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Juuban Land (Open)

Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Watching from behind the van, Aki smiled as Tempestas put on her damsel in distress act. "What do you know, she's a natural!" she whispered with a smirk to Akane and Miki, before quickly moving over to the other side of the vehicle. The dark creatures masquerading as police officers rather quickly fell for Tempestas' act, and though Aki felt nothing but contempt for the monsters, she had to bite back a laugh at the idea of Nick appearing before them as they ogled the sailor scout's body.

There was no time to appreciate the situation though, and as soon as the officers had moved enough away, Aki motioned for the other two girls to follow her and headed past them into the alley. Tip-toeing as quickly as she could, Aki first approached the side door to the building. Just as she was reaching for the knob, however, she realized that they might not be far enough down the alley to avoid catching the officer's attention. With a look back at Akane and Miki, she pointed over to the parking garage entrance. There had to be another way into the building from there, and it would be easier to get in without being noticed, so Aki hurried over to the ramp, giving Tempestas one last encouraging look before heading down.

Parking garage
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempes5tas let herself get closed in against the wall. She gave her head a weak nod. "Yeah.... For a futuristic motorbike show..." Knowing her quite visible tattoos would help with such an image. Feeling them touch she made a small wince as if them touching her hurt, but didn't stop them. "It's my side, it hurts...." Glancing momentarily to the side, to check on the progress of the others. Though she tried her best to make it look as if she was just glancing away shyly after she felt the hand upon her thigh. Not stopping any hands that touched her, for now.

She would wait a minute after the others had disappeared inside, acting as meek and wounded as best she could. Once she was sure they were inside, she decided to give the two handsy police officers a surprising shock. She willed up her power of electricity and attempted to shock the two guards. Letting it sheath her body for a moment. Hoping to merely knock them out, and hoping they weren't disguised dark warriors.

Body taser go!

Elemental control to make her body like a taser for a moment while they touch her. 5 EP
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 70/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 55/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 65/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 85/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer"
HP: 64/65
EP: 40/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

(In the alleyway)

"Futuristic you say?" The officer at Tempestas' legs gets more grabby, his palm doing nothing medical as it slides up the length of her thigh to cup the underside of her round ass.

Taking that as her cue, Tempestas closes her eyes and concentrates on summoning some electrical current to shoot across the surface of her body, with the intent to turn herself into a momentary taser.

Soul check: 2d6 = 10... failure. 5 EP spent.

"Eh?! What's this?!" The cop touching Tempestas' shoulder senses the shift in current, and a short circuited flash of lightning appears in front of the senshi's brow, without further effect.

"Just a model? I think not!" The cop's hand clamps down tighter on her shoulder and his eyes start to gleam an eerie purple, as does his partner, who wraps an arm around her thigh, trying to pull it up.

"It's one of the light guardians! She doesn't seem so tough up close! If we capture her, we're sure to get rewarded!"

"After we take our own reward out of her flesh!" The first cop agrees.

For all their talk, in their initial scuffle, Tempestas is able to keep their pawing hands off her.

The other three scouts notice that she hasn't gotten away cleanly, and Akane turns back.

"Go on ahead, we'll catch up!" She says over her shoulder before darting back towards the alleyway. Whether or not Aki and Miki wish to join her is another matter.

If they press on, they will quickly make their way down to the next level, where part of the wall has fallen away, revealing the inside of a dark basement. The two girls each pick up movement inside. Three figures, two in the uniforms of police officers and another giant of an individual who hasn't bothered to make a disguise for himself. Bare chested, the man has skin like granite, but his facial features are hidden as he faces away from the senshi.

"Intriguing. The detector is picking up positive energy from above and below..." the man mutters. "No matter! We must secure the rogue traveling stone. Calabite sent us ample warning. He anticipated his fool son would betray us. The stone was deliberately calibrated to arrive at this location. All we need do now is capture him!"


(In the sub basement)

The dark halberd senses the primal bloodthirst swelling in Alladra and seizes the moment to work through him. With a vicious swing, the blade slices through the neck of another one of the surrounding warriors, decapitating the lizardman in a gruesome spout of blood. As its body crumples to the ground, Star Wanderer slips backward to dodge another thrust, but is caught by a second thrust!

The Palladium of the Stars wraps around the spear head and mystically pushes Alladra backwards as though he were lighter than air, suffering only the smallest of scratches in the process.

Star Wanderer attacks, 2d6= 4, success. Defense misses. Dark halberd kills messily.

Lizard man #1 misses. Lizard man #2 hits, defense fails. Armor absorbs all but one damage.

"Hsss! Very well! I shall put an end to you personally! Sssss!" The lizardman leader rushes towards Alladra, deciding not to hold back anymore.

As he does so, there is an audible "DING" from the direction of the elevator as its doors swing open. The lizardmen are too intent on their enemy to pay much heed to it.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

As the primal blood-thirst rose deep from within him, swelling up as his anger against these Yoma grew higher his robes flickered their colours for a moment, before seeming to break, shred and scatter into fragments of sand. The dim lighting of the basement giving the grains a slight sheen to them before they started to twist rapidly around his body. Condensing against his flesh and melding together to take on the purest white sheen, glimmering robes replacing that which had once covered his flesh and gave him the appearance of a negaverion.

The Palladium of Stars now covered his body protectively, almost seeming to glow with light as it clung to his skin. The under clothes of the armour seeming to be designed similar to a tunic, with faint golden script running along the trimmed edges of the cloth. But said tunic was tucked under a golden sash of symbols that was worn over some slightly baggy trousers, this time without a lick of gold but of the pure white once more.

