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ADV [暗黒郷物語 / Dystopia Story]トビ姫 -Inter Breed- / Flying Princess -Inter Breed - (RJ154397)

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I seem to have caused a misunderstanding, as far as I know their are two CGs.
one for the intro and one for 2.5 EX mode.

Also the vampire comment was a joking refrence to Flandre Scarlet, one of the Touhou Project EX mode bosses.

I'll be quiet now and stop causing misunderstandings.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I seem to have caused a misunderstanding, as far as I know their are two CGs.
one for the intro and one for 2.5 EX mode.

Also the vampire comment was a joking refrence to Flandre Scarlet, one of the Touhou Project EX mode bosses.

I'll be quiet now and stop causing misunderstandings.


There's not.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Anyone else having trouble downloading the new trial. (9.0)
Every time I use the first link I put in the password and the image code, I click the "click here to start download" link which takes me to the next page, then nothing happens. When I try and use the other 2 links on the blog they don't work either.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Anyone else having trouble downloading the new trial. (9.0)
Every time I use the first link I put in the password and the image code, I click the "click here to start download" link which takes me to the next page, then nothing happens. When I try and use the other 2 links on the blog they don't work either.

The dropbox link worked just fine for me a few days ago.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Anyone else having trouble downloading the new trial. (9.0)
Every time I use the first link I put in the password and the image code, I click the "click here to start download" link which takes me to the next page, then nothing happens. When I try and use the other 2 links on the blog they don't work either.

Happened to me. To the point I got pissed and copied the page text and pasted it in to Google Translator to see if it gave me an idea of what the problem was.

In my case, it was a page telling me to wait for my download to start or click a blue highlighted word in the text to start the download.

Clicking the word worked...
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I suppose he ought to add an auto lock-on function too?

Maybe auto-regenerating health for all characters.

Or, maybe you can quit sucking at games...

Because it's not like you'd know the general area of where your shot would land IRL or anything right? I mean, shit all throughout history artillery has just been fucking winging it eh? Not ,you know, measuring distance to target and calculating the angle and velocity of release needed to hit the target.

I'm not even asking for THAT. I just want a line showing the angle of my launch.

But then again I guess you're just the kind of person that doesn't think FPS should have cross-hairs to tell you where you're shooting.

The main point of my argument was disreguarded however, yes games should have challenge to them. But alot of designers have forgotten that they should also be FUN, and add in aspects to artifically increase the difficulty at the expense of the player's enjoyment.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I get what you mean, even if the line was backwards to show the angle and power you've dragged in the way another game does it.
Possibly angry birds, if not it's another game of that vein.

Even a small pointer to show angle would serve what you ask for.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Historically artillery calculations is kind of trial and error though. The best calculations you can get (prior to the near-magical science we have now) hardly resulted in the pin-point accuracy you seem to be implying. Remember that once upon a time we chucked huge rocks into a town and if it landed inside a huge border it was considered effective.

The problem with your argument is that while it's true a game needs to be fun, there also needs to be some form of mechanics that makes a game a *game*, instead of...say, a movie.

For this particular game the mechanic is this: you need to land units *on top* of an enemy to get new units, and there is a lot of things devs can do to make it unnecessarily hard. Making you eyeball it (and nothing else) is possibly the least egregious thing he could've done...like, for example, adding in fluctuating wind effects.

(Plus I'm pretty sure you can shoot one of your characters at a heart-enemy and it would count as a mating. I think. Provided you land somewhere near the top of the enemy.)

As far as just playing through the game is concerned: the game doesn't demand pin-point accuracy for clearing the levels. Just get close enough and make your guys attack in mid-air. Hell, your first character kills everything from her position straight down.

I kind of see where you're coming from, but at the same time...you get a kill button with all your characters in a game that normally requires spot-on accuracy and constant practice to progress.
This game just says "eh, close enough" and lets you progress through the stages and rewards good accuracy instead.
It doesn't even punish you for screwing up in any kind of meaningful way (oh I failed well I better start again and waste like two minutes of time I'm spending playing videogames)

Like...how much easier does it have to be in order to be "fun"?
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I get what you mean, even if the line was backwards to show the angle and power you've dragged in the way another game does it.
Possibly angry birds, if not it's another game of that vein.

Even a small pointer to show angle would serve what you ask for.

You can tell by using your mouse cursor.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

But then again I guess you're just the kind of person that doesn't think FPS should have cross-hairs to tell you where you're shooting.

The main point of my argument was disreguarded however, yes games should have challenge to them. But alot of designers have forgotten that they should also be FUN, and add in aspects to artifically increase the difficulty at the expense of the player's enjoyment.

Does this kind of aiming game got line to know its land
(plase let me know cos i dun know) from all i know the good/fun games of this gender are
1) Wroms
2) angry bird
3) gun bound
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Does this kind of aiming game got line to know its land
(plase let me know cos i dun know) from all i know the good/fun games of this gender are
1) Wroms
2) angry bird
3) gun bound

I'm going to assume (with great hope) that English isn't your first language. If I can parse your query:

"Does the aiming of this game leave a line letting you know what your last trajectory fired was, like Worms, Angry Birds, and Gunbound?"

Then your answer is: "Yes."

You also have a general direction cursor when pulling, and you can usually gauge the distance that a girl will go after firing a few shots from different pulls.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Historically ...

Quite true, however there is no way for me to even do the simple "that shot was pretty good, just need to put a bit more power behind it" kind of thing that trebuchet spotters would have done. Because there's no visual gradient around my launch point that remains after I've fired.

I could argue that pretty much anything can be considered a game, visual novels where you just click the same button in between reading segments are, the last MGS had more cutscenes than gameplay (almost literally making it a movie) yet it's still considered a game. But really, you're just attempting to be derisive.

I don't like "it could be worse", to me it's one of the weakest statements you can make because; it's always true, yet it says nothing. It COULD be worse, he could force us to button-mash up to the power level we want, and then make us choose the launch angle by timing a button press when the little dot reaches the point of arc that we want. He could even force us to strap electrodes on our genitals that deliver shocks when we miss a shot! And even then, someone would be saying "Hey, it could be worse". That said, give me a gradient and a wind speed/ direction measurement, and I'll work with it.

Frustrating ≠ hard, I should have been more specific with my actual complaint yes, but cheap difficulty increases like this are frustrating and that is my problem with them. There are plenty of games that are easy as all hell, yet frustrate the shit out of you. Ever go for a rare drop in an MMO? Spending hours and hours killing enemies that aren't a challenge to never end up with the item your looking for? Frustrating.

You're right, this game is super forgiving. TBH I made my original post before I knew that you can get your units to attack on the first shot by clicking during their launch (nope, didn't bother to read pretty much any posts other than the "taking out dotted line" one) and still aced all the levels, it just took me a while and drove me nuts. For some reason only my first shot got a dotted line anyway.

That said. None of this matters as the dev's already made up their mind and I've already grown bored of this game (it was nice to play an H-game with decent, if frustrating, gameplay).
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

People think this game is frustrating? How? The hardest shot to line up is the Harpy's bowshot, if you want MAXIMUM DAMAGE. Everything else just works as intended.

It's Angry Birds with porn. Not brain surgery.

The biggest thing to learn to do is not launching, but knowing when to fire the attack after launch. You can make up for a crappy launch by knowing that.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Much snipping.

Pretty much true as far as breeding is concerned.

I actually don't know what MGS stands for.
I personally don't consider visual novels to be a game, so yeah, I'm bit biased. (Probably very biased).
My measure of game-ness depends on how much control I have over the characters, so visual novels get the cut. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy them, but at the same time I don't get as invested in it as, say, a Civ game.
Alternatively you could say that all forms of media do one thing, and that is to tell a story, and as a result I don't consider a form of media where it *only* tells a story to qualify as something...more.

It could be worse:
I don't like using this argument either, but a lot of times when someone has an idea for an improvement it falls into the trap of "Well I want this for myself, therefore it is balanced."
This trap matters a lot less (if at all) for single player games, since every suggestion is made to benefit the player, and there's only one of them, but at the same time...this is why games are becoming more "casual" nowadays; the reward is comparatively easier to get to in order to satisfy the player base faster, and honestly that's what you're looking for: An easier time to get to the end.
Nothing wrong with that, because fuck grinding.
Fuck grinding with a long spiky auto-rotating pole. I might be biased. I dunno.

There's really two kinds of frustration: The idiot game design frustration and the "Oh god I was SO CLOSE" frustration.
The first kind is pretty easily seen in some old-school games (like, say, Daikatana, just to go after the easiest target).
The second kind is more Dark Souls esque, where the game is...I heard someone call it something like "brutally fair" or something. Don't quite remember (again, going after the easiest target).
I would say that this game is pretty intelligently designed; at no point did I feel like the game unfairly took a victory from me or did I fail to receive something I should have otherwise received...calling it a cheap difficulty increase is a little...I dunno. Everything can be regarded as a cheap difficulty increase (like, say, the presence of stats and levels) so it's not much of an argument.
It's usually pretty hard to distinguish between what the game has done wrong though, and what counts as "idiot design" relies a lot on what is considered "good" design by modern standards.

Forgiving Game:
I thought I made a huge discovery when I first figured out you could do the whole air-attack business (and then I went back to read the first post and I was like oh :( )

I'm no longer playing it for the same reasons. Good game, good mechanics, but skimpy on actual content.

(If this post doesn't seem to make sense, I'm not exactly fully focused on making a...I dunno, something something)

I guess what we can ask is..."if we implement this mechanic, what will it give the player?" (this being any mechanic, really). Most people who design a game don't take "Because they'll stop playing our game faster" as a response.
And if your response is "Well then I can go and play something else more fun" then maybe you should be doing that more fun thing to begin with. ._.
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I'm no longer playing it for the same reasons. Good game, good mechanics, but skimpy on actual content.


Considering the fact that it's just a demo it's not really surprising that it's lacking in content right now...
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

For the life of me, I cannot remember what stage/enemy drops harpy clothes. Also, new clothes that nobody can wear drops from EX stage.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

... I actually don't know what MGS stands for.
I personally don't consider visual novels to be a game, so yeah, I'm bit biased. (Probably very biased).
My measure of game-ness depends on how much control I have over the characters, so visual novels get the cut. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy them, but at the same time I don't get as invested in it as, say, a Civ game.
Alternatively you could say that all forms of media do one thing, and that is to tell a story, and as a result I don't consider a form of media where it *only* tells a story to qualify as something...more.

Metal Gear (Solid). Basically a series of 3rd person-stealth/action games. The series as a whole are... quite good, but the author treats every game like some avant-garde experiment, so it gets peppered with utterly atrocious "what were they thinking" moments every game.

Like say, an underwater escort level. Or swapping out the protag for a pretty face in the second that nobody cares about (definite trolling there). Oh and as the pretty boy each time you save you've to listen to your girlfriend go on a long-winded rant on trivial matters while you're in the middle of a war zone.

Latest WTF moments include splitting one game into two and charging the standard price for one half with less than the usual content, while giving a free demo for the other half which has arguably the same amount of content as the other.

Oh and every single game (past the first few Metal Gear [without a Solid] games, which are in 2D) has enough cutscenes to make Final Fantasy weep.

Despite these flaws most of the games still get pretty good reviews though.

Basically, really, you have one talented author who... well, likes to troll his fanbase because they (his bosses and by extension, the fans) keep on forcing him to make the 'same' game. And the fans keep on coming back because he's good despite the... attitude problem.

It could be worse:
I don't like using this argument either, but a lot of times when someone has an idea for an improvement it falls into the trap of "Well I want this for myself, therefore it is balanced."
This trap matters a lot less (if at all) for single player games, since every suggestion is made to benefit the player, and there's only one of them, but at the same time...this is why games are becoming more "casual" nowadays; the reward is comparatively easier to get to in order to satisfy the player base faster, and honestly that's what you're looking for: An easier time to get to the end.
Nothing wrong with that, because fuck grinding.
Fuck grinding with a long spiky auto-rotating pole. I might be biased. I dunno.

*whistles* Play Elona.

(No seriously, don't, in your case.)

There's really two kinds of frustration: The idiot game design frustration and the "Oh god I was SO CLOSE" frustration.
The first kind is pretty easily seen in some old-school games (like, say, Daikatana, just to go after the easiest target).
The second kind is more Dark Souls esque, where the game is...I heard someone call it something like "brutally fair" or something. Don't quite remember (again, going after the easiest target).
I would say that this game is pretty intelligently designed; at no point did I feel like the game unfairly took a victory from me or did I fail to receive something I should have otherwise received...calling it a cheap difficulty increase is a little...I dunno. Everything can be regarded as a cheap difficulty increase (like, say, the presence of stats and levels) so it's not much of an argument.
It's usually pretty hard to distinguish between what the game has done wrong though, and what counts as "idiot design" relies a lot on what is considered "good" design by modern standards.

Generally, bad interfaces are universally panned as "idiot design". And stupid camera angles ranks on one of the highest here.

(Tobihime has some... less than ideal auto-zooming when you aim, making it hard to gauge the power of your shots precisely without the dotted line. Fortunately the game is quite forgiving with regard to aiming as most of your units have a wide hitbox when they attack.)

A lot of roguelikes can also be considered brutally fair, in the sense that most deaths are avoidable and hence, entirely the player's fault (read: greed).


Overall, I think the removal of the dotted lines in the game (past Stage 1-x) makes it a better game, challenge-wise, but some form of power indicator should be given for the shots you make (c.f. Scorched Earth, Worms, Angry Birds [the warping of the elastic band], Gunbound, pretty much every artillery game ever made). Or at least let us lock the zoom level so we can gauge the shot power more accurately by the position of the mouse.

And well, any player can bypass the challenge by equipping the appropriate card/seal on one of their units.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Metal Gear (Solid). Basically a series of 3rd person-stealth/action games. The series as a whole are... quite good, but the author treats every game like some avant-garde experiment, so it gets peppered with utterly atrocious "what were they thinking" moments every game.

Like say, an underwater escort level. Or swapping out the protag for a pretty face in the second that nobody cares about (definite trolling there). Oh and as the pretty boy each time you save you've to listen to your girlfriend go on a long-winded rant on trivial matters while you're in the middle of a war zone.

Latest WTF moments include splitting one game into two and charging the standard price for one half with less than the usual content, while giving a free demo for the other half which has arguably the same amount of content as the other.

Oh and every single game (past the first few Metal Gear [without a Solid] games, which are in 2D) has enough cutscenes to make Final Fantasy weep.

Despite these flaws most of the games still get pretty good reviews though.

Basically, really, you have one talented author who... well, likes to troll his fanbase because they (his bosses and by extension, the fans) keep on forcing him to make the 'same' game. And the fans keep on coming back because he's good despite the... attitude problem.

i'm sorry you didn't understand mgs2
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I've actually played Elona.

I don't actively try to grind for resources (because fuck grinding) but I liked Elona...I assume we're talking about the same game here (with the 2D map and the war-little girls and the Ether storms and the RNG dungeons...).

Bit of a pity it died, really.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I've actually played Elona.

I don't actively try to grind for resources (because fuck grinding) but I liked Elona...I assume we're talking about the same game here (with the 2D map and the war-little girls and the Ether storms and the RNG dungeons...).

Bit of a pity it died, really.

Elona+, it's been continued by other parties for years now and is still regularly updated and translated. It's much expanded over the normal game. You're welcome.