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RPG [ Alibi ] [ アリバイ] Infected City / 感染都市-十二日の生存者‐ RE144351 RJ144351


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score

The exe is named Infect City so let's call it that -x - for once my thread is about a game that's actually out and not 'no demo yet'/'out in X'

It's a survival game akin to Dead Rising with laughably easy zombies once you know how to deal with them and events based on time (at least I assume so)

WASD or direction keys to move
E to open inventory
J attack
K inspect

Demo is sadly rather short -x - since most areas are blocked off + the event I found lead immediately to "not in trial"
+Animated scene
+Voiced girls
+Sorta make that tense 'survival horror' feel (getting hit slow you down temporarily and you can't take that many hits either)
There's only one scene in the demo
From your base ( the only spot you can save btw) go right for 2 screens.
There'll be a store with broken door, you can enter there and inside there'll be another hooded guy.
Then zombies appear.
If you don't kill them now, it's pretty much event failed.

If you succeed in killing them right there, you can interact with one of the door and the girl will be there with 3 options:
Give food
RAPE HER (require 40 energy)
Don't give food

Only rape option do anything in demo - - I fed that girl 3 food and then it just goes "NOT IN TRIAL TROLOLOLOLOL"
t-" -t

Basic guide on 'clearing' demo
Equip knife, grab jelly in the fridge.
Go left from the start and get some extra food just in case.

Now run straight right to that music store with the girl.
But run past it, next door is a sport gear, inside you can get Bat. It does less damage than the knife (1 more hit to kill) and require more energy but it knockbacks + can hit multiple enemies

Now go pwn those zombies and rape that girl
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Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

One of the girls reminds me of Sayaka from DR
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

anyone have a download link. found some fake ones no real downloads yet.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

What part of, it came out yesterday, do you not understand? Of course there are no links, be patient.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Dunno about you, but I think I'd walk a little faster in the middle of a zombie apocalypse; the freakin' zombies are almost as fast as your character. The bat's pretty much a must if you want to survive, from what I've seen - trying to use the knife usually ended up with me barely having any health left after killing just one zombie (while punching pretty much ended with me dead). The one sex animation wasn't very good, either.

Not too impressed with the demo, so I won't be buying it. If I sound grumpy, it's probably because I should go to sleep instead of checking out H games.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Dunno about you, but I think I'd walk a little faster in the middle of a zombie apocalypse; the freakin' zombies are almost as fast as your character. The bat's pretty much a must if you want to survive, from what I've seen - trying to use the knife usually ended up with me barely having any health left after killing just one zombie (while punching pretty much ended with me dead). The one sex animation wasn't very good, either.

Not too impressed with the demo, so I won't be buying it. If I sound grumpy, it's probably because I should go to sleep instead of checking out H games.

The problem here is that you're playing it like turn based RPG instead of action.

The zombie attack have start up animation and very short range, you have quite a lot of window to just attack->walk back 2 steps and they miss their attack, repeat until they die (they have 100 HP)
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Dunno about you, but I think I'd walk a little faster in the middle of a zombie apocalypse; the freakin' zombies are almost as fast as your character. The bat's pretty much a must if you want to survive, from what I've seen - trying to use the knife usually ended up with me barely having any health left after killing just one zombie (while punching pretty much ended with me dead). The one sex animation wasn't very good, either.

Not too impressed with the demo, so I won't be buying it. If I sound grumpy, it's probably because I should go to sleep instead of checking out H games.

The baseball bat alleviates this problem a bit, but zombies take a while to kill (I assume this is a design choice) and each swing takes up precious stamina. Spot on about the animation though. It leaves a lot to be desired.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

What part of, it came out yesterday, do you not understand? Of course there are no links, be patient.

Doesn't necessarily mean that a work can't be leaked in under 24 hours, anyways it's been uploaded on nyaa and anime sharing

Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

For those who can't be arsed to try the links/torrents provided, here's a mega upload from me:

If you plan to play through it, good luck, and godspeed. Do me a solid and share a full save if you ever get one, because I gave up after the fourth time I had to slowly crawl across multiple screens because I entered a narrow vertical room and the zombies destroyed me because there's no ****ing way to fight them easily when they're coming at you vertically.

Oh, and don't eat the steak. Judging from the fact that the protagonist can't walk faster than the zombies, I assume he has a horrible immune system and can't handle old meat.
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Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Oh, and don't eat the steak. Judging from the fact that the protagonist can't walk faster than the zombies, I assume he has a horrible immune system and can't handle old meat.

Nope, it's just infected and turned you into zombie...which means you're technically dead...
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Yum, infected steak.

To be honest, I was thinking that I could pick it up and clicked yes without thinking (told myself that I'd feed it to one of the girls, 'cause hell if I'm eating a steak that's been sitting out). My Japanese is just a little rusty (read: nonexistent).
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

What do i do with flash light ? Also, how can i restore power in office - building?
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Anyone got a guide to this? I've tried to get to the music shop but it is blocked by a car. Baseball bat broke. Found a girl in the apartment complex behind a door on the second floor. No idea what she is saying.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

To get the car to move you have to sleep at least 2 times. To save the girls, you have to not rape them and feed them 3 times (though its probably base on energy value of the food instead). Afterwards, she will be in your room and you can continue to feed her until you get the option to let her escape the city. Instead of letting her escape, you can still continue to feed her but I have no clue what feeding her further will do. There also seems to be additional scenes other then the rape scenes and I can only assume they're the "happy sex" scenes. Anyways, there doesn't seem to be any option to let the zombies fuck the girls so I'm no longer interested.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Anyone got Full Save ?
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Anyone got Full Save ?

Close the game, use text editor open system/system.rec and replace all 0 to 1 (but dont change "60" to "61"), save file and you will got all scenes replay when you load the game.
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

Zombies have too much HP and the movement is very annoying :mad:
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

The girl in Hospital / Hotel? (1 left transition, building from your base with 2000 Yen in bloodbath room; there is vending machine in front of it) Seem to be indifferent to me.

There is only 2 option for me to do with her.
1st = [something] Mo shinai = (I won't do that again?) what that?
2nd = rape.

What do I have to do with her?
Re: [夏至工作室]感染都市-十二日の生存者‐

The girl in Hospital / Hotel? (1 left transition, building from your base with 2000 Yen in bloodbath room; there is vending machine in front of it) Seem to be indifferent to me.

There is only 2 option for me to do with her.
1st = [something] Mo shinai = (I won't do that again?) what that?
2nd = rape.

What do I have to do with her?

Dunno but the 'rape' scene is the only scene for her.