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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B Plain and simple, though do try to avoid liking it too much... at least with Edwin. I would add that, just to make it look like Jane isn't whoring herself out, when the kiss is finished casually have Jane slide her hands towards Edwin's and lightly grasp them while maintaining eye contact with him. Better to look like an item than merchandise being purchased.

Z Also, absolutely let Thorold know what happened just so that he knows, and perhaps ask for any advice on how to deal with Edwin. His advice probably won't be too good, probably involving maiming, but he might have a smart way of dealing with things given his involvement in the political world for so long... from a distance at least.

I'm agreeing with this again.

Z - Ask Edwin to send an official notice to her father via letter or footman to inform him that he is meeting her at an agreed upon location. (I'm assuming some sort of patriarch sort of feudal system here. It'll also allow far more freeway and give. . . legitemancy towards the date.)

Nudge Request: The passerbyers, those looking by, some of them have scowls on their face, eyes darkening at such an indecent display. (Fluff <3. Jane/Edwin/Thugs notice the looks towards Jane with how well she is pressed against Edwin.)
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I’m STILL not sure what to think. If it is ONLY text, with no real impact, then sure, why not? But if such fluff comes with extra dice rolls to determine the results, then no (or at least not this early in the story). There are enough random elements as it is, no need to add even more dice rolls.

Edwin’s effective actions are from me, that is to say… Edwin would have made these two “moves” (three if you include the kiss) for this choice, but I contextualized the first as Diagasvesle’s suggestion.

Now, as far as effects go, I did add a +1 because of the both hands thing, and wanted to actually ask if this is okay, as while it is a small effect, it was still an effect.

Given your reply however, I guess it isn't. Still, I’ll set up a poll for “Fluff” decisions, as I like the idea – and think they have greater impact when they have at least some tangible effect – but, will respect the decision to have them be completely text based and have absolutely no effect on stats. I do want to say that IF I do add them and make them have effects, I will severely limit their potential, set cooldowns on them, and give voters the power to veto any suggestion someone else makes.

In response to “ There are enough random elements as it is, no need to add even more dice rolls.” I would like to say that I will never have a “Fluff” suggestion ever create a die-roll, but I may have it affect one that would have already existed, such as +1/2 penalty here or there IF it is relevant, which, as I mentioned above, I will let you guys decide on whether it is okay or not.

Also, I am a little confused: How did Jane get 3 corruption? Which reminds me: Can corruption get reduced, or does it only go up?

Jane got 1 corruption from the first WIS check, that failed. Pretty much… the die said Edwin’s hands were a little too good ;) This in turn was translated over into the narrative ala: “ she continued her display and moved her hands up under his arms to rest on his upper back, lest their idleness give away her disinterest, of course,” our protagonist trying to rationalize her actions while slightly losing control.

The other 2 corruption was the situation itself. Pretty much: Jane putting on the show of interest, enduring Edwin’s actions, and generally acting this way has ever so slightly affected her psyche – a small price for acting the way she has for 2 consecutive posts.

Now, some of you might say “Really? Even more new mechanics?”, but keep in mind this “tutorial”, or rather “prologue”, is here as a bit of a testing ground for some stuff: I put it into practice and I hear your feedback. Favorable, unfavorable, mixed… I keep, remove it, or adjust it as need be, as I want to afford you guys as much control over the narrative, while at the same time having a few curve-balls and also not only maintain a “game” like feel, but a worthy narrative that is crafted by as much the voters as myself. This passive corruption, which was gained from being in a compromising situation for more than 1 consecutive post without resistance is one such mechanic I want to ask about. Do you guys think it’s something that should be included to add a small penalty to putting on acts like this, or do you think the die rolls are enough and this is simply adding TOO MUCH?

“Fluff” Votes:
See section under first quote:

A) Are fine, just have them be purely narrative/story elements.
B) Are fine, and can affect the game elements of the story, although only in extremely small ways
C) Should not be included.

Cooldown per person: Yes or No? How long?

“Passive Corruption” Votes:
See under Second Quote. In a nutshell:
Jane can gain a small amount of passive corruption (1-2)for each turn she is in a compromising situation and not resisting, her psyche is slightly affected as she endures it.

A) Integrate it - because "Reasons!"
B) Remove it - There's enough already!

Comments? Questions? Concerns?

I’m sorry again for the votes and the new stuff, but honestly, I just want to know what you guys want – I’m always looking for more things to make it engaging for you guys and afford you more choice, whether that choice is good or bad for our protagonist. Of course, I’m more interested in the what the whole thinks.

