually got 6 Milia drops during the first boss hunt event + 1 from getting the requisite number of points, so I've got two extra ones just sitting there taking up space in my card album and I'm too scared to get rid of them for fear that they might end up being worth something down the road.

I only got two HR drops from the previous event though. :(

In regards to your very last point, I'd have to say that the frequent events are getting tiresome. It's one of the reason I ended up quitting Valkyrie Crusade but hey, I'm a sucker for Kagami-sensei's art. So yeah, despite the amount of un-fun there is on this game, we (or maybe just me) sure have invested quite a lot to it. Or perhaps because of it, we wish for the game to be better.

Yes, it's certainly quite the slippery slope. The more time and money you invest into it, the more loathe you are to just drop the whole thing to go enjoy something more worthwhile. Every minute I spend "playing" it, I can feel its sinewy tendrils wrapping themselves ever tighter around me, refusing to let go.

How do you check your server again?

Status screen for server and ID. Event ranking screen will also tell you your server, but not your ID.

can you guys add me? my ID is 12575001 and one question why do I see people that have spawned event bosses but no one kills it? Im looking at the chick with the head gear with about 25% hp missing that I think I did to it but it has 14 mins left till its gone.

Would help if you'd tell us which server you're on.

The raid boss mechanics were recently changed. Now, when calling for a rescue, only your 10 most recently logged in friends and 10 other random players will receive an invitation to participate. Among those 20 people, each could have varying reasons not to help, including being fresh out of BP, not wanting to waste BP on a boss who is just about to escape anyway (14 mins is cutting it pretty close), being unaware of the request (e.g. if receiving it just as they leave the game), having a team too weak to fight the boss effectively, etc.

Note that in terms of cost efficiency, it is a worse use of BP to fight other players' bosses, since they keep 10% of the event points and one out of the three randomly determined rewards for being the discoverer. The only advantages to doing so are being able to gather points without spending any stamina to search for bosses and being able to fight higher-leveled bosses on occasion (ergo more points).

About this Dark Asagi do you guys know if she's gonna be in the normal rotation as well after this?

What rotation?
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

About this Dark Asagi do you guys know if she's gonna be in the normal rotation as well after this?

Sorry, she's only available for this event as a ranking reward and a SR Raid Boss drop. Maybe in the future, they might add her to the gacha list but at this point in time, it's highly HIGHLY unlikely.

@gmen: Perhaps we should add this to the FAQ?

Q: Will I be able to acquire the event cards after the event ended?
A: Unfortunately no. For the time being at least, event cards are exclusive to the event they are introduced in.


Agreed. Not only is it needlessly confusing, the rewards are also barely worth the effort. I don't see why they couldn't just distribute rewards weekly based on rank the same way they do for events, ie ranks 1-10 5x gacha ticket; 11-20 4x gacha ticket; 21-30 3x gacha ticket, etc.

Aye, that would makes more sense and gives a better incentive to participate in the PVP arena. The only reason I even participate in the first place is really to use it as a BP sink for when I'm unable to hunt raid bosses on a more full-time basis.

Ah, I like that idea. Why not also have said affection meter affect skill activation chance since that has probably been the cause of more frustration than any other part of the game?

Oh that's a nice one. I wonder if we should sent some of these ideas in as suggestions? But would the devs even listen and/or implement these ideas?

Yeah, I'd love to get one of the SR drops one of these days, but I actually think the HR drop chance is reasonable enough. I actually got 6 Milia drops during the first boss hunt event + 1 from getting the requisite number of points, so I've got two extra ones just sitting there taking up space in my card album and I'm too scared to get rid of them for fear that they might end up being worth something down the road.

I only got two HR drops from the previous event though. :(

I have no qualms with the HR drops but the SR drops really annoys me. I feel for those who sink in time and money to get a copy of the event SR, only to be screwed out of it because they didn't get into the ranks.

Yes, it's certainly quite the slippery slope. The more time and money you invest into it, the more loathe you are to just drop the whole thing to go enjoy something more worthwhile. Every minute I spend "playing" it, I can feel its sinewy tendrils wrapping themselves ever tighter around me, refusing to let go.

I guess that's what economists called the sunk cost fallacy or "throwing good money after bad". But there's no denying that it will hurt to walk away after so much investment in them. I just wish I'm earning US dollars to compensate for this investment.

The raid boss mechanics were recently changed. Now, when calling for a rescue, only your 10 most recently logged in friends and 10 other random players will receive an invitation to participate. Among those 20 people, each could have varying reasons not to help, including being fresh out of BP, not wanting to waste BP on a boss who is just about to escape anyway (14 mins is cutting it pretty close), being unaware of the request (e.g. if receiving it just as they leave the game), having a team too weak to fight the boss effectively, etc.

Note that in terms of cost efficiency, it is a worse use of BP to fight other players' bosses, since they keep 10% of the event points and one out of the three randomly determined rewards for being the discoverer. The only advantages to doing so are being able to gather points without spending any stamina to search for bosses and being able to fight higher-leveled bosses on occasion (ergo more points).

On this point, I'd said they really need to revamp how this is done. As it were, there's very little in the way of incentive to help out outside of not wanting to waste stamina to hunt them down. To be frank, it's not even much of anything because without trying, I have more than enough 1/2 Endurance Recovery Potion to make up for any loss stamina in hunting them.

I think during the SR Rinko event, they were heading down the right direction, allowing friends to use 0BP to do a weak attack against the raid bosses but alas, they removed that feature. I would add to that and suggest they have a participation bonus for those who participate in the battle, just so that they get something for their trouble.

Further to that, I think they should also revamp the friend and assist system because let's be honest, almost everyone are selecting players with high-tier leader cards as friends because of the usefulness of these cards' skills/stats. It really hurts the newbies who have trouble dealing with raid bosses and might actually discourage them from investing further.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I can't read or type the name but I'm the same server as that current 3rd ranking person WDBN
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I'm currently without friends, so if anyone would like to friend me...

Server is Yomihara and ID is 13845694. Current best leader card is Rebecca Silky.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I just started add if you'd like. ID 17095373 on amidahara.

Also anyone has a screen with explanations about the friends screen?
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I used to be able to google translate most of the game by right clicking then opening in a new tab but for some reason only this game gives me 404 errors after the first time for some reason
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I'm guessing the cards from the event boss drop at a non existant rate after reading through earlier complaints do the cards get put into the gachas or something or are all the events on here total ass?
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I just started add if you'd like. ID 17095373 on amidahara.

Also anyone has a screen with explanations about the friends screen?

Hmm... well, I don't have a screen with explanations but I can explain the menu buttons from top left to bottom right, so here goes:

  1. Friend Comment - Allows you to receive and send comments to friends.
  2. Friend Approval - Allows to approve or reject other players' friend request. The button on the left is to reject; the one on the right is to approve and the further right one is to approve all.
  3. Friend History - Shows a short history of friends that met you or you've met during your quest.
  4. Friend Search - Shows a list of players to request as friends and allows you to enter the ID of a player to search for them specifically (on the top right corner). Take note that the player must be in the same server as you to show up as a potential friend request in the ID search.
  5. Friend Quest Help - Shows the last 10 friends/players that you used as assists, help you defeat a Raid Bosses or selected you as assists.
  6. Friend Request - Shows you a list of friends request that you send out. Allows you to also delete the request, should they prove non-responsive.
  7. Friend Index - The main page, shows all your friends and their last known activity. The button on the left is to delete player as a friend; button on the right is to greet the friend, netting you 8 Silver Medals per day; and the button on the further right is to greet all.

Hope that helps and is not too confusing.

I'm guessing the cards from the event boss drop at a non existant rate after reading through earlier complaints? Do the cards get put into the gachas or something or are all the events on here total ass?

Well... as mentioned in the quick FAQ, based on observation, the SR drops at an extremely low rate, assuming they haven't change that. These event cards are not put into the gachas after the end of the event, so your one and only shot at getting them is to either be extremely lucky or to get into the top 2,000 in ranking. In the case of the stamina-based event, if you're not in the top 2,000, then you're SOL in getting the event SR. To be honest, the odds of getting the event UR is much higher than seeing that SR dropped from the raid boss.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I guess if I can earn the 30,000 point card at least I'll have gotten something at least though the other event SR looks pretty nice but unobtainable for me. I hope that maybe when I get a few lvls under my belt it'll actually be possible to stay in the event top 2000 with just hard work and not spending hundreds of dollars buying recovery items or the best cards so you overpower everyone else. that seems to be the typical pattern of most of these dmm of games I've played so far, the event reward goes only to the big spenders.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Oh that's a nice one. I wonder if we should sent some of these ideas in as suggestions? But would the devs even listen and/or implement these ideas?

I wouldn't count on it. Pretty sure they never meant for the game to be "fun" to begin with; they really don't try to hide the fact that they just want an easy way to tap into that ample erogamer disposable income. Besides, Lilith doesn't exactly have a strong pedigree in game design and fan expectations are commensurate with that, so I doubt there's much demand for a huge overhaul.

I have no qualms with the HR drops but the SR drops really annoys me. I feel for those who sink in time and money to get a copy of the event SR, only to be screwed out of it because they didn't get into the ranks.

True. I actually just prefer to act like there are no drops at all. The tower events are limited to just the rank-based rewards for the SR and I like to think of the boss hunt events as being no different. That way, I don't torture myself when some other players find two SR drops on the very first day and I don't over the course of the entire week.

I guess that's what economists called the sunk cost fallacy or "throwing good money after bad". But there's no denying that it will hurt to walk away after so much investment in them. I just wish I'm earning US dollars to compensate for this investment.

Heh. Well, they'll have to pull the plug on this game eventually. Someday, it'll all go up in smoke whether we like it or not. Probably better to walk away from it before it comes to that.

On this point, I'd said they really need to revamp how this is done. As it were, there's very little in the way of incentive to help out outside of not wanting to waste stamina to hunt them down. To be frank, it's not even much of anything because without trying, I have more than enough 1/2 Endurance Recovery Potion to make up for any loss stamina in hunting them.

I think during the SR Rinko event, they were heading down the right direction, allowing friends to use 0BP to do a weak attack against the raid bosses but alas, they removed that feature. I would add to that and suggest they have a participation bonus for those who participate in the battle, just so that they get something for their trouble.

Yeah, as I see it, it's actually disadvantageous for both parties to ask for and participate in rescues: for the discoverer, it's a highly inefficient use of stamina, since you only get 10% of the point worth and lose out on two rewards if you don't spend any BP, and for the rescuer, it's an inefficient use of BP for the reasons outlined in my previous post. Essentially, the transaction itself does not add value to anything. If the devs really wanted to encourage players to help each other, they'd need to add value to the boss proportionate to the number of players involved (e.g. an extra 10% point value per player and an extra reward of some kind). Or another way could be to make the bosses far too difficult to take down alone, therefore forcing players to rescue each other. The encounter rate would have to be dramatically reduced in order for players not to be swarmed in undefeatable bosses, and the discoverer reward would need to be increased accordingly.

Oh, also forgot to mention: there is actually one additional advantage to fighting a friend's boss, even with the reward penalty: the guaranteed skill activation. Since boss rescues bypass the friend helper cooldown, they can, in certain cases, allow you to be MORE efficient with your BP than otherwise.

By the way, the reason they removed the free weak attack that was present during the Rinko event was because a large number of unscrupulous players started creating alternate accounts to defeat bosses at no BP cost, thereby inflating their scores far above those of "legitimate" players. Until they start seriously enforcing DMM's ban on multiple account holders, the 0BP attack will never return. And although they've already threatened to numerous times, I highly doubt they'll ever bring the hammer down, since it would mean cutting into their own profits.

Further to that, I think they should also revamp the friend and assist system because let's be honest, almost everyone are selecting players with high-tier leader cards as friends because of the usefulness of these cards' skills/stats. It really hurts the newbies who have trouble dealing with raid bosses and might actually discourage them from investing further.

Haha, yeah. I remember sending out friend requests when first starting out and having nothing but a handful of weak R cards, only to be blithely ignored, or added then removed the next day. Now, with SR Masked Oboro as my team leader, my friend list has suddenly filled up and even my friend request queue is nearly full.

It's kind of ironic that back when I had no friends, I needed to constantly refresh the helper list to find someone useful... and now that my friend list is full I constantly need to refresh the helper list to find the friends I actually need.

But yeah, I agree that the friend/assist system needs a revamp. Frankly, I feel that in its current state, it adds nothing at all to the game... besides extra stress on their servers to deal with the constant refreshing.

I can't read or type the name but I'm the same server as that current 3rd ranking person WDBN

東京キングダム - Tokyo Kingdom
アミダハラ - Amidahara
ヨミハラ - Yomihara

I'm currently without friends, so if anyone would like to friend me...

Server is Yomihara and ID is 13845694. Current best leader card is Rebecca Silky.

Same server, but my list is already full, sorry. Though if anyone becomes inactive for an extended period of time, I'll make room for you. Actually, I think they said something about being able to add extra friends during the event, but I never actually figured out how to do that.

I'm guessing the cards from the event boss drop at a non existant rate after reading through earlier complaints do the cards get put into the gachas or something or are all the events on here total ass?

HR drops are okay. You're almost guaranteed to get at least one if you participate over the course of the entire week. You also get a copy of the HR for reaching 30000 points, which should easily be within everyone's reach. And despite all the whining about SR drops, they're clearly not that uncommon since even within the limited circle of people who post in this thread, there have already been one or two mentions of finding one.

The events are total ass regardless though.

I guess if I can earn the 30,000 point card at least I'll have gotten something at least though the other event SR looks pretty nice but unobtainable for me. I hope that maybe when I get a few lvls under my belt it'll actually be possible to stay in the event top 2000 with just hard work and not spending hundreds of dollars buying recovery items or the best cards so you overpower everyone else. that seems to be the typical pattern of most of these dmm of games I've played so far, the event reward goes only to the big spenders.

Well the 30k point card is also limited to this event, so at least that's something. Aiming low when you're first starting out is a good idea, I think I ended in the 20,000s (rank, not points) during my first event. Missing out on a limited card sucks, but you'll quickly get over it since they have a new one every other week. I'm currently in the 1200s and haven't spent a dime on this event, so getting in the top 2000 without paying is definitely possible, although it takes some prep work. The current kind of event ("boss hunts") is actually pretty generous to free-to-play players, since it tests your team composition rather than any other single parameter - unlike tower events, in which those with the highest level and most stamina pots always win. I'll admit that having good cards and tons of BP recovery items does go a long way though.

Incidentally, does anyone else feel like they increased the occurrence of Fever Time? It seems to be happening strangely often today. I've been guzzling red pots like they're water and I'm running a marathon in the Sahara Desert in mid-August.

Oh, another thing I almost forgot: this event is helpful if you're a new player looking to expand your card collection, since it generously hands out rare medals like Halloween candy. Rare medals have a 50% chance of producing an R rarity card or better, and can rarely give the awesome SR rarity cards (commonly seen as team leaders), which are unavailable through normal medal gacha. Rare medals tend to be sparse through normal play and other events, so you might as well gather them while you can.
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Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I wouldn't count on it. Pretty sure they never meant for the game to be "fun" to begin with; they really don't try to hide the fact that they just want an easy way to tap into that ample erogamer disposable income. Besides, Lilith doesn't exactly have a strong pedigree in game design and fan expectations are commensurate with that, so I doubt there's much demand for a huge overhaul.

To be honest, I never held any notion that they'll do anything much about it. Maybe they will do something down the line, maybe not.

True. I actually just prefer to act like there are no drops at all. The tower events are limited to just the rank-based rewards for the SR and I like to think of the boss hunt events as being no different. That way, I don't torture myself when some other players find two SR drops on the very first day and I don't over the course of the entire week.

Yeah well... I just think of the SR Raid Bosses as good place to get points. The HR Raid Boss almost always is not worth it because at higher levels, you'll almost always need 3BP or more to defeat them, netting you a meager 6,000+ pts, where as the lesser N Raid Bosses often gives a comparable return for 1 or 2 BP. The SR Raid Bosses, if you're lucky, can net you way more for 3-5 BP.

Heh. Well, they'll have to pull the plug on this game eventually. Someday, it'll all go up in smoke whether we like it or not. Probably better to walk away from it before it comes to that.

True but it's getting progressively harder to walk away. I think I must have sink it a significant amount of money (I won't say how much because that would make me feel even worse) into this game just trying to get UR Asagi during the SR Rinko event. Damn my infatuation with Asagi!

Yeah, as I see it, it's actually disadvantageous for both parties to ask for and participate in rescues: for the discoverer, it's a highly inefficient use of stamina, since you only get 10% of the point worth and lose out on two rewards if you don't spend any BP, and for the rescuer, it's an inefficient use of BP for the reasons outlined in my previous post. Essentially, the transaction itself does not add value to anything. If the devs really wanted to encourage players to help each other, they'd need to add value to the boss proportionate to the number of players involved (e.g. an extra 10% point value per player and an extra reward of some kind). Or another way could be to make the bosses far too difficult to take down alone, therefore forcing players to rescue each other. The encounter rate would have to be dramatically reduced in order for players not to be swarmed in undefeatable bosses, and the discoverer reward would need to be increased accordingly.

