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Re: Anthophobia

Rewards are best when hard earned.

But this is a porn game. Once you've gotten the hang of how it works, you really shouldn't have a problem getting to the first boss. You really can't get away with that kind of difficulty unless your artwork is amazing, which this game's is not.
Re: Anthophobia

So what you're saying is that you can't master basic pattern recognition, combined with simple platforming and timing patterns?

Despite all the advice the Dev himself has posted on his blog about how to master the dage?

perhaps you are playing the wrong game, since the level of difficulty is roughly the same as Parasite in the city and iris action.

I suggest the fine line of "Put Put" games, or the fine point-and-click adventures from telltale. They won't put you in the same situation.
Re: Anthophobia

So what you're saying is that you can't master basic pattern recognition, combined with simple platforming and timing patterns?

Despite all the advice the Dev himself has posted on his blog about how to master the dage?

perhaps you are playing the wrong game, since the level of difficulty is roughly the same as Parasite in the city and iris action.

I suggest the fine line of "Put Put" games, or the fine point-and-click adventures from telltale. They won't put you in the same situation.


This game requires a good amount of patience...which most kids don't have now days. They are given just about everything in gaming now...it's kinda hilarious how they react when given a tough game.
Re: Anthophobia

So what you're saying is that you can't master basic pattern recognition, combined with simple platforming and timing patterns?

Despite all the advice the Dev himself has posted on his blog about how to master the dage?

perhaps you are playing the wrong game, since the level of difficulty is roughly the same as Parasite in the city and iris action.

I suggest the fine line of "Put Put" games, or the fine point-and-click adventures from telltale. They won't put you in the same situation.

I love you.
Re: Anthophobia

So what you're saying is that you can't master basic pattern recognition, combined with simple platforming and timing patterns?

Despite all the advice the Dev himself has posted on his blog about how to master the dage?

perhaps you are playing the wrong game, since the level of difficulty is roughly the same as Parasite in the city and iris action.

I suggest the fine line of "Put Put" games, or the fine point-and-click adventures from telltale. They won't put you in the same situation.
[...]This game requires a good amount of patience...which most kids don't have now days. They are given just about everything in gaming now...it's kinda hilarious how they react when given a tough game.

This isn't a tough game. This is an extraordinarily difficult game that presents the player with situations that can only be bypassed by utilizing exploitative, clumsy, likely unintended strategies. It is absurd to expect the average person to be able to kite mobs and abuse swing timers. Furthermore, it's flagrant to belittle someone for being displeased with a game about something other than skill, that denies them access to the primary content because they don't possess the prerequisite skill.

I'm a former professional gamer (WoW, CoD:MW2, SC:CT) with thousands of hours of gaming experience to work with. Even with my background in gaming, Anthophobia took me well over an hour (or two?) of ineluctable deaths and belabored repetition of the same few motions (one motion in particular, HEYO) to grind through. It's frustrating for me to be thwarted even briefly; I can't imagine how infuriating it would be to have to give up without getting what I came for after an hour+ of dying from rocks falling on me in the dark, or from zombies randomly breaking precedents and hitting me, or from getting stunlocked by nigh invisible long range particles in the dark.

Don't talk shit to casuals for being casuals. Gamers generally have literally hundreds of times more experience than casuals; you can take pride in your earned superiority, but you only make yourself look like a jackass by implying that what's easy for you should be easy for an average person.
Re: Anthophobia

This isn't a tough game. This is an extraordinarily difficult game that presents the player with situations that can only be bypassed by utilizing exploitative, clumsy, likely unintended strategies. It is absurd to expect the average person to be able to kite mobs and abuse swing timers. Furthermore, it's flagrant to belittle someone for being displeased with a game about something other than skill, that denies them access to the primary content because they don't possess the prerequisite skill.

I'm a former professional gamer (WoW, CoD:MW2, SC:CT) with thousands of hours of gaming experience to work with. Even with my background in gaming, Anthophobia took me well over an hour (or two?) of ineluctable deaths and belabored repetition of the same few motions (one motion in particular, HEYO) to grind through. It's frustrating for me to be thwarted even briefly; I can't imagine how infuriating it would be to have to give up without getting what I came for after an hour+ of dying from rocks falling on me in the dark, or from zombies randomly breaking precedents and hitting me, or from getting stunlocked by nigh invisible long range particles in the dark.

Don't talk shit to casuals for being casuals. Gamers generally have literally hundreds of times more experience than casuals; you can take pride in your earned superiority, but you only make yourself look like a jackass by implying that what's easy for you should be easy for an average person.

I've resigned myself to that fact. There are worse things than being a jackass after all.

That being said, yes, there are infuriating things about the gameplay. The boulders that serve zero purpose. The multitudes of enemies on the same screen, many times of varying types. The mechanics that force you to real extremely fast or die faster.

It is a very tough game. I'm not denying that. I said it takes a lot of patience. I'm just poking fun at the people who do nothing but complain about how a game is impossible even though the game is nowhere near impossible. Infuriating, yes. Impossible, no.
Re: Anthophobia

I've resigned myself to that fact. There are worse things than being a jackass after all.

That being said, yes, there are infuriating things about the gameplay. The boulders that serve zero purpose. The multitudes of enemies on the same screen, many times of varying types. The mechanics that force you to real extremely fast or die faster.

It is a very tough game. I'm not denying that. I said it takes a lot of patience. I'm just poking fun at the people who do nothing but complain about how a game is impossible even though the game is nowhere near impossible. Infuriating, yes. Impossible, no.

If experts are struggling with it, then it actually pretty much is impossible for normal people. I mean if I had died one or two more times, I'd have stopped trying because I'd have entered "alright this isn't worth the time investment" territory.

I'd like to think most anyone can outsmart simple game mechanics given a few hours and some practice. They just don't give enough of a shit to burn three hours mastering a hyper-specific skillset without enjoying it at all (grinding through that long hallway ain't fun) for a marginal reward.
Re: Anthophobia

If experts are struggling with it, then it actually pretty much is impossible for normal people. I mean if I had died one or two more times, I'd have stopped trying because I'd have entered "alright this isn't worth the time investment" territory.

I'd like to think most anyone can outsmart simple game mechanics given a few hours and some practice. They just don't give enough of a shit to burn three hours mastering a hyper-specific skillset without enjoying it at all (grinding through that long hallway ain't fun) for a marginal reward.

I'm hardly an expert haha I do probably game a bit more than some but mostly MMOs, sports games and FPSs. In this day and age, I'd assume just about everybody spends at least 5-10 hours a week gaming. Some quite a bit more.

Like said before, this game is nothing more than simple pattern recognition. I think the hardest part of the game is the first time you reach breakable barriers and you hop down, kill the single zombie and then break the barrier where you are immediately rushed by 4 zombies with pretty much zero space to fight. Pretty much everything else is baiting animations and smacking them and conserving ammunition.

Still, the overarching discussion on this thread is yeah...this game is quite difficult. I think they'll probably end up toning down that difficulty...but then again that is part of the draw for survival games....difficulty to enhance tension. I view this as a kind of game that puts more emphasis on gameplay than h-content.
Re: Anthophobia

Random rocks that fall on you (in the dark), not-at-all-random rocks that fall on you with the intent of allowing a zombie to approach you (in the dark), enemies that can 100-0 stunlock you using long range, barely visible particles (also in the dark)... Those things aren't "gameplay". Those things are frustrating, arbitrary obstacles that can only be overcome by using tedious, 4th-wall breaking strategies that are completely unknown to all but experienced gamers (eg. abusing swing timers, spamming doorways to disrupt enemy targeting, kiting).

I hear what you're saying, and I even agree with and hold a nearly identical philosophy on the subject. I just don't think it applies here. This game isn't "too hard"; it's "overtuned". Shit just does too much damage and has too much health, along with too many unavoidable and/or purposeless contributions to player attrition.

Just to dispel confusion, I fucking love this game, and think it has the potential to be up there at the top with Parasite In City in terms of sprite quality. I just think, as I said before, that it's overtuned. Game developer underestimates his level of skill and made it too hard for normies.

Re: Anthophobia

If you'd have spent a portion of those thousands of hours with the games of Eric Chahi, you wouldn't find this kind of challenge so alien.

Out of this World and Heart of Darkness make this game seem like a cakewalk.
Re: Anthophobia

Random rocks that fall on you (in the dark), not-at-all-random rocks that fall on you with the intent of allowing a zombie to approach you (in the dark), enemies that can 100-0 stunlock you using long range, barely visible particles (also in the dark)... Those things aren't "gameplay". Those things are frustrating, arbitrary obstacles that can only be overcome by using tedious, 4th-wall breaking strategies that are completely unknown to all but experienced gamers (eg. abusing swing timers, spamming doorways to disrupt enemy targeting, kiting).

I hear what you're saying, and I even agree with and hold a nearly identical philosophy on the subject. I just don't think it applies here. This game isn't "too hard"; it's "overtuned". Shit just does too much damage and has too much health, along with too many unavoidable and/or purposeless contributions to player attrition.

Just to dispel confusion, I fucking love this game, and think it has the potential to be up there at the top with Parasite In City in terms of sprite quality. I just think, as I said before, that it's overtuned. Game developer underestimates his level of skill and made it too hard for normies.


Pretty much haha...I do think they'll scale down the difficulty a bit though. It is a good deal more difficult that even Parasite in City was...and that had people crying left and right haha
Re: Anthophobia

It's not even that it's hard, it's that it's poor game design.
Good game design is introducing elements to a player in a controlled environment, one at a time, teaching you how to deal with them individually, before placing you in a situation with more then one at the same time, giving enough lee-way to not completely wreck you for one mistake, but still punish you for making them.

Randomly tossing things at you that you simply have to memorize in order to pass is NOT good gameplay design. That was stuff crappy NES games did to artificially inflate the length of time it took to complete the game.

Instead of dropping rocks on your head that you can't see (Without prior warning, or having it happen before) to stun you while a monster gets the drop on you, maybe they should add some kinda effect to indicate something's about to drop on you (Building shakes, dust falls from the ceiling, etc) THEN introduce you to a situation where you have stuff falling and have to fight enemies.
Re: Anthophobia

I beat it a few days ago and learned that you basically have to skip through parts of it in order to get through it. You need to just memorize everything and the game becomes much easier. I honestly wish the plant had a continuous animation for sex even after having an orgasm.
Re: Anthophobia

If you'd have spent a portion of those thousands of hours with the games of Eric Chahi, you wouldn't find this kind of challenge so alien.

Out of this World and Heart of Darkness make this game seem like a cakewalk.

I've never heard of Eric Chahi, but I'll look up those games. I like a challenge, so long as it isn't a challenge like "lol memorize all the unavoidable traps" or whatever.
Re: Anthophobia

I've never heard of Eric Chahi, but I'll look up those games. I like a challenge, so long as it isn't a challenge like "lol memorize all the unavoidable traps" or whatever.

OMG Another World is the single greatest platformer I have ever played.

if one wanted a "lol memorize all the unavoidable traps" kind of experience, I'd suggest 'I Wanna Be The Guy'. not that I've completed it, I'm no masochist.
Re: Anthophobia

i used a HIGHEST GRAPHIC QUALITY computer,but still it can't run
there is DEFINITELY a way to RUN it, but these guys keep silent
Re: Anthophobia

can't believe my computer cannot run the game .

usually, when a game was hard to RUN, there is one way to RUN it, but just several guys know that WAY, but..... as usual , they never share it to the others

there is DEFINITELY a way to RUN it, but these guys keep silent

It's not that we're keeping silent, given that no one has really responded to your previous posts either, it's safe to assume that no one here really has an idea on how to solve the issues you're having which you were vague on besides being unable to start/run the game.

Either way, assuming that no one can help you, you could also try asking the devs directly at their blog, we aren't wizards after all, we don't know everything and look at it this way, who knows more about the game than those that are working on it?
Re: Anthophobia

i used a HIGHEST GRAPHIC QUALITY computer,but still it can't run
there is DEFINITELY a way to RUN it, but these guys keep silent

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