Unlike the ones before it the latest post just does not inspire my creativity, so I’m not going to even try coming up with anything better

:( I- I can do better... I swear...!
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

For the main vote, I say A. The dice haven't been that bad to us so far.

For fluff, I say C. But if it seems like that's not popular, I guess I could go with A.

And for "passive corruption", I say A again. Makes sense to me.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

For Fluff Votes:

A - Seriously don't let them effect gameplay XD. That's opening it up to becoming more GM/Player typing.

For Passive Corruption:

What is the scale? Also I believe the penalty should be a one-time cost unless she starts doing it with every man she meets.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

For main: I'll follow Gear. I don't think Diaga's idea may be of any good: the less it's known, the easier to get rid of the situation.

Fluff: A

Corruption: A
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Suggestion: When there are multiple votes like now use different "numbering" to avoid confusion, for example:
For the first question: the standard A, B, C, D, etc.
For the second question: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
For the third: Roman numbers (I, II, III, IV, etc.)

"Fluff" votes:
Definitely A. If there's some effect (even a minor one) it's no longer just fluff. Besides, a penalty of 1 point can be the difference between success and failure.
Cooldown: Not needed if it has no effect.

"Passive Corruption" votes:
Most definitely B. I’m not sure how to best explain my reasoning, but I'll try: While in some situations it might make sense (such as Jane spending several hours acting like a slut in order to trick someone or get something she needs), most of the time it seems like an unnecessary penalty. In this particular example it seems like Jane is getting penalized for doing a good job tricking Edwin, which seems wrong to me, especially since the "turns" are short and so there's hardly any time for her to get affected.

In addition:
- We don't even know the exact effects corruption has. Does it give penalties to some dice rolls? Does it make some choices unavailable if Jane is too corrupted?
- We don't know if there's any way to reduce corruption
- We don't have any clear rules when Jane gets corruption. It might make sense for her to get +corruption in a particular encounter if her own corruption is low (say, below 100), but not if her own corruption is above a particular threshold (for example, if she already has over 200 corruption when the encounter takes place)
In short, it seems to complicate the game for no good reason.

The more I think about it the more this whole encounter seems like it's intentionally stacked against the main character: She doesn’t have all of her resources, she is alone and outnumbered (and not by a little, either), Edwin is an influential noble with ties to the City Guard... It seems to me that no matter what we do Jane loses and we can only affect what she’s going to lose. It’s like we rushed ahead and run into a boss while still underpowered and under-leveled, except this is the first encounter.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

So we're just going to concede to the thug? ooookay....

Fluff Vote: C, but if it's A I wouldn't mind. B I oppose though.

Corruption vote: I really don't care either way. It's pretty minimal from what I can see.

Main vote: X. Back off and tell him this isn't the place for such displays, status and all. Be polite but firm. Then, if possible, try to divert the topic to making a "date" of sorts later on(If only to murder him/get friends and turn the tables).
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Well, now that I have more feedback on the matter, it’s quite apparent I should not have Fluff affect any gameplay – that is certain. I’m going to call the vote now and have it only affect story.

Now, for passive corruption,
What is the scale? Also I believe the penalty should be a one-time cost unless she starts doing it with every man she meets.

I wasn’t going to give it any kind of scale – I was going to have it act as a flat 1 or 2 point application per post, AFTER the first post. To elaborate, if Jane is enduring something over resisting, she will receive the corruption every turn after the first as a flat one or two points. If she resists, it resets the “timer” I guess you could say.

That being said… I think I’ll scrap Passive Corruption, as while I could go with the majority if the majority does vote for it, I think there’s enough contention in the application and use of it that the benefits of letting it go through do not outweigh the concerns of those who do not wish to see it in the story. Besides, the game already has ENOUGH, I must admit: no reason to go adding even more stuff into the mix. Just leaving it to the rolls that are already there is quite enough.

To elaborate on your other concerns:
-We don't even know the exact effects corruption has. Does it give penalties to some dice rolls? Does it make some choices unavailable if Jane is too corrupted?
-We don't know if there's any way to reduce corruption
-We don't have any clear rules when Jane gets corruption. It might make sense for her to get +corruption in a particular encounter if her own corruption is low (say, below 100), but not if her own corruption is above a particular threshold (for example, if she already has over 200 corruption when the encounter takes place)
In short, it seems to complicate the game for no good reason.

The more I think about it the more this whole encounter seems like it's intentionally stacked against the main character: She doesn’t have all of her resources, she is alone and outnumbered (and not by a little, either), Edwin is an influential noble with ties to the City Guard... It seems to me that no matter what we do Jane loses and we can only affect what she’s going to lose. It’s like we rushed ahead and run into a boss while still underpowered and under-leveled, except this is the first encounter.

- Corruption affects the state of mind of our main Character. I can’t go into too many details yet, but pretty much: The more our protagonist accumulates, the less aversion to certain acts our character has. Things like Edwin are just “another annoyance”, the idea of seduction isn’t as far from her mind, gropes and other sexual displays don’t faze her, and eventually, at higher ranks, the idea of certain sexual acts aren’t as repulsing. I’m not 100% sure how I will integrate everything, but I can say that the ranks (0-100 is rank 0, 100-200 is rank 1, etc.) will be something to these effects, but may change as we continue:

Rank 0: Defiant
Rank 1: Harder to resist
Rank 2: Compliant
Rank 3: Willing
Rank 4: Given in.

Higher corruption can affect die rolls and while it can slightly alter the way choices play out and how they’re described, you’ll never be limited in your choices until much, much, much higher levels.

- Ways to reduce corruption are very few and far between. At the end of certain adventures (a story arch effectively) it will round down a bit, but not by much.

- This note was in response to the Passive Corruption there is one other thing I want to address: As Jane’s rank in corruption goes up, simpler sexual acts and attacks will have less of an effect and some things may even be completely ignored, as they are no longer of any concern for Jane. For example, at higher levels, this encounter wouldn’t even faze her.

- As far as the encounter goes, I didn’t want to start you guys off easy: Each situation will require you guys to think about the best way to “beat it” and I won’t be pulling too many punches. While quite a few events are “Win or Lose”, I wanted to introduce you guys into this to show you that some aren’t simply a battle to be fought (although you could make it such). Some scenarios are a matter of getting out or getting away while choosing “The lesser of two evils” (or sometimes three or four.) As far as Edwin goes, he was one of these latter cases, but I won’t divulge what routes you could’ve gone with. Edwin will be coming back in the story at some point… and, quite frankly, will be an antagonistic element that isn’t exactly one with a clear goal or one who simply wants to harm Jane. I know it may sound silly, but your description of “It’s like we rushed ahead and run into a boss while still underpowered and under-leveled, except this is the first encounter.” is quite apt… think of this almost like a “Demon’s Souls” sort of encounter. To reemphasize, some encounters will be straight fights, while some require a more subtle approach, and some will end up as varying degrees of “Lose” where the best you can hope for is to get out relatively unscathed.

TL;DR: Fluff stays. Doesn't affect gameplay, but only story. Passive corruption is scraped. Corruption is "bad". My CYOA is Dark Souls/The Witcher
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Main vote: X. Back off and tell him this isn't the place for such displays, status and all. Be polite but firm. Then, if possible, try to divert the topic to making a "date" of sorts later on(If only to murder him/get friends and turn the tables).

I agree! This guy stole her first kiss no way I'm going to return the favor!
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Demon Souls CYOA? Okay, wow. This is going to be fun then.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

i'll go with B, kiss him on cheek to ensure him you mean business, but then back of from him
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I apologize for the delay, but the next post shall be up later tonight - it would be up within the hour, but unfortunately, I apparently have dinner plans... who knew?! So, in a few hours, expect the end of our prolouge in all of its massive word count!

Until then, Au revoir!
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

This one may be a little long as it is a bit of a story/lore-dump and almost two posts worth of content, but it does mark the end of our “prologue” and the beginning of the real adventure. I do apologize for the length, but I thought it best to have you guys know at least a little of everything before I have you decide on what to do next.

I put in a retroactive vote halfway so I could just get all of this posted now, instead of having to wait for a few extra days. This vote, once done, I will simply go back and edit the post retroactively.

B: Gear’s Option
Minor: Gear47Demon
Fluff: Diagasvesle

Minor: Diagasvesle =/= veto’d by Minerve.

Demon Souls CYOA? Okay, wow. This is going to be fun then.
Haha, I’m not sure how to take that last bit, as I know some people who would think that the worst thing in the world or the best.

Jane’s eyes go wide as Edwin’s lips press to hers, his movement having been too quick for her to respond. “My first kiss…” she thought, “taken by this man...” She was shocked to say the least, but it didn’t last long - she needed to focus. She was a little hesitant, but she realized her charade couldn’t end quite yet, even at this point. She fought back her urge to push him back and instead, ever so slightly, leaned into the kiss.

The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced before: to be so intimate with someone, it was “warm”. It was one of the only words she could think of as his lips made contact with hers. She could feel his breath on her cheek, almost tickling her. He didn’t go any further, refraining from doing anything with his tongue and recreating tales she had heard, simply content to keep his lips there as he drew her in. Time seemed to stall as she experienced the moment, the moisture between their contact edging into her mind. Warm and moist, it was all she could focus on in the moment.

Still, there was one more sensation, as she couldn’t help but have a sense of betrayal in the back of her mind. Leaning into this kiss, her first kiss, taken from her by this thug… it felt as though she had betrayed herself. Nevertheless, she leaned, and even more, she closed her eyes as she did so, telling herself that it was okay, that is was simply part of an act, a fiction made up to deceive Edwin. She didn’t think about who else she was deceiving, however.

Unbeknownst to the pair, those who passed by also noticed their communion, some giving disapproving looks at the public indecency. Others - all men - gave small smirks and couldn’t help but slow their pace as their gazes lingered on the noble woman and the slightly exposed skin of her upper thigh, Edwin’s groping hand having raised her skit enough to provide a small glimpse. His lackeys let out a series of chuckles, noticing the gazes of those passing by… as well as Jane’s heels ever so slightly leaving the ground.

Edwin pulled back, the kiss lasting for only a few seconds. For Jane, it felt as though it had been much longer, the young noble thrust back to reality as she opened her eyes. As they drew apart, she realized her hands still rested on his back. She quickly let them drop, moving them to take Edwin’s hands into her own, if only to stop them from continuing to molest her form. She could feel Edwin give her hands a gentle squeeze as he looked at her with the same subtle smile, Jane making sure to return the gaze.

They remained as such for a few more moments before Edwin finally pulled away and stepped back towards the others.

“I will be engaged in some business these next few days. As such, I do not know when we can have this meeting of ours. I’ll make sure to dispatch a messenger to your house with a letter detailing when I am available once I am certain. Until then… farewell.”

Jane was quite surprised at how sudden he left. She had almost said “Goodbye”, but opted to just stay silent as he departed, relieved that he had finally decided to leave her alone.

Edwin however, turned around to utter one last message:

“Oh, and do give my regards to Thorold when he comes back!” he shouted.

And with that he turned around and made his way down one of the many alleyways leading off the main road, his lackeys in tow.

Jane stood there for a few minutes, unmoving as she digested everything that just happened. She no longer had to keep up an act and felt everything come rushing back to her as unfiltered events played back through her mind. A pained expression formed on her face, now feeling the full weight of how her first kiss had been taken by a manipulative man such as him. She cursed and wiped at her lips with her sleeve. Worse yet, now she needed to meet him for dinner and discuss who knows what sort of deals or… “treaties”! She let out a sigh of frustration.

Still, Jane took solace in the fact that she avoided having to meet with them in private; at least now she would be able to deal with him in a public setting. Going with them could have ended quite poorly. She did realize how she could use her magic to escape, but even if he was a horrible manipulative degenerate, she still questioned how willing she would be to use her magic against him, let alone kill him.

“Dammit…” she cursed, trying to vent her frustration at the predicament.

“Well, now! I haven’t heard that kind of language from you in a while!” A booming voice came from off to her left.

Thorold had returned, a welcome sight as ever, especially with what she had just gone through. He looked at her with a puzzled expression, confused as to what could have prompted such language from the proper lady.

Jane contemplated telling her bodyguard of what had transpired, although she knows his first response would be not too dissimilar from hunting down Edwin and possibly killing him. Nonetheless, she was a bit lost on what to do and thought that his years of experience in the vicinity of noble’s such as her father may just give him some perspective she could utilize.

She explained what had happened in his absence, only mentioning how he had showed up, kissed her, and that they now had a date with him sometime in the future - She wasn’t ready to tell him just how… intimate it was. His response was to be expected:

“What!? He- I- Why if I see him I’m going to--!” Thorold started shouting, uncaring of those around them.

“Thorold, please! “ Jane spoke, trying to calm down the bodyguard, realizing what this could mean politically if he did anything rash.

“Why if he- I Just- And while I was gone too!?”

He lets out a series of intelligible half-words and curses. Jane heard him blame “them”, probably referencing the individuals he was meeting with. He goes on for a while before eventually slowing down, his tone more manageable.

“And all this while I was gone… and the damn Information wasn’t even good!” He rages, raises his voice again.

Thorold continues on for another minute, eventually calming down and entering an almost depressing state.

“Jane, you know I’ve protected you well all these years. I – I wouldn’t have even… not if I had known-“

“It’s okay, Thorold, I know. I forgive you. Really. But please: he stole a kiss from me, not my virginity.”

Jane could see him visibly flare up again as he was reminded of Edwin’s actions, before eventually letting out a long, heavy sigh.

“I know, but it’s still my fault: I could have taken the time to drop you back at the estate, or left you somewhere safe, or even forced their hand into letting you come in.”

Jane went to hug him, knowing that look all too well. She reassured him everything was fine, making him swear not to hunt down Edwin either, the bodyguard reluctantly agreeing to the order. Thorold had always been a good bodyguard, and in all reality, this was one of the few times he had ever had what some may call a lapse in judgment. Still, Jane knew he was good at his job, and that he was still a true friend to her – there was no way she could bring herself to condemn him.

With Thorold now calm-enough to carry on a civil conversation, they agreed to head home. They made their way back through the markets, heading towards the elevator leading up to the residential district.

While the city was hundreds of years old, the elevators were not, the wooden contraptions a recent addition to the city, put in place by the current regime. While Jane had heard it had once been ruled by tyrants, the city was now overseen by a council of eleven different members: Two elected from the residential districts, one from the markets to represent the guilds, one from the port, the head of the Mage’s Academy, and six noble houses, to one of which she belonged. She had heard tales of The Revolution, and how her father and many others had fought to free the city, those who lead it eventually comprising the houses that exist today. Jane, like Edwin and many other sons and daughters of the current council, were around twenty years old, their parents having settling down after the conflict was over.

As the pair continued home, the young noble woman looked up at the massive wall that encompassed the upper residential district, her current position below the cliff-line making it all the more imposing. She had heard how the revolution was a long, drawn out trial of attrition and subterfuge – she couldn’t imagine an army ever taking such a fortification, it’s walls and gates affording the defenders many different positions to hold against an outside force.

Jane was reminded of other details she had heard of the revolution, having glimpsed a sewer grate. She was reminded of tales of the revolutionaries using the sewers themselves, as well as various hidden tunnels and underground aqueducts that weave throughout the city, in order to conduct their work. They didn’t need to face the enemy head on, but simply kill them from within, acts of sabotage, theft, and even assassination eventually leading to their downfall. Thoughts about which role her father played had always crept into the back of her mind every once in a while, but she quickly pushed it away, telling herself that it was not something she wished to know.

As they came closer to the wall, Thorold, once again, led Jane through the horde of homeless, beggars, and cutpurses, keeping her close as he brushed them aside in order to get near the elevator.

One older man, who was dressed in little more than rags, dashed up behind Jane as they were nearing the elevator’s guards. He fell down to his knees and wrapped his arms around Jane’s legs, his face resting against her rear as he grabbed her. Jane quickly turned and looked down at the man, ready to push him away. She could see his face was covered with bruises and other signs of beatings, perhaps a result of previous attempts at this tactic. His ramblings were frenzied and rushed, the noblewoman only able to make out that he was begging for gold like those around him. Jane could already hear the guards coming to get rid of the man, their metallic strides mixing with an angry growl from Thorold as he reach out to grab him.

Jane, while a little perturbed at where the beggar had clung to, did feel sorry for the desperate man. Jane gave the man enough coins to eat another day and waved the approaching guards off, not wanting to make this man's life any harder. Even if he was going to spend it poorly, or if she had just been scammed, at least this small act purified her in her mind of her previous actions with Edwin.

Thorold stopped short of grabbing the man, but stood close, ready to intervene if necessary. Jane opened up her money pouch hesitantly, worrying the man might try and grab it. Surprisingly, he waited patiently, eyes simply glued to the bag. The man bowed his head over and again as she gave him five coins, repeating how thankful he was repeatedly. All the while, the other beggars didn’t approach her, fearing the guards’ response, instead simply staring at her as they continued to move up towards the elevator.

Once they were passed the guards stationed at the elevator, the ragged figures ceased their pursuit, not wanting to risk an armored boot or sharpened blade to get a few coins. Thorold paid the toll – 10 coins each for a trip upwards – and the pair stepped onto the wooden carriage. The elevators themselves were a recent addition to the city: Fast and mostly reliable, they were constructed by a rather inventive pair of brothers and overseen by the City Guard, the fees paid going straight into their coffers. The prices had been much lower a few months ago, only a coin for each passenger at the time. There were also a lot fewer passengers now then there were before, the carriages brimming with travelers when they had first opened. It was a curious thought, but Jane couldn’t help but wonder if one had caused the other, and if so, which one?

