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Canadian Vacation


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
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Nov 10, 2008
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I'm thinking I might take a vacation to Canada in a few months. Do any of our dear Canadian friends have advice on cool things to see and do up there? I've been to Niagara Falls on both sides of the border, but that's pretty much it.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Well, Canada is pretty big... It really depends on where in Canada you'll be.

I can only speak about Nova Scotia with any real knowledge. If you do decide to come to this neck of Canada, I'd probably suggest heading to Maine and taking the ferry across. Slow travel is always more satisfying than just flying everywhere...

As for things to do here... Unfortunately, you'll be missing one of the more visually spectacular festivals if you wait. The International Busker Festival in Halifax will be starting on July 30th and finish on August 4th. (Note to self: get down to the waterfront for this). Also, the Parade of Lights should be happening in November... I think... Strangely I can't find anything about it for this year.

Other than that, here's the official NS tourist site with their top 25 things to do:

I'd add the Shubenacadie wildlife park to that list myself, though I haven't been there in at least a decade. There's also the Shubenacadie canal which is pretty neat too.

Almost forgot Joggins. It's an area on the northern coast of Nova Scotia where fossils from the Carboniferous era can be readily found. From what I understand, they stopped letting people just take them, but I haven't been there myself. On my bucket list.

In the same general area, New Brunswick is pretty nice too, though I've never been there much myself. PEI is also very nice, I'd suggest taking the Ferry across. A bit further away Newfoundland is, well, Newfoundland. Never been there myself, but it's also on my bucket list.

If you can speak French, Quebec has a lot to offer as well. Not knowing french doesn't hurt too much, but would certainly hinder some things. One of my funnier memories of Quebec was when we were driving through and by the highway was a building with a sign outside saying simply "BAR".

Ontario... I've only ever been to Toronto when I was young and Ottawa when I was a bit older. I found both cities to be hot and muggy, but then, I lived my whole life near the Atlantic ocean, so it's probably just getting used to a different climate. The CN tower is, of course, one of the bigger (see what I did there?) tourist attractions, and they now let you take walks out on a sort of balcony near the top now (clipped in with safety harnesses of course). Also, since I have an interest in geology, I have to mention the Sudbury basin. Sudbury is known for its nickle mines, and the reason it's so rich in nickle and other metals is because the city sits in the ancient crater of a meteor impact. The impact fractured the rock and allowed mineral rich water to flow up through the cracks forming the veins that are mined today. Kind of a neat fact I think.

Further west my knowledge drops off considerably. Manitoba and Saskatchewan are flat. Alberta has oil, money and fossils (the last of those three is the only one of interest to me). And BC has awesome forests (Rainforests actually) and a marijuana political party.

Then going to the territories, I'm also lacking in information. The best time to go up to them though might be in the autumn, however. The spring and summers, from what I understand, the permafrost retreats and makes the ground boggy and a haven for insects. And the winters, of course, damn cold.

Could try looking for gold in the Yukon, or go Polar Bear sighting in NWT or Nunavut. I really don't know much about them though.

Oh, also, I know that a good number of my fellow canucks on here live in Alberta so they would know more about that part of the country than I would.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Besides this, I am going to suggest that you find a girl, get her a Mounty outfit, and then pour maple syrup on her beaver and eat it, for a succinct summation of Canadia-themed sexings.

Maybe do it with the heating off and ask her to moan 'eh', with either O Canada or Venetian Snares for mood music, for maximum Canadia-mode.

I have no idea what Canada is like also.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Well, Canada is pretty big... It really depends on where in Canada you'll be... Nova Scotia... If you do decide to come to this neck of Canada, I'd probably suggest heading to Maine and taking the ferry across. Slow travel is always more satisfying than just flying everywhere...

As for things to do here... Unfortunately, you'll be missing one of the more visually spectacular festivals if you wait. The International Busker Festival in Halifax will be starting on July 30th and finish on August 4th.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll likely be moving back to the East Coast next March, so I'll add that festival to my "to do" list, along with the other suggestions. Thanks!