The main piece of the armour seemed to be the cloak and scarf however, decorations of a dark gold ran from one end to another, rising from the bottom of the cloak and ending at chest level with blocks, shapes, points and lines. All ending in on mesmerizing and submetric design. The hood which grew from the cloak hooking around his face and casting a light shadow over it, the once black mask melding into a shade of purity as well. Finally clasped closed by a silver clasp. A tiny design that would match the symbol marked onto its wearers brow upon it.

But lets not forget the scarf, gleaming golden that coiled around the shoulders and neck and spin out down the spine of the wearer. Thick and blocky white script of an unknown origin glowing faintly down across it as it flares out.

Overall he gave the appearance of a warrior of light, the only thing that tainted that image was the evil weapon that pulsed with dark intent in his hand..

Not able to give the rapid transformation a ponder he leapt forward with the glowing and hungry weapon and sent it in a swing, his aim for the shoulder of the creature seeming to correct itself mid-journey and sought out the neck of his enemy. Instead of simply disarming him as he had intended he completely sawed the head from his body. Leaving a jagged wound as its head fell from its shoulders and blood flowed freely, coating the black blade in its passing. Hehehe. The dark part of him laughs at the sight. But with a pulse of energy from his armour his mind was sharpened and focus back onto the combat, the brief sensation of dark joy vanishing as he moved backwards out of the range of the thrusting spear. But was unable to avoid the second thrust! Wide eyed he stared in slow motion as he saw the spear growing closer and closer. And just as he began to feel the blade tip against his skin...he moved.

Fluttering backwards as if he floating a small amount of joy filled his heart, much more pure and warm than the bloodsoaked horror he had be forced to enjoy or break under back in the dark kingdom. "Is this...what my people felt like?"

"Hsss! Very well! I shall put an end to you personally! Sssss!" He was shaken from his wonder by the charging leader of the attacking party. The ding doing little to surprise them..but. It might allow him a little reprieve. Its not large enough to fit all of his attackers in after all. Using his environment control he tried to 'will' gravity down on the feet of the two he was currently battling. To keep them from moving or dodging as he swings his halberd once more.

Environment Control: EP 5 - Strengthen gravity to pin feet to earth.
Attack the lizardman that is on his flank still.

His feet were beginning to move him towards the elevator as his weapon swung through the air and his power pulsed out of him. While his plan of retreat didn't work that well, this battle was going better than he had expected. Now he just had to hope that didn't change in the coming bouts with the remaining three.
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Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Just before they are about to enter the parking garage, Aki heard the trouble Tempestas was having with her distraction. She spun to face the angrily growling officers, her hand sliding up to her transformation pin. Just as she was about to rush towards them, Akane steps forward and takes the initiative. As worried as she is about the situation Tempestas was in, Aki trusted that the two scouts together could handle the creatures. With a nod to to Akane, Aki motions for Miki to stay close to her, then descends into the parking garage.

As they descend into the concrete cavern, Aki shifts her gaze around constantly, searching for suspicious activity. At first it seems empty, until the two stumble upon a damaged wall. Turning to Miki, Aki puts a finger to her lips to signal the girl to stay silent, then edges closer to the hole. Peeking in, she stares grimly as three more dark creatures discuss their mission. Much of what the monster says is interesting, though what Aki finds most intriguing is the mention of a traveling stone, the relic Ronin Pure and Daigoro had said could allow travel between dimensions. Something like that was too dangerous to let these evil freaks have.

Though she had decided to destroy the creatures before them, Aki was wary of the monstrous rock-skinned man among them. While earlier she had been ready to charge in and fight the disguised police officers, this stronger creature gave her pause. The dark minions had yet to notice the two of them, giving Aki an idea. In all of the Splinter Gear games, there was always something in the room to help deal with the enemies present, like an exploding barrel, or maybe some exposed wires next to a large puddle. Instead of simply rushing into the room, Aki instead looked around, hoping to find something that either her control over cold or Miki's affinity for metal could use to help surprise the monsters.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Seeing Akane coming to her aid, she shook her head a moment. Hoping she could deal with the two with out exposing her or the others. Focusing upon the police vehicle she gathered up what static she could before releasing a bolt of electricity at the police men, hoping to stun one as she maneuvered herself towards the front of the alley. Trying to get them to reveal their back to Akane in case she needed to help.

Release a bolt of electricity at one of the guards while trying to move to the entrance of the alley.

5 ep for elemental control
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 65/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 55/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 65/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 85/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer"
HP: 53/65
EP: 35/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

Environment Control, Gravity effect - since it's not a damaging attack, I'll consider it a Soul roll for now. This decision is not necessarily set in stone because it's still specifically targeting enemies and could still be considered dependent on ACV. So... by Soul: 2d6=6, Success.

Lizard guards' attacks of opportunity: 11 and 9, both failures.
Lizard captain attacks: 5, success. Defense roll: 12, autofail. 21 - 10 = 11 damage.
Aki's spot roll -- not easily covered by the book so I've used my own system based off of your stats. The short answer is you got a success.

Tempestas' elemental control attack = 2, critical success. Critical roll = 4, triple damage. Since it's not a Senshi attack, I base the damage off of your ACV - so 5*3 = 15. That's enough to kill him.

Other enemy's attack roll: 9, miss.
Akane's attack roll with distraction bonus: 7-1= 6, success. Damage = 6.

(In the sub basement)

Alladra took a chance in using his gravity control in the middle of combat, opening himself up to quick strikes from both flanking lizardmen. Fortunately, neither of them was accurate enough and a simple sidestep kept Star Wanderer from having to rely on his cloak.

In the next second, his powers came crushing down on the two fighters. He could see the strain upon them as they fought to keep upright. They would have trouble moving after him for certain.


The elite lizard warrior flies at Alladra with a ferocity and skill that well exceeds those of its compatriots. The spear tip jams into the Toblain's cloak at such a pace that even the armor has difficulty dulling the impact. Alladra is pushed backwards, out of range of the two enervated lizard warriors. The ache in his side would have been far worse had the armor not been there.

"Hsss! That cloak will not save you from me!"

Star Wanderer has ended up closer to the elevator now, and the three lizard men stand together at the moment, though only the elite warrior is moving fast. It should be possible to get to the defensive position of the elevator, where only one fighter at a time could attack him.


(In the garage)

Aki's Splinter Gear inspired idea seemed as if it might pan out in a sense, as she observes within the broken ruins of the wall that there are a lot of metal pipes, some of which are leaking water. One large pipe that is next to the large rock warrior and his two police officer minions seems to be hissing steam from a small puncture. Aki feels confident that if she were to transform into Sailor Enceladus, or if Miki transformed into Sailor Chalbys, they could take advantage of the metal and water in the area.

Aki also notices two tipped over boxes, large enough for a young woman to hide under, just on the other side of the hole in the wall.

"Hear that?" says the rock man.


"Sounds like fighting. Find a way down! The spawn of Calabite is here!"

The three dark minions appear to be about ready to move away from the pipes. Miki nervously taps her leg with her fingers, obviously fighting against her own timid nature and looking to Aki to make the plan clear.

(in the alleyway)

Sailor Tempestas is no doubt disappointed with her element refusing to obey her immediately and redoubles her efforts, seizing control of the ambient currents from a nearby telephone wire and drawing that electricity into and through her, creating a shocking touch that zaps the officer right through his throat and up into his brain. For a brief moment, his inhuman skull is visible through his skin, lit up by the lightning, before his body slumps down and his human disguise sloughs away, revealing him to be a grey, hairless humanoid with elongated arms, pointed ears, and a wide, toothy mouth. The corpse begins to smoke and smell.

"Uwah! You'll pay for that!" The other nega-minion says, aiming a blow at Tempestas' head. She ducks under it and slips her way toward the end of the alley. He follows doggedly, determined to avenge his comrade.

Behind him, Akane runs sprints headlong toward the foe, her athletic form undeniable. After seeing Tempestas deal so effectively with one of the minions, she doesn't bother to transform. Instead, she bull rushes into the officer's spine, leading with her elbow.

Taken by surprise, the officer tumbles forward, prone, with Akane on top of him. He's still aware, though, and scrambles to try and rise again.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Alladra, taking a risk that could either pay off well for him or harm him quite badly lets his power flow through him. Making it slightly more difficult for him to focus on the battle as he channels his power through the air and into the very gravity effecting those two he was fighting. And his luck once more helped him, as their rushed attack weren't nearly accurate enough and a simple step to the side allowed him to dodge away from them. And then he unleashed the dark power with a gleam in his eyes.

He watched as it hit them, staining their bodies and making it seem like they were struggling to stay up. He watched as their scaled faces work into a grimace and their muscled grew tighter and veined as they fought against it. Certainly things were looking up for him...

"Euraaaaghhh!" Oh damn the dar- Were all he managed to think before the ferocity of their leader was upon him. With style and grace that far outmatched his minions, and possibly with that spear helping him, if it was anything like his own. Unable to dodge or even parry the attack as it aimed right between the bend of his arm and his side he took the hit.

Flung back and away from the three he could only curse himself for letting his guard down so fully back there. The painful throbbing in his side being a sharp reminder for him to not do so again, but now..now he had a chance. He had some distance away from them all, two unable to move to catch up to him. And the leader being the only one that could pursue. He was just thankful the wound was blunt and didn't pierce him, bleeding out would of not been a good way to go.

"Hsss! That cloak will not save you from me!"

"Uggggh."He could see that...Should I try to get them all while I retreat to the elevator? He looked at how close they were to each other, biting his lip under the mask as he quickly thought over how he should proceed. Finally..They do say that the person that doesn't take risks never wins or loses the battle...and I want to win! His steps started to hurriedly move him towards the elevator as he poured even more of his remaining power into a blast of invisible energy at them. This time wanting something that goes boom. An effect that would spread out and cover the area they in. Letting the effect ingrain itself into his power he unleashed it towards them as he backed away. Keeping his eyes on the leader of them to defend should he make another run for him. Though he honestly hoped he managed to catch him in the blast and he reached the elevator before he got to him.

Negaverse Attack (2): Invisible bomb - EP 10. Hoping to go with a tactical attack this round. Invisible, so no dodging out of the way. Area of effect, so if their too slow to move it hits them. At least that's the plan~ Hope it works! At the very least on the two hindered enemies.
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Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempestas felt momentary guilt as she liquified the police man's brain. Turning to face the survivor she gave him a smile as she beckoned him towards her. She was caught of guard as an unpowered Akane tackled the remaining officer. She started to reach down to shock him when she realized Akane was struggling with him as he tried to stand. Changing tactics she brought her leg back, and smashe it towards the officer as if she was kicking a soccer ball.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

With the layout of the room offering some choice opportunities for Aki to enact her video game inspired machinations, she smiled and looked back at the monsters. Unfortunately, they seemed ready to leave the room, having heard the sounds of fighting from elsewhere in the building. Quickly turning back to Miki, Aki whispered, "There's three of them in there! I think we can take them but we have to move fast!" Aki leaned over to take another look of the room, then began to whisper again, "There are some steam pipes in there. I'll get their attention, you transform and use your power to tie them up!" One of her hands shot up to Aki's transformation pin, but she suddenly stopped and turned back to Miki and added, "Focus on the big guy!"

With her plan sufficiently explained, Aki released the power contained within her pin, transforming herself into Sailor Enceladus. As the now familiar feeling of her empowered form spread through her body, she smiled, then rushed into the room. "No need to look for a fight, boys!" she yelled, rushing into the room with her hand outstretched, "The fight came to you!" As she entered, Sailor Enceladus focused her energy on the water vapor in the air, lowering it's temperature past freezing. Within moments, the room would be covered in a haze of mist and snow, hopefully slowing down the reptilian monsters, as well as obscuring their vision. With her powers slipping the creatures up, and Miki's restraining them, this would be an easy win for the new superheroine guardians of Earth!

Elemental Control for 5 EP
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 65/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 50/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 65/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 80/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer"
HP: 53/65
EP: 25/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

Alladra's Nega Attack: 2d6=5, success. (The book doesn't mention using the attack on multiple targets with one go. But since the nature of a negaverse attack is so versatile, I didn't want to not allow it. As a compromise, every additional target after the first gets a cumulative +1 bonus to dodge).
Defense for Lizard Goon 1: 2d6=9, failure.
Defense for Lizard Goon 2: 2d6=11, failure.
Defense for Lizard Captain: 2d6-1 = 6, failure.

Enceladus elemental control roll: 2d6=4, success.
Chalbys elemental control roll: 2d6=8, failure.

Tempestas kick attack: 2d6-1= 5, success. (Gained attack bonus for enemy being prone.)

(In the sub basement)

The lizard man captain leaps to the side upon seeing the incoming ripple of energy, but does so too late, being blasted in the same breath as the other hapless and weighed down reptilian guards. The only difference is that the elite warrior is not vaporized, but merely tossed to the side, his body bleeding a sickly yellow fluid and his legs apparently crushed. Doubtless, it is a mortal wound.

"Gggghh...guh...ghhss..." The evil hybrid struggles and fails to form coherent words. His eyes go wide and his mouth froths. The potency of its rage is gone, leaving only disbelief and anger in the creature's final moments. When death does come, the creature's body and the other items attuned to it, including the spear, disintegrate. It is as though some foul power has arranged for them to leave no trace after death.

Aside from his energy being signficantly drained, Star Wanderer feels he has done well for himself. That could have gone worse. Above him he hears the sound of fighting, and if he stretched out his senses, he would perceive additional sources of negative and positive energy. One floor above him, in fact.


(In the basement level above)

The air around the three villains turns into a haze of freezing snow which seems to visibly bother the two dressed as police officers, but the rocky skinned one in the middle seems unperturbed.

"Oh? A Senshi is it? Good! Saves me the trouble of hunting you down!" The large warrior takes a step towards Aki, but then halts and shifts his attention to the side, where Miki, transformed int Sailor Chalbys, stands and uses her arms to guide her elemental control. The pipes and metal wiring built into the walls fling themselves at the evil minions, but the large one bellows and grabs the metal in mid-flight, twisting it with enormous strength and then smashing it into the ground, nullifying the intended effects.

"Your elemental control may work on the minor servants of the Negaverse, but you stand in the presence of Sadisto! I am a War-Bringer! Forged from the Nega Core! You had better run while you can and leave me to my mission, or I shall be forced to defeat you!"

The hulking Sadisto clenches his fists and raises his eyes high as his body begins to grow. While he had been a brute before, now he is a giant, nearly 8 feet in height. With ground-crunching steps, he advances on the comparatively tiny Chalbys. The two police officers, gritting their teeth in the cold, slowly turn towards Enceladus, but slow enough that she can be fairly certain of moving before they do.


(In the alley)

Tempestas' kick was perfectly aimed and timed, connecting with a satisfying crunch that knocked the officer senseless and out of the fight. Now unconscious, the facial features of their foe reverted back to a wholly inhuman, doppelganger appearance, with pointed ears and mottled gray skin. Its uniform was apparently a part of the transformation, and the creature was now naked and obviously male.

Akane, who had been straddling him from the top, gasped in shock and leaped up, clinging to Sailor Tempestas instinctively, hugging her tight as she looked away from the creature.

"Ew! Ew! Ew!" She cringed and squeezed her eyes shut. Taking a breath she looked to Tempestas, blushed and let go of the blonde, gendercrossed senshi.

"I thought you might have been in more trouble, so I came back for you. We'd better catch up with the others, unless you think we should do something with this one. I think he's still alive."
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Thank you for that blue!

Alladra watched as the ripple of power flew from his hands and grew closer to his enemies, the two sluggish lizards not seeming to notice their impending doom. But their leader and captain seemed to notice the charge of power and moved to dodge it. But didn't think the effect would of been what he had planned and was flung away from the blast like a rag doll.

"Gggghh...guh...ghhss..." Alladra couldn't help but stare wide eyed and surprised at the amount of damage he had done to the captain. The sick puss-like blood flowing from its broken body and his legs completely crushed. His lips parted, as if to say some words. "I..." They failed him, he didn't have any gloating to give to his enemy or a offer of a mercy killing to make it quick. And in the end just watched as his foe slipped away, disbelieve on his face as his body, armour and weapon faded to dust. And that as well vanished without a trace.

Shaking his head he entered the elevator completely and took a breathe. Smiling slightly under his mask. "That went a lot better than expected...now, lets see how that light warrior is faring up above." He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. And then out. Spirit of thou soul...Show thyself to me...

He let his senses reach out, sensing the additional forces of light and dark that have started to gather as the sound of battle faintly rattles down to him from above. Mhmmm...I'd need to focus a little more to be able to detect the exact number of light and dark warriors, and with the battle going on that seems like time I'd be wasting.

Not that far away from what he can tell. Snapping his eyes open he presses the elevator button to move him in into the battlefield, it didn't seem like he could rest fully just yet. Letting his focus turn inwards he urged the light within his body to rise and restore the energy he had lost, knowing quite well that he would likely be right into combat as soon as the doors opened a second time.

He watched as the doors began to close, and just hoped it wouldn't take him too long to get up there.

Rejuvenation (2) - To EP
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

As her powers flooded the room, Sailor Enceladus smiled at the uncomfortable faces of the disguised guards. She slid to a halt on the sleet covered floor in front of the trio of dark warriors, hands on her hips in a powerful and heroic pose as she stared down her opponents. The larger of the three alien monsters cockily responded to her taunt, and as it took a step towards her, Enceladus shifted into a fighting stance reminiscent of the characters she had used in her duel at the arcade earlier. "Sailor Senshi don't hide from their enemies like you Nega-creeps!" Enceladus said with a smirk to the approaching rock-skinned creature. Before any kind of combat could ensue, though, Sailor Chalbys let loose her powers on the metal pipes in the room, just as Aki had planned. Unfortunately, the large dark warrior did not seem inclined to follow the strategy she had so meticulously thought out.

With a swift swipe of his huge hands, the large warrior swatted the pipes from the air, sending them clanking to the ground lifelessly. Sailor Enceladus turned to look awkwardly at her companion for a second, before grimly refocusing on the proudly crowing brute. Just as she was about to launch herself at him, the monster's body expanded, transforming him from simply a rock covered man into an unbelievable bulk. Enceladus's foot paused, the sailor scout suddenly humbled by the giant opponent, until the now bellowing Sadisto begins to thunder towards Sailor Chalbys. Quickly looking around the basement, she spotted one of the bent metal pipes that had been so crucial to her plan lying nearby. Leaning forward, she yells at the abomination tauntingly, "Where do you think you're going, ugly? I already told you... the fight's right here!" Just as she finished her taunt, Enceladus picked up the mangled pipe and hurled it with her enhanced strength at the huge creature, hoping to keep it's attention on her, rather than the timid Chalbys. The two reptilian monsters would simply have to wait their turn.

Attack Sadisto!
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempestas was caught off guard as Akane hugged her, a small smile at her reaction to the ugly looking bad guy. She let Akane pull away from her, an amused look on her face. "Thanks, though I guess I would have been alright. They must be mooks." Stepping around the creature carefully. After a few moments she frowned. "We should tie him up and stick him in a dumpster so we can get info out of him later." After a moment of looking for something to tie him up, she turned around away from Akane. After a minute of wiggling, she pulled off the bra she had forgotten to remove in the store before heading over to here.

She then used the bra to hog tie the negaverse minion, avoiding eye contact with Akane. She opened up the lids of a nearby dumpster. "Help me throw him in here." Once they got him in, she would then head into the building after Aki and Miki.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 65/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 50/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 65/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 70/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer" (Rejuvenation used)
HP: 53/65
EP: 45/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

Alleyway stuff takes care of itself.

Enceladus attack: 2d6=4, success. Sadisto defense: 2d6=7, failure.
Damage: 6, reduced to 1 by Sadisto's natural defenses.

Sadisto attack: 2d6=12, critical failure. One mook goes squish.
Other mook is considered to have no attack due to freezing.

Chalbys Senshi attack!: 2d6=5, success. No second dodge roll allowed.
30dmg-5 armor = 25 dmg to Sadisto. (Yeah... ouch.)

New mooks appear because it was all a part of his master plan! Mwuhahaha!

(In the alley)

As she was careful not to look Akane's way, Tempestas didn't see what reaction, if any, she had to the sudden appearance of a trial bra that the sailor soldier of light still had on her. She tied the creature's hands together behind its back as best she could wit the lacey material, and when she had completed this, she turned to ask Akane for help.

Instead, she found Sailor Volcanis staring back at her with a smile on her lips. The skimpy maroon uniform she wore seemed even more alluring than usual, clinging to Akane's perfect breasts in an impossibly snug way, though the bow on the front of the uniform obscured some of her bosom's shape.

"No problem, Tempestas." Volcanis beamed, and stooped down to take the man by his legs and lifted him up with her counterpart, urging him up and over the lid of the dumpster with some effort - as Tempestas was not very strong at all in her current form. Fortunately, it seemed that Volcanis was strong enough for the both of them.

"Nice thinking on the bra~" She winked at Tempestas and then waved her forward. "Come on, the others may need us!"

The two of them ran through the parking garage, looking to catch up to their companions who were already in the thick of a fresh fight. But just as they came into view, a swirling dark mist appeared in front of them, and out of it formed four more shapeshifting Nega demons, these ones looking like gargoyles made of smoke... They snapped with avian beaks and struck out with rending claws at the two maidens of light.


(In the basement level)

Seeing her timid friend in trouble, Enceladus gathered her courage and launched a broken section of pipe right at the hulking stone giant. Her aim was spot on, and the jagged metal actually seemed to cut beyond the rocky surface of Sadisto's flesh, producing a small trickle of blood in his shoulder.

"Hruh? Oohh... is that how you want to play it?" The hulking giant grinned. His hand shot out and smashed into a piece of crumbling wall beside him. His grip contracted, and in doing so emitted a implosive force of energy, crumbling the matter of the wall into a spheroid ball of concrete.

"Huuurrrrraaah!" The giant launched the boulder at Enceladus. It was on a perfect line, heading straight for her head, but at the same moment in which this attack was incoming, one of the reptilian henchmen had also shaken off the freezing cold mist and made his leap at the sailor scout. His cold mass surged into her, forcing her out of the way just as the boulder was about to connect.

Instead of it being Enceladus in the firing line, the nega minion took the full impact of the hurled stone. It shattered his body with a sickening crunch and carried him several meters beyond, splatting him into a wall just next to the elevator. Just as the bloody boulder fell out of the new indent it had just made, the elevator bell rung, showing a lit upward arrow. The door slid open to reveal a white and gold cloaked warrior wielding a sinister looking halberd.

"Raarrgh! Idiot minions!" Sadisto roared in anger.

"Y-you're the idiot! You're taking on the Senshi warriors!" Chalbys raised her voice beyond its normal squeak and once again found her inner strength. Both Enceladus and the newcomer, Star Wanderer, could sense that she was gathering her inner light powers into a solidified Senshi attack. From the look of challenge on Sadisto's face, it appeared that he sensed it too, and was now ready to see how prepared these Senshi truly were for one like him.

Sailor Chalbys drew her open hand back behind her head and gathered her soul energy into a concentrated, silvery form. It started as a ball, which then morphed quickly into a rod and from there into a javelin of silver light. Metal and positive energy fused as one.

"Holy Lance Strike!"

Her attack words solidified the positive energy conjuring into reality, and her arm shot forward, delivering the metal shard attack in a perfect vector, straight into the dark warrior's body.

The lance impaled him in the side, and with a howl of pain, Sadisto stumbled backward, doubling over, his stony hands clutching at the lance sticking through him on both sides. Where his hands and body touched the lance, it seemed to burn him, like a holy cross on Dracula in some vampire movies.

With a great effort, Sadisto heaved, and began to pull the shard out of him, a nimbus of dark energy coalescing around him as he did so.

"Hrrkk... a lucky strike. So it seems you will be worthy foes after all. But if you think you have us ill-prepared, think again. Our soldiers are legion!"

As he said this, a dark mist swirled on the ceiling above the fighters, and then poured down into six columns of smoke, out of which formed an equal number of nega demons in the shape of gargoyles.

"Kill or capture them! Let none of them escape!" Sadisto roared even as he continued to fight the power of the holy lance inside of him.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Straightening up after her attack, Enceladus grinned at the reaction from Sadisto. She hadn't expected the pipe to draw blood, but the fact that it had gave her a boost of confidence towards fighting the intimidating monster. "Yeah, that's how I want it, big boy!" she yelled, grinning ear to ear even as the warrior displayed his power, "Let's see if you can deliver!" Just after her taunt, however, she felt the cold flesh of one of Sadisto's reptilian minions collide with hers, sending her to the sleet covered floor. Her gaze turned to the grinning lizard like mouth just in time to see the hulking warrior's thrown concrete ball reduce the creature to a bloody splatter against the wall, a moment before the elevator opened to reveal a strange figure inside.

Before Enceladus had time to wonder about this new challenger that had appeared, she heard Sailor Chalbys make a valiant, if awkward, cry at Sadisto. As she scrambled to her feet, Enceladus saw her companion's powerful attack score a terrible wound on the monster, and she cheered happily. "Nice one, Chalbys!" The dark warrior was not yet defeated though, and Enceladus turned to look around as the room began to fill with smoky demonic creatures, snapping evilly at Sadisto's command. The empowered girl turned to stare about the room, taking in each of the dangerous creatures that had appeared, then smiled as she looked at Sadisto once again.

"You know, you remind of a low level boss from Shadowy Spirits!" Enceladus said with a smirk, referencing one of her favorite new video games, "You make a big fuss about how tough you are, then call in a bunch of smaller guys to fight for you!" As she finished her taunt, Sailor Enceladus stood tall and straight, holding one arm straight towards the huge creature as she gathered her power. "I think if I take you out, these little guys won't be sticking around long enough to cause any more problems!"

At that moment, she concentrated her energy into multiple luminous beams, emanating from her finger and arcing toward's Sadisto's doubled over form. "Infinite Sparkling Light!"

Senshi Attack on Sadisto
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Alladra felt the rush of energy begin to fill him as the elevator rose up and towards his destination, the pleasant warmth of the light running through his body and making him feel surprisingly relaxed, despite knowing quite well he was heading towards danger. And just as he started to ponder the effects the light might have on his body the elevator shook, making him reach out and grasp the sides to hold it balance as the distinctive 'Ding' as it reached its destination.

With his body now more alert he readied his Halberd and waited for the doors to open, opening, like before, that the minions of his fathers ignored the ding of arrival like they did before. And watched as the sight of the battlefield greeted him...Great...another powerful Yoma that has minions at his beck and call. At least this one is helping us by crushing one of his own under a attack.

"Raarrgh! Idiot minions!" He wasn't sure who this giant Yoma was, but he could tell that this wasn't the kind of person to inspire minions to die for him. So they most likely worked for him out of fear...or misguided respect for said strength. You could never tell with a Yoma after all. Their minds always seemed to have at least one or two screws loose.

He took a quick look over his possible 'allies' as they seemed to quickly shake off their surprise. And one began to speak. "Y-you're the idiot! You're taking on the Senshi warriors!" Ah! It seems these were Sailor Seshi...he hopes that his mother didn't wear anything as..skimpy as these two wore. They didn't seem to do much for protecting the body that laid beneath. But, at least they had spirit. Even the incredibly shy looking one, that stuttered over her own words seemed to have a strength of steel...and as he watched her gather her power, feeling light seem to blossom from her chest and grow out. He realized she had it in the literal sense! By the black sands...

"Holy Lance Strike!"

His eyes snapped and followed the trail of the glowing metal lance as it flew towards the enemy. Spotting the challenge on his face he realized that the Yoma was willingly going to take it to test out its strength! That damn idiot! And then he saw the sight of pain thunder through its face, as the lance tore into its side and into it. Howling in fury and agony as it doubled out and gripped its side.

"Hrrkk... a lucky strike. So it seems you will be worthy foes after all. But if you think you have us ill-prepared, think again. Our soldiers are legion!"

The nimbus of black energy beginning to surround him made him believe that he was trying to heal himself, or power himself up to some effect. Or perhaps the nimbus was working as a shield around his body? Either way it was not the most helpful thing for them to see. The sight of six more enemies appearing certainly didn't help either. Feeling that it was time that he entered this battle field he stepped out of the battlefield and grew closer to it. His feet not seeming to make a sound as he almost glided across the earth with his steps.

"Kill or capture them! Let none of them escape!" As he heard him shout that out, he remembered something. Dart powers were meant to weaken the effect of the light! Maybe that was what the nimbus was about, to weaken the effect of the lance within his body to remove it. He hoped it was just that.

But introductions to the battlefield as well, to ensure that the light warriors do not to turn to attack him as the bout continues. "Hope you ladies don't mind another ally joining you in cutting down these Yoma Assassins. And I must admit, that was quite the wonderful attack of yours Miss Metal Sailor." His voice was light and pleasant, wishing to gather their trust and not have the bloodthirsty and hateful gleam that the Yoma had. Such a tone of voice was never helpful in the least.

"You know, you remind of a low level boss from Shadowy Spirits!" The other Senshi seemed to be blazing full of confidence compared to the other..perhaps she was the leader out of the two? "You make a big fuss about how tough you are, then call in a bunch of smaller guys to fight for you!" Ah, another power being charged he sees. "I think if I take you out, these little guys won't be sticking around long enough to cause any more problems!"

He began to gather his own power into himself. Seeing the other warrior of light step forward and began to speak on a strange enemy calling themselves 'Shadowy Spirits', perhaps they were spirits born of evil intent and shadow? "Sailor with the blackened hair, perhaps you can tell me more of these 'Shadowy Spirits' once this battle is done, I have not heard of such spirits before. Are they one's that are housed in this plane of existence, or another? Ah! But these questions can wait..we have a stone giant and his bodyguards to take care of." He turned his face away from the rather shapely, breathe taking figure of the other Seshi. If he didn't have the Mask on he would of been afraid of her catching him looking at that rather large Bosom she had. Mhmm, he wondered if this reaction was common for their enemies as well, or if it was something due to his age? He'd need to examine his feelings later.

But for now, he turned back to focusing his power. Letting it flow his hands like they had before. Instead of having the power take on the form of a invisible force, this time he channelled it to take on the shadow of the nightsky. A dark blast with with white specks, twinkling like the stars that covered the sky. Mhmm..perhaps that was a rather adamant of himself now as well. A darkness with light peeking out from within...

"Rays of the Nightsky!
Alladra's Nega Attack (2): 10 Energy cost. Two enemy targets

He unleashed the power onto two of the new appearing enemies that had arrived. Letting the blasts spiral out from his hands towards them.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempestas skidded to a halt as four more mooks appeared before her and Volcanis. "Geeze, they have way too many minions for my liking." She danced back a little hopefully out of reach of their snapping beaks and claws. She looked about the garage for the nearest car, her focus turning to it. She called up it's power from it's battery and willed it to arch up through the hood and towards the closest evil mook. Her thought wishing they had been standing in a puddle instead. She smiled a moment as she came up with something, though it would have to wait till this situation was over.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 60/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 20/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 65/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 50/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer" (Rejuvenation used)
HP: 53/65
EP: 45/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

Tempestas rolls a Soul check: 2d6 = 9, failure.
Volcanis rolls an attack: 2d6 = 10, failure.
Mook attack roll results: 3 misses and a hit. Random target on 1d2 --> Tempestas

Defense roll: 2d6=8, failure. Grappled.

Star Wanderer Nega Attack (10 energy): 2d6=7, failure.
Two minion counter attacks: One miss, one hit.
Defense roll: 2d6=7, failure (by that much!)

Sailor Enceladus Senshi Attack (10 energy): 2d6= 7, failure.
Two nearest mook attacks: One miss, one hit!
Defense roll: 2d6=7, failure. Grappled.

Sadisto's Negaverse attack: 2d6=9, failure.

Sailor Chalbys' maintained Senshi attack (10 energy): 2d6 = 6, success.
Sadisto's Defense with +2 penalty: 2d6+2= 6, just enough to be a failure.

25 more damage sustained. (the one thing that seemed to go right for team good this turn.)

Almost within sight of the main battle, Sailors Tempestas and Volcanis fought together against the tenebrous gargoyle yoma, who spread out in an attempt to flank the scouts. Two took to the air while the flankers clawed their way across the underground car park on all fours. The pair of beautiful girls appeared to compliment one another, with the blonde acting the part of a lightning sorceress while the redhead fought bare-knuckled like a street brawler.

But the shadow creatures moved quickly and their bodies shifted and gave way as though they were little more than mist on the wind. Both the lightning and the physical attacks missed their intended targets.

The shadow minions fell upon them both, and it took all her speed for Volcanis to duck aside and prevent herself from being caught in their monstrous grip. Tempestas was not so fortunate, ducking under a swooping air attacker only to be tackled from the side by the last opponent. She could feel him trying to subdue her with his superior strength, and within its shapeshifting mass, she could see shadow tendrils beginning to form. She would have to break out of his grip, or use some other method to release herself.


Star Wanderer's aggressive negaverse attack takes just a bit too much time, and the two shadow creatures facing him each duck aside to let the beams of dark energy fly by harmlessly. Then the two of them were upon him, their talons raking at him. But these creatures were not trying to harm him outright it would seem, but rather, they were trying to use their brute force of numbers to overwhelm him.

His dazzling armor warded the first of the shadow gargoyles off with a hiss, but the second slammed into him, wrapping its arms around his own and pinning him to the ground. He would not be able to use his halberd or make a gestured attack pattern until he could free himself. He could see the dark misty material of his opponent shift and begin to form shadow tendrils.


"Hrah! Protect me!" Sadisto shouted at his minions, just as Sailor Enceladus was beginning her Infinite Sparkling Light attack sequence. Compelled by some suicidal loyalty or, more likely, a darker, dominating magic, the two shadow creatures furthest from Enceladus threw themselves in the path of her oncoming attack.

The two nearest minions, leaped straight at her with alarming speed. Just enough speed it seemed to make Enceladus rush her attack just enough as to be off target. The powerful beam of positive energy just barely missed its target, and from the unmistakable fear in Sadisto's eyes, the sailor scout could tell that it likely would have been enough to finish him had it connected.

One diving minion Enceladus was able to duck and shrug over her shoulder with nothing more than a slight cut in her outfit from a raking talon, but the second creature tackled her right in the chest, pinning her to the floor, the weight of its body pressing down on her bosom and one of its knees sliding up between her thighs. She was not yet hopelessly grappled, but she would have to figure a way to muscle herself out of its grip before trying to rejuvinate or use an elemental ability.


With his life momentarily spared by the slimmest of margins, Sadisto gathers his dark powers and directs a Negaverse Attack in direct opposition to the Holy Lance attack that Sailor Chalbys was still maintaining against him.

A dark, unholy might began to course its way through Sadisto's rocky flesh, like veins of black ore appearing across his arms, torso, head and neck. With this surge of power, the giant thrust the holy lance back in Chalbys' direction - but the shard went only a few meters before grinding to a halt.

"Oh. No. You... Don't!" Chalbys squeaked, showing amazing endurance beneath the veneer of timidity as she expended more energy and willed the lance back at the warbringer, who with a shocked bellow, was impaled a second time, creating brilliant showers of positive energy sparks as it bit and drilled into the creature's tough exterior.

"Rraaaaaaarrrrgghhh!" Sadisto roared and pointed at Chalbys with a damning finger. "After her! Bring her down! She must be their most powerful warrior! I s-swear, she will be mine by nightfall!"

Despite saying this, it was clear that their chief foe was in a bad condition. And his remaining two minions quickly picked themselves off the the floor that they had thrown themselves upon in an attempt to block the shot of Enceladus. Now with the other immediate threats being grappled, they started to scramble in the remaining scout's direction.
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Re: Juuban Land (Open)

As the strange new figure exited the elevator, Enceladus turned to look curiously at the cloaked and masked man, thinking for a moment that Ronin Pure might have showed up just when they needed him. Alas, it was some other strangely dressed character, though he still seemed to be wanting to offer aid. Although she was quite sure that she and Chalbys could handle this cocky brute on their own, Sailor Enceladus still gave the man a thankful nod before returning to face their seemingly mutual enemy. "I'll never say 'no' to a mysterious, dashing man coming to my aid" she replied with a smirk, bringing a hand up to her cheek in a gesture of mock humility. The man's odd question about 'Shadowy Spirits' caught her by surprise, and she only offered him a curious smile before launching into her attack on Sadisto.

Unfortunately, Enceladus didn't count on the rock creature's minion throwing her aim off, and the beam flashed off target, impacting dully against the cold stone of the basement. She grimaced at Sadisto, sure that she would have won the battle with that attack if only he hadn't gotten so lucky at the last moment. Even worse, one of his minions had proven wily enough to sneak past her superb defensive skills and throw her to the ground. She grunted as she hit the cold concrete floor, then again when the creature's heavy form bore her down heavily, crunching the ice crystals beneath her.

As the creature's weight pressed against her large chest, Sailor Enceladus grunted in effort as she attempted to throw it off. "This really isn't proper behavior for a first date," she quipped, trying to remain calm after the sudden disastrous turn of events. From her position on the floor, Enceladus could see Sadisto turning to face her timid companion. "Ch-Chalbys!" she called, bringing one hand up to the face of the creature above her, as much to keep it's ugly visage away from her, as well as push it back. "Stay away from him! Get the others!" As she was busy pushing the creature, Enceladus used her other hand to swing repeatedly at it's side, just above it's waist. In humans, this was a vulnerable weak spot, and hopefully it would work the same with this beast, weakening it enough that the spiritually enhanced girl could throw him off her.

Escape grapple!