Once the gate was locked and secured, the mechanical gears churned to life as the carriage lifted, the pair rising up the wall.

“What do you think I should do?” Jane asked aloud, staring out over the city.

Thorold turned to her, eyebrow cocked.

“Hm? About… What? This ‘whelp’”?

“Yes, and I ask this seriously, no talk of simply killing him – I can’t risk that kind of political fallout.”

“Heh, you talk as though bringing yourself to kill ‘em isn’t the issue” Thorold joked. “If that’s not an option then…”

Thorold thought for a moment, the large man letting out a rumble-like sigh as he contemplated Jane’s options.

“Well, I’d say meet him, but make sure you’re prepared: An ace in the hole, something, just make sure you have someone or something you can rely on there with you when you go. That’s what my thirty years as a soldier would say.”

Jane turned to him and asked “What would your fifty years as a person in tell you?”

He met her gaze, considering her words carefully as he furrowed his brow.

“It would say… the world we live in’s never got any clear-cut answers, let alone clear-cut results. It would also say that situations sometimes make us reexamine what actions we should do and what we must do. And perhaps… it would say that for a young woman such as you, who’s starting to see more of life’s seedy underbelly, that this advice extends to far more than just a simple dinner with a spoiled brat.”

Thorold gave a smile and strode forward to put a hand on her shoulder.

Jane smiled as well. Thorold wasn’t usually one to say such things, but she still pondered his words as they continued up the wall.

As they continued to ascend, Jane looked not to the vista of ocean and city below her, but instead turned to the rocky wall they slowly climbed upon: She had always wondered how many rumors about what was hidden underneath the city were true. She had heard tales of “Cities within the city” and ancient tunnels that sprawled through the cliffs, underneath the districts, and even going so far as to spread far below the sea itself. She knew the thieves and beggars of the slums knew of some passages, but just how far did they extend… and what else could be lurking far beneath her own home?

Jane pushed these thoughts from her mind, thinking instead to what Thorold had said as the elevator had finally arrived at the top of the wall. The two of them stepped off, nodded to the guards, and made their way to the gate to the Noble District. For just a brief moment, as they stepped off the elevator, the pair could have looked to the north and seen the beginning of the woodlands that surrounded the city: a massive field of trees, it stretched all the way to the neighboring towns and villages. Tales of bandits, goblins, and much less civilized orcs than those she had met surrounded the woodlands. Even rebels – those who still held allegiance to the city’s old lords – were said to have taken refuge there, simply waiting for an opportunity when they may try and reclaim their lost throne.

Jane’s mind continued to drift as they walked, the girl glancing over the brick houses and complex masonry that went into the upper residential district, thinking of how nice it was to be back. While she didn’t mind the markets, she much preferred the safety and familiar layout of the upper districts. Still, her ventures in the lower districts were relatively painless as well. Of course, she always had Thorold at her side.

The noble and her bodyguard entered through the gate to the Noble’s district, passing by many more guards than any other gate may have, save the keep. Jane knew it’s layout well, having lived here her entire life. Every member of the council was afforded a place to live within the district, although not all of them resided there – Penelope Schrod, the representative from the Merchant’s guild, was one such individual. Jane’s estate lay not too far from the entrance, near the east side of the district. It lied in the shadow of the city’s keep, part of it built into the very walls of the district. She was sometimes unsettled by it, knowing it had once belonged to a family, not unlike hers, during the previous regime. Still, it was her home.

Thorold opened the door for her as they came up to the porch of their house. A house of stone, it was accentuated with red cedar, the porch still in decent shape even after twenty years. It was one of her mother’s favorite spots.

The interior was adorned much like how you’d expect a noble estate: Walnut flooring, mahogany furniture, and various paintings adorned most rooms, a contrasting warmth to the cold, stone walls. The first floor was a series of open rooms, archways and columns acting as thresholds between each instead of doorways. They were four massive quarters that split off from the foyer, the library, kitchen, living room, and dining room could all be seen from the entrance. A single, massive stairway took up most of the foyer, its length extending to the second and third floors where the various bedrooms and living quarters resided. A small door lead off to the side of the main floor, leading down to the basement and storage.

Unlike many other nobles, Jane’s father refused to keep an abundance of servants, only employing one: James, an older gentleman who acted as butler, cook, and general assistant to her and her father. He came to greet them as they stepped inside.

“Ah, welcome back Madam. I have already prepared a servings of soup for you and Thorold.” He says quickly, standing ready as always to relieve them of coats, boots, or other parcels they may have procured while gone.

“Or, if you prefer, I have already laid out your night gown for you if you wish to retire for the night. I also apologize in your father’s stead, as he wanted me to relay to you that his duties as councilman were called upon and he departed for the keep not too long ago. Also, Thorold, he requested that you read the letter he has left for you in his study, and that you join him as soon as possible once you have done so.”

With this news relayed, James bowed and retreated to the next room, attempting to find some task to accomplish or chore that needed to be done.

Jane let out a sigh and walked over to the nearby couch in the library to rest, watching Thorold head upstairs to her father’s study as she sat down… almost tired enough to fall asleep where she was.

+ Jane now has her scrolls!
+ Jane now has her Necklace of Invisibility!
+ Jane now has her Ring of Bolt
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Primary Vote: Which scenario do we have as our first chapter?

Here are the starting scenarios I have cooked up so far. I would have more up, but they’re not quite as complete as these. The first two are the most coherent and most well fleshed-out, while the third and onward is much more loose and unfinished. I will try and eventually make all of these available within the confines of the narrative, but may have to heavily modify a few depending on how earlier events play out. More will become available as time progresses.

Primary encounters are what you are most likely to encounter at least once in the adventure, while secondary are more limited and are sometimes unique to the paths taken and decisions made during the scenario. As far as “Length, Combat encounters, and non-combat encounters” goes, their answers are not clearly defined, but rather show how long the scenarios are or how much of something they contain in relation to one another.

You can vote for any single scenario to be the one we embark on, but know that those on top are those that have the most thought and development put into them. If you would also be so kind, please let me know which of those you didn’t vote for sounds the most appealing, as I'll then know which one to really make an effort to finish

I don't really want to give too much away on purpose, but I can answer some questions about the scenarios or about how everything will play out... once I get a good night's rest: Expect me back when the post says "8 hours old".

Sedition and Isolation
Jane heads to bed for the night, but is soon roused from her slumber. A series of events quickly unfold as she is not only left to fend for herself in the city, but is hunted by those involved in a heinous conspiracy.
Length: Long
Primary Encounters: Humanoids(Humans, Elves, Dwarves), Tentacles, Beastmen,
Secondary enemies: Orcs, Goblins, Plantlife, Mini-tentacles, Beasts (Optional), Insect/Bug/Spider (Optional), Lesbian
Combat Encounters: Medium - High
Non-combat encounters: Medium

A Trip Interrupted
Jane awakens the next morning to news that she is going on a trip to a neighboring city. Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned during her journey.
Length: Medium
Primary Encounters: Humanoid (Humans, elves, Dwarves), Orcs, Goblins,
Secondary encounters: Plantlife, Beastmen, Tentacles, Beasts (Optional), Insect/Bug/Spider (Optional), Lesbian,
Combat Encounters: High
Non-combat encounters: Low - Medium

Of Rogues and Riches – somewhat complete.
With her father away, and Thorold accompanying him, Jane is left on her own for a time. While she never usually leaves the Noble’s district during such times, she decides that she can protect herself now that she is experienced enough with her magic.
Length: Short

Dungeon Diving – Work in Progress
Maria has just discovered what she believes to be some ancient ruins not too far outside the walls of the city, nestled with the coastal cliffs to the north. She wants Jane to accompany her as she believes there may be a wealth of arcane knowledge just waiting to be claimed there.

A Dinner to Remember – Work in Progress
Edwin has finally contacted Jane about when they should meet for dinner. She hopes it will be a pleasant evening and won’t evolve into anything more, but unfortunately, “Hope is a good breakfast, but a poor supper.”

- We all work to create a chapter of our own. Highly unpredictable, we'll simply just... Go! Whether that's the markets, the slums, the neighboring cities such as Bayton or Arnes, or anywhere!

Secondary Vote: Even though Jane is wearing what would be expected of nobles today, how does she prefer to dress?

This will be the final time at which you can vote for this choice:

A) As she is now/a more feminine style – a noble female’s normal wear is fine for her (Will include skirts, basques that connect to stockings, blouses, leggings, and other such wear typical of a noble/upper class woman.
B) A mix – can include skirts, pants, shirts of many variations, and overall is just comfortable with whatever. She likes to strike a balance between a noble’s classic look and casual wear of the average citizen.
C) Tomboyish – Wears pants much more often, simple bras and underwear, as well as simpler shirts that can range from normal female shirts such as blouses to loose fitting, almost male shirts. Will avoid stockings and fancy clothing.
D) As is in the picture from before (might need a small bit of help describing the clothing as I’ve never been good with it).

