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[Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

did you guys know about this side game? it looks like navi is the main girl this time and she actually has scenes. this game isn't online. the one scene that shows navi in the preview is a tentacle rape so i think this might be an adventure type game

it's called "lord of walkure: the adventure"

i'd give the link to the download, but it has loli.

It's a visual novel actually. It has a very hilarious and interesting story if you understand japanese, so it's a shame it was too short. You should buy it in order to support these versions of LoW; it's worth it xD

Anyway, if there is anyone who is interested in the scenes, I uploaded the image gallery of the game to panda.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I wanna change 1 inactive guy, so I'm kinda looking for a level 60+ active dude

Pretty much the same.

IGN: Starke
level: 67 ?

Got Asklepios and Panacea.
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Wonder if dev is still reading this thread, we were supposed to get events in january which is almost ending:p

btw kicked inactive need 3 active 55+ to fill the spot, 1st comes 1st served.

sent you one Starke

[edit] spots filled
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

No events until February.

And Aegis will be released at first week of February (if there is no more delays...).
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Does this game reset your daily login count or something? I was up to 40-50ish yesteday and now im starting at 1 today? dafuq? :eek:
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

You need to make sure to exit the game completely once every 24 hours. Reset time is 2am PST. If you don't close your game before the next reset and leave it up for 24 hours it will not count you as logging in since you never logged in.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

its been working fine the past 40-50 days ive done it the same exact way. i do refresh the game every morning since it knocks me out of it if i dont. dont see why today of all days it chooses to reset.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

its been working fine the past 40-50 days ive done it the same exact way. i do refresh the game every morning since it knocks me out of it if i dont. dont see why today of all days it chooses to reset.

Same here, i just refresh the page and get another login. I'm at 31 atm.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Its just weird it chose today to randomly reset. ive not changed how i go about it at all.


Where is NutakuDev hanging out now days since hes abandoned the forum?
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Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Yay! 50th day was super fortunate. Got my first L20 equipment...HAXsklepios!

Looking at the LOV Player Listing Excel sheet I've been thinking that the column for player attack power might not be the most helpful thing. Before getting Staff of OPness today I was doing about 80k on bosses. Now I'm doing about 100k. Yeah, that's a big difference, but the majority of my damage still comes from my cards. I'm wondering if there isn't a better measure for player power. Because different bosses have different defense and the damage per round varies based on crit and init its kinda tricky. Still, most players know what they do on average. The player's best guess for their average is probably more helpful than listing just their main character's base attack power. A player with L13 Shiva's Staff and three 4M SR cards will assuredly do more damage than a player with L20 Asklepios and crap cards even though on the current sheet the player with Shiva's might be ignored by some players looking for the strongest comrades because of his relatively low main character attack power.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Its just weird it chose today to randomly reset. ive not changed how i go about it at all.


Where is NutakuDev hanging out now days since hes abandoned the forum?

AFAIK our chat and 4chan.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

What made him abandon coming here? he could atleast check his PMs :mad:
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

What made him abandon coming here? he could atleast check his PMs :mad:

If you have to contact him, I suggest to use twitter/facebook or the ingame support system. That should give you a fast response if its important enough.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Yay! 50th day was super fortunate. Got my first L20 equipment...HAXsklepios!

Looking at the LOV Player Listing Excel sheet I've been thinking that the column for player attack power might not be the most helpful thing. Before getting Staff of OPness today I was doing about 80k on bosses. Now I'm doing about 100k. Yeah, that's a big difference, but the majority of my damage still comes from my cards. I'm wondering if there isn't a better measure for player power. Because different bosses have different defense and the damage per round varies based on crit and init its kinda tricky. Still, most players know what they do on average. The player's best guess for their average is probably more helpful than listing just their main character's base attack power. A player with L13 Shiva's Staff and three 4M SR cards will assuredly do more damage than a player with L20 Asklepios and crap cards even though on the current sheet the player with Shiva's might be ignored by some players looking for the strongest comrades because of his relatively low main character attack power.

I rly doubt that there r a lot of players with 3 4M SR cards, so far I've seen like 4 or 5 guys ( rly active ones ), well as soon as I get 1 more Mabel I'll join their ranks xD
Funny thing is I have level 60+ comrades that do 15-20k dmg on a Dred, what have they been doing for these 60 levels still remains a mystery to me ...
with 3 4S Rs u'll be doing more dmg lol ( without a weap )
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

:eek: so after the dry season with bosses i keep running into silver dragon i got like 6 of em in the last couple of days and only 2 of em were succesfully killed either cause my comrades werent active at the time or didnt feel like joining
:confused: man talk about wierd luck
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I rly doubt that there r a lot of players with 3 4M SR cards, so far I've seen like 4 or 5 guys ( rly active ones ), well as soon as I get 1 more Mabel I'll join their ranks xD
Funny thing is I have level 60+ comrades that do 15-20k dmg on a Dred, what have they been doing for these 60 levels still remains a mystery to me ...
with 3 4S Rs u'll be doing more dmg lol ( without a weap )

The point remains. Damage comes from cards as much as main character attack power.

But we aren't that far away from someone having 3x 4M SR in all likelihood. I haven't been anywhere near optimal play, and I have one 4M SR, another SR that is over half way there, and I didn't start on either until a few weeks ago. Someone could easily have two 4M SR and one 4M R already.
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

The point remains. Damage comes from cards as much as main character attack power.

But we aren't that far away from someone having 3x 4M SR in all likelihood. I haven't been anywhere near optimal play, and I have one 4M SR, another SR that is over half way there, and I didn't start on either until a few weeks ago. Someone could easily have two 4M SR and one 4M R already.

Well Yes, they definitely do more dmg than the MC weap
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I actually have a question bout farming.
Wich one is more efficient to farm cards: the 3 level 4's for 21 stam or the 3 level 8's for 27?
I've been going with the three level 8's for now and i was just wondering wich one you guys use to farm
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

I actually have a question bout farming.
Wich one is more efficient to farm cards: the 3 level 4's for 21 stam or the 3 level 8's for 27?
I've been going with the three level 8's for now and i was just wondering wich one you guys use to farm

if u do the math u get 3exp for the lvl 4 c at the cost of 21 and 5 exp for the lvl 8 at the cost of 27, so in the first case u get 1 exp per 7 stam and in the second 1 exp per 5.4 stam ( not counting bonus exp from same color ), but if u wish to get most of your stam, Q1 is the best place, but it'll chew your cash like a fat kid through a cookie store xD because u will get 1 exp roughly for 3 stam ( with color bonus ), but if counting the crits everything may change, bigger cards crit for more, so unless we know the crit chance, nothing is for sure :p
Re: [Nutaku] Lord of Valkyrie

Just gonna drop this here...

QUEST CARD EXP/STAMINA EFFICIENCY (aka where to farm cards)
I assume you know how card exp works. If you don't, click the link in my signature.
The higher the exp / stamina ratio, the more efficient. Bolded numbers are the highest possible efficiency for that stage.

Q1-X = Novice Plains, Stage X (where X = 1, 3, or 4)
Q19-5 = Purgatory Boundary, Stage 5
Q21-2 = Altar of the Fallen God, Stage 2
Q23-4 = Devil's Tower, Stage 4
Q24-2 = Secret Library Room, Stage 2

Q1-X (all same element; must be boosting earth+water, wind+earth, or fire+wind)
66% chance of a card * 2 exp per card / 3 stamina per try = 0.444 exp / 1 stamina

Q1-X (single same element; combining all cards to one element)
33% * 2xp / 3stam + 33% * 1xp / 3stam = 0.333 xp/stam

Q19-5 (all same element; must be boosting earth+water+wind)
100% * 4xp / 21stam = 0.190 xp/stam

Q19-5 (two same element; must be boosting earth+water, earth+wind, or water+wind)
66% * 4xp / 21stam + 33% * 3xp / 21stam = 0.175 xp/stam

Q19-5 (single same element; earth, water, or wind)
33% * 4xp / 21stam + 66% * 3xp / 21stam = 0.159 xp/stam

Q19-5 (no same element)
100% * 3xp / 21stam = 0.143 xp/stam

Q21-2 (all same element; must be boosting fire+wind)
100% * 7xp / 27stam = 0.259 xp/stam

Q21-2 (single same element; wind)
66% * 7xp / 27stam + 33% * 6xp / 27stam = 0.247 xp/stam

Q21-2 (single same element; fire)
33% * 7xp / 27stam + 66% * 6xp / 27stam = 0.235 xp/stam

Q21-2 (no same element; water or earth)
100% * 6xp / 27stam = 0.222 xp/stam

Q23-4 (single same element; fire)
33% * 5xp / 24stam + 33% * 7xp / 24stam = 0.167 xp/stam

Q23-4 (no same element)
33% * 24stam / 4xp + 33% * 24stam / 6xp = 0.139 xp/stam

Q24-2 (single same element; earth)
66% * 6xp / 27stam = 0.148 xp/stam

Q24-2 (no same element)
66% * 5xp / 27stam = 0.123 stam/xp
If it isn't listed, it's much more horribly inefficient than what is. Multiply efficiency by the amount of stamina you intend on using, and you will get the expected experience return. Keep in mind you must use stamina as multiples of either 3, 21, 24, or 27 depending on the quest area. This also does not take into account bonus exp. Whatever you think bonus exp chance is, just multiply your expected exp by 100%+(bonus%/2). So if bonus% is 10%, you will get 105% of expected exp on average.

tl;dr Q1 is the best place in terms of stamina efficiency, hands down. Q21-2 is a viable for boosting fire+wind if you're broke or too lazy to suffer through Novice Plains click-fest. Your efficiency goes from 0.444 to 0.259 (xp/stam) compared to Q1-4. Every other alternative is more inefficient than Q1-X/21-2, even if you combine cards to non-matching elements. Read the note please.

All calculations all assume equal chance of getting any of the three drops in the drop table. If the chances of getting one of the two cards are lower than the equipment, then obviously the efficiency goes down. Proceed at your own peril. Q19-5 and Q21-2 are pretty much completely safe calculation-wise since every drop is a card. For the record, Novice Plains will always be the most efficient unless the chances of getting a card are below 29.37%.
EDIT: I realized that the previous way I was calculating it was faulty. I redid the math and now the numbers should be correct.
EDIT2: Forgot to include all same element and two same element calculations for Q19-5. Still doesn't make it more efficient than Q21-2.
EDIT3: Tower of Heat Haze Stage 3 (Q27-3) is equally as efficient as Q21-2.
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