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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

so many questions. also, my keyboard is wonking out so lets see how this goes.

the notes for barrier don't say that it requires focus, but the description says that it will dissipate if the caster stops channeling. so is it not possible to set up a barrier as a trap [question]. also, could material shift feasibly be used to allow us to hide within the cavern walls or floor [question].

if so, then hide back down the tunnel we came from - preferably within the wall - and watch/listen to see how many are in the group/which tunnels they go down. have maria cast a barrier on those tunnels after they are out of sight and jane use wave of force on anyone still in the chamber - depending on their numbers - then make a break for the well-lit tunnel. if this isn't possible, i guess i can just bandwagon along with everyone else [sad face]
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hiding in the walls would be a pretty awesome idea, but since Material Shift is just a cantrip and doesn't even cost any mana it probably can't work that way (though I'd be quite happy to be proven wrong).

About fixing Maria's dress: Let's leave that for after we deal with the new arrivals. If we end up fighting them Maria's dress might get damaged again, and then the fix will be wasted. She has a bra, so it's not like her breasts are exposed. Besides, the damaged dress might provide a bit of a distraction against any undisciplined foes, and that never hurts...
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

X – Head back down the entrance to the cavern, hoping to hide and learn anything the two can if they speak the same language.

… but will add that if there's any way to dispel the cast light orb that's still lying around, then do so. No need to let whoever is coming know that there's at least a mage around.
... except that instead of using the remains of the dress to bind her friend's breasts, which are still covered by a bra, use them as makeshift panties if at all possible. Any protection is better than none.
Question: How long does it take to drink a Mana Potion? Would it count as a Minor Action? I considered drinking a potion, but decided not to – Jane still has enough mana for 2 Fireballs and another use of Magic Armor, which should be enough for the moment.
A couple of seconds, perhaps ten or so? – Jane would need to open up her bag, dig out the potion, uncork it, drink it, and then either discard the bottle or put it back.
the notes for barrier don't say that it requires focus, but the description says that it will dissipate if the caster stops channeling. so is it not possible to set up a barrier as a trap [question]. also, could material shift feasibly be used to allow us to hide within the cavern walls or floor [question].
Moonblack is correct in his assumption that Material shift isn’t that powerful – it would take something much more powerful than a cantrip to pull that off. As for Barrier: Yes, the caster needs to channel, but it’s not as though the caster needs to close their eyes and try to put 100% of their complete concentration behind the spell in order to maintain/cast it. That is more of what Requires Focus means.
“Quick, back to the entrance: I don't trust the other paths...” Jane said quietly to Maria as she rushed over to the ball of light.

Maria nodded making her way towards the entrance with what little ambient light there was. Jane, with the light now in hand, used it to make her way towards the entrance as well and, once they found a place to hide, have Maria extinguish it. She wished she could grab up what remained of Maria’s dress, but the scraps were too small and too mangled to be of any use.

The two girls rushed around the pool of water as they tried their best to remain silent. Maria stopped, waiting for Jane to light the way as they searched for a location to hide.

It was slim pickings, as the cave didn’t afford many places to hide: There were a few stalagmites that protruded from the ground on the left, but they wouldn’t be enough to hide the girls entirely. Still, it was the best option they had, as the rest of the small chamber failing to afford any other cover. Jane pointed over to the area and they scrambled behind them as they began to see the orange hue of the other tunnel get brighter and more intense.

“End the cantrip!” Jane whispered urgently, Maria immediately placing her hand on the globe and closing her eyes until the light faded from the orb, leaving the girls in complete darkness.

As the bright, white light faded, so too did the orange glow of fire pour from the other tunnel as three individuals came out, each holding a torch. Jane peered out from their jagged cover, trying to see what she could of the three men:

Two of them were extremely tall, while the other was comically short compared to them. Their garb was unusual, unlike what the average individual would be expected to wear. She looked at each one as they slowly moved out from the tunnel...

The short one appeared to be a dwarf. He held a hatchet along with his torch, a crazed and confused look in his eye as he took in the scene of the chamber. His beard was shorter than the other dwarves Jane was used to seeing, yet the hair on his head was longer, an orange mane braided in the back, the bundles falling down to his waist. His chest was exposed as he wore no shirt, only a strip of leather across his chest that held a few pouches and nothing more. His legs were also mostly exposed, a pair and shorts and sandals doing little to cover his stocky legs.

The two other individuals appeared to be elves from what Jane could see, each one scanning the room, trying to figure out what happened. One knelt down near the rat that Jane had stabbed in the back, examining its wounds.

He had blonde hair that poured out from a dark bandana on his head, falling down to the small of his back. He held a spear as he warily looked about the room, sweeping it slowly across as he followed his eyes with it. His clothes were simple, a white, long-sleeved shirt with a black vest and black cloth pants. He looked almost plain compared to the last figure:

A long, dark-blue coat hung from the third individual’s shoulders, the tails falling down to his ankles. It was unbuttoned, leaving his chest exposed to reveal a few straps and belts that held an assortment of small knives and vials. His hair was long and black, with two pointed ears protruding from the long, flowing mass. He balanced a rapier in his hand as his eyes narrowed, sweeping the room. They fell upon the charred corpse of one of the rat-folk before making their way to each of the tunnels. Jane couldn’t help but sink a bit lower as he turned his gaze towards the entrance, getting an uneasy feeling that if any of them would see the two of them, it would be him.

She watched them as they investigated the scene, the three of them checking on the corpses of the rats. They continued on for a bit until the elf in the long coat spoke up, his words the same as those Riordan and Ulmag’s. Jane watched and listened as he pointed to the other two, the man seeming to give orders of some sort. She then caught Riordan’s name in the string of noise as he then pointed towards the tunnel they were now in.

The dwarf barked something back before the pair turned towards the entrance of the cave and began walking towards the two girls. The “leader” seemed to retreat back into the torch-lit path, keeping an eye on the darkened tunnel before eventually leaving the way they came.

Even with him gone, the dwarf and the other elf were still making their way towards the entrance… and their hiding spot. While they were shrouded in darkness, if one of them decided to look right at their location, they would most likely still be able to see them past the rocks. The two of them didn’t seem to be scanning the room anymore, but then again they were still in the larger chamber.

The question now was whether to let them pass and sneak by or ambush them when they came close... or perhaps another course of action? Whatever the two decided, they only had a few more second until the pair was right on top of them.

Primary Vote: What do the two girls do now? Do they ambush the two strangers or attempt to remain hidden and let the two pass by? And, if the latter, do they continue to wait or try and venture further into the cave?[/ I]

A) Sink back and hide, hoping the pair won’t notice. Then, once and if they leave…
1 Head down the torch-lit path, following the man who just left.
2 Head down the darkened middle path.
3 Head down the moss-covered path.

B) Ambush the two of them…
1 as soon as they get close, not wanting to risk them seeing the two girls first.
2 once they pass by, so as to take them from behind.

Secondary Vote:If discovered first, what is the plan of action?


X Other/Different course of action

Z) Minor Actions

Fluff/NPC nudge: Small, inconsequential NPC actions: allows voters to give their own little touch to the story descriptions and add their own flavor text.

- 2 Pleasure from Time.

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Magic Armor: -3 damage from all attacks.
– 0 Rounds remaining - ENDED

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 5/10
Cantrip Charges: 2/5
Corruption: 6/100
Pleasure: 2/20
XP: 56/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience:
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel
Stripped for Riordan and Ulmag
Teased by a Rat-folk


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Necklace of Invisibility: Allows Jane to become invisible for a minute. Touch and focus to use.
Ring of Bolt: Has one Charge of the "Bolt" spell.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Nothing.
Jewelry: Necklace of invisibility - small silver pendant.
Jewelry: Ring of Bolt – small gold ring.
Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 6/7
Cantrip Charges: 5/6
Pleasure: ?/20

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient (Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 14/20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod – Provides light for an hour.
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”
Goblin Carving – Has a simple design. Carved by the goblins who used to inhabit the Coastal cave.

Head: Striped Scarf around neck. Large tear.
Chest: Teal dress. Front of dress missing around chest.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.
Stats will be gleaned from enemies during combat if they have not been encountered beforehand.

Elf HP: 17/17
Wielding: Spear/Torch

(STR) Strength: d6 +/- ???
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 +/- ???
(INT) Intelligence: ??? +/- ???
(WIS) Wisdom: ??? +/- ???
(CHA) Charisma: ??? +/- ???


Dwarf HP: 22/22
Wielding: Axe/Torch

(STR) Strength: d10 +/- ???
(DEX) Dexterity: d6 +/- ???
(INT) Intelligence: ??? +/- ???
(WIS) Wisdom: ??? +/- ???
(CHA) Charisma: ??? +/- ???

Game/Dice Report:
Power Votes:
Gear47Demon: I
MoonBlack: I
Diagasvesle: I
Kasei: I
Tomaito: I
Xaero: I

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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hmm... I don't think this is a battle that can be won, even if a sneak attack is initiated.

A2 Darkened path probably has more rat people, and I think Jane and Maria would have an easier time with rat people than tentacles or what look to be somewhat experienced ruffians and thugs. Jane and Maria aren't supposed to be there to begin with, so chances are their presence won't be very welcome... or it might be all too welcome, which either way is bad news. Once they pass, make for the darkened path and have Maria light her lantern (she does have something to light it with, right? Otherwise use the burning rod - need to save cantrips and magic!) and be wary for further ratfolk attacks in the dark.

Secondary Vote: Try to parlay with them. Hands up, non-threatening, we come in peace. That sort of thing. There's no need to start a fight if it can be avoided, since I don't think Jane and Maria would win... and wouldn't want to kill Riordan and Ulmag's buds and then have them find out, and then attack Jane and Maria on the way out for killing/harming their friends. If that fails then just make a break for the darkened path and have Maria throw up a barrier behind her and Jane to stop them from pursuing.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A3 primary
secondary magic armor and attack
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

After thinking about it: We don't know if the third person is really gone. They could be hiding nearby, waiting to see if someone would attack the elf and dwarf (i.e. using the two as a decoy). And even if they have really left they might be close enough to hear the sounds of battle. With that in mind:

A) Sink back and hide, hoping the pair won’t notice. Then, once and if they leave…
1 Head down the torch-lit path, following the man who just left.

IF Maria and Jane get spotted by the pair: Have Maria Blind the pair while Jane casts Fireball on the Elf. Then have Maria shoot the Elf with her bow while Jane tries to attack the elf between Maria's shots (Jane's attacks are primarily a distraction). Try to kill the elf as quickly as possible before focusing on the dwarf. Cast Fireball on him and then have Maria shoot him. If he gets too close have Maria use Daze on him.

IF Jane and Maria follow the lone person that left and he spots them try to take him out as quickly as possible: Have Maria Blind him, then shoot at him while Jane tries to get behind him and attack him from the back. Aim for a quick kill - the guy seems too dangerous to take chances.

In all of the above cases aim for the body to maximize chance to hit.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hmm... I don't think this is a battle that can be won, even if a sneak attack is initiated.

A2 Darkened path probably has more rat people, and I think Jane and Maria would have an easier time with rat people than tentacles or what look to be somewhat experienced ruffians and thugs. Jane and Maria aren't supposed to be there to begin with, so chances are their presence won't be very welcome... or it might be all too welcome, which either way is bad news. Once they pass, make for the darkened path and have Maria light her lantern (she does have something to light it with, right? Otherwise use the burning rod - need to save cantrips and magic!) and be wary for further ratfolk attacks in the dark.

Secondary Vote: Try to parlay with them. Hands up, non-threatening, we come in peace. That sort of thing. There's no need to start a fight if it can be avoided, since I don't think Jane and Maria would win... and wouldn't want to kill Riordan and Ulmag's buds and then have them find out, and then attack Jane and Maria on the way out for killing/harming their friends. If that fails then just make a break for the darkened path and have Maria throw up a barrier behind her and Jane to stop them from pursuing.

I like joining the bandwagon and go diplomacy.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I'm going to second Gear47demon We'd rather not fight these guys if it can be avoided. Not only do they seem out of the character's league, but they wouldn't want to piss off the two known perverts outside. For all we know, the rest of the group could be entirely reasonable. Probably not, but certainly the two elves up the chance. Because, you know. Elves.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Sorry: changing to A3. As for diplomacy ill back up gears option.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Secondary vote : Try to communicate with them. If hostile, rush to moth-covered passage.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

As much as I might normally be for diplomacy, I'm against using one of our last two (for the time being) cantrip charges to try and understand them, and further against trying to communicate across a language barrier when we technically shouldn't be here at all. Therefore, my vote is A3. (EDIT: changed from A1)

That being said, IF we are spotted, have Maria cast blind, then attempt to run by them. Jane should use wave of force should one of them recover too quickly. Once in the tunnel, have Maria cast barrier to slow them down.

Should we run into the other elf (before having another vote :p), have Jane use her scroll of racking pain to debilitate him.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hmm... I don't think this is a battle that can be won, even if a sneak attack is initiated.

A2 Darkened path probably has more rat people, and I think Jane and Maria would have an easier time with rat people than tentacles or what look to be somewhat experienced ruffians and thugs. Jane and Maria aren't supposed to be there to begin with, so chances are their presence won't be very welcome... or it might be all too welcome, which either way is bad news. Once they pass, make for the darkened path and have Maria light her lantern (she does have something to light it with, right? Otherwise use the burning rod - need to save cantrips and magic!) and be wary for further ratfolk attacks in the dark.

Secondary Vote: Try to parlay with them. Hands up, non-threatening, we come in peace. That sort of thing. There's no need to start a fight if it can be avoided, since I don't think Jane and Maria would win... and wouldn't want to kill Riordan and Ulmag's buds and then have them find out, and then attack Jane and Maria on the way out for killing/harming their friends. If that fails then just make a break for the darkened path and have Maria throw up a barrier behind her and Jane to stop them from pursuing.

I'll go with this except I am choosing A3 instead of A2
We know that the one dude went down the torchlit path and there may be more people down there. We know that the darkened path contains ratmen and it's dark. We don't actually know anything about the moss path. You're just assuming that there are tentacles down there (which I wouldn't really be surprised if there are), but there isn't any actual evidence to support that claim. All we know about what's down there is that there is a boot print in the moss so there might be a person down there. Also, the moss provides natural light so we shouldn't have to worry about vision or using cantrip charges to create orbs of light. That's just my take on the situation.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path


If discovered, be prepared to fight if that's what they want, but if they don't attack immediately, try to parley with them.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path


But without any diplomacy: don't trust any of them :s
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hey guys, wanted to give you an update:
I'll have the next post up tomorrow morning. I would have it up tonight but a random headache/bout of fatigue has got me writing like crap - I could have it out tonight but it would be pathetically straight forward and uninteresting. I'll try and get a better passage typed up and have it out before Noon tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay.:eek:
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hey guys, wanted to give you an update:
I'll have the next post up tomorrow morning. I would have it up tonight but a random headache/bout of fatigue has got me writing like crap - I could have it out tonight but it would be pathetically straight forward and uninteresting. I'll try and get a better passage typed up and have it out before Noon tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay.:eek:

Hey, you've got to take care of yourself first. I'm sure we're all fine with waiting until tomorrow knowing that you're not feeling good right now. Hope you feel better soon.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Hmm... I don't think this is a battle that can be won, even if a sneak attack is initiated.

A2 Darkened path probably has more rat people, and I think Jane and Maria would have an easier time with rat people than tentacles or what look to be somewhat experienced ruffians and thugs. Jane and Maria aren't supposed to be there to begin with, so chances are their presence won't be very welcome... or it might be all too welcome, which either way is bad news. Once they pass, make for the darkened path and have Maria light her lantern (she does have something to light it with, right? Otherwise use the burning rod - need to save cantrips and magic!) and be wary for further ratfolk attacks in the dark.

Secondary Vote: Try to parlay with them. Hands up, non-threatening, we come in peace. That sort of thing. There's no need to start a fight if it can be avoided, since I don't think Jane and Maria would win... and wouldn't want to kill Riordan and Ulmag's buds and then have them find out, and then attack Jane and Maria on the way out for killing/harming their friends. If that fails then just make a break for the darkened path and have Maria throw up a barrier behind her and Jane to stop them from pursuing.

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Sorry for the delay, but here we go.

A3 – Sink back and hide. If the two walk by without noticing, head to the Moss-covered path.

Diplomacy wins over attacking, but will fall back to attacking if they’re still hostile.

Jane and Maria sank back behind the jagged formations, trying to conceal themselves as best they could. If they were discovered they would try their best to resolve it without resorting to violence… but they were prepared to fight nonetheless.

A heavy set of footsteps echoed down the cavern, offset by a much lighter patter. They grew louder, the wet impacts making their way down the silent cave as the men came closer. Jane and Maria looked at each other in the darkness, just barely able to make out each other’s outlines in the darkness before light began to reveal them. They could now see them, the elf and the dwarf moving down the passage as they approached the hiding spot. Shadows danced on the wall behind them as the torches entered the chamber, filling it with a rich, warm glow.

Neither of the girls dared to move, keeping still against the cold, damp rocks. They stared at each other, eyes kept wide with the tension of being caught. The footsteps were louder than ever now, the echoes filling the chamber. Louder still was Jane’s heartbeat, its constant pulsating droning on even as she tried to suppress her fear: These men were armed, nothing like the rat-folk they had just faced. They were probably from Bayton as well, most likely pirates, bandits, or thugs of some other caste. While they might be as friendly as the previous two, she didn’t want to risk it.

A thought entered the back of Jane’s mind as they lied there, the young noble woman wondering exactly what they had come there to accomplish. They were supposed to come here on an expedition, obtaining whatever artifacts and magical items they could. Were they really going to still continue now that they knew of the dangers that lurked here? Worse yet, these caves held other dangers, the residual pleasure in Jane’s loins a constant reminder. Were they really willing to risk so much?

She pushed the doubt from her mind, reassuring herself as she looked at Maria: If these men really were bandits, and they had heard the same news Maria, then would loot the entire place and not leave a scrap for anyone else. Worse yet, they’d probably destroy whatever else they themselves could not utilize or pawn off on the market. Jane couldn’t let that happen knowing what this meant for her life-long friend: They needed at least some small bit of victory in all this.

The men were now a few feet away from the rocks, their footfalls ever louder now. The two girls didn’t dare try to peek over what little cover they had, instead their eyes following the shadows as they slowly began to shift along the far wall. The frantic shapes slowly panned to the left as the torches flickered past. The girls could even see a bit of themselves in the dancing shadows, the rocks failing to completely conceal them. Still, they remained motionless, trying their best to make sure the crackling of fire and the strides of the two men were the only audible sounds in the chamber.

They could hear them now, just on the other sides of the rocks, channels of light pouring down and in between the two girls as they laid there. They held their breath, fearful of the two men finding them and… the light continued to pivot. The shadows on the wall continued as well, their forms keeping to the same motion as they traveled left along the far wall. And finally, so too did the footfalls become weaker, the sounds eventually passing until they were only a faint patter in the adjacent chamber and then... nothing.

The two girls laid there for a few moments longer, afraid to move or cause any noise. The torch from the far path provided just enough ambient light that they could see one another’s form. It had been a few minutes more when Maria slowly began to sit up, Jane watching as she turned and looked down each path. She could hear a chuckle, a trembling sigh of relief as the tension that filled her.

Jane began to sit up as well, also trying to look and see if they were okay. She almost had a heart attack when she felt something grasp her. Her mind panicked for a moment until she realized it was Maria, her friend in such a rush to embrace her in the near-blind conditions that her lips fell upon hers by accident. Or so, she thought it was an accident, Maria refraining from pulling back as Jane couldn’t help but return the embrace. She didn’t pull away either, simply enjoying the small victories where she could. It lasted for only a few seconds, but it felt like a full minute until Maria eventually pulled back.

“I’m sorry…! I didn’t-“ She quickly tried to speak, but cut herself short as she didn’t know who else might be around.

“It’s okay.” Jane whispered back, not wanting to say anything discouraging.

In truth, Jane couldn’t truthfully say that she didn’t enjoy it in some respects, the intimate act somewhat refreshing after all they had just been through. Still, she was slightly hesitant, having only just kissed for the first time but a day ago, and now recreating the same act with Maria? She felt a bit conflicted, but overall, she had to admit that it was a much better experience than the one she had shared with Edwin.

The thought of the rat-folk teasing her earlier now entered her mind. She hadn’t had the chance to think about it yet, events having moved too quickly after they had won their battle. It had felt good… but she was still disgusted that it did so. The tingling in her loins was now almost completely gone, yet she could still imagine what it was like: a sensation that she could easily succumb to if she was not careful. Her Aunt had told her of these things existing out in the world, monsters and creatures that lusted for a woman’s flesh, but she scarce believe them in their entirety. Knowing now that they were true, she’d have to exercise even more caution… lest Maria or herself become a victim of such a foe.

By this time, the two girls were positive the other pair had moved on. They crept out from behind the rock and made their way to the larger chamber, using what little ambient light they could.


The two girls discussed their options, trying to decide which of the three paths they should take. Each one lead to another section of the temple, and each section as connected to one another: All they needed to do was make it to the temple itself. The torch-lit path didn’t seem that good of an option, the men from earlier having come down from that route: Who knows how many more there could be? The middle path was also dangerous: While they had dispatched the rat-folk they had encountered earlier, they didn’t know how many more lurked down that path, hidden in the darkness waiting to ambush them. In was because of the inherent danger of the other two paths that they decided to go down the third path: It may be a bit stranger than the other two, with the purple moss that covered the tunnel, but they didn’t know of any inherent danger associated with it. Also, the moss seemed to produce its own light. While faint, it would afford them enough vision so as to make their way to the temple without using any of their light sources. If there was something down there… well, then they would simply have to hope it was something they could handle.


The young nobles made their way to the moss covered path, a sense of ease passing over them as they stepped from the darkness into the glow of the moss. It wasn’t much, but at least they didn’t have to worry about not being able to see whatever might come at them.

Jane slowly stepped onto the purple mat that lead into the tunnel, the vegetation crumpling under her weight. It gave off a small puff as she set her foot down, a tiny cloud of pink wafting up from her boot. It remained for a few moments until the cloud faded, the particles dispersing.

Step by step the two women made their way into the passage, eventually becoming used to the subtle crunches beneath their boots. They left behind them the dark of the previous chamber and became engulfed in the violet glow of the tunnel, their entire forms cast in an orchid light as they continued on. They entered another chamber - only a fraction the size of the previous room -but were only given one direction to go this time, the single tunnel seeming to bend down and to the left, towards the same direction of the other two. The moss was everywhere, a continuous coat spanning the entire length and width of the tunnel, as well as every formation of rock. Jane also noticed an interesting scent in the air, like that of a sweet fruit or sap. Each time it faded from her senses she couldn’t help but feel compelled to try can catch its scent again – was it perhaps the moss that produced it? Overall, the chamber gave an almost surreal feeling as the two stood there, the purple chamber a quite the sight to behold as they were bathed in the deep glow of the plant-life.

Maria mentioned that she didn’t detect anything dangerous about the moss and so far it seemed to be safe. Jane looked to her as she thought about her previous analysis, her eyes drawn to her chest where the rat-folk had managed to rip away a good portion of her dress. She was worried about her getting into another scuffle such as the previous one, and wondered if she should take the time to repair her dress before they continued on. She’d be able to keep a look out for anything while Maria focused on the cantrip…
Retroactive Vote:
Does Maria take this opportunity to repair her dress?

After thinking about it for a bit Jane decided that repairing Maria's dress could wait. After all, there was no telling when it would get ripped again. It would be a waste of a cantrip to repair the dress now only to have it get damaged again a few minutes later, and Maria still had her bra so it wasn't like her breasts were out in the open even if there was anyone else to see them. Besides, the sight of Maria's ripped dress could potentially serve as a distraction for enemies if they were to encounter any other humanoids. Yes, that was all. It definitely wasn't because a part of Jane was enjoying the view. No, most definitely not. ...Hopefully the moss’ purple light would keep Maria from noticing the slight blush that had appeared on Jane’s cheeks while thinking about it.
The two girls pressed on and into the smaller tunnel, Jane taking the lead. She held her dagger at the ready while Maria kept an arrow nocked just in case they ran into anything. Jane started to feel a bit cramped with how the tunnel started to thin out, the passage shifting between only four to six feet wide and eight or so feet eye.

A constant dust-cloud hangs around the floor of the passage as the two continue to kick up more of the crumbling moss, a constant fog of pink that, fortunately, seemed to go no higher than their knees. They also noticed small flowers scattered about the wall, tiny, pink blossoms that seemed to grow from the moss. Jane surmised this must be what was causing the smell, its scent stronger here than before. She examined them as they passed by, their forms adding to the fascination of the cave. She was so entranced she almost forgot where she was, a hand on her shoulder bringing her back to attention as Maria called out to her.

“Hey! Careful!”

Maria had stopped Jane about a foot or so away from a most peculiar sight: Hanging from the ceiling was what looked to be another piece of vegetation. It looked like a rope of some sort, slightly darker than everything else, but still containing a purple hue. Upon closer inspection, the vine was connected to the center of a flower that was rooted to the ceiling – it was placed in the center of the petals, almost as if it was the stigma of the flower itself, although far larger than any she had ever seen. The tendril itself was about an inch thick and hung down until it was about a foot or so off the ground, a small drop of something dripping from its length every couple of seconds.

“Wha- what is that?” Jane asked, leaning away from the plant and back into Maria.

Maria stepped forward and in front of Jane, eyeing the plant with suspicion.

“I… think it’s a ‘Grasping Perennial’, although some people call them Ropers: They usually feed off insects and, sometimes, even small mammals that come into contact with their tendril. See, look…”

Maria then took the arrow from her bow and touched the tip against the side of the hanging vine. Immediately it jumped, coiling itself around the shaft of the arrow until it had bound it four times over. The tip curled up towards where the arrow was, wriggling about as it flexed and twisted.

“Hm,” Maria hummed with a concerned tone. “Usually they retract back up into the flower, although this one seems to be… … different.” She finished, peering up at the main flower.

“Of course, I’ve never seen one and have only ever read about the variety you would find in jungles or certain woodlands, never caves.”

Jane stared up at the flower, letting out a surprised “Huh…” at her friend’s knowledge: It seemed almost every week or so she was surprised by how much her friend knew of various subjects – it was a good thing she was usually the one that accompanied her on any ventures outside the city. She couldn’t help but feel a bit of adventurous rivalry at how much her friend knew.

The arrow was lost to the plant’s grip, but the two noble women continued to push forward, making sure to avoid the flailing tendril.


Jane was in the lead again, dagger still in hand while Maria held an arrow at the ready. They had encountered a few more of the grasping tendrils as they made their way down the passage, but they didn’t seem to be too much of a problem as long as they didn’t disturb them – even with how thin the passage was, they were able to skirt by without touching one. It had been about ten minutes, the girls traveling at a gradual, yet vigilant pace as they continued down the tunnel until they finally encountered another obstacle:

They had just turned a corner when they were met with the sight of not a few, but dozens of the vines, a mass of tendrils clogging the tunnel in front of them. The flowers clung to the ceiling, each one suspending a vine down to about a foot or so off the floor. No matter at what angle Jane looked, she wasn’t able to see past the swarm of tendrils, the flowers clustered so close together she couldn’t see what lied on the other side.

“Well, what do we do know? Should we… go back?” Maria said, sounding hesitant at her suggestion.

Jane stepped forward as she looked about the mass of vegetation, the moss still giving a quiet crunch as it fell apart under her boots.

“You said these were… harmless? Right?” Jane asked.

“They should be, at least, all the varieties I have read about can’t do a thing to anything bigger than a bat or a small mammal.” Maria replied.

It seemed there was no way to simplywalk through without touching one, Jane noted. Even if they did, would they be any more than simply an annoyance? Although, she was curious about whether they could still avoid them entirely, her eyes wandering to the small gap between the tips of the tentacles and the floor as she noticed there was enough room to crawl past. That seemed like the easiest and most logical course of action, but perhaps they could figure something else out.

Primary Vote: How do Jane and Maria get by the tendrils? Do they attempt to charge through, crawl beneath them, or take a different course of action?[/ I]

A) The two attempt to charge past the mass of vines: if they’re fast enough they just may be able to get through without the tendrils being too annoying.
B) Try and crawl beneath the tendrils: It may take a bit, but it’ll avoid the problem entirely.

X Other/Different course of action

Z) Minor Actions

Fluff/NPC nudge: Small, inconsequential NPC actions: allows voters to give their own little touch to the story descriptions and add their own flavor text.

- 2 Pleasure from Time.
+ 4 XP: Avoided Encounter.

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 5/10
Cantrip Charges: 2/5
Corruption: 6/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 60/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience:
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel
Stripped for Riordan and Ulmag
Teased by a Rat-folk


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Necklace of Invisibility: Allows Jane to become invisible for a minute. Touch and focus to use.
Ring of Bolt: Has one Charge of the "Bolt" spell.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Nothing.
Jewelry: Necklace of invisibility - small silver pendant.
Jewelry: Ring of Bolt – small gold ring.
Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 6/7
Cantrip Charges: 5/6
Pleasure: ?/20

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient (Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 13/20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod – Provides light for an hour.
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”
Goblin Carving – Has a simple design. Carved by the goblins who used to inhabit the Coastal cave.

Head: Striped Scarf around neck. Large tear.
Chest: Teal dress. Front of dress missing around chest.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.
Game/Dice Report:
Power Votes:
Gear47Demon: I
MoonBlack: I
Diagasvesle: I
Kasei: I
Tomaito: I
Xaero: I

Perception Check – Are the two girls found?
Dwarf – Roll Failed.
Elf – Roll Failed.

Perception Check – Tendril
Jane’s WIS: d8 + 2
Rolled: 2
Total: 4 vs. 5 – Failed.

Perception Check – Tendril
Maria’s WIS: d8 + 0
Rolled: 6
Total: 6 vs. 5 – Success.

Perception Check – Additional Route
Jane’s WIS: d8 + 2
Rolled: 8
Total: 10 vs. 7 – Success = Added Option B.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

moonblack's answer except if they end up crawling they just crawl
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Yep, tentacles. As expected. Anyway, votes:

Repair dress: No, not yet
After thinking about it for a bit Jane decided that repairing Maria's dress could wait. After all, there was no telling when it would get ripped again. It would be a waste of a cantrip to repair the dress now only to have it get damaged again a few minutes later, and Maria still had her bra so it wasn't like her breasts were out in the open even if there was anyone else to see them. Besides, the sight of Maria's ripped dress could potentially serve as a distraction for enemies if they were to encounter any other humanoids. Yes, that was all. It definitely wasn't because a part of Jane was enjoying the view. No, most definitely not. ...Hopefully the moss’ purple light would keep Maria from noticing the slight blush that had appeared on Jane’s cheeks while thinking about it.

Other: First examine the area where they are now and make sure there are no other potential threats they have overlooked, or any other paths that have remained hidden from their view. Next, search for footprints like the ones they found at the entrance to this path and see if they can figure out what happened to that person. Last, but not least, examine the moss again and see if they can learn anything more about it now that they have been near it for a while.

If none of these actions produce results have Jane and Maria pull back as much as they can without getting too close to any of the tentacles they left behind, and then have Jane cast a Fireball on the nearest flower. See how it reacts, and then decide on a course of action.

If they end up crawling on the ground they try to hold their breaths and not inhale any of the moss. As a precaution they also cover their mouths and noses with some cloth, just in case