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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread


Jungle Girl
Apr 22, 2012
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Is anyone else not able to download this file? Because I can't seem to. It takes me to the download, but otherwise won't let me actually download it, can anyone help?
Here, I had it lying around and just uploaded to Zippy. Testing that Box link gave me the same problem as you.

Note, you may have to go into 'cmd_kuro' and Ctrl+F 'xxxx' to get rid of the slight mod I made for the AI. In watch mode, the Kuro AI tends to spam that lightning attack and it grates my ears, so I had it so it couldn't do it at all.

@Emerald_Gladiator There's an option to go directly to the quoted post, indicated by a blue box with a white arrow ('>') in it. C:


Jungle Girl
Sep 7, 2014
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Emerald_Gladiator Sorry about my previous post, sort of new to this site, well at least posting anyway

@PeekAtChu Thanks for the file :) I don't mind about the tweak to the AI, at least I have the character now so I don't mind having to modify something small


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Here, I had it lying around and just uploaded to Zippy. Testing that Box link gave me the same problem as you.

Note, you may have to go into 'cmd_kuro' and Ctrl+F 'xxxx' to get rid of the slight mod I made for the AI. In watch mode, the Kuro AI tends to spam that lightning attack and it grates my ears, so I had it so it couldn't do it at all.

@Emerald_Gladiator There's an option to go directly to the quoted post, indicated by a blue box with a white arrow ('>') in it. C:
Hah, I straight out deleted the damn lightning move from the kuromaru in mugen too. Its too irritating for me as well. I basically looked for anything that named lightning in movelist and deleted it. Felt so good to do that. I have no idea how much that hurt the AI but at least I don't see it anymore now.


Demon Girl
Oct 5, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

ah so that's the person that's been making those vids ... and it seems he doesn't like it when people post them else where.

"here too..."

that respond kinda made me lolz. but thanks for the sauce I was curious where those birdie and touhou vids came from.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I don't watch/fight Kuro much so the lightning doesn't bother me, but those victims/characters that just chain combo you to death with high mobility and can block everything are so obnoxious. I have about half a dozen in my setup with ai like that. I like a challenge but it's pretty hard to enjoy the game when it takes forever to grape them. On the plus side, at least it's really satisfying when you finally do catch them. I also don't like when the AI just stands around and barely dodges anything either. Too bad all of that is a bit harder to alter. I could probably figure it out if I wasn't so lazy about Mugen atm.
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Demon Girl
Oct 5, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

first I would like to say that I think I need a new mugen (some characters don't work) I'm using QoL 2 which is .. very old by this point (there wasn't that many characters that I liked) but i'll stick with it for awhile.

and question if I was to download a character from a jp site and some of its ACT files turn to gibberish would that interfere with the character itself?
(I have no idea how to program a character .... and yet I'm interested in making my own >.>)


Demon Girl
May 26, 2010
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

The ACT files are just color tables. When you create a .GIF image file, your editing program selects the (256?) colors most commonly used and creates an index of them. That index is your color table. One benefit is you can create an alternate index with some of the colors modified, for easy recoloring.

If one or more of your ACT files is gibberish, then one or more of the character's recolors may not display properly.


Jungle Girl
Dec 3, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Could someone upload his hentai mugen copy to MEGA and pm the link?

i lost mine and i am too lazy to recreate it :(


Mystic Girl
Jun 9, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Seems there's some new sprites for the Kuromaru missionary move on the ryona uploader. He's bent much more forward now, lying completely down on the victim. I think i might give it a shot in replacing the old ones with these. Although i have never tried this, one place I've gotta start.

If anyone else has any success in it, do tell.

It's also been posted a warning about uploading old things, or things you did not make yourself on the ryona uploader. So hopefully that will put a stop to that.
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Demon Girl
Oct 5, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

this might sound stupid but mugen archive do they have H characters? someone said they uploaded a character there but last I remember I saw a discussion about a character and how everyone thought she was cool blah blah blah and were stripping her of her H content... and even went as far as to give her clothes.

so I'm curious if this character I've been seeing lately in videos is the one that's there.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

this might sound stupid but mugen archive do they have H characters? someone said they uploaded a character there but last I remember I saw a discussion about a character and how everyone thought she was cool blah blah blah and were stripping her of her H content... and even went as far as to give her clothes.

so I'm curious if this character I've been seeing lately in videos is the one that's there.
What does she look like if you don't know her name.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Whatever: Yeah, I think either a description or a link to the video would possibly help in identify the character. To answer your question, I haven't seen any H characters from mugen archive; I haven't perused their T&C, but I'd imagine they're against that sort of stuff. If they do have H-characters, they likely originate as H-characters, but as you said, are stripped of their H-sprites and nudity.