X) Custom – Choose. Go ahead and describe a “look” for our heroine.

Pleasure Reset

+1 Corruption
• 1 from decision.

-5 Gold

+15 XP from encounter resolution.

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 10/10
Cantrip Charges: 5/5
Corruption: 2/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 15/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel

Gold: 75 Coins

Dagger: +d4 damage

Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Bare legs.
Shoes: Dress boots, brown, wide 1” heel .
Brassiere: white silk bustier.
Underwear: dark grey silk.
Jewelry: Necklace of Invisilibty. Ring of Bolt (Right Hand).

Dice Report:
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Rogues and Riches and Dungeon Diving sound fun, but since they are still WIP, I guess I'll vote for A Trip Interrupted.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Fill in the story: Jane gave the man a few gold coins, enough to eat another day, and waved the approaching guards off, not wanting to make this man's life any harder. Even if he was going to spend it poorly, or if she had just been scammed, at least this small act purified her in her mind of her previous actions with Edwin.

A Trip Interrupted gets my vote as it sounds pretty nifty, though I do like the title Of Rogues and Riches... maybe next time :p
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'm not sure if we're allowed to vote on the WIP ones, but if so: Dungeon Delving.

If we're supposed to pick one of the already completed chapters: A Trip Interrupted.

Fill in the Story: Jane acts offended by the man's behaviour, but when the guards arrive she does tell them that they shouldn't be too harsh on the beggar.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Dungeon Diving
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

We don't know enough about the world’s economy. I mean, is gold coins the only currency, or are there also others, such as silver coins and copper coins? With that in mind my vote is:
Jane gave the man a few gold coins, enough to eat another day, and waved the approaching guards off, not wanting to make this man's life any harder. Even if he was going to spend it poorly, or if she had just been scammed, at least this small act purified her in her mind of her previous actions with Edwin
I would replace "a few gold coins" with "a single gold coin" if that is good enough – no need to spend too much money on a beggar, as that would make her seem as an easy target and make the other beggars try to get some coins out of her (which can become annoying).

Scenario vote: Dungeon Diving
It could go a lot of different ways: ancient guardians, ancient puzzles, valuable artifacts to be found, wannabe 'heroes/adventurers/whatever' exploring the ruins, some unsavory people hiding there... The potential for some lesbian fun with Maria is a nice bonus, plus I’m curious to see how things will be handled when we have a companion (assuming that Maria doesn’t get taken out of the picture right away, ala Lyn the thief).

Some comments about the scenarios:
Let’s leave "A Dinner to Remember" for last so that Jane can get stronger. This way if we decide to just murder the prick we’ll be better prepared. :p

"Of Rogues and Riches": Not much to say due to limited info. Might be interesting.

"A Trip Interrupted": Seems like it has a lot of fighting and limited non-combat encounters so I’d leave it for later, after we have a bit more experience.

"Sedition and Isolation": Same issue as the above: A lot of (potential) fighting, so let’s not tempt fate just yet.

Question: Is visiting Anna possible? If yes Jane should visit her and tell her about the Edwin encounter, but only AFTER we finish the first scenario. If she goes right away and Edwin hears about it he might get the idea that the two are plotting some sort of revenge; if she goes after doing something else first it will be easier to pass it as a regular visit

One thing to remember is that the more complete the planning for an encounter is the more prone to railroading it is and the more difficult it will be to handle unpredicted actions by the voters. On the other hand the less you have planned the more work you’ll have to do but also it will be easier to just go with the flow and the less likely you are to have to railroad things.

To give an example (can’t remember the source that inspired it right now):
The GM has everything planned for the next part of the campaign. All that’s left is for the players to pick one of the hooks and start the encounter. Unfortunately… they don’t. Instead they decide to investigate the story they heard from a local drunkard known for making up stuff and go to investigate the desert to the north instead of the ruins to the west, thus screwing up all of the GM’s planning. To avoid something like that happening is one of the reasons I voted for Dungeon Diving despite the fact it’s a work in progress.

I don’t see the necklace in Jane’s inventory, and I also don’t see the item that is supposed to give us the Bolt spell?

Can you tell us what were the other ways to deal with Edwin? It would give us a better idea of what is possible during the game.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

As for begger, only thing she gives him is a punch in the face. Jane had a rough day behind her and a begger malesting her is the last thing she wants at that given moment.

For scenario i'll go with majority, if we can vote for WIP: Dungeon Diving,
otherwise i'll go with: Sedition and Isolation