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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Bleh, Silth has been gone for a while... I'm getting a bad feeling about this...
You missed your lines Han. I fixed them for you.

Edit: :p, just give Silth a few days, colleges are starting up again for the fall semester around now and he might be dealing with having to go to classes again.
Last edited:
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

You missed your lines Han. I fixed them for you.

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Bleh, Silth has been gone for a while... I'm getting a bad feeling...

Actually, the next two work weeks are hectic for me because it's back to school time... I'm selling laptops to a lot of kids right now.x.x;

I plan on updating tonight, before I get piss drunk to forget about talking with stupid people.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Sorry about the rant in the suggestion thread, but since I'm not sure how to boil my points down further right now in a more calm manner, I'll leave it up and hope people can take it with some salt.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

so, I need to add the spendable points to the total in each color? do you want than i write how i use the expendable points in the last part in white?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

You just add up how many points you have in a total color.o.o
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

anyway im going to post in white or in another place just in case you need it XD
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

One thing's been bugging me of late...

Is there any backstory to Jumpers? Right now it really seems like: "Random group of adventures is heading out of a quest for a random purpose"...

Which...is really killing any motivation to make a more thorough character...
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Yes, it's a set of dimensions contested by two differing ideologies with a third ideology trying to maintain a balance between them, populated by varying types of peoples who have varying motivations for belonging to any of the groups and varying degrees of zeal in their particular belief. The parties represent groups of individuals with sufficient strength and faith in their ideology to take up arms to try to gain ground for either of the opposing sides, or groups who intend to maintain a balance of power between the two groups and so join either side to not allow one to gain a significant advantage, and thus destabilize the universe. At least, that's what I think. To me, it always seemed a bit like the Israel/Islam conflict. Silth can probably make it sound better than me.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

... Last I heard, there's a war on between Good and Evil. Different locations are being fought over by parties from both sides, attempting either to seal away the demonic rapists or to let them through to bring wrack and ruin.

The current "Good" and "Evil" threads are examples of this. Both are attempting to reach a particular site, where an avatar of Good and an avatar of Evil are currently deadlocked, in order to add their weight to their respective side.

So the Good side has to worry about all the evil things still loose in the world. And the Evil side has to fight down its natural inclination to assist those random evil things, in order to reach the battle site more rapidly.

Something's bothering me, though. The Good PCs are basically ignoring Scratchy. Somebody should ask him if it's possible to dig deeper into the den... maybe the gnolls that Lily screwed silly grabbed up the other slaves and retreated when the Kilo-Tiqs showed up. Yeah, okay, a band of gnolls following the PCs around wouldn't be terribly helpful. But I want to know why they aren't TRYING to investigate.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

There's a pretty big story behind Jumpers... but I'll try and sum it up without being too wordy.

There are three Natural Forces in the world: Good, Fate, and Evil - personified by a form of their choice.

Good, or Gaia, as she liked to be called, looks different to whoever lays their eyes on her. She was the first force to exist, and after a millienia of nothingness, Gaia created the Gods (or Major Gods, as they're referred to sometimes). The Major Gods created worlds to impress their mother, and soon created life. Since only Gaia and the Gods existed, there was no death, and no reason to breed or reproduce.

Then, Fate 'arrived' - she was never made, or never born, like the Gods. She brought Time with her, which made the creatures age and die. Only the Gods, Gaia, and Fate herself seemed able to resist time. Fate was the odds of something happening in all Dimensions; if a storm killed a creature, it wasn't considered evil, just an Act of Fate... Mostly because Evil didn't exist at the time.

One God (or Goddess, it still isn't known), became bored with how things were going in the worlds, so they created something a little different. This thing, described as a seed, was planted in the hearts of all creatures as soon as they were born, and grew into feelings of mistrust, envy, and hate. Soon after, Evil (or Primal, as she likes to be called), arrived.

There were hundreds of millions of Dimensions at this point, and since Evil couldn't make her own worlds, she just floated out in the space between Dimensions, watching as creatures filled with evil thoughts acted on those thoughts. She was really no danger at this point, so Gaia and the Gods left her be. That's when Evil 'invaded' a Dimension with her own creations, like Vampires, Werewolves, and Trolls; the creatures of the World quickly fell, as they weren't used to combat.

Gaia worked quickly to solve the problem, along with Fate's help. Gaia put a core in the center of every Dimension - a soul to the world, as it were, and a powerful creature to guard each one, called an Omega. She crafted the Guardians and Aivas, who were granted powers of the Gods, and their own limited Immortality to combat the spread of Evil; and finally, she created Magic, and gave it to all the creatures of all the Dimensions.

Fate was to be the Neutral force in the Cosmos. She made her warriors strong, and able to stop any Good or Evil force from gaining too much of an edge over the other forces in the Cosmos. Her Silth warriors, regarded as Assassins, saw to that. Fate herself constructed the Core to every Dimension, as well as the Omegas.

Evil continually crafted new, stronger creatures from her own being, but each time it seemed to drain her even further. So she focused on two last creations: The Asesinos, who were considered to be Evil Personified, and Humans, cheap, weak monsters who could be mass produced without tiring out Evil. It was then the Dimensions began to fall, one by one, until Gaia created the Wahkis to combat the Asesinos.

After centuries of Stalemates, Primal finally broke through the 'stronghold' of Good, and destroyed the Dimension (instead of taking it over). Gaia, many of the Major Gods, and almost all of the Guardians and Aivas were in the Dimension when it fell. Without the Gods, the remaining Guardians decided to keep on their virtuous path, while the Aivas, who had always been slightly more 'loose' with their morals, changed sides to Evil. Primal rested for nearly a century then, letting the Humans loose in various Dimensions (which is why there are so many good, or neutral aligned Humans now... Damn free will)... And now, this is where our (your) Heroines come in.

Good Heroines are still confident that Gaia exists, even though she was supposedly in the Stronghold when it vanished. They're avatars at the end of the Dimension will become a God or Goddess, and help stop the spread of Evil for the time being. They follow the orders of Gaia's only remaining General, Kiera, and hope to bring back their presence in the Cosmos.

Neutral Heroines have been summoned by Fate after she witnessed their strength. They're simply testing themselves by trying to act on Fate's ever-demanding will, while trying to keep the Balance.

Evil Heroines are following the orders of Primal's first General, a cocky sure-headed man who claims to be the son of Evil. Their Avatar at the end of every Dimension also becomes a Goddess, but she taints the entire Dimension, making sure Evil quickly takes over.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

... Something's bothering me, though. The Good PCs are basically ignoring Scratchy. Somebody should ask him if it's possible to dig deeper into the den... maybe the gnolls that Lily screwed silly grabbed up the other slaves and retreated when the Kilo-Tiqs showed up. Yeah, okay, a band of gnolls following the PCs around wouldn't be terribly helpful. But I want to know why they aren't TRYING to investigate.

i was trying to find them, after the post of Silth i start to believe also than the gnolls escape with the other slaves,but before write the next post someone break the internet cable, so i hope than RJ or another one try to do something, sorry but i will be some time out thanks to this little incident.

Also, good story Silth i will try to read it all later (maybe the monday)
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Heh, seemed like a great summary of past events. And what makes me wonder, is the possibility of another force, unlike Primal, and Gaia, and even Fate. A force that doesn't seek to corrupt, or bring purity. Just a force that consumes everything in it's path. Probably named, "Oblivion," but that name was ripped from the game of the same name.

Sort of like a, "world eater," that would force all three alignments to band together against it. Of course, this would all be better timed, (if the idea was actually considered, >.>) after we've had plenty of time fighting our opposing alignments.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Can I get a recap of what all is needed to be updated on my char before I forget?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

"It is fruitless," Scratchy said, staring at the wall before him, "The walls would collapse to keep any magical creature from harming my kin... Along the entire two mile tunnel..." He let out a long, heavy sigh, before closing his eyes.
So, wait. The gnolls dug a TWO MILE entrance tunnel, and boobytrapped it to collapse if they were attacked? And DON'T have alternate exits to their den?

What kind of idiot defensive work is this? A refugee from ? Even if the gnolls themselves could set up to survive sealed in, I'm sure any slaves they've taken wouldn't be able to live long like that.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Short story: Geomancers.

Long story: The gnolls were afraid of being attacked by other slavers, magical creatures, or just nasty monsters, so they set their main tunnel to collapse in case they needed to. They could use the Geomancers to Dig a new tunnel in no time. Any stragglers left behind would be... well, left behind, for the good of the Gnoll clan. Scratchy's upset because he doesn't know where the Geomancers will make the new tunnel, so he thinks he won't see his Kin again.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Hmph. I bet this is a GM tactic to avoid having to deal with a new batch of gnolls and their slaves. :p

Well, I don't think the gnolls only interact with the surface world by stealing and kidnapping. There's probably somebody they trade with, if only because there's some types of goods (I'm thinking "grains", here) which are too bulky to steal in usable quantities. So if Scratchy happens to know of one such trader, the Good team can try tracking him down. And work from there.

*wanders off, muttering about how their den can't possibly be two miles underground and digging a new tunnel down to it wouldn't take anywhere near as much digging as trying to rebuild the "main" tunnel*
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Ok, this might seems strange.


Like, seriously. A week ago, I had a fox, a kitty, a girl who liked to cuddle ass, and a girl who was staring out the window.. Darent, Tsuki Phoenix, Lurker, and the other guy, the one I can never remember..

Now I HAVE JUST DARENT!! Tsuki, sure.. she posts occasionally and slowly anyway, I know that, she's cool.. Lurker's having net problems..? But what about Simca? And Pheonix?... Hello?