@Dawnstar: I'm intrigued by the sprites. Won't use them, but I've seen that 'further bent over' missionary style in R-characters that perform missionary, most notably in mugenero's video's more recent rapers (if you watch carefully on some of them--birdie or bao--they change their pose when pistoning). It's not a big deal or change, and it's very subtle, but it's pretty impressive. I wouldn't change it, but I'd like to learn how to add some code in order to get both anim styles.

As far as the warning goes, I saw that and was immediately thankful, since it addresses the complaint I raised a few posts ago about foreign uploaders who are reposting old characters. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work, as the newly uploaded 'nudechunli' is the exact same one I have from a year ago. I'm fine with people uploading a warehouse of old H-characters, because it's a good way for newbies to start (i.e. Betmark), but it's terribly annoying for modders and users who want new characters. I REALLY hope they don't close down the uploader because of this, as it's singular way to receive new H content, other than the hinanjo site (and even then, you need to rip the character sprites yourself from the gifs).


Grim Reaper
Sep 18, 2012
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I REALLY hope they don't close down the uploader because of this, as it's singular way to receive new H content, other than the hinanjo site .
i don't mind it, but unfortunately it will happen soon or later cos kiddos.


Mystic Girl
Jun 9, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I REALLY hope they don't close down the uploader because of this, as it's singular way to receive new H content, other than the hinanjo site (and even then, you need to rip the character sprites yourself from the gifs).
If they close down the uploader, I'm pretty much done with mugen. I could try making my own content, but i probably wouldn't bother investing any real time in it.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Ugh, and yet ANOTHER reupload (the H-compat Leela). I don't know much about the uploader, but can't the admin restrict who uploads from there? I'm with y'all; if the uploader goes down due to people ignoring warnings, I think the H-mugen community, or what's left of it in English, would die. While I don't like reposts of old characters, it's not a dealbreaker for me. If however, it causes the uploader to be taken down, that's likely the end of any new content at all.


Demon Girl
Oct 5, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

is the version on the first page a newer version than mine (I think the version I've had for awhile is winmugen) just curious as to why it says 0 downloads.

and yeah I found one of the characters I mentioned but the one in the vids are completely different (they are compatible with mino).


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Ugh, I don't know who's uploading files to the ryona uploader, but yet another file's been posted--it's not a repost, but it's a English R game which features mugen characters (Mai/Maria)...it's not terrible, yet not really impressive at all, likely a demo. The problem is that it's obviously not a mugen character or stage or even a spritepack and I'm sure the modders and character creators aren't exactly happy that all this is happening. Hell, the Hinanjo site is now trying to figure out how to ban these guys from posting (which is my suggestion--to restrict their IP addresses). Anything that keeps the uploader is fine with me.

@Whatever: Umm, I'm got mugen 1.1b, and I don't mess with winmugen really. Not sure which one is more recent or anything. As for your character search, well, I'm happy for you, and would be glad to help, but if you want us to help you track the character down, please provide us with some description or the video, as we've asked before. Otherwise, we're helpless to assist you.


Demon Girl
Oct 5, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

was there going to be a female mino at some point?
I ask because I remember seeing a pic years ago (I believe) about a F/mino that looked to have mai's model .... but I guessing it never happened.

also .... mino himself... why does he turn to a sexy character when he's up against himself XD?
(or morrigan)

and um ryona uplaoder when I google it is it the first link the right one?

I found a character someone was asking for before but I haven't looked to see if she was compatible yet (kinda doubt it but you never know right?)


May 15, 2011
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

was there going to be a female mino at some point?
I ask because I remember seeing a pic years ago (I believe) about a F/mino that looked to have mai's model .... but I guessing it never happened.

also .... mino himself... why does he turn to a sexy character when he's up against himself XD?
(or morrigan)

and um ryona uplaoder when I google it is it the first link the right one?

I found a character someone was asking for before but I haven't looked to see if she was compatible yet (kinda doubt it but you never know right?)
that "Mai" Minotaur and his "sexy" form are one in the same. whoever created it decided they wanted mino to turn into a female if caught against another raper character, so they developed it, and others (morrigan, etc) utilized it.
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Demon Girl
Oct 5, 2013
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

ah I see

hmmm but I guess I should have typed it clearer?

I know what you say is true but the one I was talking about was a stand alone character (she doesn't start of as a male) if the site wasn't gone I could just link it here to the pic

she doesn't look like the one here at all now that I think about.
(she also had mai's fan which could have just been a palette swap)