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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

A lot of details of the story are still in the works, so I probably won't go into it much until things are solidified. I plan on taking a couple weeks between the first and second releases to piece together all my notes and flesh stuff out.

I'll be looking forward to it!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Handed off the last footage for the video last night! We'll have the video posted as soon as the last section is done and the final edits are made.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Video's done!

<iframe frameborder="0" width="1280" height="720" src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x2cxu94" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cxu94_malise-and-the-machine-adult-pc-rpg-preview-video_videogames" target="_blank">Malise and the Machine - Adult PC RPG - Preview...</a> <i>by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/eromancergames" target="_blank">eromancergames</a></i>

Took me about 60+ hours to make this but it was worth it!
Unfortunately Dailymotion compresses it a bit, so the actual quality of the video/game is better than this; additionally, if the embedded video's too big to watch on your monitor, just go to the link right below the video :)

If anyone has a better site to upload the video on that'll allow hentai and full quality, uncompressed video, let us know!

Finally, here's two more links in case Dailymotion flags or takes that link down (both of these links are much worse quality than the Dailymotion link)

P.S. If anyone here is making hentai games and wants a video like this for their game, let me know and we'll try to work something out; just email me at [email protected]
(and yes, eromancer is ok with me making videos for other people and ok with me putting this in the post, etc.)
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Video's done!
<iframe frameborder="0" width="1280" height="720" src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x2cxu94" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cxu94_malise-and-the-machine-adult-pc-rpg-preview-video_videogames" target="_blank">Malise and the Machine - Adult PC RPG - Preview...</a> <i>by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/eromancergames" target="_blank">eromancergames</a></i>

Took me about 60+ hours to make this but it was worth it!
Unfortunately Dailymotion compresses it a bit, so the actual quality of the video/game is better than this; additionally, if the embedded video's too big to watch on your monitor, just go to the link right below the video :)

If anyone has a better site to upload the video on that'll allow hentai and full quality, uncompressed video, let us know!

Finally, here's two more links in case Dailymotion flags or takes that link down (both of these links are much worse quality than the Dailymotion link)

P.S. If anyone here is making hentai games and wants a video like this for their game, let me know and we'll try to work something out; just email me at [email protected]
(and yes, eromancer is ok with me making videos for other people and ok with me putting this in the post, etc.)
Really a great christmas present, this game looks like it is going to be perfect, really good work of you two so far. I love the animation of the vorepups, I am really interested how the dickbot plays out in the game, and I think the tube animation, which i personally love (girls getting filled up through their mouth) would be a good animation for a combo move by two enemies (filling her up on both sides). I also really love their faces while they get handled. I won't pester you for a release date, since the game shows how much dedication you already put in, and how much more work there is to come. But I hope there will be a playable demo in march :)
Edit: The running animation may profit from adding more frames, showing how her boobs "flail" around while running, just a small idea :)
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Battles look interesting, reminds me of the original Phantasy star with the way they've been set up. The HUD could use a bit of style to integrate more with the game. I popped out to me as being very plain and placeholder-ish. Other than that it seems functional enough. Enemies look good, animations might be going a bit too quickly though. The soldiers looked like they were dancing. Nice work, the game is looking very interesting!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

The HUD could use a bit of style to integrate more with the game. I popped out to me as being very plain and placeholder-ish.

Did you notice the sections (likely not due to stuff bouncing around haha) where it not only details exactly what's happening to Malise or Neon with icons showing the enemy attacking them plus the specific sex act being done to them, in League of Legends/WoW style design?

I'd argue against it being placeholder or plain, it's pretty much on par with the design quality/layout of most popular MMO or MOBA games, with a lot of specific graphics for specific instances etc. :p might take a few video watch-throughs to notice, though.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

ahhh crap, now i just want a demo more and more now. BUT, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE AND SO I SHALL BE PATIENT.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

ahhh crap, now i just want a demo more and more now. BUT, PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE AND SO I SHALL BE PATIENT.