Well, I'm more on the side of the former than the latter. If the latter, at least let us have the ability to fight them without using BP for at least the first volley because damn, it'll be a quick BP sink because of how small the cap is. Back in VC, we have something similar, fighting against UR Raid Bosses. First volley is free for everyone who fights them but carries an AOE skill that can wipe your team in 1 shot if you're unlucky.

By the way, the reason they removed the free weak attack that was present during the Rinko event was because a large number of unscrupulous players started creating alternate accounts to defeat bosses at no BP cost, thereby inflating their scores far above those of "legitimate" players. Until they start seriously enforcing DMM's ban on multiple account holders, the 0BP attack will never return. And although they've already threatened to numerous times, I highly doubt they'll ever bring the hammer down, since it would mean cutting into their own profits.

I'm quite aware of that. There was the whole news alert thing about that.

Haha, yeah. I remember sending out friend requests when first starting out and having nothing but a handful of weak R cards, only to be blithely ignored, or added then removed the next day. Now, with SR Masked Oboro as my team leader, my friend list has suddenly filled up and even my friend request queue is nearly full.

It's kind of ironic that back when I had no friends, I needed to constantly refresh the helper list to find someone useful... and now that my friend list is full I constantly need to refresh the helper list to find the friends I actually need.

But yeah, I agree that the friend/assist system needs a revamp. Frankly, I feel that in its current state, it adds nothing at all to the game... besides extra stress on their servers to deal with the constant refreshing.

Hmmm... I don't really recall much of how friends goes during my early days of this game. I just distinctly remember having a lot of friends with Yukikaze as their leader and/or their starter cards. I got lucky with some friends with LR Oboro and Asagi but never any with LR Asuka.

The events are total ass regardless though.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Incidentally, does anyone else feel like they increased the occurrence of Fever Time? It seems to be happening strangely often today. I've been guzzling red pots like they're water and I'm running a marathon in the Sahara Desert in mid-August.

I'm not sure... Maybe? I have been guzzling the Full BP Potions like nuts since the event began and ended up around Rank 191 now. Guess I should slow down a bit there. Ugh, money sink. Really should wise up and call it quits soon.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

There go all my dreams of a place in the top 1000...
And to think that last time it was so easy. I guess not a lot of people wanted SR virgin Oboro.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Thanks for the info merc.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

is there any point in trying to get to the end of the event stages or would I be better off farming early stages for common cards to use as exp? Id only consider doing this when Im out of bp.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Well, I'm more on the side of the former than the latter. If the latter, at least let us have the ability to fight them without using BP for at least the first volley because damn, it'll be a quick BP sink because of how small the cap is. Back in VC, we have something similar, fighting against UR Raid Bosses. First volley is free for everyone who fights them but carries an AOE skill that can wipe your team in 1 shot if you're unlucky.

I actually prefer the idea of having huge bosses to fight. For instance, maybe a server-wide raid boss with a massive health pool and an escape timer of 24 hours. If defeated, would drop an event card for all participating players. Respawns the next day with increased stats if killed, same stats if not. Repeat for a few days until the end of the event. Would be a decent change of pace to the rank-focused events we've had so far.

To make it more interesting, you could have several "superbosses" attacking over the course of the day, with varying stats and attributes, with rewards determined at the end of the day by the number defeated.

There go all my dreams of a place in the top 1000...
And to think that last time it was so easy. I guess not a lot of people wanted SR virgin Oboro.

Weird, I actually feel like it's easier to maintain my rank this time around even though my team is comparatively worse than last time. On the other hand, I'm only aiming for the 1000-2000 bracket now, after getting burned by the inevitable last minute rush before.

is there any point in trying to get to the end of the event stages or would I be better off farming early stages for common cards to use as exp? Id only consider doing this when Im out of bp.

The only point to doing that would be if you're trying to make things harder for yourself down the road; there are no prizes awarded for getting to the end of any stage.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I wish there was something I could spend all my imaginary money on. ANYTHING would do. 800k gold and only rising.. Fuck you for not planning things out and only making dmm point purchases possible, Lilith.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

did they increase the hp of the story raid bosses?

I am doing ~37k damage and I am in the still in the sub lvl 10 region and they at least 5-7 hits? :eek: