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Space Adventure

Re: Space Adventure

A it is.


"I think we should have a brief sweep around of the ship, see if there are any supplies, then head out," Susan said, glancing around for any immediately obvious resources. "They don't like to keep us informed down in engineering, but were we transporting anything useful this time?"
"Not useful, just expensive. Storage compartments are full of rare metals, but all in the unprocessed form - you know, just in case we'd been tempted to sell them on to a different buyer."
"Huh. Then why were we attacked?"
Amelia shrugged. "Damned if I know. Didn't recognise the ship that did it either; triangular-ish, silver, lots of pointy bits. Thankfully they seem to have settled for making us crash down here."

Susan filed this information to the back of her mind. Maybe it would come in useful later, but for now they all had more pressing issues.
"OK. You go with Faaldoon, and do a quick run-through the rear of the ship. I'll cover the front half, and we'll meet back here in, say, ten minutes?"
"Agreed," said Amelia. She set off, beckoning Faaldoon to follow her. A man of few words, that giant bipedal arthropod.

Hurrying along the corridor, Susan set about exploring the front half of the ship. This time she avoided looking at the bodies, knowing there was nothing she could do for them, but the sight still made her faintly queasy. Luckily she soon found something else to occupy her thoughts - whilst the living quarters didn't yield anything, in the weapons bay she found a small laser pistol left carelessly lying around. The digital display assured her that it had enough power for five shots. She picked it up and pressed it to her hip; the exosuit twitched and rippled, before securing the gun to her in a manner not unlike secure velcro. Even better, in the same room she found a three-foot stun baton, designed for use on unruly wildlife. This didn't have a display, so she had no idea how much charge was left, but it was better than nothing.
The only thing of interest on the command deck was a first aid kit, which she secured to her back.

Satisfied with her discoveries, she made her way back to the tear in the side of the ship, only to find Amelia and Faaldoon already waiting for her.
"I have a present for you," said Amelia, upon seeing her arrive. "Well, first things first I suppose - I scavenged some nutrient packs and water bottles from catering, enough to keep us going for a couple of days. Also a few bottles of general-purpose medicine, should we get stung or anything. But most excitingly for you, I found this in Communications." She turned and rummaged through the black rucksack she seemed to have acquired. From within its depths she pulled a small, rectangular grey box, a screen glowing with life across one face. Susan recognised it instantly.

"Ah, excellent!" she breathed, taking it from Amelia and smiling in gratitude. It was a portable computer, for all intents and purposes; with this she could access the ship's mainframe, scan the databases, receive messages. A few quick swipes of her fingers across the screen and she was in.
"OK," she said after another minute of exploring the device's contents. "The ship's computers are still running on back-up power. I have a database of everything we know about the alien life of Agnak! Also, as we were crash-landing the radar took an automatic scan of the surrounding area, so I can give you some directions in a minute. Sadly the signal's not powerful enough for us to broadcast an SOS into space... but hey, can't have everything, right?"

Faaldoon only grunted, but Amelia didn't seem to be paying attention - instead she was looking out of the hole in the ship's flank, at the surrounding jungle. Susan could see why - something was flying towards them. A group of somethings, all bright yellow and green, round and about the size of her head.
The first of them reached the ship - this close up Susan could see they had odd, curled scales instead of feathers, and large crooked beaks. They attached themselves to the ceiling just inside the ship, right above their heads. Belatedly Susan realised she should draw her blaster - Faaldoon was already leveling his cannon.
"Wait!" Amelia whispered, laying a hand on his arm. "We don't know what they want. They might be friendly."
Faaldoon kept his cannon leveled at them, however. As soon as the last of them had adhered to the ceiling, the group began to squawk. The sound was both extremely loud and extremely unpleasant, rattling along the metal hallways of the ship to produce painful echoes.
"I don't get it!" Susan shouted over the din. "What are they doing?"
"No idea!" Amelia called back. "Let's just get out of here to somewhere safe!"


Option A) Shoot the squawking bird-things.
Option B) Ignore the squawking bird things.
Option C) Spend a few minutes to look up the bird-things on your shiny new tablet/PC, and follow the appropriate course of action.

Once out of the ship, you should head towards...

Option 1) An ancient, possibly abandoned ruin, 2km north in the thickest part of the jungle. The ship's scan suggests it might have the appropriate tech to broadcast an SOS.

Option 2) A small, nearby town. 3.5km east, but you can follow a river directly to it, so there's no risk of getting lost.

Option 3) The closest mountain, 2.5km to the south. There is a very small settlement on the peak, which pokes out above the canopy; from their you could attract attention or maybe broadcast an SOS.

Health: 31/40

Base stats:
STR: 4
DEX: 5
INT: 10
CHM: 6
SXC: 1

For character/role-play reasons, Susan gets +1 to any roll involving technology.

- Exosuit (100%). Provides thermal insulation and moderate resistance to physical attack.
- Laser Blaster (DEX-based). 5 shots.
- Stun baton (STR-based). Unknown charge remaining.
- Data-Pad
- First aid kit (bandages, sterilising liquid, water, bottle of medicine containing nanobots to combat any poisoning).

- One large rucksack
- Standard-issue Communications uniform, purple and blue.
- 1 litre bottles of purified water x6
- High energy nutrient bars x8

None applicable in this update.
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Re: Space Adventure

Look up the creatures on the computer. You don't know what they might be doing, or what might cause them to attack. You could even see if they're edible, in case you ever need to go hunting.

I say head up to the ruins.
Re: Space Adventure

C, 2

See if you can figure out what those "birds" are and what to do about them.

Head towards the town first. We need more supplies and it would be nice to know what sort of civilization is present in the area.

We don't know for sure if the ruins are abandoned (and what might have made them its new home), we're not certain if the ruins really have the technology to send an SOS, and they are in the thickest part of the jungle, so reaching them will be difficult.

As for the mountain: The climb might be difficult, and we don't really need to attract attention just yet, when we don't even know where we are. There might be a good reason why the attackers from earlier did not follow.
Re: Space Adventure


My reasoning is that the mountain town will be a fortress and will utilize the tech we bring to conquer the rest of the planet.
Re: Space Adventure

C2 it is!


Struggling to think straight over the deafening racket, Susan decided to open up the Data-Pad again, just so that they knew what they were dealing with. Know thine enemy and all that. The connection seemed a bit slow and juddering, but within a couple of minutes she had the database up and fully functional. It took another couple of minutes to find a match for the these bird creatures (Amelia began fidgeting impatiently during the wait) before Susan began to read.

As she did so, she felt her stomach start to contract, fear and panic rising to the surface.
"Oh shit," she whispered, looking up at the birds, still screeching from the corridor ceiling.
"What is it?" Amelia shouted, catching sight of Susan's pale, terrified expression.
"We need to leave. NOW!" She ran forward, out of the ship, with Amelia and Faaldoon following closely behind. The impact from the crashing spaceship had cleared a few of the surrounding trees, so they had about ten square meters before the thick undergrowth.

And out of that same undergrowth emerged their foes. Bipedal, a daunting seven-foot tall and with huge, reptilian jaws. There were five in total, each of them clutching a large, barbed spear in two of their four arms.
"Systanak," Susan explained to Amelia, who was already edging nervously behind Faaldoon. "The birds are trained by them by them to fly out through the surrounding area. When they find, erm, fresh meat, they call for them. And in return they get the leftovers."
"Wonderful," hissed Amelia. "I'm so glad we're going to be eaten in the most efficient manner possible."

One of the largest Systanak, a deeper, darker green than the others gestured at two of the others to advance. They responded with some strange hissing and clicking sounds - it sounded almost advanced enough to be a language.

The chosen two crept forward, clearly wary of Faaldoon. The birds clinging to the ceiling fell silent at last; a small mercy at this point.
"Faal, kill them!" Amelia shouted, and the blue head of security needed no further encouragement - he dropped to one knee and opened fire. A burst of red light shot from the end of his cannon, striking one Systanak squarely in its yellow chest scales and burning right through. He fired again, but the second one was quicker - it dodged to the side, and the blast only ripped off its two right-hand arms and the spear they carried.

The leader roared, tail slapping against the ground in fury. The remaining four all converged, rushing forwards over the scorched ground.

Susan hesitated for just a second - blaster or stun baton? The speed with which the Systanak closed in answered that question; she drew the baton and held it in front of her like a sword.
And whilst the enemy were quick, Faaldoon was quicker - pivoting on the ground he got off another two shots, one cleaving beautifully through an alien skull, the other obliterating another's leg. Then they were on him, and in the close quarters they had the advantage. Faaldoon dropped his cannon, too large and unwieldy at this close range, and caught one spear that was thrust at this head. With a single twist of his claw he snapped the shaft... and simultaneously took a blow from the right, the spear punching through his shell with an unpleasant crunch.
Susan took her chance - she jumped forward, swinging her baton down. It struck the spine of Systanak who'd speared Faaldoon, and blue-white electricity crackled out. There was a brief, powerful smell of burning, before the assailant collapsed face-first into the ground.

Of the five who'd attacked, there was only the leader left; scattered around them were the remains of those who'd been shot in the chest, shot in the head, had a leg obliterated, and stunned with electricity. The leader of the attack clearly knew a lost cause when he saw one; pausing only to hiss at them, he slunk away back into the trees, disappearing from sight alarmingly quickly.

Relieved, Susan turned to Faaldoon, meaning to thank him for quite possibly saving their lives - only to find him lying on the ground, writhing in pain and frothing at the mouth.
"Help him!" shouted Amelia, but in the seconds it took for Susan to unhook the first aid kit from her back, Faaldoon stopped moving, becoming perfectly still... and then he stopped breathing.
"Oh Maker," Susan whispered, clutching a bottle of green medicine in one hand. "Is he...?"
Amelia bent over the prone figure, pressing a couple of fingers to his throat. She held them there for only a short while, before standing up and shaking her head.


Some time later, after moving Faaldoon's body back into the relative peace of the ship, Susan and Amelia found themselves alone in hostile, alien jungle. And best of all, the sun's setting, Susan noticed, looking up at the sky through a brief gap in the canopy. The shadows were lengthening, and if the ship's scanner had been correct, there was still roughly a forty-five minute walk to the nearest settlement (maybe even longer, with undergrowth this thick). Luckily they'd found a river whose path would take them directly to the town... but was it worth carrying on?

Option 1: Retreat back to the downed ship and hole up there for the night.

Option 2: Carry on, but try to find somewhere to shelter along the riverbank.

Option 3: Carry on all the way to the town despite the oncoming dark, and rest once you get there.

Option 4: Other.

Health: 32/40

Base stats:
STR: 4
DEX: 5
INT: 10
CHM: 6
SXC: 1

For character/role-play reasons, Susan gets +1 to any roll involving technology.

- Exosuit (100%). Provides thermal insulation and moderate resistance to physical attack.
- Laser Blaster (DEX-based). 5 shots.
- Stun baton (STR-based). Unknown charge remaining.
- Data-Pad
- First aid kit (bandages, sterilising liquid, water, bottle of medicine containing nanobots to combat any poisoning).

- One large rucksack
- Standard-issue Communications uniform, purple and blue.
- 1 litre bottles of purified water x6
- High energy nutrient bars x8
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Re: Space Adventure

I say 2. YOu can't stay on the ship, that thing will probably be back with more help, and without the guy who's dead now, you don't really stand a chance.
Re: Space Adventure

Option 2

Also, for the last two updates you've had our main character's name as Jane instead of Susan for her stats
Re: Space Adventure

I say 2. YOu can't stay on the ship, that thing will probably be back with more help, and without the guy who's dead now, you don't really stand a chance.
My vote exactly.
Re: Space Adventure

Note to self: don't hang around when obvious shits about to go down.

Re: Space Adventure

Option 2.

Additional Choice: Set the ship to explode as quickly as possible to give Faldoon a proper buriel completely.
Re: Space Adventure

Option 2

Also, for the last two updates you've had our main character's name as Jane instead of Susan for her stats

So this is what I've been doing/writing during my blackouts... :rolleyes: