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Space Adventure

Re: Space Adventure

1. beer as well :p

btw which rolls show that attack hit or missed, as i can only see damage rolls
Re: Space Adventure

1. beer as well :p

btw which rolls show that attack hit or missed, as i can only see damage rolls

It was my first time using dice rolls for combat, I just kept it really simple and assumed that all attacks hit. Next time I'll add in the mechanic for hits or misses. Someone with more experience in this could probably help; say you were using the laser blaster again, and you want to know if a shot is a hit or a miss, you just roll a dice to see if it's higher than the base stat (DEX in this case) right?

...Which actually thinking about it may be a bit of an issue, as when creating the stats I was imagining bigger numbers were better.

Still, at least we're having these issues now and not at a climatic boss fight in 10 pages time. ;)
Re: Space Adventure

It was my first time using dice rolls for combat, I just kept it really simple and assumed that all attacks hit. Next time I'll add in the mechanic for hits or misses. Someone with more experience in this could probably help; say you were using the laser blaster again, and you want to know if a shot is a hit or a miss, you just roll a dice to see if it's higher than the base stat (DEX in this case) right?

...Which actually thinking about it may be a bit of an issue, as when creating the stats I was imagining bigger numbers were better.

Still, at least we're having these issues now and not at a climatic boss fight in 10 pages time. ;)
Something simple like adding your roll to the score of the character doing the attack, and if it's higher then it hits would be about right.

But it would require a separate stat for evasion. Honestly though, DnD roll rules are fairly simple once you get use to them.
Re: Space Adventure

you don't need evasion stat, if you use DEX as hit/miss base, you can always just compare them and add size modifer for hit success (it's easier to hit elephant, than a fly)
Re: Space Adventure

option 2 find a way to get money
Re: Space Adventure

Option 2, just about!


"OK." Amelia nods at the lizard-person. "What's the quickest way to the Data Bank?" The reptile stands up with an oddly human-like sigh, and starts adding some gestures to his growls and hisses. It's almost quite funny, until Susan notices his teeth - sharp and vicious enough to do serious damage if he ever got the idea.
Eventually he comes to the end of his directions and slumps back down again.
"Thanks," says Amelia, doing a strange half-bow at him. A quick nudge in the ribs suggests to Susan that she should well do the same.

Pleasantries sorted, they set off in search of the Data Bank. The streets were almost abandoned, giving the entire place an eerie feel; there were a lot of market stalls, festooned with glowing electronic screens, but all of them stood empty, slogans and adverts flashing to a non-existent audience.
"It's up here, on the right," Amelia said as they continued down the road. Even the surface itself was odd - grey and cracked, like stone, but with an odd spongy texture. It felt like her feet sank into it just a little with every step.
The exterior of the Data Bank didn't inspire much confidence either. The door was made of some sort of frosted glass, but had a large crack running through the centre, and the actual front of the building was ordinary brown brick, and leaning forwards slightly as though about to topple over.
The two women exchanged a worried glance, then went in.

The first thing to hit them was the smell; old dust, mildew, the smell of decay. Not exactly pleasant. Thankfully they didn't have time to dwell on it, as the assistant came rushing over to greet them. At first Susan thought it was some kind of snake, or serpent-type thing - then she noticed he actually scuttled, on hundreds and hundreds of symmetrical legs, each about the size of one of her fingers.
"Greetings," he said, rearing up off the floor so he could look them in the eye. A pair of giant mandibles clicked, and a small sphere fused to the side of his body glowed a gentle blue - apparently translation software was at work. "I'm Mr Bloodslurp. Are you here to make use of the Databank?"

"Yes," said Amelia. "Though now I think of it, we're new here... if you knew anyway we could make a bit of quick money..."
More clicking. "Yes! Why, at the minute I'm looking for a warm blooded host for my egg spawn. Don't worry, they're completely harmless, and I'll pay you very well - 150 credits."
"Erm..." said Amelia.

VOTE: Should either of them accept the offer?

The matter resolved, Susan turned to the centipede-creature. "We need to use your computer now, please. We need information on the nearby mountain and the nearby ruin."
The alien laughed - or at least his translation sphere did. "The Data Bank won't tell you anything that I can't, mostly because they're so darn mysterious that there isn't much information. But I will tell you what I know, free of charge. I've detected a very odd energy signature from that temple, and after much research I think - in fact I'm sure - it's coming from a Quantum Crystal hidden in there. Bring me that Crystal and I'll be able to use it build hand-held teleporters, one for each of us... of course, the fact that no-one has salvaged it already should give you an indication of how tricky it will be to fetch.
With regards to the mountain, on the very top is my ship. I landed it there myself, came to check out this town - and now I can't get back. Have you seen the jungle out there? But I could give you this key to the ship..." He holds up a small, glowing purple rectangle in one tiny leg. "...If you promise to bring it back for me. Leave without me and I'll remote detonate the key. It may be small, but it'll make a very big bang." Laughter again. Susan and Amelia look at each other, unsure how to proceed.


Option X) Accept Bloodslurp's eggs.
Option Y) Refuse his eggs.
Option Z) Try and convince Amelia to accept his eggs.

Option 1) Go to the temple to fetch the Quantum Crystal.

Option 2) Go to the top of the mountain to get Mr Bloodslurp's ship for him.

Option 3) Stock up in the town first.
3A) By purchasing supplies.
3B) By stealing supplies.

Amelia's discussion with the lizard man informs you the town has a weapon shop, an inn, a first-aid shop, and a food shop. He also mentioned a bed at the inn was "absurdly overpriced at 100 credits."

Health: 36/40

Base stats:
STR: 4
DEX: 5
INT: 10
CHM: 6
SXC: 1

For character/role-play reasons, Susan gets +1 to any roll involving (non-weapon based) technology.

- Exosuit (87%). Provides thermal insulation and moderate resistance to physical attack.
- Laser Blaster (DEX-based). 3 shots.
- Stun baton (STR-based). Unknown charge remaining.
- Data-Pad
- First aid kit (bandages, sterilising liquid, water, bottle of medicine containing nanobots to combat any poisoning).

- One large rucksack
- Standard-issue Communications uniform, purple and blue.
- 1 litre bottles of purified water x4
- High energy nutrient bars x6
Last edited:
Re: Space Adventure

Y I guess it's too soon to get egged.
1 as i don't want to steal, and we don't have any money, so we can't afford upgrades, so go for the quest :p
Re: Space Adventure

Y) Refuse his eggs.

2) Go to the top of the mountain to get Mr Bloodslurp's ship for him.
Re: Space Adventure

Mr. Bloodslurps Eggs
Question if taking them in will cause in severe death or injury further down the line. If so, than refuse to take them. | Y
If not, get Amelia's opinion on the matter. | X

Option 1.
Re: Space Adventure

Mr. Bloodslurps Eggs
Question if taking them in will cause in severe death or injury further down the line. If so, than refuse to take them. | Y
If not, get Amelia's opinion on the matter. | X

Option 1.

I second this. We're in too much need of money to refuse unless it's dangerous.
Re: Space Adventure

Y) if staying at the inn is 100 credits, then 150 each doesn't sound like a lot for any problems these eggs might potentially give us.

2) No particular reason. Just decided to pick this one.
Re: Space Adventure

Hm, it's a 10-foot long centipede called Mr Bloodslurp and he wants to put some eggs in you, and the general attitude is 'yeah, he seems alright'. I'll say this much, you lot clearly aren't species-ist. ;)
Y and Option 2 (winning by 1 vote!)


Susan and Amelia briefly conferred among themselves. Opinions were split; Susan wanted to go to the temple (which sounded easier than an arduous trek up the mountain) but Amelia was adamant that going and retrieving this ship would be the better option. She stuck to her guns, and before long Susan had to concede the point to her - it wasn't an issue worth falling out over.

"Very well, Mr Bloodslurp," Amelia eventually said. "We accept your offer. Give us your key, and we'll go and retrieve your ship."
"Splendid!" There was an outburst of much excited clicking, and he passed over the glowing purple rectangle. Susan quickly pocketed it, feeling a slight ripple as her exosuit flowed to accommodate it. "You'll find said vessel on top of the mountain. Can't miss it. See you in a day or so!"

And with that the women left the shop - no wealthier, but at least with a clear purpose in mind.
"It's still only midday," said Amelia, looking up at the blue sky. Ominous purple thunder clouds were beginning to gather on the horizon, and the forested mountain could be seen clearly rising above the walls of the town. "We should set off now, make good time."
Susan briefly considered bringing up the idea of stealing some supplies from the town before they left - it hardly seemed like there was anyone around to miss them - but then rejected the notion. They had enough to make-do for now.

They left town the same way they had entered, nodding at the lizard-man as they passed through the gate. He hissed and raised an arm, waving them on their way. In minutes they were back in the thickness of the jungle, the humidity and heat washing over them. Getting to the mountain didn't appear to be an issue either - while they still had its location mentally pictured, there was a path cut through the undergrowth that seemed to lead in the right direction. Nothing as civilized as an actual road, but hey, can't have everything.

For about an hour, their journey was completely uneventful. There was a brief pause for a meal and a drink each, but otherwise the walk passed without incident. Another hour after lunch, Susan noticed the ground was very slightly starting to incline, and therefore deduced they couldn't be far away.

All the walking and lack of brutal monster attacks had lulled the pair of them into a daze - so much so that by the time something finally did happen, they were caught off-guard.

They passed what looked like an ordinary pile of boulders without a second thought. It wasn't until they past it that their mistake became clear - with a great rumbling, grating sound, the boulders moved.
Susan was the first to react, spinning around and drawing her blaster almost simultaneously. Her mouth dropped open as a figure rose up before her - twelve foot high at least, skin of weather-beaten rock, huge arms that trailed almost down to the knees.
A mossy hand reached towards Amelia, each of the fingers as long as her arms. She staggered back, only just in time - the giant could move surprisingly fast, it seemed. It roared with frustration, and in that moment Susan realised what was so wrong with it - the eyes weren't eyes. They were small, circular masses of tentacles (like anemones) and inside the mouth were more of the same, pink and writhing.
It wasn't a stone predator that had risen up before them. It was a host.

"RUN!" Susan shouted, turning and pelting along the path. Amelia followed just a second behind, her red hair streaming out behind her as she sprinted through the forest. With another roar the stone colossus set off after them. Susan dared not looked over her shoulder as she ran, but the sound of crashing trees and smashed rocks gave her a fairly excellent idea of where the giant was - too close. It couldn't sprint as they could, but it took one stride to every three of their's - it wasn't going to be easy to outrun.

The ground grew ever steeper, and both women began to pant for breath. The sounds of roaring and destruction grew ever louder behind them - apparently the giant was not so easily fatigued. Luckily, they emerged into a clearing and she spied something ahead that might be their salvation - holes. Big, wide tunnels dug into the side of the mountain, most probably mines. It was an unknown, but was it worth the risk?
"What do you think?" Susan shouted to Amelia, even as they ran towards them. "Hide in there?"


Option 1) Ignore the mines dug into the mountain, and try and outpace the giant up the slopes.
1B) Split up - he can only chase one of you, after all.

Option 2) Stop running, and stand and fight. Your laser blaster has served you well so far.

Option 3) Seek shelter in the mines up ahead. The entrances are roughly 6 foot by 6 foot - even if he can physically squeeze in after you, you'll easily be able to outrun him in there.

Health: 37/40

Base stats:
STR: 4
DEX: 5
INT: 10
CHM: 6
SXC: 1

For character/role-play reasons, Susan gets +1 to any roll involving (non-weapon based) technology.

- Exosuit (87%). Provides thermal insulation and moderate resistance to physical attack.
- Laser Blaster (DEX-based). 3 shots.
- Stun baton (STR-based). Unknown charge remaining.
- Data-Pad
- First aid kit (bandages, sterilising liquid, water, bottle of medicine containing nanobots to combat any poisoning).

- One large rucksack
- Standard-issue Communications uniform, purple and blue.
- 1 litre bottles of purified water x2
- High energy nutrient bars x4
Re: Space Adventure

3, but keep an eye out for any danger
Re: Space Adventure

3 seems to be the best and the safest option. So that's what I vote for.
Re: Space Adventure

1 - Those mines are full of tentacles.