Right now I'm living in the Bay area in California, so I'm thinking more Alberta, British Columbia, or the Yukon. Maybe even Alaska.
If you can speak French, Quebec has a lot to offer as well. Not knowing french doesn't hurt too much, but would certainly hinder some things. One of my funnier memories of Quebec was when we were driving through and by the highway was a building with a sign outside saying simply "BAR".

Peut-être. Je parle français un peu, si c'est possible. :]3 (That's a twirled moustache on the cat-face.)
Ontario... I've only ever been to Toronto when I was young and Ottawa when I was a bit older. I found both cities to be hot and muggy, but then, I lived my whole life near the Atlantic ocean, so it's probably just getting used to a different climate. The CN tower is, of course, one of the bigger (see what I did there?) tourist attractions, and they now let you take walks out on a sort of balcony near the top now (clipped in with safety harnesses of course).

I'd probably enjoy Toronto because SO MANY MOVIES have been filmed there. The city has played host to Blues Brothers and Cylons. How cool is that?

Anyway, lots of awesome suggestions here, so thanks a lot! Still open to advice from our other Canadian types.

Besides this, I am going to suggest that you find a girl, get her a Mounty outfit, and then pour maple syrup on her beaver and eat it, for a succinct summation of Canadia-themed sexings.

Maybe do it with the heating off and ask her to moan 'eh', with either O Canada or Venetian Snares for mood music, for maximum Canadia-mode.

I have no idea what Canada is like also.

Um, thanks? So... my favorite joke about Canada is as follows: How was Canada named?
They pulled the letters out of a hat. "C, eh?" "N, eh?" "D, eh?"
Re: Canadian Vacation

Right now I'm living in the Bay area in California, so I'm thinking more Alberta, British Columbia, or the Yukon. Maybe even Alaska.

Ah, well, better luck checking with some of the other Canadians around here then. I'd advocate for anywhere other than Alberta, but that's just politics.

Um, thanks? So... my favorite joke about Canada is as follows: How was Canada named?
They pulled the letters out of a hat. "C, eh?" "N, eh?" "D, eh?"

Pretty good joke actually. But they would have pulled them out of a toque.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Hey now, I'm Albertan :p

That said, not too much to do around here. I suggest BC, honestly. beautiful area there.
Re: Canadian Vacation

I'm not Canadian and I've never been to Canada but go to Toronto and have an adventure like Scott Pilgrim's or go to Montreal and stalk Matt, Pat, Woolie and Liam. Also start a war, no one will be mad at you.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Actually the house wasn't white when you burned it down, but that is how it ended up white. Really was our fault though since we burned your house first.

I'm also not Canadian, but the only place I didn't enjoy that I've visited was Toronto. Never been to BC, but I really enjoyed Alberta even if Shrike doesn't. Medicine Hat and Lethbridge were both pretty cool, same with Calgary but it suffers a bit from being a larger city than the other two. Banff and Lake Louise was my personal favorite of that trip though.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Banff is in BC, actually. Looks pretty amazing, don‘t it?

Im pretty well just saying, there‘s not much to do here, at least that cant be done elsewhere, usually better. XD
Re: Canadian Vacation

Hey, thanks for all the advice. I'm thinking BC sometime in late September would be pretty awesome.
Im pretty well just saying, there‘s not much to do here, at least that cant be done elsewhere, usually better. XD

I feel obligated to include a joke here. Something like, "That's what she said." I dunno. Maybe.
Re: Canadian Vacation

Nunu went to canada once, i've got rediculously high standards so nothing really did it for me.

I enjoyed the rocky mountaineer from Winnipeg over to BC, but thats more cos of the people that i met on the train being such good characters. So its nice but could be hit and miss.
Re: Canadian Vacation

My buddies in the Blackwatch claim that Montreal has the best strip clubs ever. Whether or not to believe that one, I dunno, but they're damn good.

BC also got them Rockies. My cousin out there says its beautiful. You can also visit Vancouver, the site of the Stanley Cup riots.
Re: Canadian Vacation

We have various anime conventions, might want to time a trip so you can attend one.