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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I didn't have to do that. After I said over and over, that everyone knew, you kept acting stubborn, and didn't listen to anything I told you. The fact she looked retarded is your own fault for not listening to the GM.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

RJ, the initial issue about your post not being clear happened after the post where Ashe asked what the demon looked like.

Simply put, this is a beta test. However, seeing as how you, the gm, have already:

Created the characters,
Put the characters in a railroaded quest,
Controlled the characters any time they aren't in combat,
Simplified combat so that it only consists of deciding whether to do a strong attack or normal one and sometimes to escape a grapple

This beta test is less about testing the system and more about testing to see how well you can convey information to the players seeing as how there isn't much left to test. This is actually probably important given that you are using a posting format that I actually haven't seen before and strikes me as slightly unusual. Also, the fact that some of your posts include actions and dialogue we haven't written leads to confusion.

Simply put, in a beta test, if a player finds an error, a gm should either:
  1. Fix the error and then rewind to a point before anything which was a reply to that mistake happened, or
  2. Make a note to do it differently in the future and treat the mistake as if you meant to do it.

In this case, you eventually fixed the mistake and then didn't do the rewind which left my character looking like an idiot because it made it sound like she was asking what Belladonna looked like immediately after Sakuya had just said not only who it was, but what she looked like. I merely wanted to back up to a point before Ashe asked what the demoness looked like so I could have her reply in a manner that made sense.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

If you haven't read my post yet. Give me a little to edit it to be slightly more civil.

Edit: Ok, it's fixed to be less aggressive now.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Well, you're wrong about that, since it's not about what I can or cannot convey. Mostly because I was ready to control the character's words myself.

This was a test of my edited system, to accomplish several things.

1. To show Silth the system in action, and to get his opinions on it.

2. To show it to any players interested in a game's system, so that they might toss in suggestions.

This was not in any way meant you for you to role play the characters themselves. A good story/having an in-depth role play was not the goal of this test.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Seemingly a little too late, Phoenix. Settle down, the both of you. It's just a game, getting upset over it ain't gonna help anything.

@RJ: Can you give the players a little more control of the RP side of things? It would probably take a little bit of the work load off of you, and everyone could all live happily ever after.

@Phoenix: Your argument is understandable, but you seem to be getting very angry over something that isn't all that serious. You have other issues that are making you upset, and its reflected in your posts. You're not wrong, but the way you're going about it isn't right. :(
If you really still want to leave RJs game, it's your choice, but I just think you're a bit too worked up over this.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

My main problem with the character looking like an idiot thing is that I somewhat empathize with characters I either play or read from the perspective of in stories, so I get extremely uncomfortable when the character is put in a situation where they look rather stupid.

Edit: and that is why I hate teenage romantic comedies, they almost always revolve around some character getting into extremely embarrassing situations.

And it's not like I would be dead set on leaving, I just would like a rewind to right after Gold's post #41 and before RJ's post #42 so that I could have Ashe react differently seeing as how she would need to ask what the demoness looks like.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Okay, I've been kinda lazy lately, and I figure I might as well try to get this game rolling again. I've had a suggestion of doing a scrub and starting up a new game of this, and was wondering who would be interested. I wouldn't necessarily be doing all of the GMing, but that depends on the amount of interest we get. Anyone?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Are you sure you can handle doing it before you deploy your extra DG GMs?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

*Rise hand*

Still show Interest
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I wouldn't recommend using any of my system as of yet, since it is incomplete. The skills and magics are far from finished/balanced, and I think there might be a hitch in the stats that I overlooked.

Edit: -I think it was dexterity, regarding how, if you built your stats evenly, the AC bonuses from the other stats would render you unable to land any hits whatsoever.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Heh, I was surprised to see this thread light up.

Unfortunately, this hasn't been very active lately. I can be roused to make another Jumpers session if a few people return to show interest, however, since this system remains as one of my favorites.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

show interest
Re: Jumpers Rebirth


Depends on how fast this gets updated and if I can make a new character.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Interest shown. If only in hopes of this jumpstarting my creativity fluids for other things as well.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

...slightly confused.

Why did people start to post interest in this randomly?o.o
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I've always had interest.

Indeed. More of the 50% of the player of Jumper Beta are Active players and this game is (was) one of the more promising games than have been created in this forum.