I know what you mean :D

Eromancer and crew, that was BEAUTIFUL! Keep up the good work!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Good work on the video. syncrhonizing sound and effects is not easy.
The only think i would to ask is...Why the black haired heroine looks out of the screen during each action select. Is it made on purpose?..maybe it's just me..it looks.. strange
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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Good work on the video. syncrhonizing sound and effects is not easy.
The only think i would to ask is...Why the black haired heroine looks out of the screen during each action select. Is it made on purpose?..maybe it's just me..it looks.. strange

Not sure what you mean?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)


She's looking around the corner/the area for enemies; in the video, it lists some of her skills as "assassination" and "close quarters combat", which means she's likely constantly making sure her immediate area of combat is in full vision, so forth.

People who have that kind of combat training are constantly checking their surroundings, etc.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

She's looking around the corner/the area for enemies; in the video, it lists some of her skills as "assassination" and "close quarters combat", which means she's likely constantly making sure her immediate area of combat is in full vision, so forth.

People who have that kind of combat training are constantly checking their surroundings, etc.

This is true, I am an assassin myself so I know these things
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This is true, I am an assassin myself so I know these things

lies, a true assasin would not reveal his occupation, you must be one of those fake ninjas.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

lies, a true assasin would not reveal his occupation, you must be one of those fake ninjas.

Ah, but you see, his entire intent was to get YOU to reveal that YOU knew about the ancient assassin laws, as he's been given reprieve to specifically reveal his assassination heritage in the hopes that other secret assassins will blow their cover, dun dun dun
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

tl;dr: Illuminati cuntfirmed?

there are three dots in your sentence, which make the shape of a triangle when arranged equal distance from each other.

then there is a fourth dot, on top of the "i", which obviously stands for the word "eye", which is the eye in the center of the pyramid triangle.

then there is a fifth dot on the "?" which obviously stands for questioning, which leads to knowledge, which leads to control, which leads to power, the power that the illuminati gives, and so it represents the light shining behind the pyramid.

these five dots also represent the five senses that human beings have, but it represents that the illuminati controls these five senses of all the humans on the planet, making it so that we are fooled in our everyday lives, unknowing of the truth that is really out there, living everyday in the shadow of the pyramid of the eye of truth that we cannot look into, for we will be blinded by the light shining from behind it, blinded being a euphamism for killed, and the light being a euphemism for the power that the illuminati holds to wipe us all out in an instant without anyone knowing.

time to think this up and write it up, 60 seconds :cool:
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)


They look out to YOU, to hurry up and make a decision for them.
Maybe, since Neon is a robot and Malise a prostitute (considering her makeup) it is later revealed that you really are the person with the remote who gives them commands.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

time to think this up and write it up, 60 seconds :cool:
Clearly, you are practiced in these things. What does that mean???

Back on topic: Video is nice, but it feels a bit "busy" to me - the soundtrack and frequent scene-switching feels like there was too little source material to make a straight video.
Alternatively, the video is just going for more "atmosphere demo" than "gameplay demo" - even then, though, it sometimes seems a bit "3edgy5you", at least that's the impression I get.

What would convince me about this game: Mechanics, mechanics, and mechanics.
CG quality is pretty easy to grab from a snapshot / brief video, but it doesn't quite show the meat of the game.
For example:
- Looks like an ATB system, though I'm getting that more from this thread than the video.
- Bars look like HP/SP/Arousal/Turntimer. Guessing arousal weakens H-defense, HP works as always, SP is consumable.
+ Presumably, HP=0 knocks out characters. Are they out at that point, or are they still relevant somehow?
+ How frequent is SP recovery? Over time during combat, outside combat, or only with expensive items or sleep?
+ Do all specials consume SP, or are there ones that go off HP or arousal?
+ Is clothing damage tied straight to HP or Arousal, or a separate hidden stat?
- Video shows there's a grab/fucked status effect. Is the transition strictly normal -> grabbed -> fucked? What other status effects are there?
+ Are all status effects a variation on "enemy ability X applies status Y", or are there more complex interactions?
- The video alludes to an "interrupt" mechanic - details?

Of course, since you're still very much developing I figure the answer to most of these questions is still up in the air, but hey, I can ask, right? ;)
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