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[DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

wish i didn't get a fever time 3 stages in. it made me eccentric about killing the tentacle girl. i am now 100 pots in and in low 5k place...
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

ok so i made an alt account to help collect pots. with the make a friend gatcha ticket i got the 4* rinko. with the 200pt ticket from the event i got 6* asagi.... wtf...

my main account level 56 doesn't even have cards that good. it has 4* demon ingrid and 4* yukikaze mom. has a 4* random taimanin def card with 6k def, but seriously, a 6* at level 4. i can't even feed it cards that early to max out...

Might as well ditch your main and stick with the alt then. By the way, you should be aware that playing with multiple accounts is against the TOS and several warnings have already been issued, but as long as you're willing to run the risk...

After seeing the quality of Sakura,s event i bought 10 cards and was lucky enough to get one for me, now i just need to get the older blonde girl and i'll have all four, but i'll only use tickets form the event, speaking of the event, i'm not trying this one, the top 2000th card does not appeal to me, so i'm just gonna stock pots for now.

The odds of finding a UR alone, let alone exactly the one you wanted, are pretty slim on just 10 tickets. ~9.6% or so, by my reckoning? Congratulations on your roll.

So I finally found a Mikoto drop from a Lv 157 boss during Fiibaa Taimu. I'm pretty optimistic about my chances of finding another one by the end of the event.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

i can't imagine how long it will take to get my level 4 to match my level 55... but it will be able to clear RB like a... well... boss... that IS a dilemma.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Well, when it rains, it pours, I guess. Just found another Mikoto drop as an MVP reward for rescuing someone else.

i can't imagine how long it will take to get my level 4 to match my level 55... but it will be able to clear RB like a... well... boss... that IS a dilemma.

You should actually think of it the other way around: You'll have such an easy time in the arena at low levels with Rinko and Asagi that you'll hit rank 1 in no time at all. Then you'll be rolling in free pots and gacha tickets weekly.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

i did not know mikoto can be gotten through mvp since i got her twice as a discoverer o.0

also, when you put it that way it IS worth it. i'll just max these cards out then start going on to pvp.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

It's a bit sad that Mikoto's skill wasn't a percentage increase. But whatever, I maxed it out so I'm good in that aspect.

And she'll never appear as another card again... ;_;
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

oh, how much increase is it at max level? have 3 copies of her so far. gonna wait and see how many i get before i start to train her.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

oh, how much increase is it at max level? have 3 copies of her so far. gonna wait and see how many i get before i start to train her.

Max skill is 1700 increase. Not bad, but could be better.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

damn, 2000 increase would have been awesome, but not bad for a 3*.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

school girl dropped at 97.. so yeah I plan to go for 700k points so I can at least get her to level 4, but top 2000 is out of range, even with burning only pots on fever time and i am still only at 5300. I hope I can finish in the top 5000 to get 4 gatchas, but I doubt it.

Only have 80 pb pots left.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

i just want to make it in a place that will get me the 3 gatcha tickets >.<

place: 6,840

bp pots left: 22

event points: 489,029

if i get lucky and get a fever time between these 2 days that should secure 3 gacha tickets. i just need to get lucky.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

well, lol... someone got get this rng, now i got the 2nd drop at lvl 99. :rolleyes:
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

the next event starts as soon as this one is over. that new girl does not interest me aside from the possible scenes she may have. finally i can start taking time to collect pots.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

Well, I somehow ended up in the top 200 without really meaning to. Shit sure moves at a glacial pace here. I only dropped about a dozen ranks overnight, but now I'm really worried about how hectic things are going to get on Sunday. I also don't know if I should be aiming to get into the 51-150 bracket or take it easy and stay at the top of the 151-300 one.

In other news, I've found several more Mikoto drops since the last time. They're starting to take up a lot of space in my inventory, so I'm unsure what to do with them.

the next event starts as soon as this one is over. that new girl does not interest me aside from the possible scenes she may have. finally i can start taking time to collect pots.

How can you already tell she won't interest you?
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

sorry, i dont mean effect. she is hot that's for sure, but unless she is gonna be an "easier" drop like mikoto. i don't want to waste my pots since EVENTUALLY we will have an annerose.

to say some one that hot doesn't interest me woud be a lie. so i mean she doesn't interest me enough for me to try hard to get her.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

I really wanted sakura, not only my favorite girl but also the stats are very good.

But after blowing 15 gold, 5 HRs and one SR ticket no luck. :(
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

New to the game. I have some questions about skill activation even after reading though the guide on op.

1) Does def team skills activate when fighting a raid boss? Or it is a pvp only thing?

2) If have one of the member in the attack team has a defensive skill (US forces +600 defense for example), will it activate during raid boss/pvp?

3) If have one of the member in the defense team has a attack skill (US forces +600 attack for example), will it activate during raid boss/pvp?

Thanks in advance! If I missed some obvious reading on op, sorry in advance! :D
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

New to the game. I have some questions about skill activation even after reading though the guide on op.

1) Does def team skills activate when fighting a raid boss? Or it is a pvp only thing?

2) If have one of the member in the attack team has a defensive skill (US forces +600 defense for example), will it activate during raid boss/pvp?

3) If have one of the member in the defense team has a attack skill (US forces +600 attack for example), will it activate during raid boss/pvp?

Thanks in advance! If I missed some obvious reading on op, sorry in advance! :D

1. Def team skills activate both in raid boss and pvp, you just can't see their activations.

2. Attack skills only activate in attack teams, same with def skills.
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

1. Def team skills activate both in raid boss and pvp, you just can't see their activations.

2. Attack skills only activate in attack teams, same with def skills.

1. Thanks! :D

2. If I may ask, what counts as attack skill? Attack %/points increase certainly counts as an attack skill, but I am a bit fuzzy about lowering enemy's defend %/points. As for the cutting enemies damaged (the advance skill), I hope that doesn't count as defend skill. :confused:
Re: [DMM] Taimanin Asagi

attack skill is something that helps offensively aka attack up flat/% and enemy def down flat/%

def skill are the opposite aka def up flat/% and enemy attack down flat/%